Index to Volume 2 (1884-1889) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • academic matters,
      • breadth of education, , , , , , , , ,
      • Christian component,
      • extension to university teaching, ,
      • technical & academic teaching, ,
    • Adelaide Hospital, , , ,
    • Advanced School for Girls,
      • abolition proposed, , , , ,
      • examination, results & standards, , , , , , ,
      • prize list, ,
      • role of JA Hartley,
    • Anatomy, Chair of,
      • applicants & salary, ,
      • Professor Archibald Watson, , ,
    • Angas endowment,
      • for Chair of Chemistry, , ,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • endowment,
    • Angas, John Howard,
      • endowment for Chair of Chemistry, ,
    • Annual report,
      • for 1885, ,
      • for 1886, , , ,
    • art works,
      • bust of Sir Walter Watson Hughes, , , , , , ,
    • Arts, Bachelor of,
      • 1885 examinations & results, ,
      • 1886 examinations & results,
      • 1887 examinations & results,
      • recognised by University of Melbourne,
    • awards,
      • Fellow of Royal Society of London to Professor Lamb, , , ,
      • Royal Colonial Institute Prize to Arthur Donaldson,
    • Ayers, Sir Henry,
      • resignation as Treasurer,
  • B

    • Barlow, Dr William,
      • Doctor of Laws, ,
    • Beare, Thomas Hudson,
      • appointed to Chair at Heriot-Watt, England,
    • Bragg, Professor William,
      • appointment,
      • evening classes in practical physics,
    • Boulger, Professor Edward Vaughan, ,
    • 产耻颈濒诲颈苍驳蝉,听
      • dissecting room,
      • external use of University facilities, ,
      • powder magazine,
      • School of Medicine, , , ,
      • see also Mitchell Building
  • C

    • calendar,
      • for 1885, ,
      • for 1886, , , ,
      • changes to statutes & regulations, ,
    • Caterer, TA,
      • proposes & supports evening lectures, , ,
    • Chancellor,
      • Sir Samuel Way commemoration address, , , ,
      • Sir聽 Samuel Way at Medical Congress dinner,
    • Chemistry, Chair of,
      • Angas endowment, , ,
      • Professor EH Rennie appointed, , , , ,
    • Cleland, Dr WL,
      • Materia Medica lecturer,
    • Collegiate Schools鈥 Association,
    • commemorations,
      • see graduation ceremonies
    • conversazione,
      • 1887 Intercolonial Medical Congress,
      • concert arranged by Professor Ives,
      • scientific displays in Mitchell Building,
    • Council,
      • academic staff representation,
      • appointment of staff,
      • attendance of press,
      • compared with Senate, ,
      • elections & results, , , , , , ,
      • examination system committee report,
      • meetings, ,
      • membership,
      • Queen's Jubilee address, ,
    • Craven Scholarship,
    • curriculum,
      • compulsory courses for Greek,
      • languages,
      • need for reform,
      • women students, ,
  • D

    • Davenport, Sir William,
      • represents South Australia in Cambridge ceremony,
    • degrees,
      • ad eundem gradum,
      • honorary degrees,
    • distance students, ,
    • Donaldson, Arthur,
      • awarded Royal Colonial Institute Prize,
    • Dornwell, Edith Emily,
      • first woman graduate, , , ,
  • E

