Index to Volume 14 (1925) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Academic matters,
      • proposed Chair in Foreign Languages,
      • soldiers鈥 children educational scheme,
      • student entry dates,
    • Accountancy, Study of,
      • Edward Whitfield Mills appointed lecturer, ,
    • Adelaide Hospital,
      • compulsory retirement of staff at sixty years of age, ,
      • more land needed for hospital,
      • women's hospital to be built on Frome Rd,
    • Agriculture,
      • plans to establish an agricultural high school for boys at Urrbrae,
      • progress in agricultural research, ,
      • research at Urrbrae by Waite Institute, , , ,
      • Richardson on wheat cultivation, ,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • William Moffat Anderson in United States of America,
  • B

    • Beard, Dr Jack Roland,
      • appointed fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh,
    • Bequests, gifts and endowments,
      • books on anatomy,
      • gifts to Waite Institute, , , , , ,
      • photographs of Australian geography and industry,
    • Biaggini, E G,
      • lecture on "The Mentality of Europe",
    • Blackburn, Captain Arthur Seaford,
      • winner of Victoria Cross at Pozieres,
    • Bleby, Thelma,
      • first female lawyer to appear in the South Australian Industrial Court,
    • Braddon, Sir Henry,
      • Fisher lecture on the guild system, , ,
    • Botany, Study of,
      • Ellen Dulcie Macklin appointed as demonstrator in botany,
    • Brookman, Sir George,
      • cariacture,
    • Brose, Henry,
      • awarded PhD at Oxford,
    • Buildings,
      • expansion of the university in its first fifty years,
      • extensions to School of Mines鈥 Bonython Laboratories,
      • new building for engineering and physics, , ,
      • new building for Teachers Training College planned, ,
      • new buildings planned for St Marks College,
      • two storey union hall and theatre proposed, ,
  • C

    • Campbell, Arthur Lang,
      • appointed as Professor of Law,
    • Campbell, Gordon Cathcart,
      • international cricketer and interstate lacrosse player,
    • Careers,
      • establishment of an employment bureau at the university, , , ,
    • Carey, Clive,
      • public lecture on English folk-songs, , , ,
    • Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship
      • awarded to women students to study aspects of social science,
    • Ceremonies and celebrations,
      • granting of arms,
    • Chancellors
      • Sir George Mitchell, , , ,
    • Chapman, R H,
      • to go on official tour,
    • Cilento, Dr R W,
      • speech on development of New Guinea, ,
    • Clark, Edward Vincent,
      • lecture on "Transport of Power" broadcast on wireless,
    • Clubs, associations and societies,
      • Adelaide Repertory Theatre Club,
      • Adelaide University Shakespeare Society,
      • Australian Chemical Institute,
      • Australian Universities鈥 Students Union,
      • Christian Union,
      • Classical Association,
      • Commerce Students Association, ,
      • Economic Association of Australia and New Zealand, , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium Association, , , , , , ,
      • Graduates Association, , , ,
      • League of Nations Union, ,
      • Pharmaceutical Students Association,
      • Poetry Society,
      • Students Association, ,
      • University Club,
      • University Society of Commerce and Accountants,
    • Commerce, Study of,
      • establishment of a Chair of Commerce, , , ,
      • plans for a degree of commerce,
    • Conferences and seminars,
      • music teachers conference, , ,
    • Continuing education,
      • growth of the Workers Educational Association,
    • Corbin, Horace Hugh,
      • afforestation,
      • appointed Professor of Forestry at Auckland College, ,
      • public lecture on the value of forests,
    • Council, 成人大片,
      • five members to retire,
    • Cricket,
      • effect of selection of colts on university team,
  • D

