Index to Volume 5 (1898-1906) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • academic matters,
      • 1903 regulations & syllabus,
      • academic standards at Elder Conservatorium, , , ,
      • administration of 1901 Degree of MusBac examination,
      • amendments to Statutes and regulations for degree course, , ,
      • alterations to regulations governing BSc,
      • annual report of Examinations Board for 1902,
      • certificates for students in 1902 Primary Examination,
      • criticism of low standard of some university subjects, ,
      • change in regulations for MBBS by Senate,
      • classes of examinations for Associated Board of the Royal College of Music,
      • commencement of 1876 academic year,
      • completion of medical degree at Adelaide Hospital, ,
      • conduct of and teaching in the School of Mines and Industries, , , ,
      • conference on uniform standard of degree examinations,
      • course of higher technical study, ,
      • degrees granted,
      • discouragement of highly developed science courses,
      • dissatisfaction with music examinations, , , ,
      • dominance of examinations at University, ,
      • Elder Conservatorium not deserving of the title conservatorium,
      • establishment of National University of Australia,
      • extension lectures as part of SA education system, ,
      • exemption from obligation of final Law certificate,
      • first in Australia to grant degrees in science,
      • first in Australia to grant degrees to women,
      • further education for school leavers and teachers,
      • Law Reform Bill and the education of barristers and solicitors, , ,
      • medical curriculum,
      • need for Chair of Dentistry, ,
      • need for Degree in Commerce, ,
      • need to expand scope of academic teaching, ,
      • new regulations for School of Medicine, ,
      • perceived bias against sciences, history and females,
      • perceived lowering of university standards, ,
      • private music teachers and the Conservatorium,
      • Professor Ives response to complaints by music teachers, , ,
      • problems with the 1901 third year MusBac examination,
      • proposal for Chair of Elocution,
      • proposal for Chair of Political Economy,
      • provision for first two years of medical course,
      • quality of education provided by the Elder Conservatorium,
      • regulations for Advanced Commercial Certificate and Diploma in Electric Engineering, ,
      • regulations for Doctor of Music,
      • regulation to remove fees for children who passed compulsory standard, ,
      • relationship with Adelaide Hospital staff,
      • relationship between universities and secondary education, , , , , , , , ,
      • repeal of regulations for Bachelor of Laws, ,
      • SA representatives on Associated Board of the Royal College of Music,
      • request by Professor Ives for enquiry into inner workings of University, ,
      • role of religion in education, , ,
      • scale of marks for chemistry and physics examinations,
      • scheme for training teachers, ,
      • science students and marking system for higher public examinations,
      • university control of Teachers' Training College, , , , ,
      • value of subjects at scholarship examinations, , ,
      • ³ÉÈË´óƬ recognised by Special Board of Medicine, Cambridge,
      • University training of student teachers, , , , , ,
    • accreditation,
      • graduate eligible for associateship of Institution of Electrical Engineers, London,
      • ³ÉÈË´óƬ recognised by Special Board of Medicine, Cambridge,
    • Adams, AJ,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, , , , ,
    • Adams, JRG.,
      • address at Library Association of Australasia Conference, , ,
    • Adams, Rev Reginald Arthur,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum,
    • Adelaide Hospital,
      • 1898 annual report, ,
      • Anatomy Bill to amend law relating to dead bodies,
      • appointment of Honorary doctors,
      • conversion of Lunatic Asylum into home for consumptive and cancer patients, , ,
      • 'hospital trouble',
      • appointment of Dr Ramsay Smith as honorary physician, ,
      • dispute over chairmanship of Hospital Board,
      • Hospital Board appointments,
      • legislation for improvements to hospital administration,
      • problems with the School of Medicine,
      • completion of medical degree at Adelaide Hospital, ,
      • resignation of Dr Thos A Price as junior house surgeon,
      • senior medical offices statistical report,
      • students complete medical degrees interstate, ,
      • University clinical teaching staff positions, ,
    • Adelaide Teachers' Union,
      • lecture by Prof George Cockburn Henderson on 'The Builders of the State',
    • Adelaide University Rowing Club,
      • concert by Conservatorium students to aid Club, ,
    • Advanced School for Girls,
      • instruction fee reduced,
      • role of school in education system,
      • success of students,
    • affiliated institutions,
      • School of Mines and Industries, , , ,
      • Technical School at Perth,
      • need for affiliation between educational institutions,
      • Mannum Institute,
      • University representation on boards,
    • Agent-General,
      • return from Economical Congress at Mons,
    • agriculture,
      • dispute between Prof W Lowrie and Ministry of Agriculture,
    • Alderman, Eugene Horatio,
      • awarded 1902 Elder Conservatorium Brookman Prize,
      • 1901 Elder Scholar, ,
    • Allen, James Bernard,
      • nominated to Commissioners of International Exhibition of 1851 for a Science Research Scholarship, ,
    • Allen, John Howard,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship, ,
    • Allen, Mr,
      • to lecture at Perth Technical College,
    • Allied Colonial Universities' Conference,
      • report of proceedings,
      • London conference for graduates of colonial universities resident in the UK, ,
    • alumni,
      • new resolutions for the commemoration of University alumni,
    • Ambrose, Ethel Mary Murray,
      • 1898 Elder Prize,
      • appointed Resident Medical Officer at Perth Hospital,
      • special congregation for graduation ceremony,
    • Ambrose, Theodore,
      • 1898 Elder Prize,
    • Anatomy, Chair of,
      • establishment, ,
    • Anatomy, School of,
      • certificates of interment for bodies for anatomical examination,
    • Angas Chair of Chemistry,
      • established by gift by John Howard Angas,
    • Angas Endowment,
      • appointment of Prof Edward Henry Rennie as Professor of Chemistry,
    • Angas Engineering Exhibition,
      • amendment to regulations,
      • 1900 award to Ernest Chapple,
      • awards for 1898, ,
      • no entries received in 1899, ,
      • 1902 award to George Douglas Moore, ,
      • 1902 award to Lisle Julius Darwin,
      • 1905 award to Louis Warnecke McNamara,
      • 1900 award to Ernest Chapple,
      • established by gift by John Howard Angas,
      • recommendation for scholarship for 1898,
      • closing date for entry for exhibition examinations,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship
      • Lawrence Birks appointed to Sydney electrical tramway system,
      • 1904 award to Herbert William Gartrell, ,
      • alternations to regulations,
      • death of John Howard Angas,
      • Lawrence Birks appointed as engineer-in-charge at Rotorua, NZ,
      • Edward Vincent Clark returns from electrical engineering studies in England,
      • founded by John Howard Angas,
      • students handicapped by marking system for higher examinations, ,
    • Angas, Hon John Howard,
      • benefactor of the ³ÉÈË´óƬ, , , ,
      • endowment for Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
      • photograph,
      • obituary, ,
      • Will of late John Howard Angas,
    • Angus, William,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, , ,
    • Angwin, William Britton,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • annual dinner,
      • first University annual dinner, ,
      • speech by Dr Lendon,
    • annual reports,
      • ³ÉÈË´óƬ Extension Committee,
      • Education Department report for 1905, ,
    • Annual Sports Day,
      • inaugurated by ³ÉÈË´óƬ athletic clubs, ,
    • Applied Science, Diploma of,
      • agreement with SA School of Mines & Industries to collaborate,
    • appointments,
      • premature announcement of appointment of Professor of Singing,
    • art works,
      • memorial statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , , , , , ,
      • arrival and erection of Alfred Drury's bronze statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , ,
      • competition for Elder bust won by James White,
      • statue of Sir Walter Watson Hughes, , , , ,
      • Dr Allan James Campbell commemorated by brass tablet in Elder Hall, ,
      • Elder bequest for purchase of pictures, ,
      • proposed portrait of Sir Thomas Elder,
      • Elder statue unveiled by Governor, , , ,
      • laying of university building foundation stone,
    • Artillery Brigade,
      • inspection of model artillery battery,
    • Arts, Bachelor of,
      • amendments to regulations,
      • first year requirements in English Literature,
      • role of Greek, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • suggestions for a generous arts course,
      • degrees granted in art, science, law, medicine & music,
      • role of Latin as basis of a liberal education,
      • Senate rejection of amended regulations, , , , , , , ,
    • Astrological Society,
      • lecture by Mr WE Cooke on 'Methods of Teaching Geography & History, including Physiography',
    • Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • Adelaide to host next meeting,
    • awards,
      • Stow Prize, , ,
      • Angas Exhibition, , , , ,
      • Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
      • Elder Prize,
      • John Howard Clark Scholarship,
      • Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
      • 1898 admissions ad eundem gradum, , ,
      • 1899 admissions ad eundem gradum, ,
      • 1900 admissions ad eundem gradum,
      • Hartley Studentship, , ,
      • Tennyson Medal, ,
      • prizes for candidates of Junior Public Examination, ,
  • B

    • Bacteriological & Hygienic Institute,
      • proposed establishment,
    • Baker, William,
      • awarded Evening Scholarship, ,
    • Barlow, Dr William,
      • retirement from University Council, , ,
      • 50 year jubilee of his graduation,
      • elected to University Council,
      • appointed Vice-Chancellor,
      • appointed to Select Committee of the Senate,
      • criticism by Professor Joshua Ives, , , , , ,
      • founder of course in commercial studies,
      • representative at funeral of John Howard Angas,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
    • Barr Smith, Robert,
      • munificence to the University, , ,
      • election to University Council,
      • deputation to Premier of SA, ,
      • nomination and appointment to Senate, ,
      • University Library named a Barr Smith,
    • Barwell, Henry Newman,
      • conferring of LLB degree,
    • Basedow, Herbert,
      • awarded 1904 Tate Medal, , , ,
    • Basedow, Ivy Marie,
      • awarded Silver Medal Intermediate Local Centre Examinations,
    • Beare, Professor Hudson,
      • unable to be representative at Imperial & Colonial Universities' Conference,
    • Beare, Thomas Hudson,
      • attendance at King's Levee of Regis Prof of Engineering at Edinburgh University,
    • Bell, Willoughby George,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for a fourth year,
    • Benham, Frederick Lucas,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum,
    • Bennett, Charles G,
      • awarded 1904 Tennyson Medal, ,
    • Bennett, Frank Norman,
      • prizewinner at 1902 Senior Examination, ,
    • Bennett, Frederick Norman,
      • Bachelor of Arts degree for student teacher,
    • Bennett, Richard William,
      • awarded Sheridan Essay Prize, ,
      • awarded Stow Prize, , , , , , ,
      • awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, , ,
    • Bensley, Professor Edward Von Blomberg,
      • appointed Prof of Latin at University College of Wales,
      • health problems,
      • resignation as Hughes Prof of Classics & Comparative Philosophy & Literature, ,
      • appointed to Select Committee of the Senate,
      • presents congratulatory address from Adelaide at University of Sydney Jubilee, ,
    • bequests, gifts & endowments,
      • anonymous donation to the School of Mines,
      • annual grant from public revenues,
      • Comparative Philology & Literature, , , ,
      • Dr Edward Willis Way Chair and Lectureship in Gynaecology, ,
      • early benefactors,
      • government endowment to supplement income of University,
      • guarantee of salary for Professor of Music,
      • Joseph Fisher for Commerce award and lecture, , , ,
      • Hon John Howard Angas for Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
      • interest on endowment investments, ,
      • lectureship on Opthalmic Surgery in memory of Dr Charles Gosse,
      • Mrs Davies Thomas for Dr Davies Thomas scholarships,
      • munificence of Mr Barr Smith to University Library, , ,
      • philanthropy to support universities, ,
      • School of Medicine,
      • Sir Thomas Elder munificence towards University, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Sir Walter Watson Hughes for establishment of University and Chair in Classics,
      • William Everard for scholarships,
    • Betts, Lionel Oxborrow,
      • Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
    • Bevan, Frederic,
      • acting Director of Conservatorium, , ,
      • gift of appreciation by Conservatorium choral class,
      • Adelaide singing debut at orchestral concert,
      • arrival in Adelaide,
      • distinguished musical career in the UK,
      • farewell banquet prior to leaving London, ,
      • new song published,
      • member of Board of Examination for pianoforte, singing & composition scholarships,
      • London visit, ,
      • return to Adelaide from Europe,
      • judge of vocal competitions for Royal Academy of Music,
    • Bevan, Percy Vaughan,
      • public mathematical honour examinations at Cambridge,
    • Birks, Lawrence,
      • appointment as engineer-in-charge at Rotorua, NZ,
      • lecture series on 'The Industrial Applications of Electrical Power', , ,
      • appointment to Sydney electrical tramway system,
    • Blackmore, EG,
      • lecture series on 'The Nineteenth Century', , , , ,
    • Bollen, Percival,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, ,
    • Bonnin, FJ,
      • passed fourth year of the M.B. degree,
    • Bonython, Sir Langdon,
      • President of Adelaide Teachers' Association, ,
    • Booth, Dr,
      • appointed to committee to act for University in Broken Hill,
    • Boothby, Sheriff William Robinson,
      • retirement from University Council, , ,
      • obituary,
    • Borthwick, Dr Thomas,
      • appointed lecturer in bacteriology,
    • Bragg, Professor William Henry,
      • lecture series on 'Radium', , ,
      • research on properties of radium and the alpha particle,
      • address to Public Teachers' Union Conference,
      • research on wireless telegraphy, , , , ,
      • lecture series on 'Wireless Telegraphy', , , , ,
      • government commission to enquire into educational matters in England,
      • lecture on 'Education in Wales',
      • local secretary and supervisor to examinations with Institute of Actuaries, London,
      • local secretary for Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • proposed lectures on 'wireless telegraphy and the cable question',
      • return from overseas,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
      • ceases to hold office as University Council member,
      • comments on discovery of radioactive mineral at Olary,
      • elected to University Council,
      • lecture series on 'Radioactivity', , , ,
      • lecture series on 'The Electron', , , , , , ,
      • member of Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, , ,
      • member of Faculty of Medicine,
      • paper on radioactive minerals from Wallaroo & Moonta,
      • Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress, Dunedin, NZ,
      • lecture on 'The Electron and Radioactivity of Radium, Thorium, & other substances',
    • Brauer, Hermann Gustav Adolph,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, , ,
    • Bray, Clifford Samuel,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Bray, Marmion Matthews,
      • awarded Stow Prize, , , , , , ,
    • Bridge, Sir Frederick,
      • involvement with examining the 1897 Degree of MusBac examinations, , , , ,
    • Bristowe, Edith,
      • awarded 1886 Elder Prize for animal physiology,
    • Brookman Prize,
      • 1905 award to Delprat Elizabeth Fransiska Carmen,
      • 1902 award to Eugene H. Alderman,
    • Brookman, Hon George,
      • complimented by Benches of the Inner Temple, London,
    • Brooks, Albert Joseph,
      • applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Broome, AM,
      • address at the SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
    • Brown & Peel, Messrs,
      • builders for extension to Mitchell Building,
    • Brown, Dr William Jethro,
      • academic career, ,
      • appointed Professor of Law,
      • arrival in Adelaide, ,
      • with Edward Von Blomberg Bensley in Manchester,
      • photograph of law lecture room,
    • Brown, Mary Home,
      • awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
    • Brummitt, Elliott Arthur,
      • studies in Edinburgh,
    • Brummitt, Robert Douglas,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
    • Buchanan, Mr A,
      • appointment to Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
    • buildings,
      • improvements for Elder Hall pipe organ, ,
      • anonymous donation to the School of Mines for building fund,
      • progress of new Elder Conservatorium building,
      • construction of extension to Mitchell Building,
      • cost of University building (Mitchell Building) & additions,
      • Council scheme for new physical laboratory, ,
      • crowding of buildings on North Terrace grounds,
      • Elder Conservatorium building, , , , , , , , ,
      • Elder Anatomical & Pathological School, , ,
      • Medical School, , ,
      • Elder bequest for erection of workmen's cottages,
      • Elder bequest to Way College,
      • Elder Hall foundation stone laid by Sir Fowell Buxton, , , , ,
      • formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , , , , ,
      • foundation stones of University Building and Elder Hall,
      • government to subsidise cost of University buildings, ,
      • laying of foundation stones at University,
      • need for additional accommodation for the School of Medicine,
      • new building for Elder Conservatorium open for public inspection,
      • photograph of Elder Hall,
      • photograph of Electrical Engineering Laboratory,
      • photograph of Engineering School testing room,
      • photograph of Mitchell Building,
      • photograph of Prof E C Stirling's laboratory,
      • photograph of Prof G C Henderson' history class in Prince of Wales Theatre,
      • photograph of Prof Rennie's class in first year chemical laboratory,
      • photograph of Professor W.J. Brown's law lecture room,
      • portion of Prince of Wales' Buildings used by students of Prof E C Stirling,
      • School of Medicine's dissecting department,
      • second anniversary of laying of Elder Hall foundation stone, , ,
      • sketch of proposed pipe-organ for Elder Hall,
      • statistics in 1899 Calendar, ,
      • tender by Mr W C Torode accepted for erection of Elder Conservatorium buildings,
    • Bundey, Ellen Milne,
      • conferred with MusBac, , , , , , ,
    • Burford, Emmie,
      • awarded 1901 Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
    • Burgess, Leslie Frank,
      • prizewinner at 1902 Junior Examinations, ,
    • Burgess, May,
      • appointed Junior Demonstrator in Chemical Laboratory, ,
    • Burnard, Euladie Hardy,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
    • Burston, JJ,
      • address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
    • Buxton, Governor Sir Thomas Fowell,
      • laying of foundation stone of Elder Conservatorium, , , , ,
      • second anniversary of laying of Elder Hall foundation stone, , ,
  • C

