Engineers Without Borders /study-overseas/ en Funded Opportunities for Engineering Students /study-overseas/news/list/2021/11/04/funded-opportunities-for-engineering-students Applications for Virtual Summer School programs with funding available for Engineering students are now open. November 04 2021 Jasmina Cubelic /study-overseas/news/list/2021/11/04/funded-opportunities-for-engineering-students 2020 New Colombo Plan Scholar - Andy Tran /study-overseas/news/list/2020/02/07/2020-new-colombo-plan-scholar-andy-tran Andy Tran will begin studying at the National Taiwan University in Semester 2 2020 with the support of the New Colombo Plan.  February 07 2020 Chelsea Allen /study-overseas/news/list/2020/02/07/2020-new-colombo-plan-scholar-andy-tran Study Overseas Alumni #6 - Jonty Dear /study-overseas/news/list/2018/05/24/study-overseas-alumni-6-jonty-dear Jonty Dear studied at McGill University in Canada, took part in the Cambodia Humanitarian Design Summit run by Engineers Without Borders, and has since undertaken an internship with Jeumont Electric in France. May 24 2018 Chelsea Allen /study-overseas/news/list/2018/05/24/study-overseas-alumni-6-jonty-dear