    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • founding of Music School,
    • Elder endowment,
      • evening lectures,
      • School of Medicine, , , , ,
    • Elder, Sir Thomas,
      • activities & endowments, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Knight Grand Cross of Order of St Michael & St George, ,
    • endowments,
      • evening lectures, , , , ,
      • Scottish universities,
      • see also the name of the endowment eg. Angas endowment
    • Enrolments,
      • for 1887,
      • compared with University of Edinburgh, ,
      • Evening lectures,
      • statistics, , , , , , , ,
      • see also the discipline eg Medicine, School of
    • establishment, University,
      • role of Union College, , ,
    • evening lectures,
      • 1885 review & report, , , , ,
      • arrangements, ,
      • attendance & enrolments, , , , , , , , , ,
      • costs, benefits & demand, , , , , ,
      • endowments, , , , ,
      • extending usefulness of the University, ,
      • fees, funding & financial contributions, , , , , , ,
      • Fletcher, Reverend William Roby, , , ,
      • Kelly, Professor David Frederick,
      • Latin, Geology, Mathematics, Greek, , ,
      • other universities,
      • Owens College, Manchester, , ,
      • Professor Bragg on practical physics,
      • Professor Tate on Australian geography, ,
      • proposal & public meeting, , , , , ,
      • support for, , , ,
      • two streams,
      • see also extension lectures; lectures; public lectures
    • examinations,
      • 1885 junior results,
      • 1886 junior results, , ,
      • 1886 junior music results,
      • arrangements, , , , , , , , ,
      • arrangements for music theory & practice, ,
      • committee report,
      • detrimental physical effects,
      • distance students, ,
      • languages curriculum,
      • regulations & reforms of anomalies, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • report to Council,
      • results, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • state school,
      • statistics, , , ,
      • student identification numbers, ,
      • texts for English exam unavailable,
      • University entrance requirements, , , , , , ,
      • women students,
      • see also the heading "examinations" under the specific discipline, school or type
    • external or extramural students,
      • see distance students
    • Extension lectures,
      • 1899 programme,
      • see also public lectures; evening lectures
  • F

    • Finance Committee,
      • replacement of Treasurer,
    • Fletcher, Reverend William Roby,
      • association with Owens College, Manchester, , ,
      • evening lectures, , , ,
      • history of the University of London,
      • School of Medicine,
      • support for evening lectures,
    • funding,
      • School of Medicine, , , , ,
      • School of Music,
  • G

    • Gee, Frederick William,
      • awarded Thomas Elder Prize for Physiology,
    • Gilchrist Scholarship,
    • Government Analyst,
      • Professor Edward Rennie, , ,
    • graduates,
      • for 1885, , , ,
      • first woman, ,
      • GJR Murray awarded Craven Scholarship,
      • low numbers, ,
      • statistics, matriculants & graduates,
    • graduation ceremonies, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1884 commemoration, , , , ,
      • 1885 commemoration, , , , , , ,, , ,
      • 1886 twelfth annual commemoration, , , , , ,
      • form of ceremony,
      • see also Roseworthy Agricultural College
    • grounds,
      • fences, ,
  • H

    • Hartley, John Anderson,
      • role in Advanced School for Girls,
    • Hughes endowments,
      • to Union College & University, , , , , ,
    • Hughes, Sir Walter Watson,
      • bust of, , , , , , ,
      • obituary, , ,
  • I

    • Intercolonial Medical Congress, , , , , , , ,
    • Ives, Professor Joshua,
      • appointed City Organist, ,
      • appointed to Chair of Music, , , , , , ,
      • concert for conversazione,
      • inaugural lecture, , , ,
  • J

    • John Howard Clark Prize,
      • awarded to Charles Ernest Robin,
    • Joyce, Mary Amelia,
      • awarded Thomas Elder Prize for Physiology,
  • K

    • Kelly, Professor David Frederick,
      • 1885 annual oration, , , , , ,
      • evening lectures,
  • L

    • Lamb, Professor Horace,
      • 1884 commemoration, , , ,
      • Fellow of Royal Society of London award, , , , ,
      • relationship with students,
      • resignation,
      • subsequent appointments, , ,
    • land holdings,
      • Wirreanda, ,
    • Laws, Bachelor of,
      • 1885 examination results, , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1886 examination results,
    • Laws, Doctor of,
      • Dr William Barlow, ,
    • Law, School of,
      • establishment of degree of Doctor of Laws,
    • Law students,
      • quality,
    • Lectures,
      • Professor Ives鈥 inaugural lecture, , , , ,
      • Professor Tate on Australian geography, ,
      • see also evening lectures; extension lectures; public lectures
    • legislation,
      • establishment of Roseworthy Agricultural College,
    • Leitch, J W,
      • awarded South Australian Scholarship,
    • library,
      • Holgate's book on Australian libraries,
    • Literary Societies鈥 Union, , ,
  • M

