time management /student/wellbeing/ en The tricky ticks of time /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/04/21/the-tricky-ticks-of-time <p>Something I've noticed the last few weeks is the malleability of time and how easily it changes with my headspace. It almost feels magical.</p> May 02 2022 Grace Elizabeth Duiker /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/04/21/the-tricky-ticks-of-time Too many rosters /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/09/20/too-many-rosters <p>How many timetables, rosters and schedules are you on? That question makes me stop and pause, because (quite concerningly) I don’t actually know the answer.</p> September 30 2020 Jesse William Beckinsale /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/09/20/too-many-rosters My mid-semester paper doesn’t exist in front of the fire /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/09/14/my-mid-semester-paper-doesnt-exist-in-front-of-the-fire <p>I think one of my greatest refuge places is to sit in front of a fire. I grew up in the Adelaide Hills where fireplaces and bonfires were really common, so there’s a sentimental aspect to it. Watching the flickering flames and hearing the crackling of the wood is just a really tranquil place for me. It’s a place where day to day troubles don’t exist, it’s just me and the fire I’m watching.</p> September 17 2020 Jesse William Beckinsale /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/09/14/my-mid-semester-paper-doesnt-exist-in-front-of-the-fire How we manage our time (or fail to) /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/04/28/how-we-manage-our-time-or-fail-to <p>Time, and attempting to manage it, can be a difficult thing. </p> September 07 2020 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2020/04/28/how-we-manage-our-time-or-fail-to