    • Cadet Corps,
      • guard of honour at the formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , ,
      • nomination of SA cadet to British Royal Military College, Sandhurst, ,
    • calendar,
      • 1899 calendar, ,
      • 1900 calendar, ,
      • 1902 calendar, ,
      • 1903 calendar,
      • 1905 calendar,
    • Campbell, Dr Allan James,
      • membership of Royal College of Surgeons,
      • commemorated by brass tablet in Elder Hall, ,
    • Campbell, Florence Way,
      • graduated MusBac in 1897, ,
      • named in controversy between Professor Ives and Chancellor, , , , , , ,
    • Campbell, Gordon Catheart,
      • applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Cantor, Stanley Jacob,
      • prizewinner at 1902 Junior Examinations, ,
    • Carr, Rev Whitmore,
      • obituary of one of the original members of the University Senate,
    • Caterer, Thomas Ainslie,
      • appointed to Select Committee of the Senate,
      • elected Clerk of the Senate of ³ÉÈË´óƬ, , , ,
      • first graduate of ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • re-elected as Clerk of University Council,
    • Cavenagh-Mainwaring, Dr Wentworth Rowland,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • appointed assistant surgeon,
      • appointed lecturer of pathology at School of Medicine, , , ,
    • ceremonies & celebrations
      • opening of Elder Hall,
      • University annual dinner, , , , , , , ,
      • 1902 University Ball,
      • twenty-first anniversary of School of Medicine, ,
      • ten year anniversary of Australasian Student Christian Union, , ,
      • dinner for University of Melbourne inter-university lacrosse & football teams,
      • laying of Elder Anatomical & Pathological School foundation stone, , ,
      • reception to honour coronation of King Edward & Queen Alexandra,
      • 500th anniversary of the death of Geoffrey Chaucer,
    • Chair of English Language,
      • Prof R L Douglas appointed Prof of Modern History & English Literature, , ,
    • Chamber of Commerce,
      • 1903 annual meeting of General Council of Chamber of Commerce of Commonwealth of Australia held in Adelaide,
      • donation for purposes of commercial studies,
      • emphasis on commerce as a profession,
      • role in establishment of advanced commercial course,
    • Chamber of Manufacturers,
      • support for establishment of higher commercial education, , ,
    • Chancellor,
      • criticism by Prof Joshua Ives, , , , , , ,
      • reply to criticism by Prof Joshua Ives, ,
      • comments on the reply to criticism by Prof Joshua Ives,
      • comments on scheme for training teachers, ,
      • conferring of baronetcy, ,
      • debate in Parliament on problems with Prof Ives, , , ,
      • disagreement with Prof Ives over music examination assessments, ,
      • refused Prof Ives's request to access Board of Musical Studies minute book,
      • reallocation of duties,
      • unable to attend University of Sydney's Jubilee, ,
      • host of conversazione for Australasian Medical congress,
      • Chief Justice, Sir Samuel J Way,
      • criticism that the position is monopolised by one man,
      • host of an 'at-home' for students and professional and teaching staff, ,
      • member of the Faculty of Medicine,
      • request by Prof Ives for enquiry into inner workings of University, ,
      • Sir Samuel James Way offered position on High Court Bench,
      • deputation to Premier concerning exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
    • Chapman, Charles Eustace,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Chapman, Henry George,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum,
    • Chapman, Professor Robert William,
      • lecture on 'Astronomy' at Moonta,
      • leaves for the USA on study tour, , ,
      • tests on breaking strength of iron & steel bars,
      • elected Vice-President of Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers,
      • tests crushing strength of Pyrmont and Murrary Bridge stone,
    • Chapple, Ernest,
      • awarded 1900 Angas Exhibition, ,
      • change in employment in England,
      • entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
    • Chapple, Frederic,
      • address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
      • Warden of the Senate, , , , , ,
      • ad eundem gradum for 1898, ,
    • Chapple, Harold,
      • awarded 1898 Angas Exhibition,
    • Chapple, Phoebe,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
    • Chemistry, Chair of,
      • appointment of Prof Edward Henry Rennie as Professor of Chemistry, ,
      • endowment by John Howard Angas for Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
      • return from overseas of Professor Rennie,
    • Chemistry, Department of,
      • appointment of Miss May Burgess as Junior Demonstrator in Chemical Laboratory,
      • photograph of Prof Rennie's class in first year chemical laboratory,
    • Chenoweth, Maurice Clayton,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship, ,
    • Churchward, Spencer,
      • awarded 1899 John Howard Clark Scholarship, ,
      • awarded 1899 Roby Fletcher Scholarship, , ,
    • Churchward, Stella Mary,
      • awarded 1904 Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
    • Clark, Annie Millicent,
      • awarded Evening Scholarship, ,
    • Clark, Archie Septimus,
      • awarded 1899 Third Year Undergraduate Scholarship,
      • appointed to committee to act for ³ÉÈË´óƬ in Broken Hill,
    • Clark, Edward Vincent,
      • returns from electrical engineering studies in England,
    • Clark, Inspector,
      • lecture on singing at SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
    • Clarke, Marcus,
      • formation of The Marcus Clarke Memorial Fund,
      • memorial monument for the grave of Marcus Clarke,
    • Classics & Comparative Philosophy & Literature, Chair of,
      • professorship founded on University establishment, ,
      • resignation of Professor Edward Von Blomberg Bensley,
    • Classics, Chair of,
      • appointment of Henry Darnley Naylor as Professor of Classics,
      • Herbert Stanley Dettmann appointed to Chair of Classics,
    • Cleland, Dr John Burton,
      • offered position as Junior Resident Surgeon, Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,
    • Cleland, Dr,
      • attended Jubilee of Melbourne University,
    • Cleland, Dr William Lennox,
      • appointed lecturer on Forensic Medicine & Lunacy,
    • clubs, associations & societies,
      • Adelaide University Shakespeare Society, ,
      • Australasian Student Christian Union, ,
      • Collegiate Schools Association,
      • Scientific Society,
      • Sports Association, , ,
      • University Law Debating Society,
      • University Christian Union,
      • University Union, , ,
    • Clucas, Robert John Miller,
      • appointment as University librarian,
      • lecturer in commercial geography & technology for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
    • Collegiate Schools Association,
      • lecture on 'Education in Wales' by Professor Bragg,
    • Collins, Arnold William,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Colvin, Bazett David,
      • awarded ad eundem gradum, ,
    • Colvin, Bazett David,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies by University Council,
      • lecturer in business practice & accountancy for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
    • Commemoration Day,
      • address by Professor Salmond, , , , , , , ,
    • Commerce, Chair of,
      • establishment by munificence of Joseph Fisher, ,
    • Commerce, Faculty of,
      • first Australian university to provide higher commercial education,
      • Advanced Commercial Certificate courses, , , , ,
      • Chamber of Commerce's role in establishment, , , , , , , ,
      • comments on higher commercial studies at University, , , , ,
      • lack of recognition for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
      • need for commercial education at tertiary level,
      • codification of laws relating to trade & commerce throughout British Empire,
      • Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce by Mr L A Jessop on 'Commercial Character', , ,
      • improvements to standards of Junior Commercial Course,
      • need for degree in commerce, ,
      • proposal for uniform standard for commercial certificates at Australian universities,
    • Commercial Studies, Board of,
      • Council appoints Chamber of Commerce officials to Board of Commercial Studies,
    • conferences,
      • Library Association of Australasia Conference, , , , , , ,
      • SA Public Teachers' Union Conference, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Australasian Medical congress,
      • proposal for systematic conferences during Australian university vacations,
    • Connelly, Very Rev Father,
      • appointed to committee to act for ³ÉÈË´óƬ in Broken Hill,
    • Connor, Julian Dove,
      • conferred with BSc, , , , ,
    • conversazione,
      • Chancellor to host conversazione for Australasian Medical Congress,
      • Public Teachers' Union conference conversazione on the discovery of liquid air,
    • Cook, Florence Emmeline,
      • see Cooke, Florence Emmeline
    • Cooke, Dr William Ternent,
      • academic history, , ,
      • awarded Science Research Scholarship by Commissions of the International Exhibition of 1851, ,
      • lecturer at School of Medicine, , ,
      • results of analytical experiments with Professor E.H. Rennie,
    • Cooke, Florence Emmeline,
      • awarded Elder music scholarship for musical composition,
      • conferred with MusBac, , , , , , ,
    • Cooke, William Ernest,
      • lecture at Astrological Society on 'Methods of Teaching Geography & History, including Physiography',
      • comments on astrology, meteorology and benefit of the influence of the University,
    • Coomber, George,
      • obituary,
    • Cooper, Claude Tidswell,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum,
    • Cooper, Constance May,
      • awarded 1904 Everard Scholarship, , ,
    • Corbin, Hugh Burton,
      • awarded 1905 Murchison Prize & 1906 Bessemer Medal,
    • Cornwall and York, HRH George Federick Ernest Albert, Duke of,
      • laying of foundation stone of Prince of Wales's Building,
      • special commemoration for visit of the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York, ,
    • Corvan, Mary Trenna,
      • past winner of Elder Scholarship of Music Scholarship,
      • gained Diploma of ARCM at Royal College of Music, London,
    • Council, ³ÉÈË´óƬ
      • 1899 report of Council,
      • amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
      • amendments to statutes and regulations adopted, , , , ,
      • approval of a 'Guide to the ³ÉÈË´óƬ' by Charles R Hodge, ,
      • attendance at formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , ,
      • entertained teachers at the 3rd Annual SA Public Teachers' Union, , ,
      • expression of confidence in Professor Ives,
      • hosted conversazione for 1900 SA Teachers' Union Conference delegates, ,
      • hosted evening for 4th Annual Conference of Public Teachers' Union, , ,
      • involvement in problems with examining the 1901 Degree of MusBac, , ,
      • meeting and resolution following protest by music teachers, , , , ,
      • motion on negotiations over surrender of lands in Tatiara, Wirreanda, Craigie Plain and Parnaroo to the government, , , ,
      • nominations for Council vacancies,
      • petition seeking reform in conduct of music examinations,
      • proposed authorization of new statutes for systemizing educational efforts, ,
      • representative at railway station on return of Prof Rennie from overseas, ,
      • represented at bi-centenary of Yale University,
      • represented at 9th centenary of Glasgow University,
      • request by Prof Ives for enquiry into inner workings of University, ,
      • retirement of council members, ,
      • role in commemoration ceremonies, , ,
      • report on Senate postal voting for Council members, ,
      • sub-committee on Adelaide Hospital matters, , ,
      • support for motion granting increased power over professors,
      • attendance at University Dinner to celebrate end of academic year,
      • Dr W Barlow, Mr W R Boothby, Prof W H Bragg, Dr J C Verco & the Rev Dr Paton cease to hold office as Council members,
      • election of members of Committee of Selection for Rhodes Scholarships,
      • elections to Council,
      • equality of sexes in membership and voting rights at Senate & Council,
      • legislation for more Council members to be nominated by Government,
      • hosted conversazione for educationists,
      • need for new benefactors to emulate munificence of Sir Walter Watson Hughes,
      • new statutes & regulations,
      • nominations for annual vacancies,
      • agreement with School of Mines & Industries,
      • Prof John M Ennis elected member of Council,
      • proposal that heads of educational institutions be ex-officio members,
      • resignation of Dr Walter George Woolnough,
      • representatives at Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • role of University Council,
      • special Senate meeting to fill Council vacancy,
      • vacancies filled on Council,
    • Cowan, George Dalrymple,
      • awarded Tennyson Medal, ,
    • Cowell, Elsie Emily, , ,
      • performance at Chamber Music concert,
      • awarded John Howard Clark Scholarship,
    • Cowperthwaite, Elsie Eleanor,
      • awarded John Howard Clark Scholarship,
      • awarded Evening Scholarship,
    • Cowperthwaite, Winnifred Maud,
      • performance at chamber music concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium,
      • awarded Elder Scholarship for Violin Playing,
    • cricket,
      • result of University v Essendon match,
    • Cudmore, Dr Arthur Murray,
      • admitted as Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons,
      • lecturer at School of Medicine, ,
    • Cutlack, Frederic Morley,
      • awarded Tennyson Medal, ,
  • D

