Index to Volume 16 (1926-1927) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Academic matters,
      • details of Diploma of Commerce,
      • proposal for Chair of Theology,
      • massage diploma to be offered,
    • Accreditation,
      • new doctors accredited,
    • Addison, Stanley Simpson,
      • career summary,
    • Agricultural Bureau Conference,
    • Agriculture, Study of,
      • address by G Samuel on "Fighting plant diseases",
    • Allen, Eleanor Alice,
      • passes examination for PhD in psychology at University of London,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • awarded to Francis Henry Humphris, ,
    • Anthropological Association,
      • addressed by Professor Frederick Wood Jones,
      • meeting on Aboriginal occupation of Adelaide plains,
      • meeting on Aboriginal burial customs,
      • on smoke signals and message sticks,
    • Arts Association,
      • 15th annual dinner,
      • addressed by Professor Sir Archibald Strong,
      • ball to fund new union hall and boathouse,
    • Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress in Perth, , , , , , ,
    • Ayers, Ivy,
      • piano and vocal performance at Conservatorium,
  • B

    • Barr Smith, Thomas Elder,
      • 拢20,000 endowment for University library building, ,
    • Basedow, Dr. Herbert,
      • lecture "scientific explorations in Australia",
      • to run for Parliament,
      • talk on the racial characteristics and trends needed to people northern Australia,
    • Bequests, gifts and endowments,
      • endowments, ,
      • 拢20,000 endowment for University library building from T E聽Barr Smith, ,
    • Bevan, Frederick,
      • return from holiday, ,
      • recent trip to London, ,
    • Blaskett, Sydney Norman,
      • going to United States for further engineering experience,
    • Bonython, Sir John Langdon,
      • retirement from Council,
      • career summary and gifts to university,
    • Booth, S Russell,
      • appointed Chair of Board of Commercial Studies, ,
    • Bourke, George Herbert,
      • career summary,
    • Bragg, Professor Sir William,
      • review of his book "Old Trades and new Knowledge",
    • Brailsford Robertson, Professor Thorburn,
      • to preside over Advisory Committee of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
    • Brookman, Sir George,
      • resigns from Council on health grounds, ,
      • services praised by Chancellor Sir George Murray,
      • career summary,
    • Brose, Dr H L,
      • appointed to head physics research at University College, Nottingham,
    • Brown, Dr Jethro,
      • possible retirement,
    • Buildings,
      • opening of new physics and engineering building,
      • growth in student numbers,
      • editorial including references to new buildings,
      • arrival of designs for the new university,
      • new engineering and physics building opened by Premier Gunn, ,
      • offer of 拢10,000 by Sir Josiah Symon for a women's union building,
      • address by Professor Kerr Grant at opening of new physics building, ,
      • early financial support from G Henderson for a Union Hall,
      • Vice-Chancellor Mitchell on the proposed Student Union building,
  • C

    • Campbell, Dr T D,
      • talk on "The Aboriginal occupation of the Adelaide plains",
      • member of expedition to research areas of aborigine life, , ,
    • Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
      • talk on "international law" to Justices' Conference, ,
      • Photograph,
    • Carey, Clive,
      • lecture on folk songs and dances,
    • Ceremonies and celebrations,
      • see also Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations
      • new ceremonial mace, ,
    • Chancellors,
      • Sir George Murray, , ,
    • Chapman, Professor Robert William,
      • learned professor,
      • retires from council,
      • member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
      • Photograph,
    • Chapman, Robert Hall,
      • reports on railway maintenance and construction overseas, ,
    • Classical Association,
      • addressed by Professor Hancock,
      • farewells Professor Darnley Naylor,
    • Cleland, Professor John Burton,
      • member of expedition to research areas of aborigine life, , ,
      • Photograph,
    • Clubs and associations,
      • Anthropological Association, , , ,
      • Arts Association, , ,
      • Australasian Society for Advancement of Science,
      • Classical Association, ,
      • Conservatorium Students' Association,
      • Dental Association inaugural meeting,
      • Economics Society of Australia & New Zealand,
      • Graduates Association, , , , , , , ,
      • Law Students Society, ,
      • League of Nations Union, , , , , , , ,
      • Medical Students Association,
      • Pharmaceutical Students Association,
      • Poetry Society,
      • Royal Society, , ,
    • Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,聽
    • Conferences and seminars,
      • Australasian Association for Advancement of Science Congress in Perth, , , , , , ,
      • Agricultural Bureau Conference,
      • Justices' Conference, ,
    • Conservatorium Students' Association,
      • new local composers introduced,
    • Cooke, Dr W,
      • staff changes, temporary and permanent,
    • Cooke, Professor W Ernest,
      • Controversy over retirement as Government Astronomer,
    • Council, 成人大片,
      • appointment of E Holden as representative on council of St Marks College,
      • deans and chairmen of faculties appointed, ,
      • farewells Professor Darnley Naylor, ,
      • photograph and list of Council members for 50th jubilee,
      • resignation of Sir George Brookman, ,
      • retirements and resignations from Council,
      • Sir Josiah Symon links with council,
      • two council nominations to Public Library Board,
    • Course information,
      • details of Diploma of Commerce released,
      • two year massage diploma to be offered by the University,
  • D

