Index to Volume 15 (1925 - 1926) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Aborigines,
      • American anthropologists visit aboriginal camp, , ,
      • Dr Herbert Basedow researches aboriginal religious beliefs,
      • Professor Edwin R. Embree visits Tarcoola Aborigines,
      • Sir Joseph Verco recalls Aborigines in Botanic Park,
      • origins of Aborigines, ,
      • Dr Thomas Draper Campbell on dental caries among Aborigines,
      • Royal Society of South Australia meeting paper on Aborigines,
      • Dr Campbell鈥檚 book titled Dentition and Palate of the Australian Aboriginal,
      • dental caries among Australian Aborigines,
    • Accountancy & auditing, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Adams, Rev. Reginald Keith Sorby,
      • ordination at St Peter's Cathedral, , ,
    • Adams, Alfred John,
      • lecturer at Roseworthy Agricultural College,
    • Adelaide Bach Society,
      • to perform with South Australian Orchestra,
    • Adelaide Repertory Theatre,
      • 1926 season of plays,
    • Adelaide University Magazine,
    • Agriculture, Study of,
      • agricultural high school to be built at Urrbrae,
    • Altmann, Dr. Herbert Franz,
      • appointed Officer of Health to the Freeling Board of Health,
    • Allen, Miss Eleanor Alice,
      • delegate at the 10th International Woman Suffrage Alliance in Paris,
    • Allen, Charles,
      • addresses students on education and duties of secretaries, ,
    • Allen, Sir Harry,
      • obituary of pathologist and dean of Melbourne University, ,
    • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
      • awarded to Joyce Elizabeth Watson,
    • Andrew Scott Prize for Latin,
      • to Frederic Stephen Hodby,
    • Angus, Dr. William Roy,
      • acting for Dr Ryan at Nhill in his absence,
    • Anthoney, Ernest, MP,
      • the need for a wider vision on forestry issues,
      • on forestry,
    • Anthropology, study of,
      • see also Aborigines
      • The Natives of the Purari Delta by Francis Edgar Williams,
      • Rev F W Brasher reports of the medical campaign in Papua by Australian officers,
    • Annual report,
      • 1925 report,
    • Art works,
      • 23rd anniversary of the unveiling of the Elder statue,
    • Arts, Study of,
      • regulations changed,
      • 1925 examination results, , , , ,
    • Ashhurst, Thomas W.,
      • Rhodes Scholar now in Sydney,
      • progress at Oxford,
      • returns from Oxford,
    • Athletics,
      • Athletics Club annual sports day results,
      • Inter-University Athletic Championships to be held in Adelaide,
      • Inter-University Sports won by Melbourne,
    • Australian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • book of 1924 Science Congress held in Adelaide available shortly,
      • 18th meeting to be held in Perth, ,
    • Ayres, Ivy,
      • appointed teacher of aural culture and musical appreciation, , , ,
  • B

    • Baines, Stanley,
      • flautist,
    • Baker, Thomas,
      • gift of 拢20,000 to Biochemistry Department, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne,
    • Barnard, Howard,
      • to commence work in United Kingdom,
    • Barr Smith Prize for Greek,
      • to Harrold Burls Wilson,
    • Barwell, Sir Henry Newman,
      • biography,
      • to retain the "Honourable' title for life,
    • Basedow, Dr. Herbert,
      • researches aboriginal religious beliefs,
      • leader of new expedition to northern Australia, , ,
      • invited to deliver a course of lectures at University of Hamburg,
      • to lecture at Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science in Perth, , ,
    • Bayly, William Reynolds,
      • speaker at the conference of the Education Society, , ,
    • Beard, Dr. Jack Roland,
      • returned to Adelaide, ,
      • appointed honorary assistant physician of the Infectious Diseases Block, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Beare, Professor Thomas Hudson,
      • knighted, ,
      • biography of first holder of the South Australian Scholarship,
    • Bequests, gifts & endowments,
      • Sir Langdon Bonython鈥檚 gift for endowing the Chair of Law, , ,
      • Thomas Baker鈥檚 gift of 拢20,000 to Biochemistry Department, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne,
      • 1925 annual report,
    • Bergson, Professor,
      • invitation to French philosopher to lecture in Australia,
    • Berry, Frances Winifred,
      • on committee for the Education Society conference, ,
    • Betts, Dr. Lionel Oxborrow,
      • to report on treatment of crippled children in US,
      • leaving to study orthopaedic work in England,
    • Bevan, Frederick,
      • seriously ill,
      • farewell social, ,
      • writes from abroad,
    • Biaggini, Ernest Gordon,
      • lectures in Renmark for Workers Educational Association,
    • Bickersteth, Rev Kenneth Julian Faithfull,
      • Headmaster of St Peters College to travel to Great Britain,
      • Visiting schools in UK,
    • Biochemistry, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Bishop, John,
      • tribute to first public concert in Derby, ,
    • Bleby, Dorothy Aileen,
      • awarded John Howard Clark Prize,
    • Bonython, Hon. Sir Langdon, KCMG,
      • gift for endowing the Chair of Law, , ,
      • on retirement age,
      • bust sculpture presented, , ,
      • President of the South Australian School of Mines & Industries since 1889,
      • senior on the roll of South Australian Knights,
    • Booth, S. Russell,
      • profile of chairman of the Board of Commercial Studies,
    • Botany, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
      • improvements at Flinders Chase of state鈥檚 flora and fauna,
    • Bragg, Sir William,
      • lecture to children in London,
      • recalls his earlier life, , ,
      • member of the Library Board,
    • Brasher, Rev. F. W.,
      • the medical campaign in the territory of Papua New Guinea,
    • Brookman, Sir George,
      • resigns as chair of Finance Committee of Council,
    • Brose, Dr. Henry,
      • returned to South Australia, , , ,
      • 1913 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Brown, Dr. Jethro,
      • Professor of Law for 10 years,
    • Browne, Clifford Harding,
      • appointed to lectureship in Commercial Practice,
      • appointed Secretary to the Paterson stabilisation scheme,
    • Bruce, Wallace,
      • Adelaide's Lord Mayor elect,
    • Buildings,
      • Physics and Engineering School recently completed,
  • C

