Index to Volume 7 (1911-1914) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Academic matters,
      • value of a university degree, ,
      • British debate on religious versus secular education,
      • commercial law lecture cancelled,
      • Thomas Ryan urges opening of University to all on basis of intellect alone,
      • Catholic Federation protest against English Literature textbook, , ,
      • University opens for new year,
      • Letter's Patent,
    • Adelaide University Arts Association,
      • report of discussions of industrial socialism,
      • report of sixth annual dinner,
    • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
      • scholarship instituted for study at the Elder Conservatorium,
    • Anatomy, School of,
      • Dr Archibald Campbell Magarey granted license to practise anatomy, ,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • changes to statutes and regulations passed, , ,
      • awarded to Hugh Thomas Moffitt Angwin, , ,
    • Anthropology, study of
      • Australian race, ,
    • Arts, Bachelor of,
      • Dr Leeper speaks in favour of retaining compulsory Classical Greek,
      • Music Certificate to count as one subject,
    • Association for the International Exchange of Students,
      • invitation to Council to send delegates to London congress, , ,
    • Astronomy, Chair of,
      • lack of funding to establish this position,
    • Atkinson, Professor Meredith,
      • leaves England,
      • arrives at Sydney University,
      • to help set up branch,
      • speaks, , , , ,
      • appointed Director of Tutorial Classes at Sydney University,
      • appointed Hon Secretary to WEA in Australia,
      • on an educated democracy, ,
    • Australasian Association for Advancement of Science,
      • Congress opened at Melbourne University, ,
    • Australasian Student Christian Movement,
      • students sought for missionary work, ,
  • B

    • Barlow, Dr William, BA, LLD
      • supports University remaining in city centre,
      • death of wife,
      • not well enough to attend University welcome to Mawson party,
      • made Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George, , ,
    • Barr Smith, Robert
      • donations to the university, , , ,
      • 90th birthday, ,
    • Bequests, gifts and endowments,
      • listing of endowments to University, , , , , , , , ,
    • Bevan, Frederick
      • letters expressing hope that Bevan will retain connections with university, ,
      • directs choral concert, ,
      • life story, ,
    • Bickerton, Lieutenant F H,
      • operated wireless at Mawson's Antarctic base camp,
    • Botany, Chair of,
      • question asked about appointments of Professor of Botany, ,
      • professorship advertised,
      • Theodore George Bentley Osborn appointed, ,
    • Botany, School of,
      • courses in botany to recommence, ,
    • Brookman Scholarship,
      • terms of scholarship,
      • awarded to Hilda Beatrice Gill, ,
    • Brown, Professor William Jethro
      • Democratising the University, ,
      • waning of church influence on moral education, , , ,
      • lecture on Syndicalism,
      • "The growing responsibilities of the teacher鈥, , , , , , ,
    • Buildings,
      • delay in completing extensions to University Building, ,
      • pathology block at Adelaide Hospital begun,
      • Vice Chancellor supports University remaining in city centre,
      • proposal to demolish North Terrace buildings and extend University, ,
      • proposal to remove Government House for student residences, , ,
      • Robert Barr Smith revealed as donor of 鈧10,000 to residential college,
      • Education Block buildings and need for extensions, ,
      • Public Library requirement for more space, , ,
      • deputation for increased funding for University buildings, , , , ,
    • Bundey Prize,
      • Miss E Milne Bundey donates annual prize for English verse, ,
  • C