    • Darnley Naylor, Professor Henry,
      • see Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley
    • Darwin, Lisle Julus,
      • awarded Angas Engineering Exhibition,
    • Davenport, Francis William,
      • colonial music examiner and assistant to Prof Ives,
    • David, Professor,
      • examiner of theses for 1904 Tate Memorial Medal,
    • Davidson, JHM,
      • demonstration at Public Teachers' Union conference conversazione,
    • Davidson, Rev George,
      • ad eundem gradum, ,
    • Davidson, Rev Professor John,
      • role in establishment of the University,
    • Davies, E Harold,
      • involvement in problems with examining the 1901 MusBac examinations, , , ,
      • second music graduate,
      • success in London exercise for degree of MusDoc, ,
      • appointed to seat on Board of Musical Studies,
      • first graduate of Doctor of Music at ³ÉÈË´óƬ, ,
      • musical critics and criticism, , , ,
    • Dawson, Peter,
      • 1902 scholarship for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
    • Degenhardt, Clarence AJ,
      • awarded Elder music scholarship for singing,
    • Delprat, Elizabeth Fransiska Carmen,
      • awarded Brookman Prize,
    • Dentistry, Chair of,
      • need for Chair debated in Parliament, ,
    • Dentistry, study of,
      • Dental Board of SA requests lectures & examinations for dentistry students,
    • Deprat, Mary Johanna Alberta Theodora,
      • awarded Elder Prize,
    • Dettmann, Acting Professor Herbert Stanley,
      • academic career, ,
      • lecture series on 'Classical & Romantic Drama', , , , , ,
      • appointed to Chair of Classics,
    • Directors' Prize,
      • 1902 award to Maude Mary Puddy for best performance on pianoforte,
    • discipline & misconduct,
      • Board of Discipline to consider behaviour of students at unveiling of Elder statue, ,
    • Dodd, JE,
      • improvements for Elder Hall pipe organ, , ,
    • Dodwell, George Frederick,
      • awarded Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
    • donations,
      • see bequests, gifts & endowments
    • Donnell, John,
      • retirement as President of SA Teachers' Union,
    • Douglas, Francis John,
      • awarded ad eundem gradum, ,
    • Douglas, Professor Robert Langton,
      • academic career,
      • appointed Professor of Modern History & English Literature, , ,
      • attendance at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Conference, , , , , , , ,
      • author of a chronology of Fra Angelico works,
      • Church of England clergyman,
      • report on Library Association of Australasia Conference,
      • travel to Europe for historical research, , ,
      • lecture on 'An Italian novelist, Matteo Bandello and his influence on English drama',
      • lecture on 'Chaucer, the Man and his Art',
      • marked examinations prior to leaving for Europe,
      • publication of 'A History of Siena',
      • publication of 'Fra Angelico and his Art', ,
      • resignation from Chair of Modern History & English Language, ,
      • return from Italy after study of elementary agricultural education,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, , , , ,
    • Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
      • Francis Seavington Stuckey recommended for scholarship,
      • 1898 award to Henry Harper Formby,
      • 1899 award, ,
      • 1900 award to F F Muecke, , ,
      • 1901 awards,
      • 1904 awards,
      • 1905 awards, , ,
      • 1906 fourth year award to Lionel Oxborrow Betts,
      • 1906 third year award to Henry Kenneth Fry,
      • founded in memory of late Dr. John Davies Thomas, past lecturer on Principles & Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics,
    • Dr Way Memorial Fund,
      • approval of Way Memorial committee endowment of 'The Dr Edward Willis Way Lectureship on Gynaecology',
      • meeting of subscribers approves endowment of Dr. Edward Willis Way Chair of Gynaecology',
    • Drury, Alfred,
      • commissioned to supply bronze statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , ,
    • Drury, RF,
      • lecture on 'University life at Oxford',
    • Duffield, Walter Geoffrey, 20-12-1899,
      • awarded Third Year Undergraduate Scholar,
      • granted 'Nobel' Scholarship at National Physical Laboratory, Bushby House,
      • granted Mackinnon Studentship by London Royal Society for spectra of metals,
    • Dumas, Russell John,
      • awarded Evening Scholarship,
    • Dussau, Mdlle,
      • lecture series on 'French Literature', , , , ,
      • lectures on 'French Historians of the Nineteenth Century',
  • E

    • Edmeades, Marie,
      • vocal & pianoforte recital,
      • awarded Robert Whinham Prize for elocution, , ,
    • Education Department,
      • agreement on the role of the University in teacher training,
      • revision of Education Department regulations, ,
    • Edwards, Charles,
      • special examiner for Adelaide Centre for Trinity College, London,
    • Edwards, Gladys Ruby,
      • studying at Elder Conservatorium,
      • awarded Oratorio Prize,
    • Elder Anatomical & Pathological School,
      • details of new medical school building,
      • foundation stone laid by the Governor, Lord Tennyson, , ,
    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • 1903 concert series,
      • 1904 income,
      • 1905 concert programme,
      • Adelaide & Melbourne universities propose common method, grades, fees, syllabus, examiners & certificates for public examinations in music, , , , , ,
      • agreement with Associated Board of the Royal Academy & Royal College of Music, London, ,
      • applications for teachers, , ,
      • appointment of Frederick Bevan, , , , , ,
      • appointment of Professor Joshua Ives, , ,
      • appointment of Professor John Matthew Ennis, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • appointment of Bryceson Treharne, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • chamber music concerts, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • concerts by choral & orchestral students, , , , , ,
      • concert to aid Adelaide University Rowing Club, ,
      • concerts by ladies part-singing class, , , , , ,
      • concerts by students, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • concerts by orchestra, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • concerts by staff, , , , , ,
      • concerts for delegates of SA Teachers' Union Conference, , , ,
      • concerts to cultivate a taste for music in Adelaide,
      • conference for music teachers on conduct of music examinations, , , , ,
      • conflict with private music teachers, , , , , , , , ,
      • controversy over Prof Ives as main music examiner, , , , , ,
      • conversazione to commemorate foundation, ,
      • course of instruction in 1898,
      • criticism of academic standards, , , , ,
      • criticism of choice of soloists at concerts, ,
      • criticism of staff selecting Elder Scholarship winners,
      • criticism of music teachers protests,
      • criticism of Practice of Music examinations,
      • criticism of unfair competition for prizes between teenagers & mature age students,
      • dissatisfaction with conduct of music examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • entrance fees,
      • establishment through munificence of Sir Thomas Elder, ,
      • establishment of Chair of Music, , , ,
      • establishment due to efforts of His Excellency Sir William Robinson,
      • female student teachers participate in choral classes,
      • formation of orchestra, , ,
      • Grand Musical Fete fundraiser for Elder statue, ,
      • indifference to establishment of Conservatorium, ,
      • introduction of admission charges for concerts, , ,
      • quality of education provided,
      • ladies to remove hats and headgear during concerts,
      • new concert organ, , , , , , , ,
      • new building for Conservatorium, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • laying of foundation stone, , , ,
      • formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , , , , , , , ,
      • pamphlet on School of Music,
      • perceived discrimination in distribution of seats at concerts,
      • music scholarships, , , ,
      • praise for Conservatorium,
      • precedent established for classing of music examinations, ,
      • problems with 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • production of 'Orpheus',
      • prospectus on sixteen classes for various musical subjects,
      • provisional syllabus, front cover,
      • reopening for 1899,
      • report from Board of Musical Studies, , ,
      • selection of students,
      • staff appointments,
      • student statistics, , , , , ,
      • statistics on teaching staff for 1906,
      • undergraduates to 1905,
      • visit by Madame Nellie Melba,
      • unrest within the School of Music,
    • Elder Hall,
      • funded by bequests of Sir Thomas Elder,
      • installation of three-manual concert organ, , , , ,
      • death of architect Frank J Naish,
      • formal opening, , , , , , , ,
      • foundation stone laid by His Excellency Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton,
      • memorial tablet erected to the memory of Surgeon Captain W F Hopkins, , ,
      • utilitarian purposes, ,
    • Elder Music Scholarship,
      • awarded to Ethel Hedwig Hantke,
    • Elder Prize,
      • 1898 awards,
      • 1901 awards,
      • annual awards in the Faculty of Medicine funded by Sir Thomas Elder,
      • awarded to Eugene H. Alderman and Maude Mary Puddy,
      • awarded to M L Scott, , ,
      • awarded to William Ray,
      • awarded to Henry Kenneth Fry, , ,
      • awarded to William Malcolm Sinclair,
      • awarded to Mary Johanna Alberta Theodora Delprat,
      • awarded to William Alfred Verco & Edith Bristowe,
      • awarded to Judah Leon Jona, , ,
      • Brewster Hooper Josse Jones to study at Royal College of Music, London,
      • Council resolves to continue Elder Prizes following death of Sir Thomas Elder,
      • establishment of Elder Prizes for animal physiology,
    • Elder Scholarships,
      • 1899 awards,
      • 1901 awards, ,
      • 1904 awards,
      • 1905 awards,
      • 1906 awards,
      • awarded to Brewster H J Jones,
      • awarded to Ethel Hedwig Hantke, , ,
      • awarded to Gwendoline D Pelly for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
      • awarded to Otto Fischer (also known as Otto Fischer Sobels),
      • awarded to John Gordon Short,
      • endowed by Sir Thomas Elder and awarded by Royal College of Music, London,
      • recommendations for 1898 scholarships,
      • meeting of Senate for amendments to regulations to benefit deserving students,
      • entries for scholarship for free tuition at Royal College of Music, London,
      • Ethel Hantke & Peter Dawson receive honourable mention for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
      • JTG Short, Louise K Henderson & Ethel R Ridings receive honourable mention,
      • requirements for examination for scholarship,
      • pianoforte and violin scholarships,
      • recommendations for 1898,
      • Senate amendment of regulations for conferring of scholarships,
      • Council approves recommendations for 1903 scholarships,
      • criticism of selection of scholarship winners,
      • entries close for violin, pianoforte & violoncello scholarships,
    • Elder Sir Thomas,
      • statue to recognise munificence and public service, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • funding for annual prizes for animal physiology,
      • postgraduate diploma course enabled by bequest,
      • benefactor of the University, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • bequests, endowments, gifts & prizes, , , , ,
      • contribution to higher education,
      • donation for foundation of School of Medicine, ,
      • Elder Scholarship to be awarded by Royal College of Music, London,
      • establishment of Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • funding of annual awards in the Faculty of Medicine,
      • gift to enable full medical curriculum,
      • gift for prizes for physiology,
      • munificence honoured in naming of University buildings,
      • munificence benefits University training for pupil teachers,
      • role in establishment of Chair of Music,
    • Electrical Engineering, study of,
      • overlap of instruction by University and School of Mines and Industries,
      • agreement with School of Mines & Industries to collaborate on courses,
      • photograph of Electrical Engineering Laboratory,
    • Elementary Commercial Examination,
      • substituted with new title of Junior Commercial Examination,
    • Ellis, Arthur Benjamin,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
      • resigned 1901 Evening Scholarship,
    • Elocution, study of,
      • proposal for establishment of Chair of Elocution,
    • English History, study of,
      • inclusion in curriculum of British Colonial schools,
    • English Language & Literature & Mental & Moral Philosophy, Chair of,
      • established by endowment from Sir Walter Watson Hughes, ,
    • English Literature, Chair of,
      • arrival in Adelaide of Professor Douglas,
      • resignation of Professor Robert Langton Douglas, ,
    • Ennis Prize,
      • 1905 award to Louise Koeppen Henderson,
    • Ennis, Dr J Matthew,
      • appointed Professor of Music & Director of the Elder Conservatorium, , , ,
      • career prior to arrival in Adelaide,
      • comments on extraneous noise during musical productions,
      • member of Board of Examination for pianoforte, singing & composition scholarships,
      • sole examiner for Elder Scholarship of Music,
      • 1905 Elder Conservatorium inaugural address, , , , ,
      • annual address to students,
      • annual organ recital, ,
      • approached by Stow Memorial Church to fill position of organist & choirmaster,
      • attendance at meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre,
      • director of musical entertainment for conversazione for educationists,
      • elected member of Council, ,
      • error in published statement re election to fill Senate vacancy,
      • examiner for degree of MusDoc with Franklin Peterson of Melbourne,
      • extended vacation in England & Europe, ,
      • extension lecture series on 'History of Music', ,
      • extension lecture series on 'The Great Composers', , , ,
      • extension lecture series on 'Pianoforte playing', ,
      • extension lecture series on 'The Development of the Violin Sonata', , , ,
      • organ recitals, , , ,
      • role of Director in music examination rooms, , ,
      • Sydney visit,
      • to conduct examinations in Practice of Music for Melbourne University,
      • delegate to Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • visit to University Western Australia Centre regarding music examinations, , , ,
    • Entrance Scholarships,
      • 1899 awards,
      • awarded to John Raymond Wilton,
    • establishment, ³ÉÈË´óƬ
      • government queries justification for the establishment of a university in Adelaide,
      • Church origins of the University,
      • Adelaide University Act 1874, ,
      • annual grant from public revenues,
      • endowments by Sir Thomas Elder and Sir Walter Watson Hughes, , , ,
      • endowment of 50,000 acres of waste land & 5 acres in City of Adelaide, ,
      • established in 1874,
      • professorships founded on establishment,
    • Evening Entrance Scholarship,
      • 1898 awards,
      • 1899 awards,
      • 1900 recipients, ,
      • 1902 awards,
      • 1904 awards,
    • Everard Scholarship
      • awarded to Helen Mary Mayo,
      • awarded to Constance May Cooper, , ,
      • awarded to William Morgan Hunn, , ,
      • awarded to William Ray,
      • founded by late William Everard,
    • examinations,
      • 1897 results, , ,
      • 1898 matriculation examiners’ reports, , ,
      • 1898 results, , , , ,
      • 1899 reports of examiners, ,
      • 1899 results, , , , , , , , ,
      • 1900 results, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1901 results, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1902 results, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1902 school examinations,
      • 1903 results, , , , , , , ,
      • 1904 results, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1905 fees,
      • 1905 results, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1906 results, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • alterations to regulations governing public examinations, ,
      • amendment to regulations for theory & practice of music, ,
      • appointment of examiners, , , ,
      • approval for draft requirements for Diploma of Associate in Music, ,
      • approval for scholarship to most successful candidates in public examinations, ,
      • Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music, Trinity College & Royal College of Music, London, , , , , , , , , ,
      • candidates at University Western Australia Centre primary public examination,
      • centres of examination in provincial towns and Western Australia,
      • change of title from Elementary to Junior Commercial Examination,
      • combined scheme of music examinations for ³ÉÈË´óƬ & Melbourne University, , , , , ,
      • comparison of results of 1898 & 1899,
      • competence of music examiners questioned,
      • conduct of Junior & Higher Public examinations, , ,
      • cramming system for examinations, , , , , ,
      • delay in distribution of Primary Public Examination papers,
      • denial that music examination held under difficult circumstances,
      • dissatisfaction with conduct of music examinations, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • dominance of examinations in whole course of teaching, ,
      • Elder Conservatorium committee report on conduct of music examinations,
      • entrance examinations for Elder Conservatorium,
      • entry for 1906 Junior, Senior & Higher Public Examinations, ,
      • error in naming 1904 Senior Public Examination as Junior Examination,
      • establishment of rural examination centre in Petersberg,
      • examination centres for combined system of public examinations in music,
      • examination papers for Primary Examination in Theory of Music from 1897 to 1905,
      • examining board for music,
      • Graham P Moore appointed visiting music examiner by Associated Board, ,
      • improvements to standards of Junior Commercial Course examinations,
      • increase in numbers sitting the Public Examinations, , ,
      • increased students following introduction of preliminary music examinations, ,
      • Institute of Actuaries, London colonial examination,
      • lack of confidence in practical examinations at Elder Conservatorium,
      • large number of students at 1905 Primary arithmetic & english papers,
      • lateness in announcements of results,
      • local examinations by English musical college in India,
      • music teachers conference on conduct of music examinations, , , , ,
      • need for examination results as early as possible,
      • need for strict standards in setting examination papers,
      • ordeal of the examination process,
      • Practice of Music,
      • precedent established for classing of music examinations, ,
      • preliminary arithmetic paper,
      • Primary Examination in Theory and Practice of Music, , ,
      • primary public, music, junior public, senior public, higher public examinations conducted in Adelaide & rural centres,
      • problems with 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , ,
      • problems with examining the 1901 Degree of MusBac, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Prof Ives to conduct examinations in Practice of Music in Perth and Coolgardie,
      • proposal for 'associated board' of music for Australia,
      • proposal for co-operation between Australian universities for conduct of public examinations in music, , , , ,
      • proposal for ³ÉÈË´óƬ to hold Primary Examinations at Broken Hill,
      • proposal to conduct entry examinations for British Navy in the colonies,
      • proposal to differentiate between first and second time candidates, ,
      • proposal to hold Public Examinations in November, , , ,
      • public examinations in theory & practice of music at proposed Perth University,
      • questions for which answers are not in text books,
      • rejection of proposal for uniform standard for commercial certificates,
      • relationship of the Collegiate School to University examinations,
      • reply to criticism of public examinations, ,
      • report by Prof Ives on primary division of music (theory and practice),
      • requirements for examination for Elder Scholarship of Music,
      • scale of maximum marks for Chemistry & Physics, , ,
      • School of Mines examinations, ,
      • Senior Examination,
      • severity of examinations for admission to legal profession, ,
      • special report on Preliminary, Junior & Senior Public Examinations,
      • statistics, , , , , , , , ,
      • study of Ovid for Senior Examination, , ,
      • success of students from principal schools of Adelaide,
      • suitability of public examinations, ,
      • Theory of Music,
      • thoughts on a history exam, ,
      • uniform standard of degree examinations,
      • WH Wale of Sydney appointed examiner for 1900 MusBac and public examinations,
      • withdrawal of 'advanced' private students from Practice of Music, ,
    • extension lectures,
      • 1899 lectures,
      • 1905 programme,
      • Prof William H Bragg on 'The Electron and the Radio-activity of Radium, Thorium, & other substances',
      • Prof George C Henderson on 'National Wealth' for delegates at SA Teachers' Union Conference, , ,
      • Dr Gunson on 'SA Health Act' for Public Teachers Union Conference,
      • series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Leaders of the Middle Ages',
      • series by Prof William H Bragg on 'The Electron', , , ,
      • Prof Ralph Tate on ‘The Fertilisation of Flowers’, ,
      • annual report of ³ÉÈË´óƬ Extension Committee,
      • Dr Morgan to lecture on ‘Birds’, 19,
      • series by Dr Stirling on 'Life: the Problem of Physiology', , ,
      • series by EG Blackmore on 'The Nineteenth Century', , , , ,
      • Prof Walter Howchin on ‘Geology of the Mount Lofty Ranges', , , ,
      • series by Acting Professor HS Dettmann on 'Classical & Romantic Drama', , , , , ,
      • series by Dr AA Lendon on 'The Progress of Medicine in the Nineteenth Century' and 'Other Important Discoveries', , ,
      • series by Mr Lawrence Birks on 'The Industrial Applications of Electrical Power',
      • series by Prof Edward C Stirling on 'Colour in Nature', , , , ,
      • series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Leaders of the Middle Ages', , , , , , ,
      • series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Poets of the Nineteenth Century', , , , , , ,
      • series by Prof William H Bragg on 'The Electron', , ,
      • series by Prof William Mitchell on 'Materialism', , , ,
      • series by Rev John Reid on 'Select Comedies of Shakespeare', , , , ,
      • John Reid on 'The Tragedies of Shakespeare', , ,
      • series by Rev John Reid on 'The Romantic Plays of Shakespeare', , , , , , ,
      • series on 'Radium & Modern Views on Electricity & Matter' at University Western Australia Centre by Frederick Soddy from Glasgow University,
      • series on 'The Industrial Applications of Electrical Power',
      • in country districts, ,
      • integral part of education system in SA, ,
      • Prof George C Henderson on 'Francis of Assisi',
      • Prof George C Henderson on 'Oliver Cromwell, ,
      • Prof William Mitchell on 'Hamlet', , , , , ,
      • series by Mdlle. Dussau on 'French Literature', , , ,
      • series by Prof George C Henderson on 'Sir George Grey', , , , , ,
      • series by Prof J Matthew Ennis on 'History of Music', ,
      • series by Prof J Matthew Ennis on 'The Development of the Violin Sonata', , , ,
      • series by Prof J Matthew Ennis on 'The Great Composers', , , ,
      • series by Prof William H Bragg on 'Radio-activity', , , ,
      • series by Prof William H Bragg on 'Radium', , ,
      • series in Perth by Prof George C Henderson, , , , , , , , ,
      • series by Professor Ives on ‘Music’ and 'Harmony and Counterpoint', , , , ,
      • series by Professor J Matthew Ennis on 'Pianoforte Playing', ,
      • series by Walter George Woolnough on 'Volcanoes', ,
      • series by Prof William H Bragg on 'Wireless Telegraphy', , , ,
      • lectures in Perth,
      • EG Blackmore on "The Normans in Europe", , , , ,
      • Mr Fuller on "Biology" in Port Pirie,
      • need for terminology comprehensible to non-University students, ,
      • object to nationalise the influence of University teaching,
      • Prof George C Henderson to deliver series at University Western Australian Centre, , , , , ,
      • proposal to hold lectures for Broken Hill, ,
      • proposed lectures on 'wireless telegraphy and the cable question',
      • R W Chapman on 'Astronomy' at Moonta,
      • role in widening the mental outlook of general public,
      • series by Mdlle Dussau on 'French Historians of the Nineteenth Century',
      • success in Australia, ,
      • the ideal of the 'Peoples' University',
      • EG Blackmore on ’The Normans in Europe - reign & character of Henry I’,
      • University Western Australia Centre series by Mr F Soddy on 'Modern Views on Electricity & Matter', ,
      • W Fuller lecture on 'The Cell and its Life' at Kooringa,
  • F