    • Cairns, Dr. Hugh William Bell,
      • 1917 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Calendar,
      • coverage of calendar of the 成人大片,
      • new term begins, ,
      • proposals to revise the calendar, ,
    • Campbell, Dr. Thomas Draper,
      • visit to Ooldea to collect data on the natives,
      • appointed Dental Superintendent of the Adelaide Hospital,
      • published a book called Dentition and Palate of the Australian Aboriginal,
    • Campbell, Professor Arthur Lang,
      • appointed Professor of Law, , ,
      • to speak at League of Nations Union luncheon,
    • Cant, Leonard George,
      • biography,
    • Carey, Francis Clive Savill,
      • brought several operatic songs back from England,
      • comments on Australians as musically shy,
      • expertise in production of opera, ,
      • opera classes, ,
      • operas produced by Carey open,
      • President of Society for the Study and Revival of Folk Singing and Dancing,
      • recital broadcast throughout Great Britain,
      • to perform in Melbourne,
    • Carrington, Rev. P.,
      • special preacher St Peter's Cathedral,
    • Cartledge, Herbert Henry,
      • expert in concrete,
    • Ceremonies & celebrations,
      • photograph of King's Birthday Levee procession,
      • University Ball for Jubilee, ,
      • Christian Brothers' Old Scholars Annual Communion Breakfast,
      • Commemoration, , ,
      • University Jubilee celebrations, , , , ,
    • Chapman, Professor Robert William,
      • biography (photograph),
      • lecture on 鈥楽ounding the Depths of Stars鈥,
      • evidence to Commission on application of power to secondary industries, , ,
      • representative at conference for all Australian universities, ,
      • seeks registration of municipal engineers,
    • Chapman, Robert Hall,
      • son of Professor Robert William Chapman, designed and built new Murray Bridge,
      • Chief Engineer for Railways going on business trip to United Kingdom and USA,
    • Charlesworth, Thomas William,
      • biography,
    • Chemistry, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, , ,
      • Dr W A Hargreaves on alternative motor fuels,
      • experiments in wood alcohol abandoned,
    • Chinner, Dr. M. E.,
      • appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Christie, Dr. William,
      • appointed Medical Inspector of Schools,
    • Christie, Patrick Joseph,
      • admitted to degree of Bachelor of Laws,
      • biography,
    • Clark, Edward Vincent,
      • biography of lecturer in Engineering,
    • Classical Association,
      • paper given by David Henry Hollidge, MA,
    • Cleland, Professor Sir John Burton,
      • researching vocational diseases among timber workers,
      • results of enquiry into diseases from wood, , ,
    • Clubs, societies and associations,
      • Adelaide University Commerce Students' Society, , ,
      • Athletics Club,
      • Classical Association,
      • Commonwealth Institute of Accountants, ,
      • Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand,
      • Graduates Association,
      • Johnian Club,
      • League of Nations Union,
      • Poetry Society,
      • Royal Society of South Australia,
      • State Dental Society, ,
      • University Shakespeare Society,
    • Cockburn, Sir John Alexander,
      • biography, , ,
      • to retain title of 鈥楾he Honourable鈥,
    • Colebatch, Walter John,
      • absences of Roseworthy College Principal criticised, ,
      • photograph,
      • innovations in curriculum,
      • withdrawal from Roseworthy College,
    • Collins, J. R., CMG,
      • Secretary of the Federal Treasury,
    • Commerce, Faculty of,
      • appointments to Board of Studies,
    • Commerce Students' Society,
      • annual meeting,
      • annual dinner, ,
    • Commerce, Study of,
      • results, , ,
      • position of commerce students in relation to representing university in sport questioned,
      • studies requisite to obtain diploma in commerce,
    • Committees,
      • Professors Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, Darnley Naylor, McKellar Stewart and Mr Grenfell Price representatives on the joint committee for the W.E.A. tutorial classes,
    • Commonwealth Institute of Accountants,
      • dinner, ,
    • Commonwealth Institute of Science & Industry,
      • see also research
      • University approached for closer cooperation,
    • Comparative Philology, Study of,
      • examination results, ,
    • Conferences and seminars,
      • delegates to the Australian State School Teachers' Federation leave for Hobart,
      • Australian Universities Conference held in Melbourne, , ,
      • conference on cancer to be supported financially by Commonwealth Government to ensure uniform policy on prevention of cancer,
      • fifty students to attend conference in Berwick, Victoria,
      • Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Perth, , , , , ,
      • Education Society Conference, , , , , , , , , ,
      • 10th congress of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance held in London,
    • Continuing education,
      • Professor Darnley Naylor in the Riverland to address Worker's Educational Association,
    • Coombs, Mr H. I.,
      • 1920 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Copland, Professor,
      • Professor from Melbourne University to represent the Laura Spelman Rockeller memorial in Australia,
      • report from his travels overseas on social science, modern business methods,
    • Cornish, Dr. J. R.,
      • appointed house surgeon at the Dreadnought Hospital, Greenwich, London,
    • Council, 成人大片,
      • new Council members elected, ,
      • regulations changed, ,
      • letter about number of judges on the council,
      • members may attend the levee at Government House,
      • council nominated Dr William Thornborough Hayward as its representative on the Medical Board,
      • council asked to nominate research workers for training abroad, ,
      • voted for the establishment of a Chair of Modern Languages,
      • University grant increased to enable provision of night lectures,
      • Sir George Brookman has resigned as Chairman, Finance Committee,
    • Creswell Scholarship,
      • awarded to Violet Agnes Watson, Vanda Dorothy Bailey, Rex Arden Higginbottom,
    • Crocker, Walter Russell,
      • first class result for Honours Degree of Bachelor of Arts,
    • Curtis, Miss Daisy R.,
      • awarded Helen Spence Scholarship, , , ,
      • photograph,
      • transfers to Adelaide to pursue studies,
  • D

    • Davey, Dr. Constance,
      • address regarding provisions for the feeble minded,
    • David, Professor Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth, DSc,
      • book on geology delayed due to illness,
      • to publish a book on The Geology of Australia, ,
      • receives honorary Degree of Doctor of Science from Cambridge University,
      • wins Royal Geographical Medal,
    • David Murray Scholarship for Roman Law,
      • awarded to Kenneth Churchill Duffield,
    • David Thomas Scholarship,
      • awarded to Phillip Cornelius Hogan,
    • Davies, Dr. Harold, Mus. Doc.,
      • argues for music for children,
      • concert for school children, , , ,
      • comment on address to children on 鈥榃hat is music?鈥,
      • to conduct South Australian Orchestra,
      • suggests use of part of Government House grounds for concerts,
      • on the benefits of wireless for music studies,
      • organ recitals, , , , , , ,
      • supports singing of 鈥淭he Song of Australia鈥 at football carnival,
      • celebrating 59th birthday,
      • short biography, photograph,
      • pleads for support for the South Australian Orchestra,
      • photograph, , ,
      • addresses opening activities of 1926 year, , , , ,
      • travels to Melbourne with string quartet, ,
    • Davies, Dr. Whitridge,
      • biography of son of Professor Harold Davies,
    • Dawson, Dr. J. B.,
      • appointed to be a member of the Board of Optical Registration,
    • Degrees,
      • annual commemoration,
      • conferring of degrees in Law, Science, Arts, Engineering, Applied Science, , ,
    • Dental Society of SA,
      • annual dinner, ,
      • Dr Thomas Draper Campbell appointed dental superintendent at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Dentistry,
      • conference on preparation of people to work in schools鈥 dentistry scheme,
      • registered dentists to oppose the idea of dental nurses becoming "school dentists",
      • H. Gill Williams on Industrial Dentistry at Rotary Club luncheon,
    • Dentistry, Faculty of,
      • allegations concerning examination papers,
      • alleged sale of examination papers in N.S.W.,
      • Dr. T. D. Campbell, Dr. Arthur Chapman, Sir Joseph Verco to represent Adelaide University at dental conference in Melbourne, ,
      • appointment of lecturers,
      • Sir Joseph Verco attends national conference to discuss uniformity in dental courses, ,
      • regulations changed,
      • examination results, , ,
    • Dodwell, G. F.,
      • Government Astrologer to visit Greenwich Observatory,
    • Doolette, D. L.,
      • Arts graduate obituary,
    • Duffield, Kenneth Churchill,
      • awarded David Murray Scholarship for Roman Law,
      • Stow Prize,
      • South Australian Orchestra performed modern works by Kenneth Duffield, ,
      • biography and photograph,
    • During, George Harold,
      • inventor of a petrol saver,
  • E

    • Economic History, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Economic Society of Australia,
      • meeting,
      • SA branch members submitting papers for publication,
      • W A K McKee appointed assistant secretary,
      • appeal for additional members, ,
    • Education Society,
      • conference on education for citizenship, , ,
    • Education, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
      • report of Minister of Education,
    • Edwards, Dr. H. T. J.,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon,
    • Ekres, Theodora Allman Ekres,
      • awarded Scholarship for Theory of Music,
    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • performances of 鈥 The Magic Flute鈥 and "Dido and Aeneas", , , ,
      • concert by students and presentation of associates in music, ,
      • conferring of diplomas at final concert for the year, , , , ,
      • term commencement, ,
      • opening of 1926 Session, ,
      • announcement of 1926 series of concerts, , ,
      • opera classes in full swing,
      • Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • first student concert, ,
      • music for children,
      • proceeds of community singing to aid Richard Watson, Elder Scholar,
      • manual of information available, ,
      • midday organ recital by Professor Harold Davies, , ,
      • chamber music recital, ,
      • lunch time concerts, ,
      • staff perform in concert, ,
    • Elder Scholarship,
      • awarded to Richard Charles Watson,
    • Elizabeth Jackson Memorial,
      • appeal for funds for,
    • Ellis, Arthur Benjamin, BA,
      • on committee of the Education Society, , ,
    • Ellis, F. E.,
      • appointed assistant surveyor, Engineer-in-Chief's Department,
    • Ellis, J. B., BA,
      • elected secretary of the Institute of Associated Teachers,
    • Embree, Professor Edwin R.,
      • visiting American anthropologist, , , ,
    • Employment conditions,
      • employment bureau established in connection with the University,
      • problems in the UK coal industry,
      • time spent by University graduates obtaining a degree to be counted as time spent in the public service, ,
      • teaching institutions to cooperate in the training of public service officers,
    • Engineering, Faculty of,
      • new building for engineering section, , ,
      • registration of engineers, , ,
    • Engineering, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • English Language & Literature, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • Ethnology, Study of,
      • examination results, ,
    • Eugene Alderman Scholarship,
      • awarded to Hartley Williams,
    • Evans, Dr. H. M.,
      • obituary,
    • Evening lectures,
      • teachers & college students able to attend night lectures next year, , , ,
    • Ewart, Professor A. T.,
      • appointed as delegate to Adelaide University jubilee celebrations,
    • Examinations,
      • entrance examinations for Public Service,
      • increased entries for intermediate, leaving and leaving honours examinations,
      • complaint about overloading of the school curriculum,
      • Intermediate Arithmetic examination complaint,
      • public school examinations at the University,
      • examiners of doctoral science theses appointed,
      • examiners of surveyors appointed,
    • Extension lectures,
      • Professor Sir Archibald Strong delivers a series of lectures on "Satire and some Great English Satirists", , ,
      • series on "The New Physics and the New Astrology" by Professor Sir Kerr Grant, , , , , ,
      • NSW extension Lectures not well attended,
      • extension lectures arranged for June,
  • F