    • Calendar,
      • report on contents of calendars, ,
    • Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
      • meeting to select successful applicant,
      • Emily Dorothea Proud as first Spence Scholarship winner, , ,
    • Chancellors,
      • Sir Samuel James Way, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Chapple, F, BA, BSc
      • impending retirement as Warden of the Senate,
    • Cheek, Muriel,
      • farewell,
    • Cilento, Gladys,
      • recited in concert, ,
    • Classics, Chair of
      • David Henry Hollidge appointed acting Professor of Classics,
    • Cleland, E E, LLB
      • appointed Kings Counsel,
    • Clubs, societies and associations,
      • subscription lists for British association meeting in Australia now open,
      • Sports Association annual ball,
      • new headquarters of state branch of British Medical Association,
    • Commerce, Chair of,
      • University Society of Commerce requests Chair of Commerce,
    • Conferences and seminars,
      • British scientists to visit Australia, ,
      • editorial on Congress of Universities of the Empire to be held in London,
      • Congress of Universities of the Empire, , , , , , , , , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium concert for Teachers' Conference,
      • Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress at University of Melbourne,
      • report of Conference of University Boards held in Melbourne,
      • report of the Public School Teachers' Union Congress,
      • Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, , , , , , , , ,
      • Conference of Educational Associations opened at University of London,
      • British Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Australia, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Professor Kerr Grant, MSc, local Secretary for British Association conference, , ,
    • Correll, Percy E
      • Correll leaves to join Antarctic relief expedition,
      • Interview on his return from Mawson Expedition, ,
      • welcome at Prince Alfred College,
    • Council, 成人大片,
      • proposals for constitution of Council,
      • reconstituting the Sydney Senate,
      • act amended to allow election of members by both houses of parliament, ,
      • reports of Council meetings, , , , , , , ,
      • first meeting of Council under newly legislated structure, , ,
      • effect of resignation of State Government on representation on University Council,
      • suggestion that Adelaide Hospital be allowed to nominate a Council member,
      • presentation to Council of portrait of the late Judge Bundey,
      • appointment of representatives to various congresses, ,
      • appointment to Rhodes Selection Committee for 1912,
      • election of two representatives to Board of Governors of Public Library, ,
      • retirement of five Councillors,
      • executive approves statute for the Angas Engineering Scholarship, Exhibitions and Regulations affecting Elder scholarships,
      • nominations for vacancies, , , ,
      • motion concerning establishment of medical chairs,
      • removal of Greek as compulsory in Arts degree,
      • Sir John Downer appointed to University Council,
      • retired members available for re-election,
      • Dr Helen Mayo first woman nominated for Council,
      • letters commending the appointment of women to council, ,
      • bill to amend Adelaide University Act, , , , , ,
      • Senate to consider election of first female to Council,
      • M M Maughan to replace Alfred Williams (deceased) on Council,
      • council plans public welcome for Dr Mawson and party, , , ,
      • need for reforms at University, including changes to council,
      • Thomas Ryan announces candidature for Council vacancy,
    • Courses, non-degree,
      • proposed regulations for Diploma in Forestry,
    • Creswell Scholarship,
      • funding soon available, regulations to be drafted,
  • D

    • David, Professor Edgeworth T.W.,
      • on results so far of Mawson expedition,
    • David Murray Scholarship,
      • awarded to Thomas Lester Griffiths and Albert James Hannan,
    • Davis, Captain,
      • mention in speeches at welcome for Mawson party, ,
      • speaks at welcome for Mawson party in Elder Hall, ,
      • raises funds for relief of Mawson expedition,
      • account of voyage to recover Mawson鈥檚 Antarctic parties,
      • interviews with as captain of the Aurora for Mawson expedition, , , , , , , , ,
    • Degrees,
      • introduction of engineering degree recommended,
      • timing of change from BSc to B.E. terminology,
      • recommendation to institute a bachelor of engineering degree,
      • Senate adopts new regulations for bachelor of engineering,
      • timing of change from BSc to BE,
    • Denman, Lord,
      • speaks at welcome for Mawson party, , , ,
      • omment on his speech at University welcome to Mawson party in Elder Hall, ,
    • Duncan, Hon. Sir John James, MLC
      • biography for conferring of his knighthood, ,
      • death of, , , ,
  • E

