Index to Volume 3 (1887-1892) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • academic matters,
      • emphasis on law and medicine,
      • liberal education,
      • need for undergraduates,
    • Adelaide Collegiate School,
    • Adelaide Hospital,
      • East Wing,
    • Adelaide School for Girls, , ,
    • Adelaide University Shakespeare Society,
      • meeting,
    • Anatomy, Professor of,
      • Archibald Watson, ,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
    • Arts, Bachelor of,
      • 1888 examinations,
      • inclusion in law degree, ,
      • Greek, ,
      • low status, ,
      • low student numbers, ,
    • Australasian Society for Advancement of Science,
    • Australian Natives Association,
  • B

    • Barr Smith, Robert,
      • gift of £1000 for books, ,
    • Barry, Primate Alfred,
      • honorary degree, , , , , ,
      • University’s role, ,
    • Beverley, Frank,
      • benefit concert,
    • Boulger, Professor Edward Vaughan,
      • address to the School Teachers’ Association,
      • debate on grammar, , ,
      • lecture on education in SA,
      • Professor of English, , , , , , , , ,
    • Bragg, Professor William,
      • address on education, , ,
  • C

    • calendar,
      • 1890,
      • 1892, , ,
    • Chancellor,
      • SJ Way re-elected,
      • staff appointments,
      • validity of position,
    • Chapple, F,
    • Classics, Professor of,
      • DF Kelly returns to UK,
    • conversaziones,
      • inspection of University by Governor, ,
    • Council,
      • dispute with Senate, , ,
      • elections, , ,
      • first graduate elected,
      • importance & role, , , , , ,
      • meetings, ,
  • E

    • Elder Music Scholarships
      • awarded to AK Porter,
    • Elder, Sir Thomas,
      • bust,
      • statue,
      • donations proposed for Chair of Music, ,
    • Engineering, School of,
      • 1889 examinations,
      • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
    • English, Professor of,
      • EV Boulger, , , , , , , , , ,
      • , , , , , , ,
    • examinations,
      • 1887 results junior, preliminary, senior, , ,
      • 1888 results senior,
      • 1888 results preliminary,
      • 1888 results, junior, senior public,
      • 1889 results, junior, preliminary, senior, , , , , , , , ,
      • 1890 results, junior, preliminary, senior, , , , ,
      • 1891 results junior, preliminary, , ,
      • 1892 results junior, senior,
      • candidates, ,
      • delays in receipt of certificates,
      • failure rates,
      • history, ,
      • mathematics,
      • matriculation, , , ,
      • preparation,
      • purpose, , , , , , ,
      • role of JA Hartley,
      • schools,
      • supervision,
      • term exams,
  • F

    • Farr, Archdeacon George Henry,
      • Vice-Chancellor, , , , ,
    • fees, ,
    • Fowler, Laura,
      • first woman medical graduate,
  • G

    • Glenelg Grammar School, ,
    • Governor,
      • Lord Kintore, , , , , , , ,
    • graduates,
      • first music,
      • first woman medical,
      • first women, , , , ,
    • graduation ceremonies,
      • 1887, , ,
      • 1888, , , , , , , ,
      • 1889, , , , ,
      • 1890, ,
      • 1891, , ,
      • academic dress,
      • student behaviour, , , ,
    • Greek,
      • study of, ,
    • grounds,
      • poor condition of,
  • H

    • Hartley, John Anderson,
      • role in examinations,
    • Henderson, James,
      • first graduate elected to Council,
    • Holder, Dr Sydney,
      • death & obituary,
  • I

    • Ives, Professor Joshua,
      • development of School of Music, ,
      • Faculty of Music head, ,
      • legal actions, ,
      • public lecture on history of English music, ,
  • J

    • Jones, TH,
      • first School of Music graduate,
  • K

    • Kelly, Professor David Frederick,
      • Professor of Classics,
      • return to UK,
    • Kintore, Lord,
      • Governor, , , , , , , ,
      • honorary degree, , , , , , , ,
      • visits University, , , , , , , ,
    • Knight, Adela BA (Adel) MB (Lond),
  • L

    • Law, School of,
      • Dr Pennefather appointed lecturer, , , , ,
      • graduate admitted to Bar in Victoria,
    • Laws, Bachelor of,
      • 1887 examinations,
      • 1888 examinations,
      • 1889 examinations,
      • changes to include two years of BA, , , , ,
      • recognition & status interstate, , , , , , , ,
    • legislation,
      • Education Act,
    • library,
      • gift of £1000 from R Barr Smith, ,
  • M