    • Fay, Professor,
      • unable to accept offer of a lecture tour,
    • Fenner, Dr. C. E., FGS,
      • Superintendent of Technical Education, photograph, ,
    • Fisher, Trythenia Ellen,
      • intermediate & leaving examinations passed with credits,
    • Florey, Dr. Howard Walter, MBBS,
      • Rhodes Scholar 1921,
    • Foale, Harold,
      • Elder Conservatorium student studying at the Leipzig Conservatorium,
    • Foote, W. H., ARCM,
      • views on training musicians,
    • Forestry,
      • The Need for a Wider Vision by E. Anthoney MP, , ,
      • the Stringy Bark, valuable tree of commerce,
      • a lesson in forestry from India,
      • Minister Butterfield on comments on government policy,
      • International Forestry Conference to be held in Rome,
    • Forestry, School of,
      • little inducement for forestry graduates,
      • forestry scholarships,
      • Professor Mawson on lost possibilities with federal forestry school,
      • Professor N. W. Jolly to be principal of the Australian Forestry School,
      • first session of Australian Forestry School in Adelaide,
      • Victoria unhappy with temporary Forestry School in Adelaide, ,
      • success of Forestry School in Adelaide, ,
      • students staying at Kuitpo Forest,
    • Formby, Dr. Myles Landseer,
      • Rhodes Scholar,
      • selected for combined Oxford & Cambridge lacrosse team,
    • Fox, Dr. R. O.,
      • appointed resident medical officer at Adelaide Hospital,
    • French, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Fry, Dr. Henry Kenneth, BSc, MBBS,
      • 1909 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Fyfe, Dorothy Mary,
      • awarded John Bagot Scholarship and Medal,
  • G

    • Gaetjens, Gertrude Vera,
      • awarded Roby Fletcher Prize,
    • Garnett Dr. A. C., MA, Litt.D,
      • the philosophy of New Year resolutions, ,
      • biography and photograph,
      • received degree of D. Litt,
      • neglected opportunities for access to higher education of the masses,
    • Gartrell, Dr. Eric Frank, MBBS,
      • married in England to Miss Ridpath,
      • arriving at Outer Harbour,
    • Gartrell, James,
      • health concerns,
      • obituary and photograph,
    • Geography, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Geology, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • German, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • Gibson, William,
      • bequeathed monies to fund a scholarship for medical women, ,
    • Gill, Hilda, AMUA,
      • performance at weekly organ recital in Elder Hall,
    • Gillam, D., MA,
      • on committee of the Education Society, ,
    • Girdlestone, Rev. Canon Henry, MA,
      • obituary and photograph, , ,
    • Glynn, Dr. R. McM.,
      • returns from post graduate studies in UK and Europe,
      • appointed ophthalmologist to the Adelaide Children's Hospital,
    • Glynn, The Hon. Patrick McMahon, LLB,
      • to retain "Honourable" title for life,
    • Goldsworthy, Geoffrey,
      • awarded an Elder scholarship,
    • Government relations,
      • unemployment in Great Britain, ,
      • government custom of filling important positions from interstate,
      • progress of new buildings for Technical College, Teachers' Training College, Engineering and Physics School and Adelaide Hospital, ,
      • appeals for Federal money for universities,
    • Graduates,
      • time spent by University graduates obtaining a degree to be counted as time spent in the public service, ,
      • Agricultural Graduates Land Settlement Act 1925,
    • Graduates Association,
      • meetings, ,
      • annual luncheon, ,
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • annual commemoration,
      • special congregation for conferring of degrees,
    • Grant, Professor Kerr,
      • lecture on 鈥楾he Value of Wireless in the Laboratory鈥,
      • photograph,
      • on American invention of extinguishing fires,
      • appointed Honorary Government Astronomer,
      • lecture on 鈥楾he New Physics and the New Astronomy鈥, ,
      • on recent discoveries in solar and stellar radiation, ,
      • tested the mica from recent deposits found in Northern Australia,
      • to address the Science Congress on 鈥楢tomic Transformation鈥,
    • Greek, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • Greenham, A. H.,
      • appointed Accountant for the Agent - General, London,
    • Grigg, Bernard G., LLB
      • biography and photograph,
    • Grivell, Charlotte, C.,
      • studying at the Royal College of Music, London,
    • Groom, Sir Littleton,
      • resignation of Federal Attorney General,
    • Grounds,
      • University wanting to occupy the land recently vacated by the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society,
      • discussion on site for University,
      • work of groundsman J. Howlett,
  • H

    • Hackett, Sir Winthrop,
      • estate of Sir Winthrop Hackett bequest to University of Western Australia,
    • Hague, John Meyrick, LLB,
      • appointed Clerk of Arraigns in the Supreme Court Department,
    • Hall, Sir Daniel,
      • speaks on Agricultural Research and its relation to the Community,
    • Halley, Dr. Gertrude,
      • on committee of the Education Society, , ,
    • Hamp, Dr. Marian,
      • Resident Medical Officer, Adelaide Hospital, ,
    • Hancock, G. A., MA, Dip. Ed.,
      • appointed resident teacher at Scots College, Warwick, Queensland,
    • Hancock, Professor William Keith,
      • appointed Professor of History,
      • to arrive in 1926, , ,
      • biography, , , ,
      • photograph,
      • new publication on Ricasoli and the Risorgimento,
      • peace address to the League of Nations Union, ,
      • concern over lack of books for study, ,
    • Hannan, A. J.,
      • appointed Acting Crown Solicitor,
    • Hardy, Mabel Phyllis, BA,
      • appointed principal of Arthurs Seat Girls School,
    • Harmer, Bishop John Reginald, MA,
      • brief biography,
    • Harris, Clare Sparkes,
      • admitted to the Bar,
      • photograph,
    • Harrower, Dr. Henry,
      • visiting lecturer from California,
    • Harry, Geoffrey Harry, LLB,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Harvey, Faith,
      • success in music and photograph, ,
    • Haskard, G. H. B., BSc,
      • brief biography and photograph,
    • Hayward, Dr. William Thornborough, CMG, MRCS,
      • Council鈥檚 representative on the Medical Board of South Australia, ,
    • Haywood, E. L.,
      • admitted to Bar and photograph,
    • Health & safety,
      • Dr Smalpage's tubercular serum issued to all states for controlled experiment,
      • study of the effects of working conditions in the timber industry on workers,
      • Federal and State governments to cooperate in public health concerns,
    • Heath, Sir Frank, KCB,
      • Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, London,
      • photograph,
      • recommendations for reconstitution of the Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, , ,
      • luncheon address,
      • address to Advisory Council,
    • Heaton, Dr. Herbert
      • obervations on differences between Canadian and Australian climates and communities,
    • Helen Spence Scholarship,
      • awarded to Daisy R. Curtis,
    • Hicks, Dr. Cedric Stanton,
      • appointed lecturer in Applied Physiology,
      • due to take up lectureship in medicine, ,
      • biography, , , ,
      • photographs, , ,
      • gift to university of colony of cancer animals,
    • Higginbottom, R. A.,
      • awarded Creswell Scholarship,
    • History, Faculty of,
      • Professor William Keith Hancock new Chair of History,
      • Professor Hancock disappointed at the lack of books for history study,
    • History, Study of,
      • Melbourne University the first to introduce a course in Australian history, ,
    • Holden, Edward Wheewall, BSc,
      • elected to City Council,
      • leaving for Britain by the Maloja,
      • biography,
      • returned from study of roads and car manufacturing in UK and USA,
      • photograh, , ,
    • Hodby, Frederic Stephen,
      • awarded Andrew Scott Prize for Latin,
    • Hogan, Phillip Cornelius,
      • awarded the Davies Thomas Scholarships,
    • Hollidge, David Henry, MA,
      • reviews "The Catilinarian Conspiracy" at Classical Association,
      • speaker at the Education Society Conference, , ,
    • Holmes, Edna Lucy, BA, LLB,
      • awarded Jefferis Memorial Medal,
    • Holtham, Richard, BA,
      • Honorary Secretary, Education Society, ,
    • Hone, Dr. Frank R.,
      • appointed honorary assistant physician, Consumptive Home, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Hone, Dr. Frank Sandland,
      • Sectional President at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • speaker at the Education Society Conference, , ,
      • on "Notification and its relation to the Prevention of Disease",
    • Hossfeld, P. S.,
      • presents paper with Professor Douglas Mawson on aboriginal occupation in the Olary district,
    • Howard, Dr. Standord,
      • Rhodes Scholar,
      • married Miss Thelma Lee in London,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter, FGS,
      • editor of "Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia" new edition,
      • biography and photograph,
      • presents paper to The Royal Society, "The Geology of Victor Harbor, Inman Valley, and the Yankalilla District",
      • work commended in report of the British Science Guild,
      • paper on extinct emu of Kangaroo Island,
    • Hughes, E. S.,
      • brief biography,
  • I

