Index to Volume 13 (1924) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Academic matters,
      • benefits of practical education, ,
      • resolution to include music in Bachelor of Arts Degree,
      • resolution to adopt, as far as possible, a uniform system of degrees in arts, science, professional faculties and similar nomenclature,
    • Adams, Arthur John Sorby,
      • photograph of members of rowing crew,
    • Adams, Frederick Penoyre,
      • admitted to Bar,
      • photograph,
    • Addison, Stanley Simpson,
      • secretary of 1924 Australian Universities Conference,
      • assistant Registrar of Melbourne University,
      • in group photograph of delegates to 1924 Australian Universities Conference,
    • Adelaide Hospital,
      • Dr. Raymond Thomas Binns appointed resident medical officer,
      • employment of medical graduates,
      • appointment of honorary dental surgeons to Adelaide Hospital, ,
      • Dr. Harry Swift appointed as member of advisory committee,
      • resignation of Dr. Edward Angas Johnson,
      • Dr. Edward Angas Johnson appointed honorary consultant physician,
      • praise from Dr. W.S. Carter, Associate Director, Rockefeller Foundation,
      • need for chair of midwifery,
      • Dr. Constantine Trent Champion De Crespigny and Dr. Darcy Rivers Warren Cowan appointed honorary physicians,
      • Dr. Harry Carew Nott appointed honorary radiologist,
      • Dr. Thomas George Wilson appointed honorary gynaecologist,
      • Dr. Robert John de Neufville appointed Resident Medical Officer,
      • rapid increase in use of insulin injections for treatment of diabetes, ,
      • Dr. Glen Howard Burnell appointed during absence of Dr. Rischbieth,
      • Dr. Albert Ray Southwood appointed Honorary Assistant Physician,
      • donation for erection of a kiosk for voluntary auxiliary committee,
      • Dr. Frederick Niell LeMessurier to enquire into babies’ hospital administration and children’s welfare work in the USA,
    • Affiliated institutions,
      • collection of curios from the late James Thompson Hackett (B.A., Adelaide) donated to National Gallery,
      • handbooks by graduates and staff part of valuable Museum collection,
      • meeting of board of Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery attended by Professors Frederic Wood Jones, Coleman Phillipson, Dr. Richard Sanders Rogers,
      • bequest by the late Mrs. Jesse Frances Raven to Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery,
    • Agar, Professor W. E.,
      • president of zoology section of 1924 Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
      • photograph of Professor of Zoology at Melbourne University, , ,
    • Agriculture, Study of,
      • two professors to be appointed to Waite Agricultural Research Institute, , ,
      • instruction of teachers in elements of agriculture,
      • agriculture in the West Indies,
    • Agriculture, Chair of,
      • Dr Richardson offered chair,
      • two professors to be appointed to Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
    • Albert Molineux Memorial Trust,
      • Outside Work award won by C. G. Samuel,
    • Allen, Mr. E.,
      • lectured on 'The Teaching of English', , ,
    • Anderson, Dr. Charles,
      • biography of visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Anderson, William Moffat,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Andrews, E. C.,
      • photograph of permanent Hon. General Secretary of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science in 1924,
      • arrival in Adelaide,
    • Angas Engineering Scholarship,
      • Professor Robert William Chapman's regret that so many winners were employed outside Australia,
      • careers of the sixteen award winners (1889 - 1924),
      • awarded to Claude Dixon Gibb, ,
    • Angwin, Hugh Thomas Moffitt,
      • appointed to Engineer-in-Chief's Department,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Annual report,
      • 39th Annual report of Roseworthy Agricultural College,
    • Art works,
      • bequest by Annie Eleanor Ridley ,
      • Alfred Drury's statue of Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel James Way arrives,
      • statue of Rt. Hon Sir Samuel James Way to be erected, ,
    • Art, Study of,
      • Professor Coleman Phillipson on 'Art and Norman Lindsay',
      • public comment on an article by Professor Coleman Phillipson on 'Art and Norman Lindsay’, , , , , , ,
      • public lecture to be given by Professor Coleman Phillipson on 'Art and Life', ,
    • Ashby, Ivan Edwin,
      • paper on 'The Chiton Fauna (polyplacophora) of Port Stephens, NSW',
  • B

    • Baker, Dr. Ralph Alderton,
      • appointed medical officer at Barmera Hospital,