    • MacFarren, Sir GA,
      • music education, , ,
    • Materia Medica,
      • appointment of Dr. WL Cleland,
    • Mathematics & Physics, Professor of,
      • Professor W Bragg,
    • Mathematics, Chair of,
      • successor to Professor Lamb,
    • matriculation,
      • 1884 examination results, , ,
      • 1885 examination results,
      • 1886 examination results, ,
      • arrangements, , , , ,
      • content, subjects, syllabus, standards, reform, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • examination results & statistics, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • meaning & significance of term,
      • regulations, , ,
      • Music, School of, , , , ,
      • statistics, matriculants & graduates,
      • women students, , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Medical Congress,
      • see Intercolonial Medical Congress
    • medical students,
      • rules,
      • women admitted to Medical School; first enrolment, , , ,
    • Medicine, Bachelor of,
      • admission of women to degree of medicine,
      • 1886 examination results,
    • Medicine, Faculty of,
      • establishment, ,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • 1885 enrolments,
      • 1887 inaugural Intercolonial Medical Congress, , , ,
      • accommodation,
      • appointments & staffing,
      • arrangements for teaching at Adelaide Hospital, ,
      • building, , , ,
      • Council recommends admission of women; first enrolment, , , ,
      • endowment by Sir Thomas Elder, , , , ,
      • five year course,
      • Fletcher, Reverend William Roby,
      • funding, , , , ,
      • Materia Medica,
      • need for & opposition to, , , , ,
      • paper on cremation,
      • regulations,
      • Stirling, Dr Edward C, ,
      • teaching arrangements, , ,
    • Mitchell Building,
      • scientific displays for conversazione,
    • Murray, GJR,
      • awarded Craven Scholarship,
    • Music, Bachelor of,
      • 1885 examination results,
      • 1886 examination results,
      • first in Australia, ,
      • science of music, ,
    • Music, Chair of,
      • continuation, ,
      • endowment, ,
      • first in Australia,
      • Professor Joshua Ives appointed, , , , , , ,
    • Music, School of,
      • attendance, seating, piano, ,
      • concert for Medical Congress conversazione,
      • examinations results,
      • foundation,
      • funding & popularity,
      • inauguration,
      • matriculation requirements, , , , ,
      • Sir William Robinson, , , , , ,
      • statutes & regulations,
      • support from Royal Academy, , ,
  • P

    • Prince Alfred College,
      • examinations, results & student success, , , , , , ,
      • student awarded University Scholarship,
    • prizes, , , , , ,
    • public lectures, , , ,
      • extension lecture flier,
      • Professor Tate on Australian reptiles, flora & fossils, ,
      • see also lectures;evening lectures; extension lectures
  • R

    • Rennie, Professor Edward H,
      • analysis of imported & locally made vinegar, , ,
      • appointed to Chair of Chemistry, , , ,
      • as Government Analyst, , ,
      • evening classes in practical chemistry,
      • report to Parliament,
    • Robin, Charles Ernest,
      • awarded John Howard Clark Scholarship,
    • Robin, Mr PA,
      • awarded South Australian Scholarship, ,
    • Robinson, Sir William,
      • 1885 commemoration address, , , ,
      • support for evening lectures,
      • role in foundation of Chair of Music, , , , , ,
      • musical composition for Conversazione concert ,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • 1886 graduation ceremonies,
      • importance of,
      • legislation to establish, ,
    • Royal Academy of Music, London, , ,
    • Royal Colonial Institute Prize,
      • awarded to Arthur Donaldson,
  • S