    • Fairweather, Andrew,
      • 1899 second year undergraduate scholar,
      • fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
    • Farr, Clinton Coleridge,
      • lecture on magnetic survey of New Zealand,
      • first Adelaide graduate to obtain DSc degree, ,
      • eligible for associateship of Institution of Electrical Engineers, London,
      • presented paper at Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress, Dunedin, NZ,
    • fees,
      • 1905 examination fees substantial proportion of income,
      • compulsory fee for all male students for membership of Sports Association & Union, , , ,
      • benefit to candidates for the expenditure of fees,
      • entrance fees for Elder Conservatorium,
      • no refund for non-examined Practice of Music students, ,
    • Felstead, Hilda,
      • criticism of choice of soloists at concerts, ,
    • Ferguson, Andrew,
      • lecture on "Agronomy" at 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
    • finance,
      • 1899 balance sheet,
      • benefits received from the SA government,
      • cost to the government of University,
      • loss of revenue due to music students enrolment at Trinity College, London,
      • annual Government grant,
      • exemption from general taxation on land holdings, ,
      • expenses of Rhodes Scholarship SA Board of Selection members, ,
      • 1904 financial transactions,
    • Fischer, Dr George Alfred,
      • lecturer at School of Medicine, , ,
    • Fischer, Otto,
      • see Sobels, Otto Fischer
    • Fisher, Joseph,
      • donation for establishment of Joseph Fisher Medal of Commerce, Joseph Fisher Lecture & remuneration of Commerce lecturers, examiners & professors, , , , , ,
      • life history, ,
      • support for establishment of higher commercial education, , ,
    • football,
      • inter-university football matches between Adelaide & Melbourne universities, , ,
      • dinner for members of University of Melbourne lacrosse & football teams,
    • Formby, Henry Harper,
      • passed fourth year of the MB degree,
      • 1898 Dr Davies Thomas Scholar,
      • admitted as Member of Royal College of Surgeons,
    • Forrest, Sir John,
      • 1902 admitted ad eundem gradum, , ,
    • Fowler, James Richard,
      • appointed additional examiner for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
      • appointed Chairman of Board of Commercial Studies,
      • deputation to Premier concerning exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
    • Fraser, Inspector,
      • appointed to committee to act for University in Broken Hill,
    • Frederick Bevan Prize,
      • 1905 award to Arthur Burton Williamson,
      • 1902 award to Maude Mary Puddy,
    • Fry, Henry Kenneth,
      • 1904 Elder Prizeman, , ,
      • 1906 Dr Davies Thomas Scholar,
    • Fuller, W,
      • exhibition in physiological laboratory for conversazione for educationists, ,
      • extension lecture on 'The Cell and its Life' at Kooringa,
  • G

    • Gardener, George,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for a second year,
    • Gardiner, Beauchamp Lennox,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for a fourth year,
      • entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
    • Gardner, Edith Josephine,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Gardner, George Gavin Forrest,
      • 1906 Elder Scholar (Composition),
      • career,
    • Gardner, Rita Elizabeth,
      • 1905 Higher Public Examination Tennyson Medalist,
    • Gartrell, Herbert William,
      • 1899 Entrance Scholar,
      • 1904 Angas Engineering Scholar, , ,
      • awarded 1903 Tate Memorial Medal,
    • Gault, Arthur Henry,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum 1901,
    • gender issues,
      • equality of sexes in membership and voting rights at Senate & Council,
    • Geography, study of,
      • inaccuracies in new geography text book,
    • Geology, study of,
      • discovery of radio-active mineral at Olary,
    • Gerny, B A,
      • awarded Evening Entrance Scholarship,
    • Giles, Dr William Anstey,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • speech at 21st Anniversary Dinner for School of Medicine,
      • member of the Faculty of Medicine,
    • Glynn, Patrick McMahon,
      • ad eundem gradum for 1898, , ,
    • Good, Emily Milvain,
      • awarded 1901 Tennyson Medal for English Literature, , ,
    • Gordon, James Leslie,
      • awarded 1901 Roby Fletcher Scholarship and Stow Prize,
      • awarded 1902 Stow Prize, ,
      • awarded 1904 Stow Prize, , ,
    • Gosse Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery,
      • Dr. Mark Johnston Symons appointed,
      • endowment of lectureship in memory of Dr Charles Gosse,
    • Gosse, Dr. Charles,
      • endowment of lectureship on Ophthalmic Surgery,
    • government relations,
      • endowment to supplement income of newly established University,
      • legislation for two or more Council members to be nominated by Government,
      • government representation on Senate to exert control on University, ,
      • University exemption from general taxation on land holdings, ,
    • Government Scholarships,
      • amendment to tenure of government scholarships,
    • graduates,
      • careers of graduates of School of Medicine,
      • benefit of the influence of the University,
      • first and second music graduates,
      • graduates admitted by examination by August 1906,
      • graduates of the School of Medicine as at July 1906,
      • increase in number of graduates,
      • lack of performance opportunity for Bachelor of Music graduates,
      • London conference & dinner for graduates of colonial universities resident in UK, ,
    • graduation ceremonies,
      • 1899 annual commemoration, , ,
      • 1899 commemoration statistics, , , ,
      • 1900 commemoration ceremony, , , ,
      • 1901 graduation ceremony, , , ,
      • 1902 commemoration, ,
      • 1904 commemoration, , ,
      • 1905 commemoration, , , ,
      • 1905 Jamestown commemoration ceremony, , ,
      • 1905 special congregation in Prince of Wales Theatre, ,
      • behaviour of students, , , , , , , , , ,
      • degrees conferred at the formal opening of Elder Hall,
      • orations at commemoration ceremonies, , ,
      • perceived discrimination in distribution of seats to parents and general public,
      • review of conduct of proceedings, ,
      • special congregation for Ethel Mary Murray Ambrose,
      • special congregation in Prince of Wales's Theatre,
      • special July commemoration for visit of Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York, ,
      • student performance during 1901 commemoration,
      • undergraduate role in commemoration proceedings, , ,
      • students & undergraduates not to be admitted to commemoration ceremonies,
      • University Western Australia Centre 1905 graduation ceremony in Perth,
    • Gray, FW & Co,
      • installation of lighting for Elder Conservatorium,
    • Greenway, Thomas Charles,
      • appointed to committee to act for University in Broken Hill,
    • grounds,
      • crowding of buildings on North Terrace grounds,
    • Gunson, Dr,
      • evening lecture on 'SA Health Act' for Public Teachers Union Conference,
    • Gunson, George Frederick,
      • conferred with LLB degree,
    • Gynaecology, Chair of,
      • meeting of subscribers to approve endowment of 'Dr Edward Willis Way Chair’,
  • H

    • Hack, Guli,
      • concert by ladies' part-singing class,
      • Elder Scholarship of Music Scholarship for study at Royal College of Music, London,
      • performance at concert by students of the Elder Conservatorium,
      • publication of 'Voice Cultivation',
      • role in Elder Conservatorium concerts,
      • vocal soloist at organ recital by Professor J Matthew Ennis,
    • Hall, Miss Elsie,
      • return form Vienna,
      • command performance for Prince and Princess of Wales,
      • pianiste departs Adelaide,
      • temporary engagement at Elder Conservatorium,
    • Hall, Professor Marshall,
      • visiting from Melbourne to lecture on music,
    • Hamilton, Charles Wolfe,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, ,
    • Hamilton, Dr. Alexander Archibald
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • appointed assistant physician,
      • attended Jubilee of Melbourne University,
    • Hamilton, Dr James Alexander Greer,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • elected to Senate,
      • nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
      • election to Council of ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • appointed Way Lecturer on Gynaecology,
      • member of the Faculty of Medicine,
    • Hamilton, Elsie Maude,
      • 1898 recital in Berlin,
    • Handtke, Ethel Hilda Hedwig,
      • in London to study at Academy of Music, ,
      • awarded Elder Singing Scholarship in 1900, , ,
      • to perform at conversazione for 1900 Library Association of Australasia,
      • awarded Elder Music Scholarship,
      • awarded silver medal from Royal Academy of Music, London,
      • awarded 1902 Elder Conservatorium Oratorio Prize,
      • encore demanded by Governor,
      • honorable mention in 1902 scholarship at Royal College of Music, London, ,
      • progress at Royal Academy of Music, London, ,
    • Hardy, Alfred Burton,
      • 1898 Stow Prize,
    • Harris, James Frederick,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum 1901,
    • Harry, May Margaret,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Hartley Studentship,
      • amendment to Paragraph C of regulations,
      • conditions for the award,
      • 1900 recommendation to John Frederick Ward,
      • 1902 list of qualifying candidates,
      • adoption of statutes by the Senate, ,
      • establishment,
      • given for proficiency in science,
    • Hartley, J A,
      • studentship founded in his honor, ,
      • in memoriam,
    • Hayward, Dr William Thornborough,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • elected to Senate,
      • nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
      • appointed lecturer on Clinical Medicine, Therapeutics & Materia Medica,
      • election to Council of ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
    • Headlam, Rev M L C,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum 1900, , , , ,
    • Henderson, James,
      • filled vacancy on Council of ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • obituary,
    • Henderson, John Henderson,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum 1899, ,
    • Henderson, Louise Koeppen,
      • awarded 1905 Ennis Prize,
      • honourable mention in 1902 scholarship for study at Conservatorium,
    • Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
      • representative at University of Sydney's 50th Jubilee, ,
      • academic career,
      • appointed Chair of Modern History and English Language and Literature,
      • elected to Committee of Selection for Rhodes Scholarships, , ,
      • lecture on 'National Wealth' for delegates at SA Teachers' Union Conference, , ,
      • extension lectures on 'Francis of Assisi' and 'Oliver Cromwell', ,
      • extension lectures on 'Leaders of the Middle Ages', , , , , , ,
      • extension lectures on 'Poets of the Nineteenth Century', , , , , , ,
      • extension lectures in Perth, , , , , , , , ,
      • extension lectures on 'Leaders of the Puritan Ages',
      • extension lectures on 'Sir George Grey', , , , , ,
      • lecture on 'The Builders of the State' to Adelaide Teachers' Union,
      • photograph of history class in Prince of Wales Theatre,
      • visit to Cape of Good Hope following research for biography of Sir George Grey, ,
    • Heyne, Laura Olga Hedwig,
      • awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
    • Higgin, Alfred James,
      • chemical experiments demonstrated at Public Teachers' Union conference, ,
    • Higher Public Examination
      • amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
    • Hine, Clytie May,
      • awarded 1906 Elder Scholarship (Singing),
    • History, study of
      • appointment of Professor of History and English Language and Literature,
      • photograph of history class in Prince of Wales Theatre,
    • Hodge, Charles Reynolds,
      • published a 'Guide to the ³ÉÈË´óƬ', ,
      • attended meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre,
      • attended Jamestown local centre graduation ceremony, ,
      • visit to Petersburg for establishment of rural examination centre,
      • Registrar in 1906,
      • deputation concerning University exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
      • attended meeting for proposed rural centre at Kapunda, , ,
      • explanation of objects & working of a rural centre at Mount Barker,
      • report to University Council on Broken Hill visit, ,
      • twenty-one years of service to University,
      • delegate at the Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • visit to reorganise Broken Hill Centre, ,
      • visit to Gawler for proposed establishment of rural centre,
      • visit to University Western Australia Centre regarding music exams, , , ,
    • Holden, Edward Wheewall,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Holder, Kathleen Gladys,
      • awarded silver medal at Jamestown local centre, ,
    • Holder, Sophia Ellen,
      • awarded 1904 Roby Fletcher Prize, ,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Holder, Winnifred Breakspeare,
      • awarded 1901 Tennyson Medal, ,
      • awarded 1902 Tennyson Medal,
    • Hole, William Magarey,
      • organist and choirmaster,
      • pass approval for MusBac,
    • Homburg, Fritz,
      • awarded 1904 Elder Scholarship in Music (Violoncello),
    • Hopkins, Surgeon Captain William Fleming,
      • memorial tablet erected in Elder Hall, , ,
    • Hornabrook, Dr Rupert W,
      • report on South African wars,
      • banquet to honour work with plague,
      • Chief Medical Plague Officer at Dharwar, India,
    • Hospital Board,
      • settlement of longstanding dispute with University, ,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter,
      • extension lecture on ‘Geology of the Mount Lofty Ranges', , , ,
      • address to Royal Society on geological discoveries in Mt Lofty & Flinders Ranges,
      • working exhibition in Tate Museum for conversazione for educationists,
    • Hubbe, Edith Ulrica,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Hughes, Sir Walter Watson,
      • career history,
      • endowment for establishment of University, , , , , ,
      • endowment of Chair in Classics, Comparative Philology & Literature and Chair in English Language & Literature & of Mental & Moral Philosophy,
      • memorial statue, , , , ,
      • contribution to higher education,
    • Hunn, William Morgan,
      • awarded 1904 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship,
      • awarded 1905 Everard Scholarship, , ,
    • Hunter, Oswald,
      • awarded 1899 Stow Prize, ,
    • Hussey, Rev John,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum 1901,
  • I