    • Economics, School of,
      • Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce to be given by Hon David J Gordon, MLC, , , ,
    • Education, diploma of,
      • discussion of regulations on senate agenda,
      • change in regulations approved by senate,
    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • see also Music, School of
      • reports of concerts by Conservatorium students and staff, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • appointment of Madame Georgina Delmar Hall,
      • Miss Ruby C E Davy appointed acting teacher of theory of music,
      • Reverend Brian Wibberley, appointed lecturer in theory of music for Adelaide University in Perth,
      • Professors Peterson and Ennis appointed examiners in theory of music,
      • appointment of Madame Georgina Delmar Hall, ,
      • musical reminiscences by C Cawthorne,
      • announcement of final concert of season,
      • letters about poor financial performance of Conservatorium, , ,
      • Harold Parsons plans study leave in Europe, ,
      • competition for George Brookman scholarship,
      • interview with Madame Georgina Delmar Hall,
      • announcement of change of date for concert,
      • exemption sought from Places of Public Entertainment Bill for university, ,
      • first student concert for season, ,
      • report of recital and prize giving,
      • proposed Chair in Rhetoric to teach elocution,
      • Harold Parsons gives account of his recent visit to Europe, ,
    • Elder Scholarships,
      • Elder scholar Kathleen O鈥橠ea gives farewell concert,
      • Frank Smith relinquishes scholarship to work as engineer,
      • announcement of winner, Erica Chaplin, 13 year old violinist,
      • Alfred Bampton, recent winner for organ playing,
      • Elder Scholarship for London study awarded to Kathleen O鈥橠ea, soprano, ,
      • four scholarships offered: one each for violin, pianoforte and two for singing,
      • scholarship awarded to Lena MacLeay, pianist,
      • Lily Emmanuel Sara receives Elder scholarship for pianoforte,
      • proposed revision of regulations,
      • awarded to Florence Muriel Day and Jack Fischer, baritone,
      • details of the year's awards to Florence Muriel Day, Jack Fischer, Lena McLeay, Paula M. Mewkill, Harry O鈥橩illicoat,
    • Endowments,
      • Robert Barr Smith, large donor to University, ,
    • Engineering, School of,
      • University Bill regarding agreement between university and School of Mines, , ,
    • English literature, study of,
      • Catholics protest against text book, ,
      • alternative text book allowed for Catholic students, ,
    • Ennis, Professor J M,
      • staffing of Elder Conservatorium as Dr Ennis sails for England,
    • Enrolment,
      • see also students,
      • enrolment dates announced,
    • Examinations,
      • results of music examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • university examinations at Cowell,
      • results for MB and BS, , , , , ,
      • Faculty of Arts results, , , , ,
      • results of science examinations, , ,
      • Faculty of Law results, , , , , , , ,
      • results of Higher Public Examinations, , , ,
      • results of Senior Commercial Examination, , ,
      • results of Junior Commercial Examinations, ,
      • examiner's comments on recent primary arithmetic examination,
      • results of Special Senior Examination, ,
      • Queensland and Tasmania to join with Adelaide and Melbourne for music examinations, ,
      • letters about University primary examination papers, ,
      • last date to enter for public examinations,
      • examinations held for Elder Scholarship for tuition in London,
      • Diploma of Commerce results, , ,
      • results of forestry examination,
      • results for Honours Degree of Master of Arts, ,
      • public examination results delayed,
      • change of timing for Primary Examination, ,
      • examination dates for final term,
      • letter suggesting degree examinations be held in regional centres,
      • results of primary examinations, , , , , ,
      • results for ordinary degrees,
      • last date to enter for public examinations, , , ,
      • results of further examinations, ,
      • results of Junior Public examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • results for Senior Public examinations, , , , , , , , ,
      • results of BA Hons,
      • Dental Board examination results,
      • proposed amendments to regulations of Senior Public examinations defeated,
      • BE results,
      • comment on results of Junior public examination,
      • manual of examinations Board issued, ,
      • results of supplementary examinations,
    • Extension lectures,
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor to present series on the "Problem of Euripides",
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor's lectures on the "Problem of Euripides", , , , ,
      • editorial comment, ,
      • Walter Howchin鈥檚 lectures on "Lost Rivers of South Australia", , , ,
      • interview with Registrar, Charles Hodge, about extension lectures, ,
      • letter from Registrar Charles Hodge, disputing wording in interview about extension lectures, ,
  • F

    • Federal Government,
      • response to suggestion that Commonwealth should rescue Dr Mawson, ,
      • Minister of Customs, Hon L E Groom, welcomes Mawson party,
      • newly appointed Governor of SA and Governor-General congratulated,
    • Fees,
      • report of how students earned fees at Columbia University, , ,
      • Minister of Education foresees free entrance to university,
      • New South Wales Government proposes free University education, ,
    • Football,
      • presentation made to Professor Henry Darnley Naylor, president of the Amateur Football League of South Australia,
      • acknowledgement of players who left League to play for University,
    • Forestry, School of,
      • first graduate of Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Mr R G Mckail, ,
    • Finance,
      • extra grant of 鈧4000 to university recommended,
      • government budgets for University Training College and other Institutions,
      • sources and use of funds for University,
      • Robert Barr Smith revealed as donor of 鈧10,000 for residential college,
      • Royal Society of South Australia provides grants in aid of scientific research, ,
      • 鈧10,000 anonymous gift to fund extension of University, , ,
      • debate on funding in University Bill, ,
      • University funding needs listed in comments on Education,
      • deputation for increased funding, , , , ,
  • G