    • St Peters College, , , , , , ,
    • scholarships, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • reform of anomaly in award arrangements, , ,
      • state schools, ,
      • see also specific names of scholarship eg South Australian Scholarship
    • Science, Bachelor of,
      • 1885 examination results, , , ,
      • 1886 examination results,
      • first woman graduate, , , ,
    • secondary schools,
      • Advanced School for Girls, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • 1886 prize lists, , ,
      • higher education,
      • Prince Alfred College, , , , , , , ,
      • religious education, , ,
      • St Peters College, , , , ,
      • school holidays,
      • students, , , ,
      • student statistics, , , ,
      • teaching of Greek,
      • see also name of the school, eg Advanced School for Girls
    • Senate,
      • agendas, ,
      • compared with Council, ,
      • Council nominations,
      • Elections, , ,
      • role,
    • South Australian Scholarship,
      • abolition & diversion of funds, , , , , , ,
      • awarded to AE Tucker,
      • awarded to JW Leitch,
      • awarded to PA Robin, ,
      • awarded to WJ Walker,
      • first awarded to TH Beare,
      • last awarded to WJ Walker,
    • sport,
      • see also the name of the sport, eg. tennis
    • staff,
      • appointments & representation, , ,
      • professorial salaries,
    • State Government,
      • abolition of South Australian Scholarship,
      • Professor Rennie鈥檚 report to Parliament,
      • University subsidy,
    • state schools,
      • see secondary schools
    • statistics,
      • matriculants & graduates,
      • see also enrolments; examinations; matriculation; student statistics
    • statutes,
      • changes to statutes & regulations, , ,
    • Stirling, Professor Sir Edward Charles,
      • paper on 鈥淭he State, the practitioner & the public鈥,
      • role in extension of Medical course, ,
    • student statistics,
      • examinations & results, ,
      • state schools,
    • students,
      • achievements,
      • examination regulations,
      • identification numbers for examinations, ,
      • rise in fees, ,
      • school background, ,
      • state schools, , , ,
      • see also distance students; law students; medical students; women students
  • T

    • Tate, Professor Ralph,
      • 1886 commemoration address, ,
      • lecture on Australian reptiles, flora & fossils, ,
    • tennis,
    • Thomas Elder Prizes for Physiology,
      • awarded to Mary Amelia Joyce,
      • awarded to Frederick William Gee,
    • Treasurer,
      • Sir Henry Ayers,
    • Tucker, Alfred Edgecombe,
      • awarded South Australian Scholarship,
  • U

    • Union College,
      • abolition & transfer of Hughes endowment, , ,
      • role in education, ,听,
      • role in University foundation, , ,
    • universities, other,
      • Cambridge University,
      • Harvard University,
      • Owens College, Manchester, , , , , ,
      • Scottish universities, , ,
      • Edinburgh University, ,
      • University of London,
      • University of Melbourne, , , ,
      • University of Sydney,
      • Yale University,
    • University colleges,
      • advocated by Primate, Alfred Barry, , ,
    • University Scholarships, , , ,
  • V

    • visitors,
      • Alfred Barry (Primate), , ,
      • Earl of Aberdeen, ,
      • Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Loch,
  • W

    • Walker, WJ,
      • awarded last South Australian Scholarship,
    • Watson, Professor Archibald, ,
      • appointed Adelaide Hospital Pathologist, ,听
      • appointed to Chair of Anatomy, ,
      • rabbit eradication by exposure to disease, ,
    • Way, Sir Samuel James,
      • 1884 commemoration address, , , ,
      • 1887 Medical Congress dinner address,
      • support for evening lectures,
    • Wharton, JC,
      • appointed evening class lecturer
    • Wirreanda,
      • financial records, ,
    • women,
      • education, , , ,
      • eligibility for Senate,
    • women students,
      • admission to degree of medicine, , , ,
      • first enrolment at Medical School,
      • Advanced School for Girls, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • examinations,
      • first science graduate, , , , ,
      • first to study medicine in England,
      • matriculation standards, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • curriculum, ,
      • performance, , , , ,
      • Thomas Elder Prize for Physiology,
      • trainee teachers, ,
      • University entrance requirements,