    • Imperial Debating Team, , , , , , ,
    • Indigenous issues,
      • see also Aborigines
      • 鈥楾he tragedy of an extinct race鈥 by Frederick Wood-Jones, ,
    • Infectious Diseases Hospital,
      • doctors request urgent establishment,
    • Institute of Associated Teachers,
      • annual meeting,
    • Institute of Engineers,
      • annual meeting, , ,
    • Irwin, R.,
      • awarded prize for best attendance in first year of Law,
    • Isbister, W. J., KC,
      • elected member of University Council,
      • leaves for England,
      • brief biography,
    • Isles, Keith Sydney,
      • awarded Tinline Scholarship,
  • J

    • Jackson, Elizabeth,
      • Elizabeth Jackson memorial,
    • Jackson, Joan,
      • tied winner of Tennyson Medal for English, ,
      • photograph,
    • Jauncey, Professor George Eric Macdonnell, DSc,
      • returning for jubilee celebrations, ,
      • visit cancelled, , ,
    • Jay, Dr. Hubert Melville, MBBS,
      • appointed honorary oral surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Jeanes, W. H.,
      • appointed secretary of the Cricket Association,
      • photograph,
    • Jefferis, Arthur Tarlton, BSc,
      • State agricultural chemist and Superintendent of Science Laboratories, Roseworthy Agricultural College,
    • Jefferis Memorial Medal,
      • awarded to Edna Lucy Holmes, BA, LLB,
    • Jessop, C. L., LLB,
      • elected to the Adelaide City Council,
    • John Creswell Scholarship,
      • applications to be received,
    • John Howard Clark Prize,
      • awarded to Dorothy Aileen Bleby,
    • Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey, DSc,
      • to deliver lecture at Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, , ,
    • Jolly, Professor Norman William,
      • Principal of the Commonwealth School of Forestry,
      • leaves Adelaide,
      • students from all states come to Australian Forestry School,
    • Jones, Dr. A. T. Britten,
      • appointed Surgical Registrar, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Jones, Dr. Edmund Britten, MBBS,
      • Rhodes Scholar,
    • Jones, Elizabeth May,
      • awarded the Robert Whinham Prize,
    • Jones, Professor Frederic Wood,
      • returns from UK and USA,
      • presents paper to the Royal Society on 鈥楩light of Sea Birds鈥,
      • delivered annual Lister Oration on "Disease and the individual",
      • to address the Science Congress on, "The claims of the Australian Aboriginal",
      • work commended in the annual report of the British Science Guild,
      • involved with the management of Flinders Chase fauna and flora,
    • Joyce, Eileen,
      • talented 17 year old pianist, ,
    • Jubilee of 成人大片
      • Jubilee,
    • Julius, G. A.,
      • appointed Chairman of the new Advisory Council of the Institute of Science and Industry, ,
  • K

    • Kangaroo Island,
      • scientific discoveries made at Flinders Chase,
    • Kearnan, Joseph Reginald, LLB,
      • Biography and photograph,
    • Kelly, William Raymond, LLB,
      • Mayor of Yorketown, photograph,
    • Kennion, Bishop George Wyndham, MA,
      • recollections of a pioneering bishop,
      • mentioned in St Peter's Cathedral Jubilee records, ,
      • photograph,
    • Kerr, Dr. Donald M. M., LLD,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Kerr Grant, Professor,
      • see Grant, Professor Kerr
    • Ketzel, Dr K.S.,
      • appointed temporary assistant physician at the Adelaide Hospital,
    • Kiek, Rev Principal Edward Sidney, MA,
      • opinions on Australian education,
    • Kiek, Winifred, BA, BD,
      • accepted the charge of the Congregational Church at Colonel Light Gardens,
    • Koonamore Vegetation Reserve,
      • research of saltbush flora and rejuvenation of timber,
    • Korff, Adrian,
      • disappearance of student,
    • Kriewaldt, Martin Chemnitz, LLB,
      • biography and photograph,
  • L

    • Latham, J. G.,
      • new Federal Attorney General, photograph,
    • Lathlean, Cliff,
      • studying music in London under Mr Clay,
    • Latin, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • Laver, Professor W. A.,
      • to conduct music examinations,
      • Ormond Professor of Music, Melbourne University resigns,
    • Law, Faculty of,
      • 1925 examination results, , , ,
      • regulations changed,
      • exemption from rules for students Patricia Hackett and Claude J O Philcox,
      • appointment of E. W. Benham and R. N. Finlayson as lecturers,
      • students to hold debates similar to an appeal to the Privy Council,
      • graduates admitted to the Bar, , , , , ,
      • photograph of graduates,
      • 鈥楩unctions of a Law School鈥, address by Professor Lang-Campbell,
    • Law Society of South Australia,
      • appreciation of endowment of the School of Law by Sir Langdon Bonython,
    • Law Students Society,
      • annual meeting,
    • League of Nations,
      • Professor Darnley Naylor on USA entrance into the League of Nations,
      • Sir Henry Lunn gives lecture on League of Nations as a force for Peace,
    • League of Nations Union,
      • address by Dr A C Garnett,
      • Professor McKellar Stewart address on the ideals of the League,
    • Lectures,
      • see also evening lectures, public lectures, extension lectures
      • A Grenfell Price on "Geographical economics",
      • "Australia as a Field for Overseas Settlers" by Professor A. E. W. Richardson,
      • Professor Kerr Grant on solar and stellar radiation in the Earth鈥檚 atmosphere, ,
      • Adelaide Diocesan Social Union arranging Sunday evening lectures,
    • Leitch, Dr. Oliver,
      • death, ,
    • Lendon, Dr. A. A.,
      • re-appointed president of the Mental Board,
      • writes his 鈥業mpressions of Las Palmas鈥,
      • appointed member of the Medical Board of South Australia,
    • Lewcock, H. Kingsley, BSc,
      • studying fungal and bacterial destruction of prickly pear in America, ,
      • observations regarding eradication of prickly pear, ,
      • photograph,
    • Lewis, Dr. Aubrey J.,
      • visited Ooldea to collect data on the natives in that region,
      • appointed medical registrar, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Lewis, Dr. J. B.,
      • appointed honorary assistant opthalmologist, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Lewis, A. J., MBBS,
      • awarded Rockefeller Fellowship for study in psychological medicine,
    • Library,
      • profiles on some of the Public Library Board members,
      • Public Library monthly meeting minutes,
      • reorganisation of public library administration urged,
      • University students using the Royal Colonial Institutes library,
    • Lindon, Dr. Leonard Charles Edward, MBBS,
      • 1918 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Lister Oration,
      • delivered by Professor F Wood Jones on 鈥楧isease and Individuality鈥, ,
    • Literary Societies Union,
      • annual debate "That banking and insurance in Australia should be controlled by the Commonwealth Government",
    • Lowrie Scholarship,
      • awarded to Maxwell Jacobs,
      • regulations changed,
  • M