    • Bald, Mr. R. C.,
      • on 'The Teaching of English', , ,
    • Bampton, Mr. A. W.,
      • appointment as accountant,
    • Barraclough, Professor Sir Henry,
      • in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • biography of distinguished visitor,
      • photgraph,
    • Barrett, Sir James,
      • in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • comments on public health & venereal disease, ,
      • on 'The Establishment of Organised Playgrounds', ,
      • photograph,
    • Barwell, Sir Henry,
      • photograph,
    • Basedow, Dr. Herbert,
      • demise of Wallaroo and Moonta Mines,
      • photograph,
      • vice-regal trip to Darwin to highlight latent mineral resources, , ,
    • Bayley, William Reynolds,
      • former student of late Allen Martin,
      • Headmaster of Prince Alfred College to travel to United States,
    • Bean, Edgar Layton,
      • paper on 'Arthenian Law' for Classical Association,
    • Bell, Rev. Arthur Hammond,
      • photograph,
    • Bequests, gifts & endowments,
      • recommendation of establishment of boarding school on land given by Peter Waite,
      • grant by State Government,
      • Peter Waite's gift and endowments, , , ,
      • Photograph of gifted estate, Urrbrae,
      • Committee on Social Efficiency funds paid to Elizabeth Jackson Memorial Fund, ,
      • Mrs. Jesse Frances Raven for 'The Gavin David Lectures’ in philosophy,
      • donation for erection of a kiosk at Adelaide Hospital,
      • for founding of St. Mark's College, , ,
      • Mrs Barbara Agnes Ayers,
      • Annie Eleanor Ridley, ,
    • Berry, Frances Winifred,
      • on 'Intelligence Testing',
      • on need for criterion for standard of intelligence, , ,
    • Bert, Ernest Julius,
      • appointed to British Imperial Oil Company,
    • Bevan, Frederick,
      • taught wife of Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson,
      • rumoured to leave South Australia,
    • Bickersteth, Rev. Kenneth Julian Faithful,
      • relationship of secondary education to commerce, , ,
      • on 'A Reformed Timetable'’, , ,
      • attended meetings of Advisory Council of Education, ,
      • editorial on Rev. K.J.F. Bickersteth's address on 'A Reformed Timetable',
    • Billinghurst, Harry,
      • appointed organiser and secretary of the Hospital Day Movement,
      • photograph,
    • Binns, Dr. Raymond Thomas,
      • appointed resident medical officer at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Birks, Dr. Melville,
      • death and biography,
      • photograph,
      • presentation of wallet to widow by Broken Hill workers, ,
    • Birks, Lawrence,
      • to represent New Zealand government in London,
      • visits Adelaide on way to London, ,
      • photograph, ,
      • death of 1895 Angas Engineering Scholar, , ,
      • Chief Electrical Engineer to the Dominion of New Zealand,
    • Birks, Mr.,
      • former Roseworthy student appointed Principal of Dookie Agricultural College in Victoria,
    • Bishop, John,
      • Elder Scholar's progress in London,
    • Bollen, Dr. Christopher,
      • former student of late Allen Martin,
    • Bollen, Dr. Percival,
      • former student of late Allen Martin,
    • Bonython, Sir John Langdon,
      • photograph of ³ÉÈË´óƬ Council member,
    • Booth, Sydney Russell,
      • photograph with group of University men,
      • photograph,
    • Borthwick, Dr. Thomas,
      • death and biography, ,
      • photograph,
    • Boykett, Mr K. H.,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Bragg, Professor Sir William Henry,
      • on tendency towards using science for destruction,
      • Vice-President of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • biography,
      • past president of Australasian Association for Advancement of Science,
    • Bridges, His Excellency the Governor, Sir Tom,
      • levee at Government House for King's Birthday celebration,
      • photograph,
    • Brown, Dr. William Jethro,
      • photograph of former Professor of Law,
    • Brown, John Walter,
      • nominated as Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia,
    • Browne, Professor W .R.,
      • arrival of delegate to Congress,
    • Browne, Dr Thomas John,
      • appointment to law firm,
    • Buildings,
      • a site sought for Students' Union Building,
      • donation for erection of a kiosk at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Bull, Dr. L. V.,
      • secretary for veterinary science at Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
    • Bundey Prize for English Verse,
      • award to Adrian Joseph Korff,
    • Burdon, Roy Stanley,
      • secretary for astronomy, mathematics, physics section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Burgess, Leslie Frank,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Burgess, M. C.,