    • Geology, School of,
      • qualifications of Walter Howchin and Douglas Mawson as geologists questioned,
      • new Government Geologist,
      • career of new Assistant Government Geologist, Mr Robert Lockhart Jack,
      • H Y L Brown explains his resignation,
      • Howchin speaks about South Australian rivers, ,
      • Douglas Mawson to undertake lecture tour before going to England,
      • report of geological trip to Hallett Cove by Walter Howchin,
    • Gifts,
      • donor of anonymous gift of 鈧10,000 was Mr Robert Barr Smith,
      • chancellor announces a 10,000 pound anonymous gift to start a fund for extension of University, , ,
      • instruments given by Dr W G Duffield for establishment of observatory,
      • discussion of benefits of Barr Smith donation and conditions,
      • Council advised of gifts of books from Dr J C Verco, documents and specimens from Sir Henry Ayers estate,
      • Mr Peter Waite gives mansion and park for agricultural education and research, , , , , , , , ,
    • Governance,
      • Professor William Jethro Brown on "Democratising the University", ,
    • Government relations,
      • Prime Minister sympathetic to deputation for funding for relief of Mawson party,
    • Graduates,
      • Harold Whitmore Smith appointed electrical engineer to Federal Department of Home Affairs,
      • registration of Adelaide graduates as legally qualified medical practitioners,
      • classics scholarship at Oxford to Oswald Rischbieth,
      • Clara S H Kleinschmidt progresses at Royal college of Music,
      • success in Vienna of Maude Mary Puddy, pianist,
      • Donald Campbell to represent Australia at Imperial Trade Commission,
      • Mr Justice G J R Murray appointed judge in Supreme Court,
      • graduates admitted to the Bar,
      • Martha Bruggeman sings in London,
      • Harold Giles leaves for England to study for missionary work in China,
      • Muriel Cheek honoured at Gawler,
      • Paper on differential equations by T A Le Messurier, MA, BSc,
      • L Glasson, receives Doctor of Science degree at Cambridge,
      • ordination of A C Stevens,
      • Emily Dorothea Proud passes examination at Adelaide School for Mothers,
      • graduation of Eric Goyne Stephens,
      • E E Cleland appointed Kings Council,
      • Trudinger brothers leave for Sudan United Mission,
      • Dr C Yeatman appointed medical superintendent of Adelaide Hospital,
      • Harold Smith comments on life in America,
      • A J Hannan appointed Assistant Parliamentary Draughtsman,
      • Frederick Balfour Schultz appointed third associate of the Supreme Court,
      • Arthur H Howard departs for Oxford University for post-graduate studies,
      • Oswald Rischbieth performs well in rowing at Oxford,
      • Harold Whitmore Smith returns from United States, ,
      • T Brailsford Robertson discusses his research on cancer, ,
      • research by B Whitington on skipping of stones on water, , , ,
      • Mr Justice Murray presents his Commission, ,
      • travels of Dr W T Hayward and promotion of Dr May Moffatt to Tasmania,
      • A E Dawkins awarded Victorian Government research scholarship,
      • Letter's Patent,
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • reports of Commemoration Day ceremonies, , , , , , , , ,
      • special ceremony for conferring degrees to three candidates, ,
      • dates for commemoration, ,
      • Governor's story at commemoration ceremony,
      • governor's speech at commemoration ceremony, ,
      • editorial praising address by Governor, Sir Day Bosanquet, at commemoration ceremony
      • special congregation for graduations to be held in Prince of Wales Theatre,
      • special congregation for graduations held in Prince of Wales Theatre,
    • Grant, Professor Kerr,
      • biographical details of professor of physics, , ,
    • Greek, Study of
      • Greek to count as two subjects in matriculation,
    • Grounds,
      • use of Exhibition grounds for University, ,
      • plans for expansion of university onto land from Police Barracks, Destitute Asylum, Jubilee Oval, ,
      • area gifted by Peter Waite for agricultural education and research, , , , , ,
      • University land needs,
  • H

    • Hartley Studentships,
      • regulations changed,
    • Henderson, Professor George Cockburn, ,
    • Hodge, Charles Reynolds, , , , ,
    • Howchin, Rev Walter, FGS, , , , , , , , ,
  • I

    • Indigenous issues,
      • papers at Science Congress, , ,
  • J

    • John Bagot Botany Scholarship,
      • founding of scholarship by Senate,
    • John Creswell Scholarship,
      • Senate passes resolutions regarding John Creswell Scholarships,
      • applications invited, ,
      • conditions for the scholarship,
    • Joseph Fisher Lecture,
      • bequest of 鈧1000 from Mr Joseph Fisher for establishment of biennial lecture in commerce,
      • donation of 鈧25 from Chamber of Commerce for establishment of biennial lecture in commerce,
      • report of first of biennial lectures given by H Y Braddon,
      • Hon D J Gordon, MLC, to give lecture for 1914,
  • K