    • Dalley-Scarlett, Robert,
      • final composition presented and accepted for Mus Bac,
    • Davies, Professor E Harold,
      • concert by SA Symphony Orchestra,
      • praise from composer Percy Grainger,
      • anthropological research into aborigines, , ,
      • involvement with Percy Grainger concerts, ,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • final student concert for the year,
      • Photograph,
    • Degrees,
      • three new theses accepted for higher degrees,
      • Leonard Keith Ward awarded D Sc for thesis on "Geology of Central Australia",
      • Thomas Le Messurier awarded degree of M Sc, ,
    • Dental Association,
      • inaugural meeting,
    • Dentistry, School of,
      • history and work of the Dental School,
      • proposal to train women to do minor dental work on school children,
      • scholarships to be awarded to women to train in dentistry for country schools, ,
    • Dodwell, George,
      • overseas research into use of wireless telegraphy in determining longitude,
      • time at Royal Observatory, Greenwich,
    • Donnithorne, William,
      • graduates as oldest legal student, ,
    • Dorsch, Ida,
      • speaker at Graduates Association luncheon, ,
  • E

    • Economics, Chair of,
      • possible establishment of Chair of Economics,
    • Economics Society of Australia & New Zealand,
      • first annual meeting of SA Branch,
    • Edgeloe, Victor Allen,
      • prize for elocution,
    • Engineering, School of,
      • testing of bricks used in State bank buildings,
    • Establishment, 成人大片,
      • see also Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations
      • fixing of the site of the University,
      • the University's earliest days, ,
      • Photographs,
    • Examinations,
      • public exams, Intermediate, Leaving and Leaving Honours, held at the Exhibition and Brookman buildings,
      • Australian Music Examinations Board results, , ,
      • dental exam results, ,
      • Diploma in Commerce results,
      • in "50 years ago" column, names of top matriculants of 1876,
      • in "50 years ago" column,
      • students to sit university's exams for 1876,
      • insufficient graph paper at a university exam held in Mt. Gambier,
      • Intermediate Public exam results for 1926, , , , , , , , ,
      • Last exams for diploma in music,
      • Leaving Honours public exam results, ,
      • Leaving Public exam results for 1926, ,
      • letter from student about noises from carpentry and music rehearsals during exams in Brookman building,
      • medicine examinations results, ,
      • music exam results, , , ,
      • exam results for BA, B.Ec, Dip. Ed.,
      • law results,
      • outstanding exam results by St聽Mark's College residents,
      • photograph of students sitting for Leaving and Leaving Honours public exams,
      • Public exam (Leaving Honours) 1926 results,
      • results for Doctor of Dental Science results,
      • science exam results, , ,
    • Extension lectures,
      • lecture by Professor J聽Prescott on the chemistry of the soil,
      • proposals for city and country classes for Workers Educational Association,
  • F

    • Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations,
      • programme details,
      • list of delegates to the Jubilee, ,
      • service at St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral, , , , , , , , , ,
      • 50th jubilee service; "a citizen's impressions",
      • address by Registrar of the University of Melbourne,
      • "The spirit of university",
      • Commonwealth Club luncheon for delegates, ,
      • concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium,
      • dinner for delegates, ,
      • links with University of Western Australia,
      • founding, growth and endowments of the university, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • noted professors and their achievements,
      • Chancellor Sir George Murray at jubilee,
      • photograph of women graduates,
      • university's new ceremonial mace, ,
      • photograph of Council members,
      • Professor Prescott on research activities of Waite Institute,
      • visit to Waite Institute, ,
    • Finance,
      • university finances in good condition,
    • Florey, Howard, MBBS,
      • appointed to a fellowship at Cambridge,
    • Foote, W H,
      • praise from composer Percy Grainger,
    • Forder, Howard,
      • going to US for further engineering experience,
    • Forestry, School of,
      • N Jolly resigning as head of Federal school of Forestry, ,
      • visit by interstate students,
  • G

    • Gartrell, H W,
      • praise for metallurgical testing done by H聽Gartrell,
    • Gluis, John, MA,
      • appointed Headmaster of Woodville High School,
    • Graduates,
      • three new graduates admitted to the Supreme Court,
      • luncheon welcome for over 100 new graduates, ,
      • Adelaide graduates among new magistrates and judges to be appointed,
    • Graduates Association,
      • addressed by Oxford physicist Dr H Brose,
      • addressed by Professor Jauncey of Washington University, ,
      • addressed by Vice-Chancellor on proposed Student Union building,
      • annual luncheon,
      • lunch for over 100 new graduates, ,
      • speech by Professor W Hancock at annual general meeting, ,
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • 1926 graduation ceremony; speech "The external inheritance of man" by Professor Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, , , , ,
      • ceremony to be held on Dec 15, 1926,
      • list of graduates for 1926,
    • Grainger, Percy,
      • concerts, ,
      • praise for Professor E. Davies and staff member W H Foote,
    • Grant, Professor Kerr,
      • member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
      • in list of noted professors in Fiftieth Jubilee Celebrations,
      • staff changes at Adelaide University,
      • opening of new physics building, ,
      • speaks at opening of new physics building,
      • Photograph,
    • Grounds,
      • discussion on making Parkside Mental Hospital grounds available to the university,
      • discussion over future use of Jubilee oval at back of university,
      • motion in parliament to reserve grounds vacated by the Mental Hospital at Parkside for the University, ,
      • negotiations for land near Jubilee oval vacated by Royal Agricultural Society,
  • H

    • Hackett, C J,
      • member of University party doing anthropological research into aborigines,
    • Hancock, Professor W K,
      • gives speech on 鈥渘ational characteristics鈥 to AGM of Graduates Association, ,
      • probably the youngest professor in the world,
      • appointed Dean of Faculty of Arts, ,
      • "Ricasoli", a book on Italian history by Professor Hancock,
      • articles by Prof Hancock on Mussolini's Italy, ,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • talks on Germany's reception into the League of Nations,
      • Photograph,
    • Hardy, Mabel, BA,
      • new principal of Mt. Lofty boarding school,
    • Hargreaves, Dr W, DSc,
      • research into producing alcohol from straw,
    • Haskard G H B, BSc,
      • appointed to mathematics lecturer position at School of Mines,
    • Haslam, Joseph Auburn,
      • career summary,
    • Haslam, L H,
      • appointed a magistrate,
    • Heaton, Dr Herbert,
      • describes his life in Canada,
    • Heggaton, Keith V,
      • admitted to practice in the Supreme Court,
    • Henderson, Professor G C,
      • raises financial support for Union building,
    • Henderson, Roland,
      • admitted to practice in the Supreme Court,
    • Hicks, Professor C S,
      • talks on the value of student organisations, ,
    • Hitchcox, A C, BA,
      • head master at Quorn High School, career summary,
    • Holdaway, G F, MSc,
      • appointed to travelling studentship, ,
      • to go to USA for scientific and industrial research, ,
    • Holden, E W, BSc,
      • appointed University Council鈥檚 representative on council of St. Marks college,
      • a 鈥榗aptain of industry鈥, managing director of Holden鈥檚 Motor Body Builders,
    • Hone, Dr F S,
      • advocates a TB clinic at the hospital,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter,
      • career summary, ,
    • Humphries, F H,
      • winner of Angas Engineering Scholarship,
    • Hutchins, Harry Wellington,
      • specially commended in announcement of music scholarships, ,
  • I