    • Imperial & Colonial Universities' Conference,
      • ³ÉÈË´óƬ representatives,
    • Indigenous issues,
      • Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
      • encounters with Sir Charles Todd, ,
    • Isbister, William James,
      • candidate for vacancy on University Council,
    • Ives, Professor Joshua,
      • "At Home" to meet Professor of Music,
      • comments on Grand Opera, ,
      • Council expression of confidence,
      • debate in Parliament on problems with the Chancellor, ,
      • did not apply for reappointment as Director of Conservatorium, ,
      • director of conversazione for 1900 Library Association of Australasia Conference, ,
      • extension lectures on 'Harmony and Counterpoint', , , ,
      • lectures on 'Music',
      • problems with examining Conservatorium students, , , , , , , , ,
      • request to Council to be relieved of duties,
      • withdrawal from examining body of Conservatorium,
      • criticism of Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, ,
      • denies setting 1901 harmony paper,
      • disagreement over music examination assessments, , , ,
      • reasons for termination of connection with University, , , ,
      • farewell speech, ,
      • first Professor of Music,
      • problems with the 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • plans for future in Adelaide, ,
      • report to House of Assembly on problems with the Chancellor,
      • request for enquiry into inner workings of University, ,
      • students presentation in recognition of work at Conservatorium, , , ,
      • to conduct examinations in Practice of Music in Perth and Coolgardie,
  • J

    • Jacobs, Samuel Joshua,
      • appointed Vice Chairman of Board of Commercial Studies,
      • role in establishment of Advanced Commercial course,
      • attended Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • deputation concerning University exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
      • filled vacancy on University Council,
      • resignation from Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
      • error in published statement on vacancy on University Senate,
    • Jacomb-Hood, Robert Gordon,
      • admitted ad eundum gradum 1905,
    • Jay, Dr Melville R H,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Jay, Herbert Melville,
      • applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Jefferis, Rev Dr James,
      • role in establishment of University,
      • filled vacancy on University Council,
    • Jennings, Francis A,
      • awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
    • Jervis-Smith, Rev Frederick John,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum for 1898, , ,
    • Jervois, His Excellency Major-General Sir W D F,
      • laying of foundation stone of university building (Mitchell Building),
    • John Dunn Scholarship,
      • awarded to John Frederick Ward,
    • John Howard Clark Scholarship,
      • 1898 awards,
      • 1899 awards, ,
      • 1900 awards, , ,
      • 1901 awards,
      • amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
      • awardee Dorothea Landon Poole at University of Cambridge,
      • awarded to Adolf John Schulz in 1905,
      • awarded to Mary Lillecrapp Langman in 1904, , ,
      • awards to Adolf John Schulz & Lorna Maud Waterhouse in 1905, , ,
    • John Howard Clarke Prize,
      • pupil teachers marked as proxime accesserunt in 1900, , , ,
      • pupil teacher shares 1902 prize, , , ,
    • Johnson Dr J Angas,
      • University representative at the Pasteur Institute,
      • to study cancer in Europe, USA & Japan,
    • Johnson, Edward Angas,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
    • Jolly, Norman William,
      • outstanding Senior Public Examination results in 1898,
      • selected to practice for Balliol College eight,
      • awarded Rhodes Scholarship in 1904, ,
      • studying at Oxford University, ,
      • sporting achievements at Oxford University,
      • vacation in France with fellow Rhodes Scholar Roy Lister Robinson,
    • Jona, Judah Leon,
      • awarded 1905 Elder Prize, , ,
      • 1902 Senior Examination prizewinner, , ,
      • Jones, Brewster Hooper Josse, recital,
      • awarded 1902 Elder Scholarship of Music,
      • to study at Royal College of Music, London,
    • Jones, Elsie,
      • vocal & pianoforte recital,
    • Jones, Thomas Henry,
      • appointed to conduct theory classes at Conservatorium,
      • first music graduate,
      • presented with gift of appreciation by Conservatorium students,
      • first Bachelor of Music in Australia, ,
    • Jose, Rev Edward Salisbury,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1905, , ,
    • Joseph Fisher Lecture,
      • donation by Joseph Fisher for establishment, , , , ,
      • statutes approved, ,
      • inaugural lecture by H Gyles Turner,
      • second lecture L A Jessop on 'Commercial Character', , ,
    • Joseph Fisher Medal
      • awarded to John George Robertson, , ,
      • awarded to Herbert Edward Annells, , ,
      • to promote commercial studies at the University,
      • donation by Joseph Fisher for establishment, , , , ,
      • statutes approved, ,
    • Jude, Gertrude Josephine,
      • awarded Third Year Undergraduate Scholarship in1899,
    • Juett, Alexander,
      • 1906 Western Australian Rhodes Scholar,
    • Junior Commercial Examination,
      • new title,
    • Junior Public Examination,
      • increase in student numbers, ,
    • Jurs, Carlien Ethel May,
      • awarded 1904 Elder Scholar in Music (Pianoforte),
      • pianoforte recital,
  • K

    • Kelly, Mrs Franziska H M,
      • winner of Elder Scholarship, ,
    • Kennedy, Daisy Fowler,
      • awarded 1906 Elder Scholarship (Violin),
    • Kennedy, Wallace,
      • to study at Royal College of Music, London,
    • King, Rita,
      • studying music in London,
    • Kingston, Rt Hon Charles Cameron,
      • awarded ad eundem gradum in 1898, , ,
      • address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Conference, , , ,
    • Kleeman, Richard Daniel,
      • directed exhibition in physical laboratory for educationists,
      • awarded science research scholarship,
      • research on properties of radium and the alpha particle, ,
    • Klintberg, Hilda Mary,
      • awarded 1905 Elder Scholarship (Singing),
      • studying at Elder Conservatorium,
    • Kugelberg, Hermann,
      • retirement as teacher of violoncello, ,
      • chamber music concert series, , ,
  • L

    • laboratories,
      • erection of physical and chemical laboratories,
    • lacrosse,
      • matches between Adelaide and Melbourne universities, ,
      • dinner for inter-university teams competing in Adelaide,
    • Lamb, Professor Horace,
      • academic history,
      • awarded 1902 Royal Medal by Royal Society of London,
      • University representative at British & Colonial Universities' conference in London, ,
    • land holdings,
      • surrender to the government of lands dedicated to the University,
      • deputation concerning University exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
      • deputation to urge a reduction in rent on Murray Flat lands,
      • endowment of 50,000 acres of waste land & five acres in City of Adelaide, ,
      • inspection of University in South-East and Yallum Estate,
      • lands in Tatiara, Wirreanda, Craigie Plain and Parnaroo, , , ,
      • possible loss of University land holdings,
      • purchase of land from Government,
      • University unable to sell land grants, ,
    • Lane, Annie,
      • first student to take MA under new regulations in Honours, ,
    • Langman, Mary Lillecrapp,
      • awarded 1904 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
    • Laurie, Professor D F,
      • study of Alexander Sutherland's 'The Origin & Growth of the Moral Instinct',
    • Law, Bachelor of,
      • amendment to regulations, , , ,
      • Council approves statutes affecting Bachelor of Law,
      • repeal of regulations for Bachelor of Laws by University Senate,
    • Law, study of
      • application for exemption from obligation of the final certificate, ,
      • 1898 examination results,
      • 1899 examination results,
      • 1900 examination results, ,
      • Law Reform Bill, , , , , , , , , ,
      • abolishment of the university Law School, , , , , ,
      • education & admission of barristers & solicitors, , , , , , ,
      • contrast between system of study in England & America,
      • Dr William Jethro Brown's arrival in Adelaide, ,
      • establishment of Professorship of Law,
      • photograph of Law lecture room,
      • publication of 'Jurisprudence' by Professor John William Salmond,
    • Le Hunte, Governor Sir George,
      • member of Rhodes Scholarships selection committee, , ,
      • duties of a visitor to the University, ,
    • legislation,
      • Law Reform Bill, , ,
    • Lendon, Dr Alfred Austin,
      • licensed to practice at the School of Anatomy,
      • appointed to Senate Select Committee to consider absentee voting,
      • extension lectures on "The Progress of Medicine in the 19th Century", , ,
      • appointed Lecturer on Obstetrics & Diseases of Infants,
      • member of the Faculty of Medicine,
    • Lewis, J B,
      • passed fourth year of the MB degree,
    • library,
      • naming of Barr Smith Library,
      • importance of libraries in education, , ,
      • R J M Clucas appointed University Librarian,
      • munificence of Robert Barr Smith, ,
      • one of the finest in the colonies,
      • Registrar relieved of duties of Librarian,
      • Special Convention of Library Association, ,
    • Lillywhite, Cuthbert,
      • appointed junior master at Townsville Grammar School, ,
    • Lipsham, Kate Caroline,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Lipsham, Margaret,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
    • Lloyd, Arthur Benjamin,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Loan, Charles Edward,
      • awarded 1900 Evening Entrance Scholarship,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
    • Lowrie, Professor William,
      • dispute with Ministry of Agriculture,
  • N

    • Nairn, Alexander Livingstone,
      • awarded 1898 John Howard Clark Scholarship,
    • Naish, F J,
      • architect for Medical School,
      • architect for Elder Conservatorium building,
      • architect for extension to Mitchell Building,
      • death of architect,
    • Napier, Alexander Disney Leith,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1899, ,
    • Natural Science, Chair of,
      • professorship founded on establishment,
    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • academic career at Melbourne University,
      • appointment as Professor of Classics,
    • Neill, Mr W,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
      • lecturer in banking exchange for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
    • Newland, Clive,
      • admitted as Member of Royal College of Surgeons,
    • Newman, C S,
      • awarded Evening Entrance Scholarship in 1900,
    • Newmann, George Gough,
      • translated third book of Caesar's Civil War for use in Senior Examination,
    • Niesche, Dr F W,
      • appointed superintendent of the School of Anatomy,
    • Noltenius, Arthur Roy,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship,
    • Noltenius, Harry Edward,
      • awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
    • Nordmann, Wilfred G R P,
      • awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
  • O

    • Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley,
      • obituary,
      • involvement with examining 1897 MusBac examinations, , , ,
    • Oratorio Prize,
      • 1905 award to Gladys Ruby Edwards,
      • 1902 award to Ethel Hilda Hedwig Hantke,
    • Otto, Ethel May,
      • 1899 special commendation for singing,
    • Owen, Arthur Geoffrey,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1899, ,
  • P

    • Padman, Clara Helen,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Padman, Edward Clyde,
      • awarded 1900 Stow Prize, , ,
    • Padman, Isabel,
      • awarded 1900 Evening Entrance Scholarship,
    • Paine, Herbert Kingsley,
      • awarded 1899 Entrance Scholarship,
      • awarded 1901 & 1904 Stow Prize, , , ,
      • awarded 1901 Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
    • Parkhouse, Devon,
      • awarded 1905 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship, , ,
    • Parkin, Dr George Robert,
      • visit to explain the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship scheme, , , ,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum,
    • Parsons, Harold Stephen,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship, ,
      • to study in London,
      • appointed teacher of violoncello, ,
    • Pasteur Institute,
      • Dr J Angas Johnson appointed University representative,
    • Paton, Rev Dr,
      • unable to represent University at Imperial & Colonial Universities' Conference,
    • Paton, Adolph Ernest,
      • awarded 1900 University Entrance Scholarship,
      • entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries,
    • Paton, Dora Isabel,
      • awarded 1899 Evening Scholarship,
    • Paton, Dr David,
      • elected unopposed to University Council,
      • ceased to hold office as Council member,
    • Pelly, Gwendoline Dorothy,
      • awarded 1899 Elder Music Scholarship,
      • awarded 1902 Elder Scholarship for study at Royal College of Music, London, ,
      • studying violin in London,
    • Pennefather, Professor,
      • visiting Adelaide prior to leaving for London,
    • Peterson, Professor Franklin,
      • involvement in problems with examining 1901 MusBac examinations, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • to examine for degree of MusDoc,
    • Pharmacy, study of,
      • appointment of the first lecturer in pharmacy in Australasia,
      • future Diploma of Pharmacy suggested by Registrar, ,
    • Phillips, James Howard,
      • conferred with LLB degree in 1902,
    • Phillips, Mr W H,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
    • Philosophy, Professor of,
      • Mr E O G Shann appointed acting Professor of Philosophy, ,
    • Physics, Department of,
      • lecturer Mr R W Chapman leaves for USA on study tour,
    • Physiology, Chair of,
      • Council approval of statute for Professor of Physiology,
    • Political Economy, Chair of,
      • proposal for establishment,
    • Poole, Dorothea Landon,
      • awarded 1900 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
      • second-class honours in medieval & modern languages at University of Cambridge,
    • Poole, Rev Frederick Slaney,
      • nominated for vacancy on the Senate,
      • daughter, Dorothea Landon, obtained second-class honours at Cambridge,
    • Porter, Adelaide Koeppen,
      • to study at Royal College of Music, London,
    • postgraduate studies,
      • arrangements for postgraduate diploma course enabled by Elder bequest,
    • Poulton, Dr Benjamin,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • appointed lecturer on Principles & Practice of Surgery,
      • elected unopposed to University Council, ,
      • member of the Faculty of Medicine in 1906,
    • Preliminary Examination,
      • abolishment, ,
      • 1899 examinations results,
      • 1900 examination results,
      • problems with English dictation tests, ,
    • Price, Dr Thomas A,
      • recommendation of removal as Resident Medical Officer at Adelaide Hospital,
      • resignation as junior house surgeon position at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Priest, Herbert James,
      • applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Primary Examination,
      • replacement for Preliminary Examination, ,
    • Prince of Wales Building,
      • 1902 construction,
      • students memorial tablet to late Professor Ralph Tate,
      • building funded by bequests of Sir Thomas Elder,
      • foundation stone laid by Duke of Cornwall & York,
      • to be constructed by Messrs Brown and Peel,
      • nears completion,
    • prizes & awards,
      • 1902 prizes for Junior Examination, ,
      • 1902 prizes for Senior Examination, ,
      • 1903 Tate Memorial Medal awarded to Herbert William Gartrell,
      • 1905 Exhibition and Bursary winners,
      • 1906 Dr Davies Thomas Scholars,
      • 1906 Elder Prize winners,
      • 1906 Everard Scholarship awarded to William Ray,
      • 1906 Stow Prize winner,
      • criticism of selection of Elder Scholarships in Music winners,
      • criticism of competition for music prizes between teenagers & mature age students,
      • establishment of perpetual Joseph Fisher Medal of Commerce, , ,
      • establishment of Elder Prizes for animal physiology,
      • suggested changes to regulations for exhibitions & bursaries,
      • Council approval of 1902 Elder Conservatorium awards, ,
    • professors,
      • appointment of first Angas Professor of Chemistry,
      • appointment of first Professor of Music, ,
      • appointment of Henry Darnley Naylor as Professor of Classics,
      • bequests, gifts & endowments to guarantee the salary for Professor of Music,
      • establishment of a Professorship of Law,
      • lectureship in physiology converted into Professorship of Physiology,
      • Professors Rennie, Stirling & Watson associated with School of Medicine, ,
      • professorships founded on establishment,
      • tenure of University professors,
      • urgent need for endowment for foundation of new professorships,
    • Prosh,
      • first procession a satirical success, , , ,
    • public examinations,
      • see examinations
    • Public Examinations Board,
      • role in approval of examination papers,
      • Public Examinations Board Manual for 1906,
      • Public Examinations Board 1902 Annual Report,
    • public lectures,
      • address by Sir Josiah Henry Symon at Jubilee celebrations of University of Sydney,
      • Mr R F Drury on 'University Life at Oxford',
      • "The Voice" by Mr Wybert Reeve,
      • request for University science lectures at Mannum Institute,
    • Public Teachers' Union,
      • link with Teacher Training College in South Australia, ,
      • Public Teachers' Union Annual Conference, annual conference held in Adelaide, , , , , , ,
    • publications,
      • Guide to the ³ÉÈË´óƬ' by Charles R Hodge, ,
      • Public Examination Board Manual for 1906,
    • Puddy, Mary Maud,
      • Eder Scholar for Composition,
      • concert at Elder Conservatorium open inspection,
      • first student to pass Diploma of Associate in Music,
      • performance at concert by students of the Elder Conservatorium,
      • 1899 Elder music scholarship for pianoforte,
      • 1902 Elder Conservatorium Directors' Prize for best performance on pianoforte,
      • 1902 Elder Conservatorium Frederick Bevan Prize for best accompanist of vocal music,
      • awarded equal 1902 Elder Conservatorium Prize,
      • Bachelor of Music 1905, , , ,
      • conferred with Associate in Music,
      • first student conferred with Associate in Music, ,
    • Puttmann, Franziska H M,
      • winner of Elder Scholarship, ,
  • R

