Study matters /student/wellbeing/ en Degree monotony /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/03/09/degree-monotony <p>Sometimes, for me, university seems a bit monotonous and I have been trying to overcome that disengagement.  </p> March 19 2022 Yasmine Wright Gittins /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/03/09/degree-monotony The worst grade in my degree /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/11/13/the-worst-grade-in-my-degree <p><span>The other week I received a grade that would be the lowest mark I’ve ever received (and in the final semester of my degree)!</span></p> January 16 2022 Ingrid Sofia Mowbray /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/11/13/the-worst-grade-in-my-degree Student elections /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/09/09/student-elections <p>I used to think student politics were cumbersome and uneventful. However, I have recently begun to appreciate the value and meaning they have.</p> September 13 2021 Cooper Williams /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/09/09/student-elections Romanticising study /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/08/10/romanticising-study <p><span><span><span>If you’re anything like me, finding the will and drive to study is difficult. Studying SHOULD be easy but for some, it’s not and that’s totally okay. I have been researching ways on how to get motivated to study and came across romanticising study. Here are some of the tips I found useful and if you take them into your daily routine of studying from home, you will be surprised at how much they actually help.</span></span></span></p> August 21 2021 Ada Destiny Parker-Minniecon /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/08/10/romanticising-study Finding a work-life balance /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/28/finding-a-work-life-balance <p>Sometimes life is really busy. Whether it’s work, uni, social obligations, or a combination of all three, finding a balance between who we <em>are </em>and what we <em>do<strong> </strong></em>can be tricky. </p> July 29 2021 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/28/finding-a-work-life-balance Exam shenanigans: challenges, proctoru and managing stress /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/29/exam-shenanigans-challenges-proctoru-and-managing-stress <p>Whether you have one exam, four, or undertaking an exam under the watchful eye of ProctorU – the exam stress is inevitable but there are coping strategies and your powerful ability to mitigate any undesirable emotions. Keep reading for my thoughts and advice!</p> June 29 2021 Ingrid Sofia Mowbray /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/29/exam-shenanigans-challenges-proctoru-and-managing-stress Study music: finding the perfect playlist /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/14/study-music-finding-the-perfect-playlist <p><span>Classical, lofi, pop and perhaps even country music. Finding a great playlist to listen to while you study can make or break a productive session of study. Read for my thoughts and recommendations!</span></p> June 19 2021 Ingrid Sofia Mowbray /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/14/study-music-finding-the-perfect-playlist Semester break and back again /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/04/26/semester-break-and-back-again <p><span><span><span>The year is chugging along, and semester break has come and gone. Here are a few things I do to stay relaxed and feel recharged for the second half of semester.</span></span></span></p> April 27 2021 Cooper Williams /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/04/26/semester-break-and-back-again Being seen and heard in a zoom call /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/03/21/being-seen-and-heard-in-a-zoom-call <p><span><span><span>I have an online class this semester and as always, the audio and camera can make or break a class. Here are some reasons I sometimes leave my camera and microphone off and why I also try to push myself to leave it on. </span></span></span></p> March 24 2021 Cooper Williams /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/03/21/being-seen-and-heard-in-a-zoom-call The trouble with 'dreaming big' /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/03/06/the-trouble-with-dreaming-big <p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>As kids, we’re told to dream big. We’re told that if we put our minds to it, we can achieve anything. But has the emphasis on achieving our dreams helped us, or hindered us?</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> March 10 2021 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/03/06/the-trouble-with-dreaming-big