    • Kennedy, A L,
      • returns from Antarctica,
  • L

    • Land holdings
      • plans for expansion of university onto land from Police Barracks, Destitute Asylum, Jubilee Oval, ,
      • map and photograph of area gifted by Mr Peter Waite for agricultural education and research, , , , , ,
      • University land needs,
    • Law, Faculty of,
      • examination results, , ,
      • arguments against women lawyers,
      • admission of candidates to Bar, ,
    • Leases,
      • question in Parliament regarding leases of university blocks at Tatiara,
    • Lectures,
      • lecture tour by Miss Mary Proctor, daughter of Richard A Proctor; Astronomer, ,
    • Legislation,
      • Female Practitioner (Legal) Bill, ,
      • bill to amend Adelaide University Act, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • budget for School of Mines,
      • defeat of amendment to University Bill about agreement between University and School of Mines,
      • editorial on Education Commission Report in preparation for comprehensive Education Bill,
      • Places of Public Entertainment Bill, ,
  • M

    • Madigan, Mr Cecil Thomas, , , ,
    • Maughan, Milton Moss, , ,
    • Mawson, Dr Douglas
      • qualifications questioned,
      • Aurora arrives in Hobart,
      • expedition preparation and purposes, , , ,
      • expedition leaves, , , , , , , , , ,
      • wireless telegraphy arrangements for Antarctic Expedition,
      • part of expedition personnel on Toria,
      • Prof George Cockburn Henderson on the expedition,
      • progress of Antarctic expedition, ,
      • landing at Shackleton Glacier,
      • lack of news from expedition,
      • arrival of Aurora in Dunedin,
      • damage to Aurora,
      • wireless messages from Antarctic Expedition, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • early reports of activities of Antarctic expedition, ,
      • expedition return, ,
      • eaths of Lieut Ninnis and Dr Mertz in Antarctic Expedition, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • seeks extended leave of absence, ,
      • accounts of how Mawson was left in Antarctic, , , , , , ,
      • interviews with Captain Davis, captain of the Aurora, , , , , , , , , ,
      • Antarctic perils,
      • research outcomes of the expedition, , , , , , ,
      • tribute to Mawson from Royal Geographical Society,
      • Prof Edgeworth David on results of expedition,
      • Earl Curzon, President of Royal Geographical Society, on expedition, ,
      • relief fund for expedition, ,
      • Prime Minister sympathetic on funding for relief of party,
      • Aurora to leaves to relieve expedition, , , ,
      • party returns to South Australia, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • interviews with, , , , , , , ,
      • account of passage of Aurora up Port River with Mawson's party aboard,
      • editorial comment on the expedition, , , , ,
      • welcome by the University, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • explanations for lack of wireless communications from Antarctic in summer,
      • dogs used in expedition, , ,
      • pening of Aurora, , , , ,
      • full narrative of his party's Antarctic expedition, , , ,
      • brief biography,
      • comments on expedition and findings by Sir Ernest Shackleton, , , , ,
      • Professor Orme Masson, of Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, interviewed about scientific work of Antarctic expedition, ,
      • brief return to Adelaide University,
      • public welcome at Town Hall for Mawson party, , , , , , ,
      • anecdotes from Antarctic expedition,
      • party welcomed by Australasian Society for Advancement of Science and Royal Society,
      • arrives in Melbourne, ,
      • arriage to Miss Paquita Delprat in Melbourne, ,
      • account of emergency food and burial services in Antarctic,
      • welcomed in Sydney,
      • account of last days of Antarctic expedition,
      • work applauded by article in British Australasian,
      • arrival in London,
      • welcomed in Naples,
      • granted audience with the King,
      • plans for national and overseas lecture tours, ,
      • knighted in King's Birthday Honours, , , ,
      • returning from London on steamer Omrah,
    • Mayo, Dr Helen,
    • Medicine, Faculty of,
      • unable to find applicant for surgeon in Royal Australian Navy,
      • coroner鈥檚 criticism of training of surgeons, , , , , ,
    • Mertz, Dr Zavier, , , , , , , , , ,
    • Mitchell, Professor William, ,
    • Moyes, Morton H,
    • Murray, George John Robert, ,
    • Music, Certificate of,
      • issue to teachers who pass prescribed examinations,
    • Music, School of,
      • see also Elder Conservatorium,
      • Registrar announces date of resumption,
      • numbers of students enrolled,
      • re-commencement of classes with new staff,
      • Dr E. Harold Davies leaves for Western Australia to conduct examinations,
      • W Laver represents Victorian and Queensland Universities at annual conference on public music examinations,
    • Musical productions,
      • concerts by Heinicke Orchestra to be in Exhibition Hall, ,
  • N

    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley, , , , ,
    • Ninnis, Lieutenant B S, , , , , , , , , , ,
  • O