    • Darnley Naylor, Professor Henry,
      • appointed director of Workers Educational Association, , ,
    • Davey, Dr. Constance
      • research on "sub-normal" children, ,
    • Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
      • on purpose of art,
      • addresses conference of music teachers,
      • to give address,
    • Degrees, ad eundum gradum,
      • Registrar Frederick William Eardley on granting honorary degrees,
    • Discipline and misconduct,
      • investigation of propriety of professor tutoring a student, ,
      • medical students damage caf茅,
      • resignation of Professor Coleman Phillipson, , , , , , , ,
    • Duffield, Professor W Geoffrey,
      • Director of Commonwealth Solar Observatory,
    • Dumas, Russell John,
      • appointed to Western Australian Water Supply Department,
  • E

    • Eardley, Frederick William,
      • on granting honorary degrees,
    • Economics, Study of,
      • proposed Chair in Economics, ,
      • need for a new lecturer to replace Dr Herbert Heaton,
      • comments by Dr Herbert Heaton on Australia's loan from United States,
    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • see Music, School of
      • photograph,
    • Ennis, Professor John Matthew,
      • memorial for former Professor of Music,
    • Examinations,
      • Australian music examinations,
      • entries for the intermediate, leaving and leaving honours public exams closed,
      • increased enrolments for public examinations for 1925,
      • intermediate public examination results, , , ,
      • public examination "howlers",
      • public examination results in music,
      • special leaving examination,
      • special senior examinations,
      • supplementary results,
      • university music and science results,
    • Extension lectures,
      • "A Loan Policy for Australia" by Under Treasurer R R Stuckey,
      • "Climates of the Past" by Professor Howchin,
      • "The Coloured Races" by Archibald Grenfell Price,
      • "The Mentality of Europe" by E G Biaggini,
      • 鈥淎ncient Egypt鈥 by Professor Prescott, ,
      • 鈥淎ustralia鈥檚 position on the Geneva protocol鈥 by Henry Darnley Naylor,
      • 鈥淧lato the Philosopher鈥 by Professor Mackellar Stuart,
      • 鈥淧lato鈥檚 Influence on Shelley鈥 by Albert Ernest Kirkwood, ,
      • 鈥淪ome Psychological Sidelights鈥 by Dr H C Garnett,
      • lectures to be given on various financial and psychological topics,
      • Sir Ernest Rutherford to lecture in Brookman Hall,
  • F

    • Finlayson, Dr. Constance,
      • appointed clinical bio-chemist,
    • Foote, William Henry,
      • conductor of the South Australian Orchestra,
    • Forestry, Study of
      • effects of proposed forestry school in Canberra on Adelaide鈥檚 School of Forestry, , , , , ,
      • federal support sought for Adelaide University School of Forestry, , , ,
      • Horace Hugh Corbin appointed Professor of Forestry at Auckland University,
      • new forestry school at Adelaide until Canberra buildings ready, ,
      • success of Kuitpo forestry camps for high school students,
  • G

    • Garnett, Dr H C,
      • lecture on 鈥淪ome Psychological Sidelights鈥,
    • Gillman, Sherlock,
      • death,
    • Graduates,
      • new admissions to the Bar include two women, ,
      • ex-soldier law graduates admitted to Bar of Supreme Court,
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • lists of candidates for degrees, ,
    • Grenfell Price, Archibald,
      • lecture on "The Coloured Races",
    • Grivell, Charlotte,
      • successful musical studies in London,
    • Grounds,
      • request by university for grounds at rear,
      • suggestion that Government House be part of the University,
  • H

    • Hall, Hubert Winsloe,
      • teacher of singing at Elder Conservatorium,
    • Hamilton, Dr James Alexander Greer,
      • death of former lecturer in gynaecology,
    • Heaton, Dr Herbert,
      • former lecturer in economics, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Hewitson, Dr Thomas,
      • first law graduate,
    • Hislop, Dr J,
      • appointed medical superintendent of Adelaide Hospital,
    • Hockey,
      • inter-varsity tournament in Adelaide,
    • Holdaway, Frederick George,
      • appointed assistant lecturer in zoology, ,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter,
      • lecture on "Climates of the Past",
  • I

