2021 September Graduation Ceremony Videos

Watch the graduation ceremony videos from the 2021 ceremonies.

  • 10:00am, Tuesday 2 September 2021 - Faculty of the Professions, Faculty of Sciences

    • Adelaide Law School - all programs
    • School of Economics and Public Policy - all programs
    • School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - all programs
    • School of Physical Sciences
      • Master of Philosophy
      • Doctor of Philosophy
  • 2:00pm, Tuesday 2 September 2021 - Faculty of Sciences

    • School of Agriculture, Food and Wine - all programs
    • School of Biological Sciences - all programs
    • School of Physical Sciences
      • Bachelor of Science
      • Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
      • Bachelor of Science (Ecotourism)
      • Bachelor of Science (Mineral Geoscience)
      • Bachelor of Science (Space Sc & Astrophysics)
      • Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science
  • 10:00am, Wednesday 22 September 2021 - Faculty of the Professions

    • Adelaide Business School
      • Bachelor of Accounting
      • Bachelor of Accounting and Corporate Finance
      • Bachelor of Business (Global)
      • Bachelor of Business Management
      • Bachelor of Commerce
      • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
      • Bachelor of Commerce (Corporate Finance)
      • Bachelor of Finance
      • Bachelor of Finance (International)
      • Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
      • Bachelor of Marketing
      • Bachelor of Project Management
  • 2:00pm, Wednesday 22 September 2021 - Faculty of the Professions

    • Adelaide Business School
      • Professional Certificate in Defence Industry Leadership
      • Graduate Certificate in Applied Project Management
      • Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
      • Graduate Certificate in Commerce
      • Graduate Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
      • Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
      • Adelaide Master of Business Administration
      • Master of Accounting
      • Master of Accounting and Finance
      • Master of Accounting and Marketing
      • Master of Applied Finance
      • Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship
      • Master of Applied Project Management
      • Master of Applied Project Management (Project Systems)
      • Master of Business Administration
      • Master of Business Administration (International Trade and Development)
      • Master of Commerce (Accounting) by coursework
      • Master of Commerce by coursework
      • Master of Finance
      • Master of Finance and Business Economics
      • Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
      • Master of International Management
      • Master of Marketing
      • Master of Professional Accounting
      • Master of Wine Business
    • School of Physical Sciences
      • Doctor of Philosophy
    • Adelaide Dental School - all programs
  • 10:00am, Thursday 23 September 2021 - Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

    • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
      • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
      • Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences (Advanced)
      • Honours Degree of Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences
    • Adelaide Medical School - all programs
    • School of Public Health - all programs
  • 2:00pm, Thursday 23 September 2021 - Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences

    • Adelaide Nursing School - all programs
    • School of Psychology - all programs
    • School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering - all programs
  • 10:00am, Friday 24 September 2021 - Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Arts

    • School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials - all programs
    • School of Mechanical Engineering - all programs
    • School of Education - all programs
  • 2:00pm, Friday 24 September 2021 - Faculty of Arts

    • Faculty of Arts
      • Diploma in Arts
      • Bachelor of Arts
      • Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)
      • Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts
      • Master of Arts
      • Master of Philosophy
      • Doctor of Philosophy
    • School of Humanities - all programs
    • School of Social Sciences - all programs
    • Elder Conservatorium of Music - all programs
  • 10:00am, Tuesday 28 September 2021 - Faculty of Sciences

    • School of Computer Science - all programs
    • School of Mathematical Sciences - all programs
    • Australian School of Petroleum and Energy Resources - all programs
  • 2:00pm, Tuesday 28 September 2021 - Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences

    • School of Architecture and Built Environment - all programs
    • School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - all programs