    • matriculation,
      • ±ð³æ²¹³¾¾±²Ô²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô²õ,Ìý, , ,
    • Medical Board, , ,
    • medical students,
      • attendance at Destitute Asylum births, ,
      • fees,
    • Medicine, Bachelor of,
      • proposed changes,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • 1891 examination results,
      • Adelaide Hospital,
      • delegation to State Treasurer,
      • entry requirements,
      • first woman graduate,
      • history of, , , , , , ,
      • mental pathology in asylums, ,
      • proposed changes to regulations,
      • proposed department of midwifery, , , ,
    • Midwifery, Study of, ,
    • Mines and Industries, School of,
      • establishment, , ,
      • importance,
      • opening, , ,Ìý,
      • Sir Thomas Elder donations, ,
    • Music, Faculty of,
      • head, ,
    • Music, Professor of,
      • Joshua Ives, , , , , , , , , ,
    • Music, School of,
      • 1888 examinations,
      • 1889 examinations,
      • 1890 examinations, , , ,
      • 1891 examinations, ,
      • comparison with Melbourne School of Music, ,
      • development, ,
      • examinations, , ,
      • first graduate,
      • Joshua Ives, ,
      • original composition for degree,
    • Musical Productions,
      • benefit concert for Frank Beverley,
  • N

    • North Adelaide High School,
  • P

    • Pennefather, Professor Frederick William,
      • 1890 graduation ceremony address, ,
      • appointment, , , , ,
      • changes to law degree,
      • granted LLD at Cambridge,
    • Porter, Ms AK,
      • awarded Elder Scholarship for Music,
    • Prince Alfred College,
    • public lectures,
      • arts and science,
      • EC Stirling on biological sciences,
      • EH Rennie on chemical science and production, , , , ,
      • EV Boulger on education in SA,
      • J Ives on history of English music, ,
  • R

    • Registrar,
      • J Tyas, ,
      • resignation, ,
    • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry,
      • Royal Society address, , , , ,
    • research,
      • A Watson, consumption in Berlin, ,
      • EC Stirling, medical research in Europe,
      • Medical School, mental pathology in asylums,
    • rowing,
      • Inter-varsity boat race, , , , , , ,
    • Royal Society, , , , ,
  • S

    • scholarships, , ,
      • see also the scholarship eg Angas Engineering; Elder; University Scholarships
    • School of Mines and Industries,
      • role,
    • School Teachers Association,
    • Science, Bachelor of,
      • 1888 examination results,
    • secondary schools,
      • Adelaide Collegiate School,
      • Adelaide School for Girls, , ,
      • Glenelg Grammar School, ,
      • North Adelaide High School,
      • Prince Alfred College,
      • Whinham College,
      • see also the name of the school
    • Senate,
      • academic arrogance, ,
      • dispute with Council, , , , ,
      • elections, ,
      • meeting,
      • membership, ,
      • proposed degree changes, , , ,
      • role, , , ,
      • staff tenure, ,
    • Shakespeare Society,
      • see Adelaide university Shakespeare Society
    • Sport, , , , , , ,
      • see also rowing
    • St Peter's College, ,
    • staff,
      • appointments by Chancellor,
      • tenure, ,
    • statutes,
      • SA parliament, ,
    • Stirling, Dr Edward C,
      • 1887 graduation ceremony speech,
      • address on scientific and literary education, ,
      • lecture on biological sciences,
      • medical research in Europe,
    • student statistics,
      • 1888 graduates, , , ,
      • numbers decline, , ,
      • university finances,
      • women graduates, ,
    • students,
      • behaviour, , ,
      • see also women students; medical students
  • T

    • Tilney, Miss,
    • Tyas, John,
      • registrar, ,
      • resignation, ,
  • U

    • universities, other,
      • Cambridge University,
      • London University,
      • Oxford University, ,
      • University of Melbourne, , , , , , , , , ,
      • University of New Zealand,
      • University of Sydney,
    • University,
      • aims,
      • role, ,
    • University Scholarships,
      • proposed discontinuation, ,
  • V

    • Verco, Dr Joseph,
      • 1891 graduation ceremony address, , ,
    • Vice-Chancellor,
      • GH Farr, , , , ,
    • visitors,
      • Governor Kintore, ,
      • Major Dane, ,
  • W

    • Watson, Professor Archibald,
      • Berlin study tour, ,
      • invention, ,
    • Way, Dr Edward Willis,
      • proposes midwifery department, ,
    • Way, Sir Samuel J,
      • appointment, , , ,
      • granted LLD at Oxford University,
      • leave, ,
      • SA Lieutenant-Governor, ,
      • censures students,
    • Whinham College,
    • women students,
      • compared to men, , , , ,
      • emphasis on medical profession, ,
      • examination results, ,
      • first women graduates, , , , ,
      • first woman medical graduate,
      • higher education,
    • Wright, Charlotte,
      • first woman BA, ,