public policy /stretton/ en Festival of Ideas Stretton Institute recordings now available /stretton/news/list/2021/08/16/festival-of-ideas-stretton-institute-recordings-now-available Four members of the Stretton Institute made presentations at the Adelaide Festival of Ideas in July 2021. Audio recordings of the presentations are now available. August 16 2021 Anneloes De Graeff /stretton/news/list/2021/08/16/festival-of-ideas-stretton-institute-recordings-now-available Webinar Corruption, Conflict of Interest, and Whistleblowing in Public Administration /stretton/news/list/2021/07/29/webinar-corruption-conflict-of-interest-and-whistleblowing-in-public The webinar Corruption, Conflict of Interest, and Whistleblowing in Public Administration, organized jointly by the International Anti-Corruption Academy, the Stretton Institute, and the Centre for the Study of Corruption at the University of Sussex, explores the types of corruption that exist in public administration and examines intervention strategies.  It focuses on integrity breaches, conflict of interest and whistleblowing, and illustrates with corruption in a specific sector.  July 29 2021 Anneloes De Graeff /stretton/news/list/2021/07/29/webinar-corruption-conflict-of-interest-and-whistleblowing-in-public Masterclass Research-Policy Partnerships /stretton/news/list/2021/07/28/masterclass-research-policy-partnerships Are you a researcher interested in seeing your research translated into policy and practice? Are you a policy professional interested in using evidence to improve your policy making? July 28 2021 Anneloes De Graeff /stretton/news/list/2021/07/28/masterclass-research-policy-partnerships Souper Foods Presentation /stretton/news/list/2021/07/09/souper-foods-presentation There are some big cultural changes afoot inside kitchens and beyond, as the food world looks for smarter and more sustainable systems of production and consumption from the restaurant to the supermarket. July 09 2021 Anneloes De Graeff /stretton/news/list/2021/07/09/souper-foods-presentation Powering the Future Lecture /stretton/news/list/2021/07/09/powering-the-future-lecture For years South Australia has been a national leader in embracing renewable energy, transforming our power grid in ways that were almost unimaginable a decade ago. July 09 2021 Anneloes De Graeff /stretton/news/list/2021/07/09/powering-the-future-lecture Professor Adam Graycar presenting Hugo Memorial Lecture /stretton/news/list/2021/07/08/professor-adam-graycar-presenting-hugo-memorial-lecture How do we make sense of a population as spread out and diverse as Australia? July 08 2021 Anneloes De Graeff /stretton/news/list/2021/07/08/professor-adam-graycar-presenting-hugo-memorial-lecture Hugh Stretton Oration 2021: On Life's Lottery with Professor Glyn Davis AC /stretton/news/list/2021/02/19/hugh-stretton-oration-2021-on-lifes-lottery-with-professor-glyn-davis-ac On Thursday 18 February 2021, the Stretton Institute hosted the inaugural Hugh Stretton Oration On Life's Lottery featuring Professor Glyn Davis AC in the historic Elder Hall.  February 19 2021 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2021/02/19/hugh-stretton-oration-2021-on-lifes-lottery-with-professor-glyn-davis-ac Report lays blueprint on fairer, more accountable government co-authored by Prof Adam Graycar /stretton/news/list/2020/11/30/report-blueprint-on-fairer-more-accountable-government Australia’s National Integrity System: The Blueprint for Action report, co-authored by the Institute's Director Professor Adam Graycar, which lays a blueprint for fairer, more accountable government launched today. November 30 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/11/30/report-blueprint-on-fairer-more-accountable-government History and Public Policy: Learning from Hugh Stretton webinar recording /stretton/news/list/2020/11/04/history-and-public-policy-hugh-stretton-webinar-recording The Institute co-hosted a webinar with the Department of History today exploring Hugh Stretton's academic and professional legacy and his contribution to the discipline of History and to public policy. A recording of the webinar is now available for viewing November 04 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/11/04/history-and-public-policy-hugh-stretton-webinar-recording Mapping and Strengthening Australia's Integrity Systems webinar recording /stretton/news/list/2020/10/27/australias-integrity-systems-webinar-recording The Stretton Insitute hosted a webinar on Australia's integrity system on 27 October 2020. A recording of the webinar is now available for viewing. October 27 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/10/27/australias-integrity-systems-webinar-recording