      • nominated for grant of free passage to Europe,
    • Burgess, Norman Cecil,
      • two year engagement with Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Company in Manchester,
      • photograph and biography,
    • Burnell, Dr. Glen Howard,
      • appointed night clinic surgeon at Adelaide Hospital during absence of Dr. Rischbieth,
    • Burns, Professor A.,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph,
    • Butchers, Mr.,
      • delegate to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
  • C

    • Cambage, R. W.,
      • Biography of visitor the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Cameron, M. M.,
      • Roseworthy Agricultural College Special Prize for first year student,
    • Campbell, Dr. Thomas Draper,
      • on 'An unrecorded type of Aboriginal stone implement',
      • showed series of marked stones from Normanville,
      • paper on the Aboriginals of South Australia in science handbook,
      • secretary for ethnology and anthropology section of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Campbell, Dr. W. T.,
      • secretary for ethnology and anthropology section of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Carey, Francis Clive Savill,
      • appointed as teacher of singing at Elder Conservatorium, ,
      • biography, photograph,
      • imminent arrival,
      • to give song recital, ,
      • photograph,
    • Carment, David,
      • photograph of Hon. General Treasurer of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Castine, Ronald Oswald,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Ploughing Award Year One,
    • Cavenagh-Mainwaring, Dr. Wentworth Rowland,
      • elected as Fellow of The Royal Society,
    • Caw, Surgeon-General Alexander Ruan,
      • death in South Africa,
      • photograph,
    • Chancellors,
      • Conference of Associated Chamber of Commerce of Australia opened by Sir George John Robert Murray,
      • Dr. W. Rennie represents Chancellor at unveiling of tablet,
      • Sir George John Robert Murray gazetted as Deputy Governor,
      • photograph of Sir George John Robert Murray, ,
      • statue of Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel James Way, ,
      • Sir George John Robert Murray a delegate to inter-universities congress, , ,
      • Sir George John Robert Murray Chairman of Inter-Universities Conference, , ,
    • Chapman, C. E.,
      • photograph and biography of past winner of an evening scholarship,
    • Chapman, Professor Robert William,
      • informal address on latest developments of astronomy, ,
      • photograph, , ,
      • supports Professor Kerr Grant's criticism of new Wireless Regulations,
      • presided at meeting of Astronomical Society,
      • on value of research work for community,
      • E.S. Rusk on Chapman’s comments on positions in the public service,
      • Chapman’s response to E. S. Rusk,
      • Institute of Engineers delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • attended meeting of Council of School of Mines and Industries,
      • contributes article on the 'Tides of the South Australian Coast' to handbook for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science to,
      • regret that many Angas Engineering Scholars employed outside Australia,
      • gave the first broadcast lecture on 'the Wonders of Electricity',
    • Chapple, Alfred,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Chapple, Frederic,
      • condolences sent to widow of former Warden of Senate,
      • memorial service, ,
      • proposed memorial for former Warden of Senate,
      • memorial mural tablet unveiled at Kent Town Methodist Church,
    • Clark, Basil P.,
      • memories of Lord Kelvin, ,
    • Clark, Edward Vincent,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
      • secretary for engineering and architecture section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • on ‘The Tramways of Adelaide’, ‘Roads’,  ‘Locking of the River Murray’ and ‘Public Supply of Electricity in South Australia’ in Science Congress Handbook,
    • Clark, Mr. E. de C.,
      • delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph,
    • Cleland, Professor John Burton,
      • exhibition of live Python snake,
      • to contribute Toadstools and Mushrooms to Museum handbooks, ,
      • identification of plant and bird-life at Field Naturalist's excursion, ,
      • elected a vice-president of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • Field Naturalists' delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • secretary to special committee of South Australian branch of British Science Guild,