    • Ray, Walter Vernon,
      • 1906 Stow Prizeman,
    • Ray, William,
      • 1902 Elder Prize winner (First year),
      • 1904 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship (3rd year),
      • 1905 Dr Davies Thomas Scholarship (4th year), , ,
      • 1906 Everard Scholarship,
      • applicant for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
    • Read, Rev Professor Henry,
      • role in establishment of the University,
    • Reedy, Leslie Cecil,
      • prizewinner 1902 Junior Examination, ,
    • Reeves, Edward,
      • recital at Elder Conservatorium,
    • Reginald George Burnell,
      • Bachelor of Arts degree for student teacher,
    • Registrar,
      • attendance at meeting for proposed rural centre at Kapunda, , ,
      • attendance at meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre,
      • deputation to Premier concerning University exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
      • University delegate at the Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • attends Jamestown local centre graduation ceremony, ,
      • Charles Hodge completes twenty-one years of service to University,
      • Charles Hodge was Registrar in 1906,
      • involvement in disagreement between Chancellor and Professor Ives,
      • involvement in problems with examining the 1901 Mus Bac examinations, , , , , , , , , ,
      • visit to Petersburg for establishment of rural examination centre,
      • to consider improvements to system of affiliation of Perth Technical College,
      • relieved from the duties of Librarian at special meeting of Senate,
      • report to University Council of Broken Hill visit by Charles Hodge, , ,
      • visit to Gawler for proposed establishment of rural centre,
      • visit to University Western Australia Centre regarding music examinations, , , ,
    • regulations,
      • BSc agreement between University and School of Mines & Industries,
    • Reid, Rev John,
      • extension lectures on 'Select Comedies of Shakespeare', , , , ,
      • extension lectures on 'Shakespeare's Romantic Plays', , , , , , ,
      • extension lectures on 'The Four Great Tragedies of Shakespeare', , ,
    • Reimann, G,
      • on leave from Elder Conservatorium,
    • Reimann, I Gotthold,
      • member of Board of examination for pianoforte, singing & composition scholarships,
      • report of 14 month trip to Europe, ,
    • Rennie, Dr Edward Henry,
      • Angas Professor of Chemistry leaves for London and metallurgical research,
      • lecture at Public Teachers' Union conference on the discovery of liquid air,
      • Professor of Chemistry interviewed on overseas tour, ,
      • appointment as Professor of Chemistry under the J H Angas Endowment,
      • directed chemical experiments during conversazione for educationists,
      • member of the Faculty of Medicine in 1906,
      • photograph of class in first year chemical laboratory,
      • reply to criticism of questions in 1906 Junior Public Examination, , ,
      • results of analytical experiments with Dr W T Cooke on radio-active mineral species associated with carnotite near Olary,
      • University delegate to Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • University representative at funeral of John Howard Angas,
    • research,
      • experiments in wireless telegraphy by Sir Charles Todd and Professor Bragg, , ,
      • Prof William Bragg & Richard Kleeman on properties of radium and the alpha particle,
      • testing crushing strength of Pyrmont & Murray Bridge stone, ,
    • Reynell, Walter Rupert,
      • 1906 Rhodes Scholar, ,
      • academic & sporting career,
      • farewell dinner prior to departure for Oxford University,
    • Rhodes Scholarships,
      • 1904 award to Norman William Jolly, ,
      • 1905 award to Roy Lister Robinson,
      • 1906 Western Australian award to Alexander Juett,
      • applicants for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
      • applications required by 31st January, ,
      • Rhodes Scholars were State school exhibitionists,
      • codicils to will of Cecil Rhodes relating to bequests for scholarships,
      • regulations, ,
      • Dr George Robert Parkin tours on behalf of Rhodes Scholarship Trust, , , ,
      • election for members of Committee of Selection,
      • establishment of Rhodes Scholarship Scheme, ,
      • expenses of SA Board met by University, ,
      • farewell dinner for Walter Rupert Reynell prior to his departure for Oxford University,
      • first meeting of Adelaide Committee of Rhodes Scholarship Trust,
      • indication to trustees for administration of Rhodes Bequest,
      • meeting of selection committee, ,
      • Norman William Jolly awarded first-class honours in physics at Oxford University,
      • perceived doubts of finding the ideal candidate to fit Cecil Rhodes' model,
      • qualifications for Australian candidates,
      • qualifications for award,
      • Rhodes scholars usually university men, ,
      • Selection Committee for 1906 Rhodes Scholarship,
      • South Australian winners to study at Oxford University,
      • sporting achievements of Rhodes Scholars at Oxford University,
      • Governor Sir George Le Hunte appointed to selection committee, ,
      • vacation in France for Rhodes Scholars Norman William Jolly & Roy Lister Robinson,
      • Walter Rupert Reynell selected as 1906 Rhodes Scholar, ,
    • Rhodes, Cecil,
      • Codicils to Will relating to bequests,
      • illness prior to death,
      • indication to trustees for administration of bequest,
    • Rhys, Ernest,
      • new publication of 'Frederic, Lord Leighton',
    • Richardson, Hazel May,
      • passed Teachers Certificate in conjunction with Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music & Royal College of Music, London,
    • Ridings, Ethel Rose,
      • honourable mention in 1902 scholarship for study at Conservatorium,
    • Rischbeith, Oswald,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
      • 1900 award to Marie Edmeades, , ,
      • 1901 award,
      • 1902 award to Ada C L Thomas,
      • 1905 awards to Alice Ruby Weston & Mignon Leonie Weston,
    • Robertson, John George,
      • awarded 1904 Joseph Fisher Medal of Commerce, , ,
    • Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford,
      • survived San Francisco earthquake,
    • Robertson, Sir William,
      • admitted ad eundum gradum, ,
      • influence in establishment of Chair of Music, , ,
    • Robinson, Roy Lister,
      • awarded 1905 Rhodes Scholarship,
      • academic & sporting career,
      • entitled to fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries, ,
      • studying at Oxford University,
      • sporting achievements at Oxford University,
      • vacation in France with fellow Rhodes Scholar Norman William Jolly,
    • Roby Fletcher Prize,
      • 1900 awards,
      • 1904 awards to Stella Mary Churchward & Sophia Ellen Holder, ,
      • 1905 award to George Frederick Dodwell, , ,
      • 1906 award to Harold Woolnough,
      • 1906 Proxime accessit to Annie Louisa Virginia Trehy,
    • Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
      • 1898 awards,
      • 1899 award, ,
      • 1900 award to Richard William Bennett,
      • 1900 awards, ,
      • 1901 awards,
      • amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
      • Spencer Churchward recommended for 1899 scholarship,
    • Rose, Clement Thomas,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for third year,
    • Rose, P C,
      • awarded 1900 Evening Entrance Scholarship,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • affiliation with University, , , , , , ,
      • benefit to city boys,
      • Senate passed new regulations for affiliation,
    • rowing,
      • annual inter-state University boat race,
      • 1903 Australian Universities' eight-oared boat race,
      • concert by Conservatorium students to aid Adelaide University Boat Club, ,
      • eleventh Inter-university boat race for Challenge Cup,
      • Victorian University Eight win 1902 rowing cup,
    • Rudall, Reginald John,
      • awarded 1906 Stow Prize,
    • rural centres,
      • establishment of permanent centres for conducting local examinations, ,
      • 1905 Jamestown Commemoration Ceremony,
      • 1905 primary examination at University centres,
      • conduct of public examinations,
      • criticism of Port Pirie music examinations, ,
      • establishment of centre at Burra, ,
      • establishment of centre at Gawler, ,
      • establishment of centre at Kapunda, , , ,
      • establishment of centre at Mount Barker,
      • examination centres for combined system of public examinations in music,
      • extension lecture series by Professor George C Henderson at centres, ,
      • extension lecturers for country districts, ,
      • Jamestown centre graduation ceremony, ,
      • centres to be established at Mount Barker, Gawler, Kapunda, Petersburg & Burra, ,
      • meeting to form committee for Kalgoorlie Rural Centre, ,
      • primary public examination in general education conducted in centres, ,
      • proposal for University to hold Primary Examinations in Broken Hill, ,
      • proposed establishment of centre at Laura,
      • Registrar visits Petersburg for establishment of centre,
      • visit to Broken Hill by Registrar, , ,
      • University Council appoints committee to act in Broken Hill,
      • University Council approval for Gawler committee to be selected at public meeting,
      • value of centres attached to University,
    • Russell, Herbert Henry Ernest,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, ,
    • Russell, Walter Henry,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Prize,
    • Rutherford, Professor Ernest,
      • comments on radium as a cure for cancer,
      • experiments with radium, ,
      • New Zealand visit,
  • S

