Microsoft Teams /technology/ en ITDS training in Microsoft Teams, Zoom and more /technology/news/list/2020/08/19/itds-training-in-microsoft-teams-zoom-and-more To help support staff across the University, ITDS runs a range of training sessions, now available online via Zoom. Coming up across September are a range of sessions focussing on some tools that are extra relevant now, and can help you connect with colleagues, teach, and share information. August 19 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/19/itds-training-in-microsoft-teams-zoom-and-more Tech tips: 'be you' with a pic /technology/news/list/2020/08/05/tech-tips-be-you-with-a-pic Thanks to technology, we have many ways to connect remotely, but the personal touch is still important. Using profile pics on your email profile and other platforms can make a big difference.  August 05 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/05/tech-tips-be-you-with-a-pic