    • Isbister, William James,
      • appointed Dean of Law,
  • J

    • Jackson, Elizabeth,
      • memorial service for former tutor in philosophy,
    • Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
      • on the dangers of the blowfly, ,
    • Jolley, Norman,
      • appointed Principal of new Commonwealth School of Forestry, ,
    • Jones, Thomas Henry,
      • 71st birthday of music lecturer,
    • Jude, Gertrude,
      • delegate to National Council of Women conference in Washington D.C., ,
  • K

    • Kentish, Dorothy,
      • death in car accident, ,
    • Kirkwood, Albert Ernest,
      • lecture on 鈥淧lato鈥檚 Influence on Shelley鈥, ,
    • Kitson, Mary,
      • co-founder of first women's legal firm in Commonwealth,
  • L

    • Law, Faculty of,
      • resignation of Professor Coleman Phillipson, , , , , , , , ,
      • appointment of Arthur Lang Campbell as Professor of Law,
      • William James Isbister elected Dean,
    • Legal issues,
      • Law Reform Commission third progress report,
    • LeMesurier, Dr Frederick,
      • on need for strict hygiene to reduce infant mortality, ,
    • Lewcock, Harry Kingsley,
      • Roseworthy graduate to investigate eradication of prickly pear, ,
    • Library,
      • commemorative plaque approved,
  • M

    • Macklin, Ellen Dulcie,
      • appointed as demonstrator in botany,
    • Mallon, Alice,
      • to train for grand opera, , ,
    • Marston, Hedley Ralph,
      • research into treatment of citrus fruit for export,
    • Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
      • to represent SA at an interstate geological conference, ,
      • expedition,
      • dangers of the Antarctic,
      • on fate of Amundsen,
      • doubts about south polar aviation,
    • McBride, William John,
      • appointed to engineering post in the United Kingdom,
    • McKellar Stewart, Professor John, , , ,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • applications called for a Demonstrator in pathology,
      • decline in the number of medical students,
      • need for a Women's Hospital, partly for extra training facilities for medical students,
      • report on the development of the School of Medicine,
      • Adelaide doctors give evidence on research and treatment of infectious diseases to Federal Royal Commission on Public Health, , ,
    • Mills, Edward Whitfield,
      • appointed lecturer in accountancy, ,
    • Mitchell, Sir George,
      • Chancellor, , , ,
    • Moffat Anderson, W,
      • 1922 Angas Engineering Scholarship winner, ,
    • Moyes, Rev J S,
      • appointed Anglican Archdeacon of Adelaide,
    • Murray, Sir George,
      • 62nd birthday,
      • going overseas,
    • Music, School of,
      • 25th anniversary of the opening of Elder Conservatorium,
      • Clive Carey to give course of eighteen lectures on singing, ,
      • concerts at the Elder Conservatorium, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • conference of music teachers, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium Association, , , ,
      • evening concerts to be broadcast on wireless,
      • George Pearce piano teacher,
      • Hilda Reimann to give violin concert in Adelaide, ,
      • increasing influence of the Australian Music Examinations Board,
      • initial performance of student opera,
      • lunch at Conservatorium for freshers,
      • memorial for former Professor of Music John Matthew Ennis,
      • plans to form school of opera,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies fears disbandment of the South Australian Orchestra,
  • N

    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • acknowledged as one of the influences behind the formation of Scotch College,
      • new director of tutorial classes,
      • on Plato,
      • on sufferings of Greeks and Armenians,
      • on the League of Nation鈥檚 protocol, ,
      • speech to League of Nations Union on Iraq,
      • speech to Workers Educational Association on good oratory,
      • succeeds Dr Heaton as Director of the Workers Educational Association,
  • P