    • Observatory,
      • establishment of observatory,
  • P

    • Peake, Mr,
    • Priestly, E,
    • Policies and procedures,
      • Council decides to omit public holidays for accession of King and birthday of Prince of Wales,
    • Prince Alfred College,
      • F Chapple, headmaster, recovering from illness,
      • welcome for Cecil Thomas Madigan and Percy E Correll,
    • Prizes and awards,
      • changes in regulations,
      • Conservatorium Prizes for 1911,
      • winners of Robert Whinham prize,
      • prizes awarded on Commemoration Day,
      • 鈧500 donated for John Bagot Prize in School of Botany and Forestry, , ,
      • Doctor of Laws to be conferred on Right Hon James Bryce,
      • Walter Howchin receives a portion of Lyell Geological Fund,
      • Bundey Prize, ,
      • Robert Badger and Albert James Hannan recommended for Stow Prize,
      • Thomas Price Scholarship awarded to Arthur Harrison Edward Watson,
      • Oxford University Nathan Whitley scholarship awarded to Mr T Gordon Robertson,
      • foundation of Tinline scholarships mentioned by Murray,
    • Proud, Emily Dorothea, , ,
    • Public lectures,
      • see also lectures, extension lectures
      • Professor William Mitchell lectures on "Christianity and Industrial Questions",
      • Right Hon James Bryce at Sydney University,
      • debate on claim by Professor Jethro Brown of waning of church influence on moral education, , , ,
      • lecture in Sydney in aid of Mawson relief fund,
      • Professor William Jethro Brown to lecture on Syndicalism,
      • Professor Jethro Brown on "The growing responsibilities of the teacher", , , , , ,
      • Professor David Starr Jordan on 鈥榃ar and Manhood鈥,
      • interview and lecture by Professor David Starr Jordan, of World Peace Foundation, , , ,
  • R

    • Registrar,
      • charles Reynolds Hodge, , , , ,
    • Regulations,
      • notice to amend regulations to ensure Chancellor is elected for 5 years,
      • new regulations discussed about Bachelor degrees in Engineering, Science, Music,
      • change to regulations about government bursaries to University,
      • executive approves changes to Angas Engineering and Elder scholarships,
      • new regulations for Bachelor of Science,
    • Rennie, Prof Edward Henry,
    • Research,
      • Walter Howchin, geologist, returns from visit to New Zealand,
      • discovery of synthetic rubber by Professor W H Perkin at Victoria University,
      • chemistry student, Hedley Finlayson, injured in explosion while investigating explosive materials,
      • Prof Edward Henry Rennie states experiment causing recent injury to student was unauthorised,
      • Thorburn Brailsford Robertson discusses his research on cancer, ,
      • Prof George Cockburn Henderson to research archives in Europe,
    • Residential colleges,
      • need for residential facilities for universities, , , , , ,
    • Rhodes Scholarship,
      • quality of Rhodes Scholars from South Australia, ,
      • Cecil Thomas Madigan, , , , , , ,
      • Harry Thomson, , ,
      • Kenneth Fry,
      • Alan Wilson Morey, ,
      • performance of Australasian Rhodes Scholars at Oxford, , , ,
      • query about eventual careers,
      • meetings to consider applications, ,
      • Henry Hermann Leopold Adolph Brose, ,
      • statistics of Rhodes Scholars, ,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • Alfred G E Edquist on high school agricultural scholarships,
      • mention in report agricultural education initiatives,
    • Royal Adelaide Hospital,
      • coroner鈥檚 criticism of training of surgeons and hospital practices, , , , , ,
    • Ryan, Thomas,
      • on formation of Workers Educational Association,
  • S