    • Isbister, W J,
      • nominated by Council to Public Library Board,
  • J

    • Jacobs, M R,
      • holder of Lawrie scholarship undertakes soil analysis,
    • Jauncey, Dr George E M,
      • visit to Adelaide from Ass Prof of Physics at Washington University,
    • Jeffery, F,
      • member of University party doing anthropological research into aborigines,
    • Jenkins, Merle Nona,
      • awarded Robert Whinham prize for elocution, ,
    • Johnston, Professor T Harvey,
      • involvement in prickly pear research,
      • list of noted professors,
    • Jolly, Professor Norman,
      • appointed Commissioner of Forests for NSW, , ,
      • in list of noted professors and their achievements,
      • staff changes, temporary and permanent,
      • Photograph,
    • Jones, Professor Frederick Wood,
      • elected President of Royal Society,
      • awarded Mueller Medal,
      • on "message sticks" and "smoke signals" at Anthropological Society, ,
      • on the dragons of Komodo,
      • rumoured to have accepted a Rockefeller Foundation research position,
      • reported on fauna conservation activities,
      • resignation, ,
      • upon his resignation to go the University of Hawaii, ,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • on the ethnology of contact of primitive with advanced societies,
      • to conduct research into racial mixing in Hawaii,
      • asked to make enquiries into administrations of fauna reserves,
      • staff changes, temporary and permanent,
      • on Kangaroo Island Caves,
      • leaves Adelaide,
      • speaks at 18th annual session of Australasian Association for the advancement of Science in Perth,
      • Photograph,
    • Justices' Conference, ,
  • K

    • Kelly, W R,
      • appointed stipendiary magistrate, ,
    • Kessell, S L, BSc,
      • conservator of Forests, WA,
  • L

    • Law, School of,
      • alteration to requirements for law degree,
      • admissions to the Bar,
    • Law staff appointments,
    • Law Students Society,
      • debate on problem involving city by-law,
      • to solve problem set by lecturer E. Benham,
    • League of Nations Union,
      • addressed by Professor Cedric Hicks, ,
      • addressed by Professor Darnley Naylor, , , ,
      • addressed by W. Oldham,
      • farewells Professor Darnley Naylor,
    • Le Messurier, Thomas Abram,
      • awarded degree of M Sc, ,
    • Leach, William Valentine,
      • appointed Inspector of Schools,
    • Leader, Haynes,
      • admitted to the Supreme Court,
    • Lewcock, H R,
      • details of research into prickly pear,
    • Library,
      • 拢20,000 endowment for library building by T E Barr Smith, ,
  • M

    • Mackay, Alexander Leslie Gordon, MA, MEc, DipEd,
      • appointed director of tutorial classes in economics,
      • tenure of land leases and future economic development, ,
    • Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • new Antarctic expedition possible,
      • Photograph,
    • Mayo, G Elton,
      • publishes Democracy and Freedom,
    • Mayo, Helen, MBBS,
      • granted degree of MD,
    • McCarthy, Walter James, BA, BSc,
      • career summary, ,
    • McLachlan, A J,
      • acting Federal Attorney-General,
    • Medical Students Association,
      • annual dinner,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • skeletons of emus kept in medical museum,
      • Drs S Newland and Bronte Smeaton on committee to set up Australian College of Surgeons, ,
      • praise from visiting Irish medical academic,
      • new medical registrations,
    • Melbourne, Henry Eoin Sydney, BE,
      • Burnside council engineer,
    • Menz, Anna, BA,
      • representative at the meeting of International Federation of University Women in Amsterdam,
    • Mitchell, Judge Samuel James,
      • death of noted judge,
    • Mitchell, Professor Sir William,
      • Vice-Chancellor wrote to League of Nations,
      • Vice-Chancellor addresses dinner for 50th Jubilee celebrations, ,
      • proposed Student Union building,
      • awarded KCMG in New Years honours list, ,
      • Photograph,
    • Mitton, Ronald Gladstone,
      • 1926 Rhodes Scholar, , ,
    • Modern Languages, Chair of,
      • editorial on "university progress",
    • Morris, M C, LLB,
      • joins Methodist ministry,
    • Mudie, G D, BE,
      • appointed Town Clerk of Adelaide,
    • Muirhead, H M,
      • appointed to Police Court,
    • Murray, Sir George, BA, LLB,
      • 63rd birthday,
      • addresses dinner for delegates to 50th Jubilee celebrations, ,
      • photograph, ,
    • Music, School of,
      • letter from composer Percy Grainger,
      • meeting of Conservatorium Students Association,
      • Miss Mignon Weston resigns from Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • resignation of piano teacher Harold Wylde,
      • Frederick Bevan returns from trip, , , ,
    • Musical productions,
      • 10th concert of 1926 season at Elder Conservatorium,
      • 12th concert of Elder Conservatorium season, ,
      • 13th concert of Elder Conservatorium season,
      • 8th concert by the Student Orchestra, ,
      • chamber recital at Elder Conservatorium attended by Percy Grainger,
      • 7th concert at Elder Conservatorium,
      • concert at Elder Hall of original compositions,
      • concert by South Australian Symphony Orchestra,
      • concert by staff of Elder Conservatorium as part of the 50th jubilee,
      • final orchestral concert for the year, ,
      • final student social for the year, ,
      • ladies part-singing concert at Elder Hall,
      • Percy Grainger concert at Exhibition hall,
      • performance of "Shamus O'Brien&qquot; by Conservatorium Opera Class, , , ,
      • piano and vocal performance by staff member Ivy Ayers,
      • South Australian Orchestra programme,
      • second recital by Elder Conservatorium string quartet, ,
      • staff concert at Conservatorium, ,
      • string quartet at Elder Conservatorium,
      • student concert at Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • student operatic performance at Conservatorium, ,
      • vocal concerts by Conservatorium students, , ,
  • N