      • on the 'The Larger Fungi of South Australia' in Science Handbook,
      • Honorary Secretary of British Science Guild (S.A. Branch) scheme for publication of series of handbooks on Fauna and Flora of South Australia,
      • handbook titled 'Toadstools and Mushrooms' being prepared for British Science Guild (S.A. Branch), ,
    • Close, Jack Ayrtan,
      • won 1924 Roseworthy Agricultural College Special Prize for second year student,
    • Clubs, associations & societies,
      • League of Nations Union,
      • Round Table Christian Sociological Society,
      • Women's Non-Party Association,
      • International Federation of University Women, ,
      • Johnian Club, ,
      • Educational Society conference on new methods in education,
      • Law Students' Society, , , , , , , ,
      • Graduates' Association, , , , , , , , ,
      • Adelaide Repertory Theatre Club,
      • The Royal Society,
      • Astronomical Society,
      • Australian Universities Sports Association,
      • University Club,
      • Classical Association, ,
      • May Club Reading Circle,
      • Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • Pharmaceutical Students' Association,
      • Methodist Ladies College Old Scholars Association,
      • Field Naturalists' Section of the Royal Society, ,
      • Boat Club,
      • Student Christian Union,
      • University Shakespeare Society,
    • Clucas, Robert John Miller,
      • joint-secretary with Robert John Miller for geography and history section of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Cole, Thomas Haslam,
      • appointment as Clerk of Arraigns,
      • appointed Judge's Associate,
      • photograph,
    • Colebatch, Walter John,
      • need for research in diseases in stock,
    • Colvin, Bazett David,
      • death of former lecturer in accountancy,
    • Commerce, Study of,
      • editorial on need for collaboration between Chamber of Manufactures, Chamber of Commerce and University,
      • diploma of commerce students jealous of degree students,
      • Public Service Commissioner given a seat on Board of Commercial Studies,
    • Commercialisation,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson hands over manufacture and sale of insulin to Commonwealth Laboratory,
    • Committee on Social Efficiency,
      • formed to endow a clinic to study mental deficiency, disbanded, ,
    • Conferences & seminars,
      • Public School Teachers Union Conference, , ,
      • Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Australasian Pharmaceutical Conference,
      • conference of statisticians to be held in Adelaide, ,
      • Public Health Association of Australasia Conference, , , , , ,
      • Inter-Universities Conference held at the University, , , ,
      • Australian Teachers Federation Conference, , , ,
      • Annual Conference of Associated Chambers of Commerce of Australia,
      • Wembley Educational Conference,
      • Educational Society of SA annual conference on requirements for a liberal education, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • Agriculture General Council Meeting, , ,
    • Continuing education,
      • Public Service Association & University confer on schemes for education of members,
    • Cooke, Dr. William Ternent,
      • discovery of radium deposits, ,
      • experiments with Sir Douglas Mawson on means of treatment for radium ore,
    • Copland, Professor D. B.,
      • biography of president of social & statistical science section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • photograph,
    • Corbin, Horace Hugh,
      • conducts a tour of Kuitpo Forest for delegates to teachers' conference,
      • delegate to 17th Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • article on the 'Forestry in South Australia' in handbook of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Cotton, Professor L. A.,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Council, ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • establishment of two professorships for Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
      • nominations received for vacancies,
      • former Council member Sir Josiah Henry Symon presented valuable law books,
      • late Milton Moss Maughan always welcome at Council,
      • nomination of Thomas Schulz Opie & M.C. Burgess for grant of free passage,
      • appointment of Mr A.W. Bampton as accountant,
      • support for Adelaide University Pharmaceutical Students' Association,
      • statue of Rt. Hon Sir Samuel James Way to be erected in North Terrace lawn,
    • Cowan, Dr. Darcy Rivers Warren,
      • appointed honorary physician to Adelaide Hospital,
    • Crane, Greta Ruby,
      • awarded 1923 John Creswell Scholarship,