    • Scholarships,
      • J A Hartley studentships, ,
      • recommendations, ,
      • meeting of Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship committee,
      • Emily Dorothea Proud as first Spence Scholarship winner,
      • Albert Ray Southwood resigns Edward Spicer Scholarship,
      • University studentships,
      • amendment to regulation of Government bursaries, ,
      • new regulations for Angas Engineering and Elder scholarships, ,
      • two new music scholarships, ,
      • Alfred G.E. Edquist on high school agricultural scholarships,
      • awards of government bursaries,
      • scholarships proposed in memory of Alfred Williams and Alexander Clark,
      • awarding of studentships,
      • competition for George Brookman scholarship,
      • new scholarship scheme presented to Victorian State cabinet,
      • studentships to be granted for daytime University attendees,
      • details of studentships to be granted for evening attendees,
      • Thomas Ryan proposes more scholarships for students to attend university,
      • query about scholarship for organ playing,
      • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize instituted at Elder Conservatorium,
      • funding soon available for Cresswell scholarship,
    • School of Mines,
      • Premier Verran mentions differences between University and School of Mines,
      • defeat of amendment to University Bill regarding agreement between University and School of Mines,
      • Port Pirie School of Mines seeks affiliation with Adelaide School of Mines,
      • annual closing ceremony, , ,
      • concerns about encroachment of University on School of Mines, ,
      • agreement between University and School of Mines on engineering teaching, ,
    • Science, Bachelor of,
      • training in Forestry,
      • regulations changed,
      • first graduate in Forestry, Ronald George Mckail, ,
      • music certificate to count as one subject,
      • resignation of Instructor in Forestry and appointment of new one,
    • Senate, 成人大片,
      • agenda for meeting,
      • reports of meetings, , , , , ,
      • proposal to ensure Chancellor is elected for five years,
      • approves Greek to count as two subjects for matriculation,
      • meeting to elect members, including first female nominee,
      • Professor Jethro Brown refers to Senate in discourse on "Democratising the University", ,
      • interview with T A Caterer, Clerk of Senate, about achievements of University, ,
      • letters supporting election of first female member,
      • Senate to consider election of first female,
      • Professor W Lowrie resigns,
      • notice of election to replace retiring Council member,
      • institutes certificates of competence for music teachers,
    • Shackleton, Sir Ernest,
      • comments about Douglas Mawson and his Antarctic expedition, , , , ,
      • Members of Mawson鈥檚 expedition to join Shackleton鈥檚 Trans-Antarctic expedition,
    • South Australian Royal Commission on Education,
      • on governance of education department,
      • meetings of, , ,
      • members return from Melbourne,
      • to take evidence in Melbourne,
      • report considered,
      • adoption of report considered, , , , , , , , , ,
      • comments on proposals in report, , , , ,
    • St Alban Scholarship,
      • applications invited,
    • Staff,
      • question asked about appointment of government geologist,
      • criticism of appointment of Rev Walter Howchin and Dr Douglas Mawson,
      • controversy about the credentials of Dr H Basedow, ,
      • Bryceson Treharne leaves Elder Conservatorium for London,
      • Walter Howchin returns from research visit,
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor speaks in Scarborough,
      • death of former staff member, James Bernard Allen,
      • H J Priest, former acting Professor of Mathematics, meets Professor Ernst-Carrol,
      • Professor T G B Osborn and his wife admitted to Bachelors of Science,
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor comments on the Imperial University Conference,
      • Christian faith of some Adelaide professors noted,
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor elected as a Vice President of the British Classical Association,
      • Professor Edward Charles Stirling, Honorary Director of Adelaide Museum, honoured by Public Library Board, ,
      • hopes that Frederick Bevan will retain some connection with the Conservatorium, ,
      • interview with Frederick Bevan, ,
      • death of Samuel Ellis, caretaker,
    • State Government,
      • discussions on appointment of government geologist, , , , , , , ,
      • correspondence against the Female Practitioner (Legal) Bill,
      • discussion about appointment of Professor of Botany,
      • question about resignation of Inspector Jordan,
      • debate on budget for Education Department,
      • Education Commission on governance of Education Department,
      • future appointments of government geologist, ,
      • election of 2 members of Legislative Council to University Council,
      • election of 3 members to Council by House of Assembly,
      • resignation of government geologist, H Y L Brown,
      • state government resigns and is replaced by opposition,
      • election to be held for replacement representative on University Council,
      • meeting of Education Commission,
      • A Williams criticises census education statistics,
      • Minister congratulates Sir John Duncan, ,
      • government funds sought to repair Aurora,
      • NSW Director of Education foresees free university study,
      • proposed changes to North Terrace impacting on university, , , , ,
      • exemption proposed for University, Places of Public Entertainment Bill,
      • E E Cleland appointed Kings Counsel,
      • Chancellor speaks about Mr Peake, parliamentarian,
      • need for government action on death of Alfred Williams, Director of Education,
      • pressures on Director of Education position,
      • M M Maughan appointed Acting Director of Education,
      • A J Hannan appointed Assistant Parliamentary Draughtsman,
      • premier asked to appoint lady inspectors,
      • readings of Places of Public Entertainment Bill, , , ,
      • question in Parliament about Education Commission's Report,
      • death of Hon Sir John Duncan, MLC, , , ,
      • Sir John Downer selected for University Council, ,
      • criticism of proposal in Education Commission,
      • editorial criticising delays in Supreme Court judgements,
      • subsidy sought to match anonymous gift for University, , ,
      • bill to Amend Adelaide University Act, , , ,
      • appointment of Mr L K Ward as government geologist, ,
      • Legislative Council nomination to University Council, , , ,
      • list of state governors and their terms,
      • South Australian Royal Commission on Education report, , ,
      • M M Maughan addresses Unley High School students,
      • Workers Educational Association seeks grant, , , ,
      • increased funding sought for University, , , , ,
      • question about creation of Chair of Botany,
      • approach by George Brookman to have interminable stock made terminable,
      • Executive Council sanctions statutes made by Senate,
      • leader of Labor Party approves foundation of Workers Educational Association,
    • Stow Prize,
      • Robert Badger and Albert James Hannan recommended for,
    • Student statistics,
      • students enrolled at Conservatorium,
    • Students,
      • noisy students,
      • difficulties and expenses incurred by country students,
      • welcome for Cecil Thomas Madigan and Percy E Correll,
      • reply to criticism of University students fruit picking,
    • Study leave,
      • Harold Parsons plans leave in Europe, , ,
  • T