    • Napier, Justice T, LLB,
      • 44th birthday and career summary,
    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • farewells for Professor Naylor, , , , , , , ,
      • summary of career as a singer, ,
      • article on evolution,
      • final address before retiring to United Kingdom, ,
      • contribution on smoke signals and message sticks,
      • editorials on his career, ,
      • returning to United Kingdom after 32 years, , , ,
      • resigns ,
      • staff changes,
      • suggests the high school curriculum is over-loaded,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • address to Commercial Travellers Association, ,
      • Photograph,
    • Naylor, Ruth Winnifred,
      • wins singing scholarship, ,
    • Nesbitt, Hubert Gordon Paris,
      • appointed new stipendiary magistrate, ,
    • Newland, Dr H,
      • orthopaedic advances in the Great War,
    • Newland, Dr Simpson,
      • lectures in clinical surgery,
      • on committee to set up Australian College of Surgeons,
  • O

    • Oldham, W,
      • talks on slavery to meeting of League of Nations Union,
    • Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
      • to prepare report into plant disease research,
      • appointed chair of faculty of science, ,
      • editorial on arid land research by Prof Osborn,
      • going to New South Wales to research plant problems,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • speaks at 18th annual session of Aust. Assoc for Advancement of Science, ,
      • research into uses of saltbush,
  • P

    • Paine, Justice H K, LLB,
      • appointed to Royal Commission into police bribery, ,
    • Parsons, Rex Whaddon, BE, MSc,
      • thesis accepted for Master of Science degree,
    • Pharmaceutical Students Association,
      • first annual meeting,
    • Poetry Society,
      • addressed by A Kirkwood,
    • Poole, Mr Justice,
      • presides over changes in regulations,
      • re-appointed Warden of the Senate,
    • Prescott, Professor J A,
      • part of group investigating scientific problems of River Murray,
      • explains research activities of Waite Institute, , ,
      • Photograph,
    • Professors,
      • list of noted professors,
      • Jethro Brown,
      • Arthur Lang Campbell, ,
      • Edward Harold Davies, , , ,
      • Kerr Grant,
      • W Keith Hancock, , , ,
      • Cedric Stanton Hicks,
      • Walter Howchin, ,
      • Norman Jolly,
      • Frederick Wood Jones, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Sir Douglas Mawson,
      • Henry Darnley Naylor, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Theodore George Bentley Osborn, , , , , ,
      • James Arthur Prescott, , , , , , , ,
      • Edward Henry Rennie, , , , , , , ,
      • Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, , ,
      • Thornbury Brailsford Robertson, , , , , , , ,
      • Sir Archibald Strong, , ,
      • Archibald Watson,
    • Public lectures,
      • series of lectures on the properties of soil by Professor J A Prescott, , ,
      • lecture by Clive Carey on folk songs and dances,
      • "The duration of life" by Professor Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, ,
    • Publications,
      • "Ricasoli", a book on Italian history by Professor W Keith Hancock,
      • Jubilee issue of Adelaide University magazine,
      • review of Professor Sir William Bragg's book "Old Trades and new Knowledge",
  • R