    • Pearce, George,
      • piano teacher at the Conservatorium,
    • Phillipson, Professor Coleman,
      • on 鈥淒efence of Property",
      • on corporal punishment, including the lash,
      • on capital punishment,
      • resignation, , , , , , , , , ,
      • tragedy in literature,
    • Policies and procedures,
      • granting honorary degrees,
      • policy of not granting a degree in a department without a professor,
    • Poole, Canon Slaney,
      • 80th birthday, ,
    • Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
      • appointment, ,
      • lectures on Egypt, , , , , ,
    • Prizes and awards,
      • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
      • J G Wood awarded science research scholarship to Cambridge,
      • winners of three free passages to Europe for further study,
    • Professors,
      • James Arthur Prescott, , , , , , ,
      • Reverend Canon Slaney Poole, ,
      • Edward Harold Davies, , ,
      • Frederic Wood Jones, , , ,
      • Coleman Phillipson, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Sir Archibald Thomas Strong, , , ,
      • Henry Darnley Naylor, , , , , , , , ,
      • Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Thornburn Brailsford Robertson, , , ,
      • Horace Lamb, , ,
      • John McKellar Stewart, , ,
      • Thomas Harvey Johnston, ,
      • John Raymond Wilton,
    • Public lectures,
      • see extension lectures
    • Publications,
      • "Modern Economic History" by Dr. H. Heaton,
      • 鈥淢arsupial Birth鈥 by Professor Frederic Wood Jones,
      • 鈥淭he Coloured Races: problems for the future鈥 by Sir Archibald Grenfell Price,
      • 鈥淕reat Britain and France鈥, by Professor Archibald Thomas Strong,
      • paper on "Power Factor and Tariff" by Edward Vincent Clark accepted for publication by Institute of Electrical Engineers (London),
      • Professor Archibald T. Strong on Spain, , ,
      • Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on marketing of wheat,
    • Puddy, Maude,
      • pianist,
  • Q

    • Quesnel, Mrs,
      • profile of singing teacher,
  • R

    • Reed, Geoffrey Sandford,
      • appointed secretary of South Australian Law Society,
    • Registrar,
      • Frederick William Eardley,
    • Reimann, Hilda,
      • violinist, ,
    • Rennie, Henry C C,
      • photograph,
      • death of professor鈥檚 son, ,
    • Research,
      • agricultural research at Waite Research Institute, , , , , , ,
      • Dr. Constance Davey鈥檚 research on 鈥渞etarded鈥 children,
      • Commonwealth grant for research into growth of living cells,
      • details of medical research into diseases,
      • Professor Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson on agricultural research, , , , , , ,
      • Professor Frederic Wood Jones on birth process of kangaroos and wallabies,
      • achievements of Professor Thornburn Brailsford Robertson,
      • Hedley R Marston鈥檚 research into treatment of citrus fruit for export,
      • Dr J B Dawson鈥檚 research in obstetrics,
      • evidence on health research conducted in Adelaide given to Federal Royal Commission on Public Health, , ,
      • need for a closer relationship between School of Medicine and Adelaide Hospital for medical research especially maternity issues,
      • Dr F LeMesurier on need for strict hygiene to reduce infant mortality, ,
    • Residential colleges,
      • opening of St Marks College, , ,
      • growth of St Marks College,
      • unsuitability of buildings at St Marks for the Australian climate,
      • new buildings planned for St Marks College,
      • proposal to establish a residential college for women,
    • Rhodes Scholarship,
      • university staff on selection committee,
      • Adelaide Rhodes Scholar Donald Sumner in Oxford tennis championship, ,
      • debate on women being admitted as Rhodes Scholars, ,
      • Henry Brose awarded PhD at Oxford,
      • qualities needed to win scholarship,
    • Richardson, Professor Arnold Edwin Victor, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Robertson, Professor Brailsford Thornburn, , , , ,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • annual re-union of old collegians,
      • Walter Colebatch and R Baker on breeding dairy stock,
      • Harry Kingsley Lewcock going to America to investigate eradication of prickly pear, ,
      • Principal Walter Colebatch to join advisory committee for Minister of Agriculture,
    • Rutherford, Sir Ernest,
      • nuclear researcher to give two lectures,
      • to lecture in Brookman Hall,
      • lecture on "The Structure of the Atom", , ,
      • reprint of article by Professor O. U. Vonwiller about Sir Ernest Rutherford,
  • S