    • MacFarland, Sir John,
      • Chancellor of Melbourne University returns from UK,
    • MacKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon, MA, MEc,
      • report on Premiers Conferences,
      • new thoughts for Empire Day,
      • future of the British Commonwealth, , , ,
      • comment on 1926 British Budget,
      • foreign policy of the United States of America in regard to the League of Nations,
    • Mackay, Donald,
      • equipping expedition to northern Australia,
    • Mackennal, Sir Bertram, RA,
      • first Australian artist to receive a knighthood,
    • Mackenzie, Dr. E. V. Y.,
      • visiting neurologist from Glasgow University, ,
    • McCarthy, Walter James, BA, BSc,
      • educating the young,
      • photograph,
    • McCoy, William Taylor,
      • to address conference of the Education Society, , ,
      • photograph,
    • McDonnell, J. C., MA,
      • biography and photograph,
    • McKechnie, Alan,
      • to work at British General Electric Company UK,
    • Madigan, C. J., MA, DSc,
      • paper describing organic remains found at Mypolonga,
    • Madigan, Cecil Thomas, BS, MA,
      • lecture on his time in the Sudan,
      • 1911 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Madley, L. G.,
      • first principal of the Teacher's Training College,
      • photograph,
      • appointment in 1876,
    • Maegraith, Brian Gilmore,
      • awarded The Elder Prize,
    • Magarey, Dr. Rupert Eric, MBBS,
      • appointed Honorary assistant gynaecologist, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Maiden, J. H.,
      • tribute to botantist by Professor T. G. B. Osborn,
    • Mallon, Alice, AMUA,
      • chosen for Gilbert & Sullivan season in Melbourne,
      • photograph,
    • Mathematics, Faculty of,
      • Sir William Bragg recalling events as Professor of Mathematics and Physics,
      • 1925 examination results, ,
    • Matriculation,
      • see Public Examinations Board
    • Mawson, Sir Douglas,
      • interview on the eating of horse flesh,
      • critical of proposal for federal forestry school at Canberra,
      • aspects of forestry in South Australia, , ,
      • reaction to address, ,
      • reafforestation, , , , ,
      • Commander R E Byrd's pending air trip to the South Pole,
      • sectional President at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Perth,
      • paper to Royal Society on "Varve Shales associated with Permo-Carboniferous Glacial Sediments of South Australia",
      • addressing The Science Congress on a brief survey of the present knowledge of igneous rocks of South Australia,
      • paper to Royal Society on "Additions to the South Australian Mineral Records",
      • endorses the hot springs at Parallana as a potential health resort,
      • paper on aboriginal occupation in the Olary district,
      • photograph of Parallana Hot Springs,
    • Mayo, Dr. Helen, MBBS,
      • to speak at the conference of the Education Society, , ,
    • Medicine, Faculty of,
      • regulations changed,
      • examination results, , , , , ,
      • hospital appointments, ,
      • appointment of lecturers,
      • list of legally qualified medical practitioners,
      • discussion at Anzac Doctors鈥 Dinner in London of post graduate placements for Australian medical graduates,
      • money received for the William Gibson research scholarship for medical women,
      • graduates registered as medical practitioners,
      • criticism of British medical ethical code,
      • Minister for Health announces an International Conference to be held on tropical diseases, ,
    • Meegan, Kathleen,
      • second violin in the Conservatorium String Quartet,
    • Melbourne University,
      • new Ormond professor, Bernard Heinze, arrives,
      • bequest for scholarship in Economics,
      • first university of make a separate subject of the history of the Commonwealth,
      • probable increase in fees,
    • Melville, L. G., AIA (London),
      • biography and photograph,
      • speaks on revising the calendar,
      • prepared mortality tables,
    • Mental Hospital, Parkside,
      • re-appointment of official visitors,
    • Menz, Anna Magdalene Augusta, BA,
      • delegate at the International Woman Suffrage Alliance 10th congress,
      • representative at Conference of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance,
      • photograph,
    • Methodist Ladies College,
      • R H Cotton, ACUA appointed secretary,
    • Miethke, Adelaide Laetitia, BA,
      • biography of Inspector of Girls' Schools and photograph,
      • speaker at the conference of the Education Society, , ,
      • address to the Education Society on "Training for Girls for Citizenship",
    • Millhouse, E.,
      • brief biography of Crown Prosecutor and photograph,
      • asked to be Deputy Chairman of South Australian Football League,
    • Mitchell, Judge Samuel James,
      • brief biography, , ,
      • photograph, ,
    • Mitchell, Professor Sir William, KCMG, DSc, MA,
      • to leave Vancouver on his return to Adelaide by end of month,
      • appointed an examiner for the degree of doctor of letters, Melbourne University, ,
      • to deliver lectures at the University of Aberdeen,
    • Modern History, Chair of,
      • Professor William Keith Hancock, ,
    • Modern History, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Modern Languages, Chair of,
      • Council votes for the establishment,
    • Monfries, John William Elliott,
      • awarded degree of Doctor of Dental Science, Toronto,
    • Morey, A. W.,
      • 1914 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Morris, Dr. B. H.,
      • appointed member of the Medical Board of South Australia,
    • Mortlock, J. T.,
      • Gift of 拢2000 to Waite Agricultural Research Institute, ,
    • Mott, Dr. John R.,
      • Chairman of the World's Christian Student Federation visiting Adelaide,
      • photograph, ,
      • on America鈥檚 Prohibition Law,
      • students and Christianity,
    • Murray, Chief Justice Sir George John Robert,
      • re-elected as Chancellor of the University, ,
      • photograph, , , , ,
      • returning from Britain, , , , ,
      • brief biography,
    • Music, Faculty of,
      • regulations changed,
      • change in regulations governing music scholarships,
      • history of the School and Chair of Music,
    • Music, Study of,
      • Professor W.A. Laver reports standard of music students to be very high,
      • scholarships awarded,
      • awarding of music degrees,
      • delegates to conference of Australian Music Examinations Board arrive, ,
      • arrival of Sydney Music Director, A. Orchard,
      • Australian Music Examination's Board results, ,
    • Musical productions,
      • opera class production of The Magic Flute, , , ,
      • opera class production of Dido and Aeneas, , , ,
      • riotous behaviour at annual student concert,
      • Conservatorium String Quartet concert,
      • promising new artists performances at conservatorium,
      • Conservatorium String Quartet to perform in Melbourne,
      • Conservatorium String Quartet played at Government House,
      • free organ recitals, ,
      • farewell concert for Mr Richard Watson,
      • Conservatorium students concert, , ,
      • concert by The South Australian Orchestra, ,
      • organ recital by Professor Davies,
      • South Australian Orchestra concert for school children, , , ,
      • South Australian Orchestra performed modern works, ,
  • N

    • Napier, Dr. Alexander Disney Leith, MD,
      • obituary and photograph, ,
    • Naylor, Margaret Darnley,
      • Incident while travelling in Corsica,
    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • recent illness, ,
      • supports eating horseflesh,
      • photograph, , , ,
      • lectures in country towns,
      • acting Director of tutorial classes for 1926,
      • The Locarno Spirit address to YMCA, ,
      • Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science Conference, , ,
      • inter-University Conference,
      • presided over League of Nations meeting,
      • addressed ANA meeting on "The Delights of the Dictionary", ,
      • speaker at the conference of the Education Society, , ,
      • granted leave of absence in 1927,
      • "Blondes and Brunettes in Antiquity",
      • "Euripides" for the Poetry Society,
      • 54th birthday,
      • address to Rotary Club on "Misuse of Words" and "Words and their Use",
      • "Why I Read Horace", , ,
      • 鈥淭he Horrors of War鈥,
      • response to letter regarding 鈥淲as Horace a Greek?鈥,
    • Newbigin, J. W. J.,
      • appointed to the executive of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Science and Industry,
    • Newland, Dr. H. Simpson,
      • retires as president of the Royal Society of St George,
    • Newland, Margaret,
      • tied winner of Tennyson Medal for English, ,
      • photograph,
    • Newland, Rev. R. W.,
      • Congregational Church to be erected in his honour,
    • Newlyn, Aileen Mary Teresa,
      • second candidate for Elder Scholarship,
    • Newman, George Gough,
      • letter in response to 鈥榃as Horace a Greek?鈥, , ,
      • discussion on the teaching of mathematics,
      • report on "An Isolated Iconoclastic Innovator" read to the Johnian Club,
    • Newman, L. A., BSc,
      • passed forestry degree,
      • photograph,
    • Northey, Rev. J. D.,
      • to erect a new church in Rev R W Newland鈥檚 honour,
      • photograph,
  • O

    • O鈥橤rady, Dr. J. J.,
      • appointed honorary assistant opthalmologist, Adelaide Hospital,
    • O'Halloran, T. S., KC,
      • elected president of the Law Society of South Australia,
      • photograph,
    • Oldham, Wilfred, MA,
      • address on "The Fourth of July" at Rotary Club,
    • Onesue, Mrs. Reginald,
      • pupils to give a recital,
    • Orchard, W. Arundel, Mus. Bac.,
      • discusses the New South Wales orchestra, ,
    • Osborn, Mrs. T. G., MSc,
      • to speak at the Education Society conference, , ,
    • Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
      • lecture on "Plant Life in Arid Australia", ,
      • attended Vinegrowers dinner,
      • working on vegetation research at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve,
      • granted leave of absence to attend the Third Pan-Pacific Conference,
      • appointed to the Fauna and Flora Board of South Australia,
      • evidence on plant life in arid country to the Pastoral Commission, ,
      • University representative on the Flora and Fauna Board,
      • Australian delegate for the Pac-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo,
  • P

