mindfulness /student/wellbeing/ en Re-focusing for when you get off track /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/10/23/re-focusing-for-when-you-get-off-track <p>A few to support you in staying on track</p> October 30 2023 Ibuki Tadamasa /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/10/23/re-focusing-for-when-you-get-off-track How I made time to breathe /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/09/29/how-i-made-time-to-breathe <p><span><span><span><span>Life on campus can get hectic, with classes, assignments, and social shindigs. But guess what? We've got a secret weapon to keep us cool amidst the chaos—mindful breathing. Here I talk about how some of us students are making time to breathe.</span></span></span></span></p> October 11 2023 Ember Corpuz /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/09/29/how-i-made-time-to-breathe Keep going /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/06/26/keep-going <p><span><span><span>Okay, so for the past eight weeks now, I’ve relentlessly worked on my doctoral thesis. For the most part, I have kept my commitment to myself to write every day – some weekends, I’ve taken a day off. There are days that the writing feels good, not easy, but I feel driven and purposeful. Then there are days that are just completely hard. Putting a couple of sentences feels brutal and almost torturous. And to think this is self-inflicted – I applied to be a Ph.D. student. </span></span></span></p> July 03 2023 Ember Corpuz /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/06/26/keep-going 10-minute brain break /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/05/15/10-minute-brain-break <p><span><span><span>Now that winter is here I’ve noticed that I’ve been spending the great majority of all the days of the weeks this month, sitting down. It’s getting cold and instead of sitting down at a park with my laptop to work on my thesis, I’ve just been working at my desk, in the warm comfort of the indoors. </span></span></span></p> June 27 2023 Ember Corpuz /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/05/15/10-minute-brain-break New rituals /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/03/26/new-rituals <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>I’m usually pretty good about my social media consumption, but lately, I’m finding that it’s using up valuable time and head space. On top of setting social media on to silent apart from a certain time during the day, I am also trying to swap scrolling time into something that I’d feel is rewarding, but also calming and intentional. </span></span></span></span></span></span></p> April 13 2023 Ember Corpuz /student/wellbeing/news/list/2023/03/26/new-rituals Letter writing for the soul /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/09/19/letter-writing-for-the-soul <p><span><span><span><span>Why send a letter when we can send a text?</span></span></span></span></p> September 30 2022 Anushka Patil /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/09/19/letter-writing-for-the-soul A much needed semester break /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/06/15/a-much-needed-semester-break <p>It has been a challenging semester and I am looking forward to spending some time recharging and working on being mindful. </p> June 23 2022 Cooper Williams /student/wellbeing/news/list/2022/06/15/a-much-needed-semester-break