    • SA Teachers Union,
      • annual conference, , , , , ,
      • annual report, , ,
      • election of officers at annual conference, , ,
    • Sache, Florence Olga,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship for pianoforte,
    • Salmond, Professor John William,
      • 1898 Commemoration Day Annual Address, ,
      • accepted post at Victoria College, Wellington NZ, ,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
      • appointed to committee to settle resolutions concerning Rhodes Scholarships, ,
      • lecturer in commercial law for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
      • publication of 'Jurisprudence', , ,
    • Savage, Harold Gilks,
      • awarded 1905 Elder Scholarship for Tenor Voice,
    • Schache, Florence Olga,
      • awarded 1901 Elder Scholarship,
    • scholarships,
      • Roby Fletcher Scholarship,
      • Angas Engineering Exhibition, , ,
      • Senior Public Examinations Scholarship,
      • Elder Conservatorium Scholarships, , , , , , , , ,
      • amendment to tenure of government scholarships,
      • Prince Alfred College Scholarships,
      • Rhodes Scholarships,
      • Evening Entrance Scholarship,
      • government proposal to increase the number of University scholarships,
      • Hartley Studentship,
      • reasons for refusing to take up University scholarships,
      • recommendation of scholarship to most successful candidates in public examinations, ,
    • School of Anatomy,
      • appointment of Dr William Ramsay Smith as superintendent,
      • license to practice anatomy,
      • student movements due to Adelaide Hospital imbroglio,
    • School of Mines and Industries,
      • anonymous donation to form nucleus of a building fund, ,
      • report on the stability and success of "technical education", ,
      • student and class statistics, ,
      • preparatory instruction for associate students,
      • mining engineering & metallurgy postgraduate course lectures,
    • Schulz, Adolf John,
      • awarded 1905 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , , ,
      • Bachelor of Arts degree,
    • Science Research Scholarships,
      • Commissions of the International Exhibition of 1851 award to William Ternent Cooke, ,
    • Science, Bachelor of,
      • amendments to statutes and regulations, , , ,
      • proposed degree for agricultural studies, ,
      • Council approved statutes affecting degree,
      • first in Australia to grant degrees in science,
    • Science, Doctor of,
      • new regulations governing conferring of degree, ,
    • Science, study of,
      • approval of scale of maximum marks for public examinations in chemistry & physics, ,
      • new scale of marks to encourage study,
      • students handicapped by marking system for higher public examinations,
    • Scott, Andrew,
      • management of teacher training scheme, ,
      • appointed Superintendent of Students at University, , ,
    • Scott, Malcolm Leslie,
      • awarded 1900 Elder Prize, , ,
    • Seabrook, Dr Leonard Llewellyn,
      • appointed to committee to act for University in Broken Hill,
    • Searle, Frederick John,
      • awarded 1899 Entrance Scholarship,
    • secondary education,
      • comments on education in Germany, Britain & USA,
      • criticism of standard of education at Trinity College, Port Pirie, ,
      • proposal for basis of greater efficiency for rural schools,
      • scholarships to encourage higher education,
      • new geographical methods for primary & junior candidates,
      • increased number of students completing secondary education, , , ,
      • proposed establishment of state secondary education schools for boys, , , ,
      • preparation for higher education,
      • relationship between universities and secondary education, , , ,
    • Senate, ³ÉÈË´óƬ
      • Select Committee appointed to consider absentee voting at Senate elections,
      • attendance at formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , ,
      • lapses of meetings through lack of quorum, ,
      • nomination and election of Clerk and Warden of the Senate, , ,
      • posting of notices as required by standing orders,
      • proposed statutes for systemizing educational efforts, ,
      • role in commemoration ceremonies, ,
      • report on postal voting for Council members, ,
      • elections,
      • support for granting larger degree of power over professors to the Council,
      • composition and membership,
      • equality of sexes in membership and voting rights,
      • error in statement re election of J M Ennis & S J Jacobs to fill vacancies,
      • government representation on Senate to exert control on University, ,
      • officers in 1906,
      • special meeting to fill vacancy on University Council,
    • Senior examination,
      • 1899 results,
      • 1900 results,
      • test of general proficiency in elementary knowledge,
      • criticism of study of Ovid, , ,
      • Caesar's Civil War for use in 1902 examination,
    • Shakespeare Society,
      • lecture on "Four of Shakespeare's Women",
    • Shann, Mr E O G,
      • appointed acting Professor of Philosophy, ,
    • Sheridan Essay Prize,
      • 1899 award, ,
      • 1900 award to Richard William Bennett,
    • Shiels, Mr J,
      • appointed additional examiner for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies by University Council,
    • Shierlaw, Howard Alison,
      • awarded 1902 Stow Prize, ,
    • Short, John Gordon,
      • awarded 1905 Elder Scholarship (pianoforte), ,
      • honourable mention in 1902 scholarship for study at Conservatorium,
    • Sinclair. William Malcolm,
      • awarded 1906 Elder Prize,
    • Skipper, Mervyn Garnham,
      • awarded 1901 Tennyson Medal for English Literature, ,
    • Skipper, Stanley Herbert,
      • awarded 1898 Stow Prize,
      • awarded 1900 Stow Prize, , ,
      • awarded 1901 Stow Prize, ,
    • Smeaton, Stirling,
      • candidate for vacancy on University Council,
    • Smith, Dr J A R,
      • appointed Senior House Surgeon of Melbourne Hospital,
    • Smith, Dr William Ramsay,
      • appointed honorary physician at Adelaide Hospital, ,
      • appointed Superintendent of School of Anatomy,
      • Board of Enquiry, ,
      • comments on cramming for examinations, ,
    • Smith, Harold Whitmore,
      • prizewinner 1902 Senior Examination, ,
    • Smith, J A R,
      • completed medical degree with distinction, ,
    • Smith, Louis Laybourne,
      • awarded 1902 Evening Scholarship for second year,
    • Smith, Robert Barr,
      • see Barr Smith, Robert,
    • Smith, Sydney Talbot,
      • filled vacancy on University Council,
    • Smith, William Ramsay,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum, , ,
    • Smythe, Inspector,
      • address on "Intellectual Development" at the SA Teachers' Union Conference, , ,
    • Sobels, Otto Fischer,
      • to study at Royal College of Music, London,
    • Soddy, Frederick,
      • extension lecture on 'Radium & Modern Views on Electricity & Matter' at Western Australia Centre, , ,
    • Somervell, Arthur,
      • visiting examiner at Elder Conservatorium,
      • returns to London, ,
    • South Australian Commercial Travellers' Association Scholarship,
      • amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
    • South Australian Scholarships,
      • discontinued scholarship scheme, , ,
    • sport,
      • boat race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities,
      • concert to aid Adelaide University Rowing Club, ,
      • dinner for members of University of Melbourne inter-university teams,
      • eleventh inter-university boat race for Challenge Cup,
      • amendments to statutes relating to maintenance of University sport, , , ,
      • history of inter-university sporting events,
      • inter-university football & lacrosse matches, , ,
      • result of University v Essendon cricket match,
      • students to arrange funding scheme for maintenance of sport,
      • University athletic club inaugurate an Annual Sports Day, ,
    • staff,
      • appointment of Professor of Physiology,
      • 1902 statistics in Calendar,
      • Agent General to find pianoforte teacher for Elder Conservatorium,
      • application for teacher of Theory of Music,
      • applications for Elder Conservatorium,
      • applications for singing master received by Agent-General,
      • appointment of Professor of Law,
      • appointment of examiners,
      • appointment of Professor of Classics, , ,
      • appointment of Lecturer in Pharmacy,
      • appointment of lecturers to School of Medicine,
      • appointment of Junior Demonstrator in Chemical Laboratory,
      • appointment of new Professor of Pianoforte in hands of Guildhall authorities,
      • appointment of Professor of Chemistry under the J H Angas Endowment,
      • appointment of clinical lecturer on diseases of children,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Obstetrics & Diseases of Infants,
      • appointment of Professor of Anatomy,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Principles & Practice of Surgery,
      • appointment of Professor of Music & Director of the Elder Conservatorium,
      • appointment of Way Lecturer on Gynaecology,
      • appointment of Gosse Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Bacteriology,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Pathology,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Forensic Medicine & Lunacy,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Clinical Medicine,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Therapeutics & Materia Medica,
      • composition of the Faculty of Medicine in 1906,
      • Elder Conservatorium teaching staff, ,
      • appointment of Chair of Modern History and English Language and Literature, ,
      • appointment of teacher of violoncello at Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Principles & Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics,
      • appointment of acting Professor of Philosophy, ,
      • appointment of Lecturer on Pathological Anatomy & Operative Surgery,
      • appointment of first Professor of Music,
      • qualities for election to professor,
      • resignation of Hughes Professor of Classics & Comparative Philosophy & Literature, ,
      • resignation of Professor of Law,
      • resignation of Chair of Modern History & English Language, ,
      • retirement of teacher of violoncello, ,
      • retirement of pianoforte teacher,
      • School of Medicine lecturers who are graduates of University, ,
      • staff statistics for 1876 & 1906,
      • statistics in 1899 Calendar, ,
      • statistics on professors, lecturers & teachers for 1876 & 1905,
      • statistics on professors, lecturers & teachers in 1906,
      • tenure of University professors,
      • clinical teaching positions at Adelaide Hospital, ,
    • State Government,
      • regulations for agreement between University and School of Mines & Industries,
      • legislation for improvements to Adelaide Hospital administration,
    • statistics,
      • student statistics after 25 years,
      • 1898/1899 comparison on Public Examinations,
      • 1899 commemoration, , , ,
      • 1899 statistics of Public Examinations, ,
      • 1899 students, ,
      • increase in number of examination candidates,
      • staff for 1876 & 1906,
      • candidates for public examinations for 1876 & 1906,
      • students who completed medical degrees interstate owing to 'hospital trouble', ,
      • professors & lecturers in 1906,
      • professors, lecturers & teachers for 1876 & 1905,
    • statues,
      • public meeting for erection of statue of Sir Thomas Elder, , , , ,
      • Grand Musical Fete in aid of the Elder statue, ,
      • importance of memorials to pioneers, ,
      • issue of subscription cards for proposed Elder Statue,
      • need for public statues to those who have served the State, ,
    • statutes,
      • amendment to Paragraph C of the regulations,
      • amendments relating to maintenance of University sport & Union, , ,
      • Council approval for Professor of Physiology,
      • statutes dealing with the 'Joseph Fisher' regulations,
      • Government refusal to ratify amendments relating to maintenance of University sport,
      • Senate amends regulations for public examinations in theory & practice of music, ,
      • special meeting of Senate for amendments to statutes and regulations, , , , ,
      • special meeting of Senate for repeal of Chapter V,
      • suggested changes to regulations for exhibitions & bursaries,
      • motion for granting Council larger degree of power over professors,
      • amendments to regulations for courses,
    • Steele, Dr Bertram,
      • awarded Wyselaskie Scholarship in 1899, ,
      • Degree of Doctor of Science, in absentia, ,
    • Stephens, Lillian Mary Theakstone,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Stirling, Dr Edward Charles,
      • extension lecture series on 'Life: the Problem of Physiology', ,
      • visit to Hobart,
      • president of next Medical Congress to be held in Adelaide,
      • appointed Professor of Physiology, , , ,
      • lecture criticised because terminology too technical,
      • retirement from University Council, ,
      • inaugural address at Australasian Medical Congress,
      • comments on conversion of North Terrace Lunatic Asylum, ,
      • member of Committee of Selection for Rhodes Scholarships, , ,
      • extension lecture series on 'Colour in Nature', , , , ,
      • influence on the establishment of School of Medicine, ,
      • photograph of laboratory,
      • professor since establishment of School of Medicine, ,
      • Adelaide delegate to Jubilee of Melbourne University,
    • Stirling, J L,
      • nomination and election to Senate, ,
    • Stokes, Edward,
      • awarded third-class honours in science at Oxford University,
    • Stow Prize,
      • awards to James Leslie Gordon, Herbert Kingsley Paine & Marmion Matthews Bray, , ,
      • awarded to Richard William Bennett,
      • 1898 awards, ,
      • 1899 awards, ,
      • 1900 awards, , ,
      • 1901 awards, ,
      • 1902 recommendations,
      • 1902 awards,
      • 1905 award to Marmion Matthews Bray, , , , , , ,
      • awards to Marmion Matthews Bray, Walter Vernon Ray & Reginald John Rudall,
      • repeal of statutes by Senate,
    • Stow Scholarship
      • to be awarded to law student winning three Stow prizes during Law course,
      • 1900 awards presented at the formal opening of the Elder Hall, , , , ,
      • 1901 awards, ,
      • awarded to Richard William Bennett,
      • 1904 award to James Leslie Gordon, , ,
    • Stow, Francis Leslie,
      • presented at the formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , ,
    • Stuckey, Francis Seavington,
      • awarded 1899 Dr Davis Thomas Scholarship, , ,
    • Stuckey, J J,
      • nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
    • student activities & protests,
      • parade of students through Adelaide streets, ,
      • discourteous behaviour at unveiling of Elder Statue, , , ,
    • student services,
      • student concession tickets on railways,
    • student statistics,
      • 1901 student numbers,
      • 1902 & 1903 Commerce student numbers,
      • 1902 & 1903 examination candidates,
      • 1902 Elder Conservatorium student numbers,
      • 1902 statistics in Calendar,
      • 1905 candidates,
      • 1905 primary examination at Adelaide & rural centres,
      • 1905 statistics for teacher training, , ,
      • 1905 student statistics at Jamestown Rural Centre,
      • 1906 public examination statistics,
      • 1906 statistics for Chairs of Classics, Comparative Philology & Literature and English Language & Literature & of Mental & Moral Philosophy,
      • Advanced Commercial Certificate student numbers,
      • candidates for primary public examination in general education, ,
      • candidates for public examinations for 1876 & 1905,
      • candidates at University Western Australia Centre primary public examination,
      • candidates for Junior, Senior & Higher Public Examinations, ,
      • candidates for commercial examinations,
      • candidates for music examinations,
      • candidates for primary examinations,
      • Elder Conservatorium statistics from 1898 to 1906,
      • Elder Conservatorium undergraduates to 1905,
      • entries received for practical examinations of Trinity College, London,
      • entries received for 1902 music examinations,
      • first students at Elder Conservatorium,
      • increase number of entries for Primary Public examinations,
      • matriculating & non-graduating students for 1876 & 1905,
      • music student examination entry statistics,
      • number of competitors for Elder music scholarships for 1899,
      • Primary Public Examination statistics for 1903,
      • statistics for 1900 Preliminary Examination,
      • Elder Conservatorium advanced grade singing students, ,
      • junior & higher public examinations,
      • statistics in 1899 Annual Calendar, ,
      • student statistics for 1876 & 1906,
      • student statistics for School of Medicine,
      • examination on theory & practice of music at University Western Australia Centre,
      • students of Elder Conservatorium in 1905,
      • success of students who attended Advanced School for Girls,
      • undergraduates for 1876 & 1905,
    • students,
      • attended Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • behaviour of university students,
      • conspicuous part in official opening of Elder Hall,
      • criticism of student behaviour on Commemoration Day, , , , ,
      • damage to books in Public Library,
      • discourteous behaviour of students at unveiling of Elder statue, , ,
      • approval of railway concession tickets for full-time students,
      • first Prosh procession a satirical success, ,
      • increased numbers following introduction of preliminary musical examinations, ,
      • lack of attendance at public concerts,
      • large numbers at 1905 primary arithmetic & english papers,
      • medical student movements due to Adelaide Hospital imbroglio, , ,
      • medical students required to leave SA to gain recognition, ,
      • preparatory instruction for associate students at School of Mines & Industries,
      • problems with School of Mines examinations held outside furnished tuition,
      • railway travel concessions,
      • role in commemoration ceremonies, , ,
      • science students handicapped by marking system for higher public examinations,
      • class statistics at School of Mines and Industries, ,
      • student behaviour at 1905 Commemoration Ceremony, ,
      • public presentation in recognition of Professor Ives, , , ,
      • students' memorial tablet to late Professor in Tate Museum, ,
      • performance during 1901 Commemoration Day proceedings, , ,
      • funding scheme for maintenance of sport,
      • under-achievement by students at University exams,
      • undergraduate role in commemoration proceedings, ,
      • undergraduates not to be admitted to commemoration ceremonies,
      • unruly behaviour at commemoration ceremonies, ,
    • Sutherland, G A,
      • nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
      • appointed to committee to consider absentee voting at Senate elections,
    • Swift, Dr Harry,
      • appointed assistant physician,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Symon, Sir Josiah Henry,
      • address during Jubilee celebrations of University of Sydney,
    • Symons, Dr.Mark Johnston,
      • Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,
      • attended Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • appointed Gosse Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery,
  • T

    • Tate Medal,
      • 1903 award to Herbert William Gartrell,
      • 1904 award to Herbert Basedow, , , ,
    • Tate Memorial Fund,
      • proposal to erect memorial to Professor Ralph Tate in Geological Museum, ,
    • Tate, Professor Ralph,
      • memorial tablet to late Professor in Natural Science, , ,
      • death during 1901,
      • photograph,
      • tribute to work on the Lake Eyre Basin,
    • Taylor, Arthur Roy,
      • awarded 1900 University Entrance Scholarship,
    • teacher training,
      • 1905 annual report for University Training College, , ,
      • 1905 Public School Teachers' Union conference, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • proposal to take control of Teachers' Training College, ,
      • advantages of university training of student teachers, , , , , , , , ,
      • agreement reached on role of the University in teacher training,
      • criticism of low salaries for University trained teachers,
      • criticism of university training for student teachers,
      • death of Mr Hartley,
      • extension lectures as supplement to school based education, ,
      • government accepts proposal for University to undertake training of teachers,
      • House of Assembly discussion that University take control of Teachers Training College, , , , ,
      • House of Assembly motion on withdrawal of educational reform for pupil teachers,
      • link between University and Teachers Training College, ,
      • munificence of Sir Thomas Elder benefits University training for teachers,
      • need for study of botany, biology and geology to be included in teacher training, ,
      • need for training provincial teachers,
      • NSW training of teachers system,
      • overworking of pupil teachers, , , ,
      • school established for first two years of pupil teacher training,
      • report on success of University training, , ,
      • role of University in teacher training, , , , , , , , , ,
      • special meeting of Senate for amendments to statutes and regulations to facilitate amalgamation with the University, , , , , , ,
      • student teachers to be trained at University, ,
      • teacher training costs, ,
      • University entrusted by government with training of teachers,
      • University training of student teachers, , , , , , , , ,
      • Government concern at increased cost of education in SA, , ,
    • technical studies,
      • University and Institute of Mines & Industries provide higher technical study, ,
    • Tennyson Medal,
      • 1901 award to Emily Milvain Good,
      • 1901 medallists, ,
      • 1902 award to Frederic Morley Cutlack, ,
      • 1902 award to George Dalrymple Cowan, ,
      • 1902 award to Winnifred Breakspear Holder,
      • 1904 award to Charles G Bennett, ,
      • 1905 Higher Public Examination award to Rita Elizabeth Gardner,
      • 1905 Senior Examination medal awarded to Phyllis Mary Moore, ,
      • 1905 award to Alfreda Dorothy Young, ,
      • Lord Tennyson established fund for medals for study of English literature, ,
    • Tennyson, His Excellency Lord,
      • comments on qualities for election to professor,
      • established a fund for medals for study of English literature, ,
      • conferred with LLD degree at the formal opening of Elder Hall, , , , , ,
      • lays foundation stone of new building for School of Medicine, , , ,
      • officially declares Elder Hall open, , , ,
      • visit to the University,
      • speech at SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, , , ,
    • theology, study of,
      • benefits of university education for the clergy,
    • Thomas, Ada C L,
      • awarded 1902 Robert Winham Prize for elocution,
    • Thomas, Annie Gladys,
      • 1899 special commendation for violin,
    • Thomas, Dr John Davies,
      • founding of Dr Davies Thomas Scholarships,
    • Thomas, J Edwin,
      • appointed additional examiner for Advanced Commercial Certificate,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies,
    • Thomas, Nora Kyffin,
      • violin solo at annual organ recital by Professor John Matthew Ennis,
    • Thomson, Mr H A,
      • Melbourne Conservatorium of Music representative visits Adelaide, ,
    • Todd, Sir Charles,
      • 1904 election to University Council,
      • biography, ,
      • elected to Senate,
      • encounters with indigenous Australians, ,
      • experiments in wireless telegraphy, ,
      • interview on occasion of eightieth birthday, ,
      • involvement with construction of overland telegraph lines, ,
      • nominated for Council vacancy on the Senate,
      • retirement as Government Astronomer, ,
      • work on telegraph lines in Australia, ,
    • Tolley, Frank Gordon,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
    • Tonkin, Alfred Bertie,
      • awarded 1904 Elder Scholarship in Music (Violin),
    • Torode, Walter C,
      • builder of Elder Conservatorium building, , ,
      • presence at tests on crushing strength of Pyrmont and Murrary Bridge stone,
    • Tratman, Dr Frank,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum,
    • Treharne, Bryceson,
      • academic history, ,
      • appointed pianoforte instructor at Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • arranged concert of modern music,
      • arrival in Adelaide, ,
      • chamber music concert series, , ,
      • criticised,
      • departs London for Adelaide,
      • letter on 'Musical critics and criticism',
      • literary contribution on 'Rhapsodies' & music critics, , , , , , ,
      • musical critics and criticism,
      • pianoforte recital in Elder Hall, , , , , , , , ,
      • retirement,
    • Trehy, Annie Louisa Virginia,
      • awarded 1901 John Howard Clark Scholarship,
      • awarded 1906 Roby Fletcher Proxime accessi,
    • Trinity College,
      • entries received for music practicals, ,
      • musical examinations, ,
    • Tucker, Professor,
      • lecture on 'Chaucer the Poet',
    • Tuckwell, Ernest Sinclair,
      • awarded 1900 Roby Fletcher Prize, , ,
    • Turner, Ernest Frederich,
      • death by poison at Gawler School of Mines, , , ,
    • Turner, H Gyles,
      • inaugural lecturer of The Joseph Fisher Lecture in Commerce,
    • Turner, Mr E F,
      • appointment as Inspector of Explosives and Analyst to HM Customs,
    • Tyas, John Walter,
      • past University Registrar now resident in London,
    • Tyas, Margaret Elizabeth,
      • admitted ad eundum gradum at 1905 special congregation, ,
  • U