    • Palmer, Mrs Smedley (Miss Ethel Ridings, AMUA),
      • locum tenens for Mr Frederick Bevan's vocal section,
    • Parallana,
      • hot springs become a health resort,
      • photograph,
    • Parkin, Sir George,
      • proposed memorial as part of the new Rhodes House,
    • Parsons, Harold Stephen, Mus. Bac.,
      • to perform in Melbourne as part of the Conservatorium Quartet,
      • took the cello part at the Organ Recital by Professor Harold Davies,
      • performance at weekly organ recital,
      • performed with the Elder Conservatorium String Quartet, ,
      • cello in the Conservatorium String Quartet,
    • Parsons, Mr. Justice Angas,
      • to tour England, ,
      • photograph, ,
      • biography, ,
    • Paton, Dr. Adolph Ernest, BE,
      • member of the Library Board,
    • Peirce, Alan Wilfred, BSc,
      • assistant chemist, Roseworthy Agricultural College, ,
    • Pellew, Dr. H. E.,
      • resigned from Board of Optical Registration and medical inspector of schools,
    • Pellew, Dr. Leonard James, MBBS,
      • impressions of America and Europe following a recent tour, ,
    • Pharmacy, Faculty of,
      • 1925 examination results,
      • E. F. Gryst鈥檚 positions within the Pharmaceutical Society,
      • criticism of pharmacy students working/study conditions,
      • valuable set of pharmaceutical specimens donated,
    • Philcox, C. J.,
      • leaving after 12 years as prosecuting officer,
    • Philosophy, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Phipps, Ivan F.,
      • studying methods of plant breeding,
      • awarded the Rockefeller Scholarship for agricultural research,
    • Physics, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Physiology, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
    • Pick, Sidney,
      • awarded A. H. Peake Bursary,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Pickering, A. L., LLB,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Piper, A. W.,
      • President of the Law Society, photograph,
    • Piper, F. E., BA,
      • Chief Counsellor of the Girl Citizen Movement, photograph,
    • Piper, A. W., LLB, KC,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Piper, Clarence Sherwood, BSc,
      • agricultural chemist nominated to The Royal Society of South Australia,
    • Piper, Gordon Rudolph, BSc,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Pitt, George Henry, BA,
      • Archivist,
    • Plotz, Dr. Oscar Arnold,
      • death notice,
    • Poetry Society,
      • lecture on "The Tragic Dilemma",
    • Poole, Canon Thomas Slaney, MA,
      • biography and photograph, ,
    • Poole, Justice Thomas Slaney, MA,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Poole, Rev. Frederick Slaney, MA,
      • 鈥業mpressions of Adelaide, Sixty years ago鈥,
    • Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
      • delegate to Australian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting,
      • biography and photograph,
      • lecture on "The Soil, from the Physical, Chemical and Biological Points of View",
    • Price, Archibald Grenfell, MA, Dip Ed, FRGS,
      • biography and photograph, ,
    • Prizes and awards,
      • see also scholarships
      • Alexander Clark Memorial Prize won by Joyce Elizabeth Watson,
      • Andrew Scott Prize for Latin won by Frederic Stephen Hodby, ,
      • Barr Smith Prize for Greek won by Harrold Burls Wilson, ,
      • John Howard Clark Prize won by Dorothy Aileen Bleby, ,
      • Brian Gilmore Maegraith awarded the Elder Prize, ,
      • Elder Scholarship awarded to Richard Charles Watson,
      • Stow Prize awarded to Kenneth Churchill Duffield, ,
      • Roby Fletcher Prize to Gertrude Vera Gaetjens, ,
      • Tormore Prize to Barbara Kate Shorney, ,
      • Robert Whinham Prize to Elizabeth May Jones, ,
      • Jeffries Memorial Medal to Edna Lucy Holmes, ,
      • James Gartrell Prize,
      • new badge for Knights Bachelors,
    • Proud, Dorothea,
      • first appointment of Helen Spence Scholarship,
    • Psychology, Study of
      • 1925 examination results,
      • South African industrial psychology bureau to test individuals for their fitness for industrial occupations,
      • Dr Davey recommends a special school for the mentally retarded child,
    • Public Examination Board,
      • Leaving Honours Examination results, , , , ,
      • special February Leaving examination results,
      • Intermediate (including Commercial) results, ,
      • discussion of errors submitted exam papers,
      • evaluation of the Public Examinations Board Manual,
      • Leaving Examination 1925, ,
      • results, ,
    • Public Library Board,
      • report of meeting, ,
      • Sydney Talbot Smith appointed Chairman of Board,
    • Puddy, Maude Mary, Mus. Bac.,
      • pianist in Elder Conservatorium string quartet recital, , , , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium students concert,
      • to perform in Melbourne as soloist,
    • Pulleine, Dr. R. H.,
      • leaving for Tasmania for scientific research,
      • cultivating plants that have a detrimental effect on living insects,
      • article on the Pusonia Brunoniana or bird-catching tree,
      • appointed to the Fauna and Flora Board of South Australia,
  • R

    • Randell, Dr. A. S.,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Ray, Dr. William, BSc, MBBS,
      • 1907 Rhodes Scholar,
      • Acting Dean in absence of Dr Swift,
    • Rayner, Dr. H. L.,
      • 1916 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Read, A. R.,
      • awarded Creswell Scholarship,
    • Rees, Dr. H. M.,
      • appointed Honorary Medical Officer at Port Pirie Hospital,
    • Reid, F. W.,
      • Principal of the School of Mines, photograph,
    • Reimann, Arnold, BSc,
      • passed "cum lauda" for Doctor of Philosophy degree at Berlin,
      • photograph,
    • Reimann, Immanuel Gotthold,
      • reminiscences of music,
      • thanked by Leipzig Conservatoire,
    • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry, MA(Syd), DSc, FIC,
      • to attend science congress in Perth,
      • acting Vice-Chancellor,
      • President of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, , ,
      • represents 成人大片 at conference, ,
      • elected president of the Australian Chemical Institute, ,
      • photograph, , ,
      • paper on the commercial exploitation of Australian plants, ,
      • biography, ,
      • honoured at SA branch dinner,
    • Research,
      • aboriginal religious beliefs,
      • Francis Edgar Williams publishes 鈥楾he Natives of the Purari Delta鈥,
      • white mice and guinea pigs help Adelaide scientists fight disease,
      • Commonwealth Department of Science & Industry seeking University's cooperation in research and general scientific work, ,
      • anthropological data collected at Ooldea,
      • University to nominate four research workers for training abroad, ,
      • white mice bred for the University,
      • relationship of agricultural research to the Community,
      • methods of plant breeding,
      • cancer research,
      • research into increasing wool yield,
      • Council for Research in Science and Industry, , ,
      • research at Koonamore Vegetation Reserve,
      • second reading of the Science and Industry Research Bill,
      • scientific expedition to northern Australia,
      • exchange of research workers proposed,
      • Research Fellowships for women, ,
      • Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, , ,
    • Reynell, Dr. W. R.,
      • 1906 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Reynolds, John Heywood,
      • awarded proxime accessit the Tinline Scholarship, ,
    • Rhodes Scholarship,
      • no award for 1926, , ,
      • list of SA winners, ,
      • no announcement to be made until examination results available, , ,
      • progress of SA Rhodes Scholars,
      • why students do not apply,
      • conditions announced,
      • plans to build Rhodes House, , ,
      • report of Trust 1924 - 1925,
      • annual dinner of Rhodes Scholars in London,
      • Rhodes lectureship announced,
    • Richards, Dr. F. W., KC,
      • appointed as Acting Judge of the Supreme Court, ,
      • photograph,
    • Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor, DSc(Melb), MA,
      • granted honorary commission,
      • to enquire into agricultural research overseas,
      • entertains Dame Clara Butt & Mr. Kennerley Rumford,
      • leaves on journey for research work, , ,
      • requests 12 months leave of absence,
      • lectures on Australia's need for population,
      • on improving cultivation for wheat in dry years,
      • photograph, , ,
      • Victoria regrets their loss of scientist,
      • to be presented at the King's levee,
      • the future of the sheep industry and crossing methods,
      • agriculture in South Africa, , ,
      • lantern lecture on "Australia as a Field for Overseas Settlers",
    • Rischbieth, Dr. Harold,
      • resigned honorary appointments at Children's Hospital and Adelaide Hospital,
    • Rivett, Professor A. C. D.,
      • appointed to the executive of the new Advisory Council of the Institute of Science and Industry,
    • Robert Whinham Prize,
      • awarded to Elizabeth May Jones,
    • Roberts, William,
      • assaulted and robbed,
    • Robertson, Iris E.,
      • brief biography and photograph,
    • Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford,
      • lecture at Australasian Association for Advancement of Science,
      • opinion on eating horse flesh, ,
      • brief biography and photograph,
      • lecture at the Science Congress on "The Duration of Life",
      • on the success of insulin treatment in diabetics,
      • appointed honorary bio-chemist. Adelaide Hospital,
      • nominee for the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, ,
      • conducting tests in connection with cancer using mice, ,
    • Robin, Rowland Cuthbert, BE,
      • return of Angas Engineer, , ,
      • to become SA Engineer-in-Chief,
      • photograph,
    • Robinson, Roy Lister, BSc,
      • 1905 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Roby Fletcher Prize,
      • awarded to Gertrude Vera Gaetjens,
    • Rockefeller Foundation,
      • plans for scholarships to be available to Australians for economic research,
    • Rogers, Dr. R. S.,
      • appointed member of the Medical Board of South Australia,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • farmer鈥檚 winter school to be held,
      • Principal Walter John Colebatch transferred to Rural Settlement Commission,
      • criticism of Ministerial control, ,
      • Agricultural Graduates Land Settlement Act [1925],
      • Western Australian parent's disapproval, ,
    • Rowing,
      • Inter-'Varsity Boat Race in Tasmania,
      • University crew training at Mannum,
    • Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia,
      • 成人大片 wanting to occupy the land vacated by RAHS,
    • Royal Geographical Medal,
      • conferred on Professor Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth David,
    • Royal Society of South Australia,
      • meeting paper on Aborigines,
      • Professor F Wood Jones gives paper "The Flight of Sea Birds",
      • Professor W Howchin delivers paper on "The Geology of Victor Harbor, Inman Valley and Yankalilla District",
    • Rudall, Reginald John, LLB,
      • 1908 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Russell, Dr. H. H. E.,
      • appointed member of the Medical Board,
    • Russell, H. L.,
      • Dean of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, , ,
      • photograph, ,
  • S

