email /technology/ en Tech tips: phishing, smishing and vishing? /technology/news/list/2020/08/24/tech-tips-phishing-smishing-and-vishing We are all probably pretty aware of what to look out for to avoid getting trapped by ‘phishing’ emails, but ‘vishing’ (scam phonecalls) and ‘smishing’ (SMS scams) are also getting increasingly sophisticated. These days, almost any avenue of contact provides the opportunity for scams. Find out more. August 24 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/24/tech-tips-phishing-smishing-and-vishing Tech tips: email timing courtesy /technology/news/list/2020/08/21/tech-tips-email-timing-courtesy With so much technology at our fingertips, it is increasingly easy, and even tempting, to be connected to work conversations and activity outside of traditional working hours. These handy tips can help you hit the right balance for yourself and your colleagues. August 21 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/08/21/tech-tips-email-timing-courtesy Cyber safety vigilance /technology/news/list/2020/06/20/cyber-safety-vigilance Recent stories in the news have highlighted the importance of vigilance against cyber threats targeting major organisations in Australia.  June 20 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/06/20/cyber-safety-vigilance Beware of COVID-19 phishing /technology/news/list/2020/06/05/beware-of-covid-19-phishing Scammers regularly seek to capitalise on topical issues to trap people into responding to fake emails, text messages and ads. June 05 2020 Eva O'Driscoll /technology/news/list/2020/06/05/beware-of-covid-19-phishing Top technology guides to get set up for success /technology/news/list/2019/02/20/top-technology-guides-to-get-set-up-for-success So you have arrived at Uni, enrolled, got your ID card, and sampled some of the O’Week fun… Now, how to get yourself setup technologically? Here are our top technology guides to help you on your way. February 20 2019 admin /technology/news/list/2019/02/20/top-technology-guides-to-get-set-up-for-success