    • Crump, Cecil Charles,
      • admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
      • photograph,
    • Curlewis, John Burnham,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College second prize for first year student,
      • awarded Agriculture & Farm Dairies award for first year student,
      • awarded Outside Work award for first year student,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Mathematics award for first year student,
    • Curriculum development,
      • recommendation that universities allow Music in a Bachelor of Arts degree,
    • Cusack, S. C.,
      • reply to Kerr Grant’s criticism of proposed amendments to Commonwealth Wireless Regulations,
  • D

    • David Murray Scholarship,
      • Gwendolyn Helen Ure, David Murray Scholar admitted to Bar of Supreme Court,
    • David, Professor Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth,
      • biography of Vice-President of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • photograph, , ,
      • group photograph,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference,
      • association with Captain White and expedition into the interior,
      • report to research committee on glacial phenomena in Australia,
      • delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • past president of Australasian Association of Science,
      • honorary degree of correspondent conferred by Geological Society of America,
    • Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
      • on musical education,
      • on jazz following visit to Australia of Charles Hackett an American tenor,
      • elected Chairman of Australian Music Examinations Board,
      • photograph, , ,
      • returns from Melbourne Conference of the Australian Musical Examination Board,
      • mentions Choral Society & Bach Society in his introduction to Dame Nellie Melba,
      • speaks in favour of bringing Dame Nellie Melba's Opera Company to Adelaide,
      • precedence given to University musicians to meet Dame Nellie Melba, ,
      • address during interval of South Australian Orchestra concert,
      • comments on George Eastman's gift to Rochester Orchestra, New York,
      • inaugurator of free mid-day organ recitals held in Elder Hall each week,
      • to provide musical programme for The Graduates' Association social,
      • to lecture in Brisbane & Sydney,
      • presided at session on 'Dalcrose system of eurythmics', ,
      • arranged musical programme for Graduates' Association social & concert,
      • visit to Brisbane in interest of the Australian Public Examinations in Music scheme,
      • elected a vice-president of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • on 'The Dignity of Music',
      • return from discussions on Australian examinations in Music,
      • address in Sydney on 'The Dignity of Music',
      • arranged concert for Artist's Week,
      • request for co-operation in reform for a standard musical pitch,
      • unable to attend Elder Conservatorium concert,
      • elected President of Graduates' Association,
      • delegate to 1924 Inter-Universities Conference,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Davis, Captain John King,
      • biography of president of geography & history section of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • photograph,
      • leader of Ross Sea expedition which rescued Sir Ernest Shackleton's party, ,
      • association with Sir Douglas Mawson's voyages, ,
      • sectional address on 'Sailing directions' at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
    • Dawkins, Dr. Sydney Letts,
      • appointed District Surgeon of St. John's Ambulance Brigade Overseas,
    • De Crespigny, Dr. Constantine Trent Champion,
      • appointed honorary physician to Adelaide Hospital,
      • nominated as Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia British Medical Association delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Degrees,
      • recommendation that Music be a subject in a Bachelor of Arts degree,
      • new degree of PhD not warranted,
      • resolution to include music as a course for Bachelor of Arts Degree,
      • Professor Horace Lamb & Canon Frederick Slaney Poole thought to be the two oldest ad eundum gradum graduates,
    • Denny, Hon. William Joseph,
      • biography of Attorney General, Minister of Housing and Assistant Minister of Repatriation,
    • Dentistry, Study of,
      • responsibility of Dental Board to registered dentists & dental students,
    • Diets, Study of,
      • Vilhjalmur Stefansson's dietary experiences & experiments in the Arctic region, ,
    • Dodd, Dr., S.,
      • biography of president of veterinary science section of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , , , ,
