auspol /stretton/ en Foreign Interference in Australian Elections /stretton/news/list/2020/12/04/foreign-interference-in-australian-elections This Stretton Institute webinar, co-hosted with the Electoral Regulation Research Network and the Melbourne School of Government, explored the threats posed to democratic legitimacy and functioning by attempted interference in domestic elections by foreign entities. A recording of the webinar is now available for viewing. December 04 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/12/04/foreign-interference-in-australian-elections Report lays blueprint on fairer, more accountable government co-authored by Prof Adam Graycar /stretton/news/list/2020/11/30/report-blueprint-on-fairer-more-accountable-government Australia’s National Integrity System: The Blueprint for Action report, co-authored by the Institute's Director Professor Adam Graycar, which lays a blueprint for fairer, more accountable government launched today. November 30 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/11/30/report-blueprint-on-fairer-more-accountable-government