    • Teacher training,
      • syllabus on teaching ethics in schools,
      • teacher responsibilities,
    • Thomas Price Scholarship,
      • awarded to Arthur Harrison Edward Watson,
    • Tinline scholarships,
      • mention of their foundation, by Mr Justice G J R Murray,
  • U

    • Universities, other,
      • foundation of British Columbia University, Vancouver, Canada,
      • Columbia University, , ,
      • "quack" university teaching drugless therapy, , ,
      • Perth University, , , ,
      • Melbourne University, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • universities urged to include commercial education,
      • Calcutta University,
      • Victoria University,
      • Sydney University, , , ,
      • Queensland University, , ,
      • passage money reduced to assist exchange of professors,
      • University of Western Australia, , , , , , , , , ,
      • Edinburgh University,
      • proposal by Oxford and Cambridge University to make degree conferral dependent on military training, , ,
      • Prof Michael Sadler of Leeds University on education,
      • University of London,
      • Institute of Tropical Medicine at Townsville,
      • Morton H Moyes appointed headmaster of University Coaching College, Sydney,
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor visits Oxford, Cambridge Universities, , ,
      • proposal to establish Chair of Tropical and Semi-tropical Agriculture,
      • need for residential facilities for universities, ,
      • Wellington University,
    • University Act,
      • discussions between School of Mines and University, , , , ,
      • election of two members to Council by Legislative Council, ,
      • bill to amend Act, , , , , , , , , ,
      • representatives from State Government on University Council, ,
      • Letter's Patent,
    • University colleges,
      • see residential colleges
    • University Economic Society,
      • meetings, ,
    • University Society of Commerce,
      • annual general meeting, ,
    • University Sports Association,
      • annual general meeting,
      • ball to raise funds for,
  • V

    • Vice-Chancellors,
      • Dr William Barlow, , , , , ,
    • Victorian Education Department,
      • proposed inspection of secondary schools,
    • Visitors,
      • Governor General,
      • British scientists to visit, , , , ,
      • J W Langsford,
      • Right Hon James Bryce, British Ambassador to America, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
  • W

    • Waite, Peter
      • gift to university, , , , , , , ,
    • Warden of the Senate,
      • impending retirement of F Chapple,
    • Watson, Prof Archibald,
      • returns from visiting world medical sites,
    • Way, Lady
      • sudden death, , , , , , ,
    • Way, Sir Samuel,
      • terms as Lieutenant Governor,
      • on way to Sydney for arm operation,
      • arm amputated, , , , , , , ,
    • Weston, Mrs Kate Helen,
    • Williams, Alfred,
      • tributes to his life鈥檚 work, , , ,
    • Women,
      • two ladies on Senate of University of Western Australia,
      • interview with Mrs Mansbridge, about education of women, ,
      • arguments against women law students,
    • Workers Education Association,
      • spread from Britain to Australia,
      • Adelaide Branch formed, , ,
      • constitution,
      • Prof Meredith Atkinson, Hon Secretary to WEA in Australia, , , , , , , ,
      • Professor Jethro Brown on interview with Professor Meredith Atkinson,
      • comments by Mr Thomas Ryan,
      • Trades and Labour Council considers the new constitution, ,
      • Albert Mansbridge to speak in Adelaide, , ,
      • interview with Mrs Mansbridge about education of women,
      • Albert Mansbridge on adult education, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • meeting of central council, ,
      • progress in Adelaide, , , , , ,
      • deputation to State Government for a grant, , , ,
      • university tutorial classes established,
      • Albert Mansbridge on his recent visit to Australia, , ,
      • proposal for first lectures,
      • Professor G V Portus to lecture, , ,
    • Whitington, Sylvia
      • concert performance, , ,