    • Sandery, C. A.,
      • first Public Solicitor for free legal assistance to persons of limited means, ,
      • photograph,
    • Sandford, J. Wallace,
      • brief biography,
    • Sangster, Dr. W. C.,
      • appointed honorary assistant oral surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Saunders, Pepita Cerda,
      • to be formally admitted to the Bar,
      • seventh woman admitted to the bar in South Australia,
    • Schilsky, Charles,
      • talks of Australians as artists,
      • photograph,
      • re-appointed as violin teacher,
      • first violin in the Conservatorium String Quartet,
    • Schneider, Dr. M., MBBS,
      • appointed Honorary Anaesthetist,
      • appointed Officer of Health to the Local Board of Health for Colonel Light Gardens,
    • Scholarships,
      • see also prizes and awards
      • Senate reviewed rules of scholarships,
      • Catherine Helen Spence scholarship, , , ,
      • David Murray Scholarship for Roman Law,
      • Davies Thomas Scholarship, ,
      • scholarships awarded in music,
      • Tinline Scholarship, , ,
      • John Bagot Scholarship and Medal,
      • Lowrie Scholarship, ,
      • James Gartrell Prize,
      • Scholarship for Theory of Music,
      • Elder Conservatorium Scholarship,
      • scholarships for women, ,
      • Smith-Wylie Forestry Scholarship,
      • research scholarships in economics interchange between Australia & USA,
      • proposals for Rockefeller research scholarships in economics,
      • travelling scholarship to be awarded to a teacher of special ability,
    • School of Mines,
      • graduates and their positions,
    • Schulz, Dr. Adolf John
      • laying of foundation stone of teachers college,
      • Principal of Teacher's Training College,
      • photograph, , ,
      • on committee of the Education Society,
      • brief biography,
      • return from official visit to Sydney,
      • commentary on an article published by Schulz in "The Education Gazette",
    • Science, Faculty of,
      • regulations changed,
      • regulations changed for surveyors,
      • examination results, , , , ,
      • Mr Perkins and Professor Grant appointed examiners of doctoral theses,
      • meeting to address cheaper power,
      • mice are being bred by Mr J D Wilson for laboratory experiments,
    • Sculpture,
      • bust of Sir Langdon Bonython presented to the University, ,
      • photograph,
    • Secondary education,
      • 1925 Leaving Honours examination results,
      • teaching Esperanto in schools,
      • deputation regarding inclusion of League of Nations history in school curriculum,
      • Headmaster Moyle's annual report at Technical High School Speech Day,
    • Senate, 成人大片,
      • New statutes proposed,
    • Shakespeare Society,
      • recital,
    • Sharman, Miss F., MA,
      • visiting other states and Canada and England to study education methods,
    • Shearer, Miss Ariel,
      • studying pianoforte in UK,
    • Sheridan Research Committee,
      • Dr William Ray to represent the faculty,
    • Shorney, Barbara Kate,
      • awarded Tormore Prize,
    • Shorney, Dr. Herbert Frank, FRCS,
      • appointed lecturer in opthalmology for 4 years,
    • Short, Bishop Augustus, MA,
      • pioneering Bishop,
      • photograph,
    • Smeaton, Dr. Bronte,
      • appointed member of the Adelaide Hospital advisory committee,
    • Smith, Dr. William Ramsay, DSc, MD,
      • City Coroner, brief biography,
      • elected president of the Lethian Club,
    • Smith, Sydney Talbot, MA, LLB,
      • appointed as President of the Public Library Board,
      • photograph,
    • Smith, Grafton Elliott, MD,
      • delivered Cavendish lecture on "Vision and Evolution",
    • Smith-Wylie Forestry Scholarship,
      • four scholarships for the promotion of forestry,
    • Societies & associations,
      • recital by The University Shakespeare Society,
    • South Australian Orchestra,
      • inaugurates season with a special concert, , ,
    • South Australian Protestant Federation,
      • meeting held,
    • Southwood, Dr. A. R.,
      • awarded degree of Master of Surgery, , ,
    • Speeding, Dr. K. R.,
      • appointed resident medical officer, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Sport,
      • Inter-University sports won by Melbourne,
      • probable exclusion of some commerce students from representing university,
      • 成人大片 Sports Council approves inter-university sporting fixtures,
      • W H Jeanes appointed secretary of the Cricket Association,
    • Sprod, Dr. Lica (nee Delprat),
      • biography and photograph,
    • St. Mark's College,
      • success of students, ,
      • Justice Poole speaks at opening,
      • requires an extension,
      • fete to raise funds,
    • St. Peters Cathedral,
      • fifty years jubilee,
    • Stanley, Laurence John, LLB,
      • brief biography,
    • Stapledon, Professor R. J.,
      • visiting agricultural researcher from Wales,
    • State Dental Society,
      • annual dinner, ,
    • Statistics,
      • Professor A. E. W. Richardson on Australian population and industries,
    • Sterry, Agnes,
      • retirement,
    • Stevens, E. L.,
      • appointed to the Crown Law Department, , ,
      • photograph,
    • Stevens, Reverend Aubrey Clement, MA,
      • on education and training including the Montessori Plan,
    • Steward, Rev. Frederick John Harold, BA,
      • obituary, ,
    • Stewart, Professor J. McKeller, MA, DPhil,
      • brief biography,
      • address to League of Nations luncheon,
      • to address conference of the Education Society, , ,
    • Stirling, Sir Edward,
      • contributor to scientific literature,
    • Stirling, Sir Lancelot, KCMG,
      • elected President of the Royal Agricultural Society,
      • holds the Australian record for President of a House of Parliament,
      • photograph,
    • Stow Prize,
      • awarded to Kenneth Churchill Duffield, ,
    • Stribley, E. J., MA,
      • short biography and photograph,
    • Strong, Professor Sir Archibald Thomas, MA, D. Litt,
      • to resume as Professor of English Literature after leave,
      • photograph,
      • on his European travels, , , ,
      • brief biography and photograph,
      • lecture on 鈥淕reat English Satirists鈥, , , , , ,
      • speaker at the conference of the Education Society, , ,
      • encourages donations to the Allan Wilkie Shakespeare Company, ,
      • editorial on "Good Citizenship",
      • on the Australian accent,
      • lecture on Drama Abroad,
      • returning from British Isles,
    • Stuckey, Dr. Edward Joseph, BSc,
      • foreigners in China,
      • brief biography and photograph,
    • Student activities & protests,
      • student operas, , , ,
      • concert postponed,
      • damage to Norwood Town Hall after concert, , ,
      • British university debaters to visit Australian universities, , , , , , , ,
      • American training for debating,
      • University Students Law society debates,
      • Inter 成人大片 debates to be held in Melbourne,
      • student opera "Dido and Aeneas",
      • Professor J. B. Finley attacks American university students as lazy,
      • holiday employment for students,
      • free passages for students going overseas to further their studies,
      • meeting of The Economic Society of Australia & New Zealand, open to students,
    • Student services,
      • social facilities at the university,
      • new rates of student rail fares,
      • plans for a student common room,
    • Student Union,
      • union room wanted, , ,
    • Sumner, D. J. R.,
      • Rhodes Scholar, ,
    • Surgery, College of,
      • proposal for Medical Congress,
    • Surveying, Study of
      • amendment to regulations to add surveying to BSc,
    • Swann, Dr. E. J.,
      • appointed Officer of Health, Local Board of Health at Jamestown,
      • appointed Officer of Health, Local Board of Health at Belalie,
    • Swift, Dr. Harry,
      • unnecessary operations at Children's Hospital, ,
    • Swift, Dr. Brian H.,
      • passed the examination for the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh,
    • Symon, Sir Josiah, KCMG,
      • the oldest Knight in South Australia,
      • brief biography,
  • T

