social media /student/wellbeing/ en The toxicity of social media /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/10/13/the-toxicity-of-social-media <p><span><span>Social Media. It is a toxic and addicting place on the internet. Spending every spare second consuming never-ending content and comparing yourself to everyone you see online; it can be damaging to your mental health.</span></span></p> October 21 2023 Georgia Poppy Mason /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/10/13/the-toxicity-of-social-media Free things to do while you wait for your next class /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/03/03/free-things-to-do-while-you-wait-for-your-next-class <p>I have this thing where I vow to cut down on my screentime every time my phone sends me a shameful weekly report of my screentime average, but I always end up failing to make any improvements. </p> March 24 2023 Asirah Abdul Kadir /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/03/03/free-things-to-do-while-you-wait-for-your-next-class Why we care so much about likes /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/03/11/why-we-care-so-much-about-likes <p>I’ve been doing that thing again, posting a picture or video on social media and then obsessively checking my notifications for likes.</p> March 23 2023 Asirah Abdul Kadir /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/03/11/why-we-care-so-much-about-likes @userXYZ liked your photo /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/07/29/userxyz-liked-your-photo <p>To be real or to not be real.</p> December 02 2022 Asirah Abdul Kadir /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/07/29/userxyz-liked-your-photo Finding contentment in the digital age  /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/09/17/finding-contentment-in-the-digital-age <p>How can we ever feel content with what we have when the next best thing is constantly being shoved in our faces?</p> October 07 2022 Asirah Abdul Kadir /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/09/17/finding-contentment-in-the-digital-age The indomitable human spirit /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/09/10/the-indomitable-human-spirit <p>The internet isn’t particularly the best place in the universe. It has garnered a rather bad name when it comes to the way it can seriously affect one’s mental and to some extent, physical health. </p> September 16 2022 Asirah Abdul Kadir /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/09/10/the-indomitable-human-spirit Socials for instant happiness /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/09/20/socials-for-instant-happiness <p><span><span>Ever feel exhausted from social media? </span></span><span><span>Here are just a few of the Instagram pages that make me feel happy and content, you should follow to feel the same!</span></span></p> September 25 2021 Ada Destiny Parker-Minniecon /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/09/20/socials-for-instant-happiness What is Ayurveda? /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/14/what-is-ayurveda <p>Ayurveda is a form of traditional <span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span>medicine in India that dates back to around 6,000 BCE and encompasses a range of ‘therapies’ that are now popular on a global scale. So, what exactly is Ayurveda and what benefits does it offer?</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p> June 15 2021 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/06/14/what-is-ayurveda Social media shenanigans: was deleting TikTok the right choice? /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/05/28/social-media-shenanigans-was-deleting-tiktok-the-right-choice <p>I have a love/hate relationship with social media (don’t we all), but recently made the decision to delete TikTok after recognising the dependency I had on it.</p> June 07 2021 Ingrid Sofia Mowbray /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/05/28/social-media-shenanigans-was-deleting-tiktok-the-right-choice National Reconciliation Week 2021: no more empty words /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/05/31/national-reconciliation-week-2021-no-more-empty-words <p><span><span><span>This week is National Reconciliation Week, which runs annually from 27 May to 3 June, and invites people to learn about the shared histories, cultures, achievements, and future goals of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This year, it's time for urgent and impactful action. </span></span></span></p> May 31 2021 Sascha Margaret Kelly /student/wellbeing/news/list/2021/05/31/national-reconciliation-week-2021-no-more-empty-words