    • Ray, Dr W,
      • member of University party doing anthropological research into aborigines,
      • appointed Dean of Medicine, ,
    • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry,
      • 74th birthday,
      • address on religious science,
      • presides over the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
      • address to the Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, , , ,
      • death and career summary, , , , , ,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • to open fete for Student Christian Movement, ,
      • Photograph,
    • Research,
      • address by A E V Richardson on agricultural research,
      • article by J A Prescott on research at Waite,
      • article by Geoffrey Samuel on need for research into plant diseases,
      • article on applied chemical research by South Australian Department of Chemistry,
      • Professor T G B Osborn to report into plant disease research, ,
      • details of agricultural research at Waite Institute,
      • research by H K Lewcock into prickly pear,
      • editorial on arid land research by Professor T G B Osborn,
      • expedition to research areas of aborigine life, , , ,
      • overseas research into use of wireless telegraphy in determining longitude,
      • letter regarding Waite Institute research on plant diseases,
      • Professor Frederick Wood Jones to conduct research into racial mixing in Hawaii,
      • proposal for snake park near the University for research purposes,
      • research by Chemistry Department into producing alcohol from straw,
      • research into increased wheat yields by Dr A E V Richardson, , , ,
      • research into uses of saltbush by Professor T G B Osborn,
      • Professor A E V Richardson arrives in USA for agricultural research,
      • Waite Institute to be involved in research into tomato wilt disease, , ,
      • G. Holdaway to go to USA for scientific and industrial research, ,
    • Residential colleges,
      • St Mark's College, , ,
    • Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor,
      • address to Rotary Club on agricultural research,
      • research into increased wheat yields, , ,
      • to arrive in Adelaide after a year overseas,
      • in USA for agricultural research, ,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • on the need for more science spending on agriculture,
      • member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
      • Photograph,
    • Robertson, S C, BSc, BE,
      • on staff of chief builder of Sydney Harbour Bridge,
    • Robertson, Professor Thornburn Brailsford,
      • member of Commonwealth Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
      • discusses a cure for cancer,
      • in list of noted professors and their achievements,
      • opposes "dumping" of British mental defectives in Australia,
      • discusses United States research into sea urchins,
      • elected a foreign member of Reale Accademia Nazionale in Italy, ,
      • public lecture on "The duration of life", ,
      • to attend Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in Melbourne,
      • speech on "The external inheritance of man", , , ,
      • Photograph,
    • Rooney, Patrick William, LLB,
      • career summary,
    • Royal Society,
      • elects Professor Frederick Wood Jones as President,
      • lecture by Dr H Basedow,
      • meeting,
  • S

