trust /stretton/ en Report lays blueprint on fairer, more accountable government co-authored by Prof Adam Graycar /stretton/news/list/2020/11/30/report-blueprint-on-fairer-more-accountable-government Australia’s National Integrity System: The Blueprint for Action report, co-authored by the Institute's Director Professor Adam Graycar, which lays a blueprint for fairer, more accountable government launched today. November 30 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/11/30/report-blueprint-on-fairer-more-accountable-government Mapping and Strengthening Australia's Integrity Systems webinar recording /stretton/news/list/2020/10/27/australias-integrity-systems-webinar-recording The Stretton Insitute hosted a webinar on Australia's integrity system on 27 October 2020. A recording of the webinar is now available for viewing. October 27 2020 Lin Siah /stretton/news/list/2020/10/27/australias-integrity-systems-webinar-recording