    • School of Mines,
      • extension to Bonython Laboratories,
    • Secondary education,
      • plans to establish an agricultural high school for boys at Urrbrae,
      • new building for Teachers Training College planned, ,
      • success of Kuitpo forestry camps for high school students,
    • Shepley, Leslie,
      • Kadina lawyer,
    • Schultz, Frederick Balfour Mr,
      • appointed third associate of the Supreme Court,
    • Somerville, Dorothy,
      • co-founder of first women's legal firm in Commonwealth,
    • South Australian Orchestra,
      • conductor, William Henry Foote,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies fears disbandment,
    • South Australian Public Teachers' Union,
      • annual meeting, ,
    • Sport,
      • inter-varsity hockey tournament in Adelaide,
      • effect of selection of colts on university cricket team,
    • Staff,
      • staff movements,
      • applications called for a Demonstrator in pathology,
      • vacancies in law, forestry and economics,
    • Stanton Hicks, Cedric,
      • appointed as Marks Lecturer in Applied Physiology,
    • Storer, Dr R,
      • to return to Adelaide,
    • Strong, Professor Sir Archibald Thomas, , , ,
    • Student activities,
      • inter-university debates, , , , ,
      • visit by Oxford University debating team, , , ,
    • Student statistics,
      • expansion of the university in its first fifty years,
      • Sumner, Donald James,
      • wins Oxford tennis championship, ,
  • T

    • Taylor, Helene Miss,
      • adopts stage name of Miss Adelaide Cardanelli,
      • wins Pareparos Gold Medal,
      • photograph,
    • Teachers Training College,
      • new building for teacher training, ,
    • Technology,
      • lecture broadcast by wireless,
      • evening concerts from Elder Conservatorium to be broadcast on wireless,
    • Travel grants,
      • university to provide three free passages to Europe for students, ,
  • U

    • Universities, other
      • United States universities to require students to have a general degree before entering a professional one,
  • V

    • Verco, Sir Joseph,
      • 75th birthday and career summary,
    • Veterinary science, Study of,
      • qualifications for veterinary surgeons,
  • W

    • Wainwright, J,
      • secretary to the Royal Commission on the Thousand Homes Scheme,
    • Waite Institute,
      • gifts to the Institute, , , , , ,
      • important discoveries in the first six months, , ,
      • interstate praise for research done at the Institute,
      • progress in agricultural research, ,
    • Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
      • lecture on 鈥淩ussian Problems鈥,
    • Women students/graduates,
      • applications called for Catherine Helen Spence Scholarship,
      • new admissions to the Bar includes two women, ,
      • Mary Kitson and Dorothy Somerville establish first female legal service,
      • Dr Constance Davey's research on "sub-normal" children,
      • discussion on women being admitted as Rhodes Scholars, ,
      • Gertrude Jude BSc appointed as delegate to National Council of Women at international conference in Washington DC, ,
      • pianist Maude Puddy,
      • South Australian contralto Charlotte Grivell's success in London,
      • first female lawyer to appear in the South Australian Industrial Court,
      • violinist Hilda Reimann to return to Adelaide,
    • Wood, Joseph Garnett,
      • awarded science research scholarship to Cambridge,
    • Wood Jones, Professor Frederic, , , ,
    • Workers Educational Association,
      • programme,
      • growth, , ,
      • Professor Henry Darnley Naylor appointed director, , ,
      • lectures for October, November,
  • Z

    • Zelling, Howard,
    • Zoology, Study of,
      • Frederick George Holdaway appointed assistant lecturer, ,