    • Samuel, Geoffrey, MSc, BSc,
      • thesis accepted for masters degree,
      • gave address on fighting plant diseases,
    • Sanderson, Kenneth Francis Villiers,
      • appointed stipendiary magistrate, ,
    • Scholarships,
      • scholarships available to children of the Commercial Travellers and Warehousemens Association,
      • meeting of selection committee to be held,
      • government funds for evening studentships,
      • government bursaries awarded for study at the university,
      • establishment of two Tinline scholarships,
      • letter about recent awarding of music scholarships,
      • letter claiming shortage of music scholarships,
      • F Humphris winner of 1926 Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • winners of music scholarships announced, ,
    • Secondary education,
      • photograph of students sitting for Leaving and Leaving Honours examinations,
      • Darnley Naylor suggests the high school curriculum is over- loaded,
    • Segnit, Ralph Walter, MA, BSc,
      • career summary,
    • Senate, 成人大片,
      • changes in regulations, ,
      • new members elected,
      • new statutes proposed,
      • retirements and resignations from Council,
    • Shanasy, W Bonwell, MBBS,
      • death and career summary,
    • Sharman, Florence, MA,
      • appointed as instructor at Acadia University, Canada,
    • Smeaton, Dr Bronte,
      • on committee to set up Australian College of Surgeons, ,
    • Sport,
      • 1926 dates for inter-university sport,
      • details of matches to be held at University oval,
      • intervarsity women's basketball,
    • St Marks College,
      • Council appoints E Holden to College Council,
      • first three years of development,
      • outstanding examination results by residents,
    • Staff,
      • list of noted professors,
      • deans and chairmen of faculties appointed, ,
      • new Law appointments,
      • photographs of prominent university staff, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • staff changes,
    • Statton, J W, BSc,
      • takes up position as maths lecturer,
    • Statistics,
      • growth in student numbers,
    • Statutes,
      • alteration to statutes for law degree,
      • reduced number of subjects needed for BA, ,
      • Senate to discuss new statutes,
    • Stewart, Professor J McKellar,
      • deans and chairmen of faculties appointed, ,
      • Photograph,
    • Strong, Professor Archibald,
      • gives talk on "The tragedies of Swinburne",
      • nominated to Public Library Board,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • gives lecture on poetry of William Morris,
      • on impressions of post-war Europe,
      • Photograph,
    • Student activities,
      • annual student "procession" day,
      • students to go fruit picking,
      • decline of student procession, ,
      • trend to "cramming",
      • trial debates to choose members of intervarsity debating teams,
      • University Ball to be held in Elder Hall,
    • Symon, Sir Josiah,
      • 80th birthday and career summary,
      • offers 拢10,000 for a women's union building,
  • T

    • Tregenza, Sydney Lloyd, BA,
      • appointed Headmaster of Pt Lincoln High,
    • Tucker, Professor T G,
      • appointed as acting Professor of Classics and Comparative Philology,
  • U

    • Union,
      • 拢10,000 offered by Sir Josiah Symon for a women's union building,
    • University of Western Australia,
      • early links with Adelaide University,
    • University Rural Centres,
      • letter calling for rural colleges as part of the university,
  • V

    • Verco Sir Joseph,
      • 75th birthday and career summary,
      • appointed dean of Faculty of Dentistry, ,
      • inaugural meeting of Dental Association,
      • retirement from Council,
      • role in the history and work of the dental school,
      • editorial refers to vice-chancellor Mitchell writing to the League of Nations,
      • return of Vice-Chancellor Mitchell from United Kingdom, ,
      • Vice-Chancellor Mitchell's impressions of universities abroad,
      • Vice-Chancellor William Mitchell awarded KCMG, ,
  • W

    • Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
      • visit by 50th jubilee delegates, , ,
      • Professor Prescott on research at Waite, ,
      • opening of agricultural bureau conference,
      • visit by State Governor Sir Tom Bridges,
      • to do research into tomato wilt, ,
      • visit by party of British schoolboys,
      • visited by members of Empire Parliamentary Delegation, ,
      • praised by Professor Stapledon, ,
    • Wallman, Reginald Horton, LLB,
      • elected President of South Australian Rowing Association,
    • Walsh, Margarey Cecilia,
      • commended in competition for music scholarship, , ,
    • Ward, Leonard Keith,
      • awarded DSc for thesis on "geology of central Australia鈥,
      • congratulated by Premier Hill on his DSc,
      • career summary,
    • Watson, Professor Archibald,
      • career summary,
    • Wauchope, Mavis, BA,
      • appointed infant mistress at Rose Park Public School,
    • Weston, Mignon,
      • to concentrate on orchestral work,
    • Whitham, Annie B, BA,
      • delegate to international conferences of Women's associations, ,
    • Willson, Arthur Roger,
      • wins music scholarship,
    • Wilton, Professor,
      • appointed Chairman of Library Committee, ,
      • in list of noted professors,
      • Photograph,
    • Women students,
      • delegates to international conference of Women's associations, ,
      • Florence Sharman appointed as instructor at Acadia University, Canada,
      • equal rights of women at the university from earliest days,
      • M Wauchope appointed infant mistress at Rose Park Public School,
      • 拢10,000 offered by Sir Josiah Symon for a women's union building,
      • photograph of women graduates at 50th Jubilee celebrations,
      • proposal to train women to do minor dental work on school children, , ,
      • thesis of Helen Mayo approved for degree of Doctor of Medicine,
    • Wright, Dr G H,
      • first person to gain DLitt from University of Western Australia,
  • Y

    • Yoerger, Katy,
      • winner of music scholarship, ,