    • Uhrlaub, Mr,
      • address at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
    • Undergraduate Scholarships,
      • 1899 awards,
    • undergraduates,
      • Elliott Arthur Brummitt to continue studies in Edinburgh,
      • Henry Harper Formby admitted as Member of Royal College of Surgeons,
      • London conference for graduates & undergraduates of colonial universities in UK, ,
      • University Council decision that students not be admitted to commemorations,
    • universities, other,
      • University of Sydney's fifty year Jubilee celebrations, ,
      • Bodleian tercentenary at Oxford University,
      • Adelaide students MB degree success at Melbourne University,
      • affiliation between educational institutions in Melbourne, Sydney & London, ,
      • applications for Exhibition at Emmanuel College, Cambridge,
      • applications for Ormond Professor of Music at Melbourne University,
      • Australasian Student Christian Union at Sydney & Melbourne universities,
      • Board of Agricultural Studies at Cambridge University, ,
      • Cambridge University interest in work of Prof William Bragg & Richard Kleeman, ,
      • Chair of Brewing at Birmingham University,
      • Chair of Commerce established in New Zealand university,
      • Chair of Pedagogy at Sydney University & Cambridge University, , , ,
      • Chamber of Manufacturers protest at reduction in Melbourne University's grant,
      • Charles Edwards, special examiner for Adelaide centre for Trinity College, London,
      • commerce studies in Europe & USA, , , ,
      • commercial education in Victorian university,
      • commercial training advocated at Australian universities, ,
      • compulsory annual fees for sports a success in England, USA & Melbourne,
      • commemoration ceremonies at University of Sydney, ,
      • contrast between studying law in England & America,
      • controversy concerning relative value of classical education & acquirement of scientific
      • knowledge at Oxford University,
      • co-operation between Australian & New Zealand universities for music examinations,
      • cost of courses at technical colleges in Sydney, New York & Boston,
      • Melbourne University defers decision to admit female graduates to Senate,
      • criticism of British system of university education,
      • criticism of Trinity College of Music examinations,
      • death of Alexander Sutherland, Registrar of Melbourne University,
      • description of campus of Melbourne University,
      • Melbourne students discontent with commencement ceremonies,
      • disruptive behavior of students at Edinburgh University,
      • Dr A Gerber of Earlham College, Indiana, USA visiting Adelaide,
      • effect of university in Western Australia on ³ÉÈË´óƬ, ,
      • endowment of School of Colonial History at Oxford University, ,
      • English colleges benefit from music examinations fees,
      • English language by French teacher at Melbourne University,
      • English universities abhor public airing of grievances,
      • entries received for practical examinations of Trinity College, London,
      • establishment of universities in Great Britain & America, , ,
      • establishment of universities in Melbourne & Brisbane,
      • establishment of universities in Sydney & Tasmania, , , ,
      • establishment of universities throughout England,
      • extension lecture movement in London, ,
      • extension of age limit for selection for Royal College of Music, London,
      • Faculty of Commerce at Birmingham University,
      • four hundredth anniversary of Aberdeen University,
      • government representation on governing body of Melbourne University,
      • history of the development of universities and university extension,
      • history of foundation of Sydney University,
      • impoverishment of Scottish universities, ,
      • increase in the number of British universities, ,
      • jubilee of Melbourne University, , , ,
      • land holdings demised to endowment trustees of proposed Perth University,
      • lecture by Mr R F Drury on 'University life at Oxford',
      • lecture on 'Life and Art' by Professor Marshall-Hall, Melbourne University,
      • length of medical course in England and Scotland, ,
      • Melbourne & Sydney universities proposal for higher commercial education, ,
      • Melbourne Conservatorium of Music representative visits Adelaide,
      • Melbourne MBBS results for former ³ÉÈË´óƬ students,
      • Melbourne University declines to appoint pharmacy instructors,
      • Melbourne University professional board given extended powers in cases of misconduct & breach of discipline,
      • Melbourne University to consider commercial studies based on Adelaide model,
      • Melbourne University to give scholarships to state school students, ,
      • Melbourne University unable to teach electrical engineering beyond second year,
      • Royal Commission into financial position & administration of Melbourne University, , ,
      • NSW Education Commissioner advocates universities not insist on Latin as a compulsory subject for matriculation,
      • opposition to establishment of university in Western Australia, , ,
      • overseas universities represented at Jubilee of Melbourne University,
      • over-specialization apt to destroy sound liberal education,
      • Parliamentary tribute to Theodore Fink for services to Melbourne University,
      • philanthropy to support American universities, ,
      • establishment of university in Western Australia, , , , , , , ,
      • Professor at School of Music, Oxford required to give public lectures & performances,
      • Professor Ennis to conduct examinations at Melbourne University, ,
      • ³ÉÈË´óƬ delegates to Jubilee of Melbourne University, ,
      • professorships in music at European universities,
      • proposal by University of Melbourne for co-operation for conduct of public examinations in music, ,
      • proposed Chair of Pedagogy at Sydney University, ,
      • proposed scheme includes evening lectures & free entry to Melbourne University,
      • improvement to system of affiliation of Perth Technical College to ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • Adelaide & Melbourne Universities agree to co-operate in conduct of public examinations in music, , ,
      • Rhodes Scholarship Scheme in British universities, ,
      • role of Greek at English and European universities, , , , , ,
      • Royal Commission to consider the affairs of Victorian universities, , , , , , , ,
      • Royal Conservatory at Dresden, Germany,
      • spacious grounds in European and American universities,
      • State representation on University Council in Victoria, ,
      • statutory duties of music professors at Dublin & Edinburgh universities,
      • student participation in commemoration ceremonies in England,
      • students presented for examination at Sydney and Melbourne Universities, ,
      • study of dentistry at University of Melbourne,
      • Chancellor a more dignified office in English and Scottish universities,
      • Sydney Jubilee lecture by Professor Anderson Stuart on 'The Majority of the (Sydney) Medical School',
      • Sydney University annual commemoration & parade,
      • Tasmania regarded as within sphere of University of Melbourne,
      • teacher training in German, Scottish & English universities, , , ,
      • teacher training in NSW & Victorian universities, , , ,
      • tenure of professors debated by Melbourne University Council, ,
      • tradition of University dinners at English universities,
      • treatment of 'twicers' by Melbourne University,
      • university education for women in England, Scotland, Wales & Australia, , ,
      • Inquiry Commission on extending scientific teaching at Melbourne University, , ,
      • University of Liverpool accepted affiliation of St Aidans Theological College,
      • University of Oxford seeks closer connection with colonial universities,
      • University of Oxford to recognise studies by Rhodes Scholars at Melbourne University,
      • university rural centres in Ireland,
      • university trained teachers in Great Britain, , ,
      • vacancies on Melbourne University Council, , ,
      • Rhodes Scholar's account of student life at Oxford University,
      • Victorian University Eight win 1902 rowing cup,
      • British & Colonial Universities Conference in London,
      • Trinity College, London, practical examination entries,
    • University Building,
      • see Mitchell Building
    • University Christian Union,
      • lecture on "Critical Study of the Bible",
    • University Council,
      • see Council
    • University Shakespeare Society,
      • lecture by Professor R L Douglas,
    • University Sports' Association,
      • 1903 annual ball,
    • University Training College,
      • regulations for training of pupil teachers,
    • University Union,
      • amendments to Statutes relating to maintenance of Union , ,
      • government refusal to ratify Statutes relating to maintenance of sport,
    • University Western Australia Centre,
      • increased interest in public education by students in Western Australia, ,
      • public examinations in theory & practice of music at proposed Perth University,
      • 1905 graduation ceremony in Perth,
      • 1906 public examination statistics,
      • affiliation between Technical School in WA and ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • Alexander Juett selected 1906 Western Australian Rhodes Scholar,
      • annual report of University Extension Committee,
      • conduct of public examinations,
      • establishment of university in Perth advocated by Prof George C Henderson, , , , ,
      • extension lecture by Frederick Soddy from Glasgow University, , 361, , ,
      • extension lecture series by Prof George C Henderson, , , , , , , , ,
      • history of University Western Australia Centre,
      • increase number of entries for Primary Public examinations,
      • proposed establishment of a university in Western Australia, , , ,
      • public examinations in theory & practice of music at proposed Perth University,
      • student statistics, ,
      • University Extension Committee on proposed establishment of state university for Western Australia, , ,
      • visit by Registrar & Prof J M Ennis regarding music examinations, , , ,
    • Urlaub, Mr,
      • address on "Modern Languages and the Teaching of Composition in our Schools" at the 1900 SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, ,
  • V

    • vacations,
      • suggestion for common vacation for Australian universities,
    • Vaughan, John Howard,
      • 1898 Roby Fletcher Scholar,
    • Verco, Dr Joseph Cooke,
      • absence on study leave,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • retirement from University Council, , ,
      • appointed lecturer on Principles & Practice of Medicine & Therapeutics,
    • Verco, Reginald John,
      • awarded 1905 Dr Davies Thomas Scholar, , ,
    • Verco, William Alfred,
      • awarded 1886 Elder Prize for animal physiology,
    • Vercoe, Sydney Manton,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
    • Vice-Chancellor,
      • refused Prof Ives's request to access minute book of the Board of Musical Studies,
      • appointed to Board of Commercial Studies by University Council,
      • criticism by Prof Joshua Ives, , , , , ,
      • deputation to Premier regarding exemption from taxation on land holdings, ,
      • Dr William Barlow,
    • visitors,
      • Dr G R Parkin explains the Cecil Rhodes Scholarship scheme, ,
      • Graham P Moore appointed music examiner by Associated Board,
      • Governor Sir George Le Hunte on duties of a visitor to University, ,
      • lecture by Inspector Clark on singing at SA Teachers Union Annual Conference, ,
      • Madame Nellie Melba visits Elder Conservatorium,
      • Prof Marshall Hall visits from Melbourne to lecture on music,
      • special commemoration to honour the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York, ,
      • Sir George Le Hunte at University Annual Dinner, ,
      • visit by Governor to the University,
    • von Rieben, Mr O,
      • appointed Chairman of committee to act for University in Broken Hill,
  • W

    • Wainbright, Mr W,
      • appointed to committee to act for University in Broken Hill,
    • Wale, W H,
      • problems with examining the 1901 degree of MusBac, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Walker, Dr William John,
      • obituary,
    • Walker, Tommy,
      • display of corpse & Board of Enquiry into charges against Dr W Ramsay Smith,
    • Ward, John Frederick,
      • outstanding Senior Public Examination results, , , ,
      • awarded John Dunn Scholarship,
    • Waterhouse, Lorna Maud,
      • awarded 1905 John Howard Clark Scholarship, , ,
    • Waters, Joseph,
      • awarded 1904 Evening Scholarship,
    • Watson, Dr Archibald,
      • appointed consulting surgeon at South African military hospitals, ,
      • return from military duty,
      • appointed Professor of Anatomy, , ,
      • discovery of the disease 'trichinosis' in Australia,
      • experience gained as military consulting surgeon,
      • return from scientific research in Philippines,
    • Way Lecturer on Gynaecology,
      • appointment of Dr James Alexander Greer Hamilton,
    • Way, Chief Justice Samuel James,
      • maiden judgment as Privy Councillor, ,
      • marriage to Mrs W A S Blue, ,
      • 25 years as Chief Justice,
      • Chancellor in 1906,
      • criticism by Professor Joshua Ives, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • endowment of lectureship on gynaecology in memory of Dr Edward Willis Way,
      • member of Rhodes Scholarships selection committee, ,
      • offer of position on High Court Bench,
      • speaker at ten year anniversary of Australasian Student Christian Union,
      • academic career,
      • history of residence in South Australia,
      • resumption of work following illness,
      • deputation to Premier concerning University exemption from tax on land holdings, ,
      • unable to attend University of Sydney's fifty year Jubilee celebrations, ,
      • inaugural address at 1900 Library Association of Australasia Conference, , ,
      • hosted 'at-home' for students and professional and teaching staff, ,
    • Way, Dr Edward Willis,
      • appointed clinical teacher at Adelaide Hospital,
      • Council approval of Dr Edward Willis Way lectureship on Gynaecology, , ,
      • death during 1901,
    • Wehrstedt, Walter Franz,
      • awarded 1898 John Howard Clark Scholar,
    • Weld, Elizabeth Eleanor,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1901,
    • West, Lily,
      • vocal & pianoforte recital,
    • Western Australia Centre,
      • see University Western Australia Centre
    • Weston, Alice Ruby,
      • awarded 1905 Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
    • Weston, Mignon Leonie,
      • awarded 1905 Robert Whinham Prize for Elocution,
    • Wheeler, Rev Alfred,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1904, , ,
    • Whillas, C B,
      • career of retiring President of Public Teachers' Union,
    • White, James,
      • winner of competition for Elder bust to be erected in Conservatorium,
    • Whitham, C L,
      • address at the SA Teachers' Union Annual Conference, , , , ,
    • Whitington, Bertram,
      • appointed Director of School of Mines at Stawell, Victoria,
      • first to obtain Diploma in Mining Engineering & Metallurgy, , ,
      • first to obtain Fellowship of the School of Mines & Industries, , ,
    • Whitington, Sylvia Muriel,
      • highly commended by 1903 Board of Examiners,
    • Whittell, Dr,
      • death of examiner in hygiene, ,
    • Williamson, Arthur Burton,
      • awarded 1905 Frederick Bevan Prize,
    • Wills, R J H,
      • elected to Senate, ,
    • Wilson, Charles Ernest Cameron,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1900,
    • Wilson, Thomas George,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1904, , ,
    • Wilton, John Raymond,
      • outstanding Senior Public Examination results, , , ,
      • departs for study at Cambridge University, ,
    • Women,
      • Adelaide the first Australian university to give degrees to women, ,
      • criticism of university training for women student teachers,
      • increased number of female graduates, ,
      • university education for women in England, Scotland, Wales & Australia, , ,
    • Woolnough, Dr Walter George,
      • directed working exhibition in Tate Museum for conversazione for educationists,
      • report on scientific exploration of Fiji under auspices of London Royal Academy,
      • resignation as lecturer on mineralogy & petrology,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1904, , ,
      • lecture series on 'Volcanoes', ,
      • appointed assistant petrologist to Mr. Walter Howchin,
    • Woolnough, Harold,
      • awarded 1906 Roby Fletcher Prize,
    • Worthington, Rev Thomas,
      • admitted ad eundem gradum in 1898, ,
  • Y

    • Yallum Estate,
      • inspection prior to being made available for selection,
    • Young, Alfreda Dorothy,
      • awarded 1905 Tennyson Medal, ,
    • Young, Frederick William,
      • Stow Scholar presented at the formal opening of the Elder Hall, ,
      • candidate for vacancy on University Council,