    • Tate, Sir Ralph,
      • contribution to natural science,
    • Taunton, Dr. H. C. D.,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Taylor, Helene,
      • studying overseas,
    • Teacher Training,
      • instruction in agriculture courses held for teachers,
    • Teachers' College,
      • invitations to laying of foundation stone,
      • opening of Kintore Avenue Teachers College,
      • illustration of Kintore Avenue Teachers College,
      • laying of foundation stone (photograph),
      • jubilee of teacher鈥檚 training college, ,
      • extract from 1926 annual report,
    • Technical High School,
      • Headmaster S. Moyle's annual report,
    • Tennyson Medal,
      • Joan Jackson & Margaret Newland tie for Tennyson medal, ,
    • Terrill, Dr. F. E.,
      • appointed Honorary Anaesthetist at the Adelaide Hospital,
    • Thomas, Dr. Arthur Nutter, MA,
      • biography,
    • Thompson, Harry, LLB,
      • 1910 Rhodes Scholar,
    • Thrush, Rev. H. C., BA,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Thyer, Dr. Frederick Lewis, MBBS,
      • 1924 Rhodes Scholar, ,
    • Tidemann, Frederick William, BE,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Tostevin, Dr. A. L.,
      • retirement from position of honorary surgeon,
    • Travers, J. L.,
      • Solicitor changing firms,
    • Tuck, Rev. Bernard Edward Charles, BA,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Tucker, H. Norman,
      • admitted to bar,
    • Tuckfield, Dr. W. J.,
      • arrival of editor of 鈥淭he Australian Journal of Dentistry鈥,
    • Turner, Dr. C. T.,
      • honorary assistant surgeon,
  • U

    • Unaipon, David,
      • on his people,
    • Universities, other,
      • comparison of 成人大片 with Oxford, ,
      • proposed university for Canberra, , , ,
      • university delegation to attend Imperial Conference in Canada, ,
      • reciprosity proposals with Britain debated,
      • Oxford Rhodes lectureship to attract distinguished scholars from overseas,
      • University of Sydney to raise money for cancer research, ,
      • University Congress discusses relevance of residential universities, ,
      • Melbourne University finances in precarious position,
      • proposed "University at Sea" by Dr Frank Crane,
      • NSW extension lectures not well attended in towns,
      • Yale University increase in tuition fees,
      • Chair of Anthropology at Sydney University, ,
      • Western 成人大片,
      • Jubilee celebrations of 成人大片,
  • V

    • Verco, Dr. William Alfred, MBBS,
      • appointed Honorary Gynaecologist, Adelaide Hospital,
    • Verco, Sir Joseph,
      • recollections of early Adelaide and Royal Society of SA,
      • photograph,
      • fifty years since degree awarded in London,
      • at national conference to discuss uniformity in dental courses, ,
      • donates collections to the museum,
    • Visitors,
      • Sir Frank Heath on relationship between science & industry,
      • Professor E C Jeffrey of Harvard to consult with Professor T. G. Osborn & Sir Douglas Mawson,
      • Professor Edwin R Embree and Dr Clark Wissler here to study aborigines, , , ,
  • W

    • Wadham, Professor S H,
      • Professor of Agricultural Science, University of Melbourne,
    • Wainwright, J. W., BA, AICA,
      • to represent the Government on Public Service, Classification & Efficiency Board,
    • Waite Agricultural Institute for Research,
      • lack of apparatus for research into tomato "wilt",
      • possible results on increased wool yield,
      • agricultural experiments,
      • gift of 拢2000 from J T Mortlock, ,
    • Waite, Edgar R.,
      • Director of the Museum to study museums in Europe and America,
    • Waite, Peter
      • donor of land at Urrbrae for agricultural high school,
    • Walker, Dr. W. D.,
      • appointed resident medical officer,
    • Walters, J. Ward,
      • appointed technical assistant in the physiological research department,
    • Ward, Leonard Keith, BA, BE,
      • brief biography,
    • Watson, Joyce Elizabeth,
      • awarded Alexander Clark Memorial Prize,
    • Watson, Phebe,
      • appointed Women's Warden at Adelaide Teachers' College, ,
      • photograph,
    • Watson, Richard Charles,
      • Elder Scholarship winner, , ,
      • photograph, , , ,
      • to sing in 鈥淭he Messiah鈥,
      • benefit concert, , , ,
      • appeal by Dr Davies on Watson鈥檚 behalf, , , ,
    • Watson, Professor Archibald,
      • condition not serious,
    • Webb, Noel A.,
      • Deputy President of the Federal Arbitration Court with origins in Adelaide,
    • West, Rev. Arthur George Bainbridge, MA,
      • former Rector of St Dunstan's London,
      • photograph,
    • West, Mignon,
      • oboe player in SA Orchestra,
    • Western 成人大片,
      • graduation ceremony,
      • Sir Winthrop Hackett bequest,
    • White Australia Policy,
      • Australia's need for population,
    • Whitham, Annie Beatrice, BSc, BA,
      • delegate at the Paris International Woman Suffrage Alliance, ,
    • Whitington, Archdeacon Frederick T., LLB,
      • visiting Adelaide,
      • biography,
      • author of "The Life of Bishop Short",
    • Whitington, Sylvia, AMUA,
      • performs at weekly recital in Elder Hall,
      • plays viola,
    • Whittell, Dr. Horatio Thomas, MD,
      • deceased member of the Library Board,
    • Wibberley, Rev. Brian,
      • biography and photograph, ,
    • Wicks, Dr. F. R.,
      • appointed honorary surgeon Murray Bridge Hospital,
    • Williams, Francis Edgar,
      • published "The Natives of the Purari Delta",
      • 1915 Rhodes scholar,
    • Williams, Hartley,
      • awarded Eugene Alderman Scholarship,
      • promising violinist,
    • Williams, Dr. H. Gill,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon,
    • Wilson, Dr. T. G.,
      • returns from UK, , ,
    • Wilson, Harrold Burls,
      • awarded Barr Smith Prize for Greek,
    • Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
      • life in Russia,
    • Wissler, Dr. Clark,
      • visiting American anthropologist, , , ,
    • Women's Hospital,
      • tenders to be called; for the building of a women's hospital,
    • Women Students,
      • research fellowships for women,
      • International Federation of University Women,
      • graduates to be encouraged to look at opportunities offered by business,
    • Wood-Jones, Professor Frederick,
      • research grant,
      • fossil finds in caves at Kangaroo Island,
      • to be a sectional president at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Perth,
      • appointment as honorary commissioner to enquire into fauna reserves,
      • biography,
      • article on 鈥淟essons Learned Abroad, the spread of the Eucalyptus鈥,
      • Lister Oration on 鈥淒isease and Individuality鈥,
      • paper on "The Flight of Sea Birds",
    • Workers Education Association,
      • lecture on 鈥楾he Human Factor in Economics鈥, by Rev. A. C. Stevens,
      • lecture on Australian Literature by A. E. M. Kirkwood, , ,
      • summer school at Mount Lofty, , , , , ,
      • lecture on Australian Aboriginal by Dr. Ramsay Smith,
      • popularity of courses increasing,
      • lecture on the Sudan by C. T. Madigan,
      • ninth annual conference, ,
      • aims of association and program for the year, , ,
      • annual report,
    • Wright, Rev. G. H., MA,
      • photograph,
    • Wylde Harold,
      • surprise party before his departure for UK,
  • Y

    • Yale University,
      • increase in tuition fees,
    • Young, William John, MA,
      • elected Chairman, Finance Committee,
  • Z

    • Zoology, Study of,
      • 1925 examination results,
      • Rat Kangaroos bred at University sent to enclosure at Flinders Chase,