    • Dodd, C.,
      • sectional address on 'Cancer in the domesticated animals' at the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Dodwell, George Frederick,
      • results of Adelaide Observatory eclipse expedition,
      • on the Planet Mars,
      • on the 'The Adelaide Observatory' in handbook of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Drury, Alfred, R. A.,
      • statue by Drury of Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel James Way arrives in Adelaide,
    • Duffield, Walter Geoffrey,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Duffield, Dr.,
      • former professor of physics at Reading University appointed to Mt Stromlo Observatory,
    • Dunabin, Professor Robert,
      • on 'The Value of the University to the Community' at Rotary luncheon,
      • delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph,
    • Duncan, Keith Sinclair, B.E.,
      • departs Adelaide to study automotive industry in Canada, USA & England,
      • photograph, , ,
      • impressions of roads and traffic in Vancouver & USA,
      • report on World Congress of the automotive industry in Detroit, ,
  • E

    • Eardley, Frederick William,
      • address on "Some of Robert Browning's shorter poems',
      • delegate to Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Eckersley, Rev. Percy Cyril Wheaton,
      • photograph,
    • Ecology, Study of,
      • plant communities of the Adelaide hills & plains,
    • Education, Study of,
      • criticism of lack of lecturer of education,
    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • syllabus for series of concerts published,
      • Francis Clive Savill Carey appointed teacher of singing, , , ,
      • concerts by students, , , , , , , ,
      • Charles Schilsky appointed as violin master,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies on music education,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies on jazz,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies elected Chairman of Australian Music Examinations Board,
      • Violin, piano & flute recital,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies returns form Melbourne Conference,
      • Conservatorium staff & Dame Nellie Melba attend rehearsal of South Australian Orchestra,
      • Director favours bringing Dame Nellie Melba's Opera Company to Adelaide,
      • Director speaks at Rotary Club luncheon,
      • recital by Charles Schilsky, ,
      • recital by William Silver & Harold Stephen Parsons,
      • free mid-day organ recitals,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies to lecture in Brisbane & Sydney,
      • chamber music recital by Conservatorium String Quartet, , ,
      • praise for Elder Conservatorium concerts,
      • chamber music recital,
      • biography of Harold Stephen Parsons, violoncello teacher,
      • biography of Charles Schilsky, violin teacher,
      • concert, , , ,
      • concert by staff,
      • choral concert by ladies' part singing class, , , ,
      • song recital by Francis Clive Savill Carey,
      • appeal for additional funds for Charlotte Grivell,
    • Elder Scholarships,
      • awarded to Charlotte Grivell,
      • progress in London of Elder Scholars Helene Taylor & John Bishop,
      • Ariel Shearer a winner of Silver Elder Scholarship leaves for study in London,
      • biography of 1901 Scholar, Harold Stephen Parsons,
      • twenty-one entries received,
    • Elizabeth Jackson Memorial Fund,
      • Committee on Social Efficiency to be disbanded & funds paid to Elizabeth Jackson Memorial Fund for psychology library, ,
    • Engineering, Study of,
      • engineering as a noble profession,
    • Equipment and furniture,
      • customs duty on importation of scientific equipment, ,
    • Eustace, John Leonard,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon to Adelaide Hospital,
    • Evening lectures,
      • by Professor Coleman Phillipson on 'Dante',
    • Evening Studentships,
      • photograph & biography of past winner, Mr. C.E. Chapman,
    • Examinations,
      • results of examinations at Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • hints for Public Examination candidates, ,
      • report of mistakes by public examination candidates,
      • results for Faculty of Law,
      • results for Bachelor of Dental Surgery,
      • supplementary results in Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery,
      • supplementary results in Bachelor of Laws,
      • supplementary results in Special March Matriculation,
      • results Special Examination for Bachelor of Arts Degree,
      • results Special Examination for Bachelor of Science Degree, ,
      • results Special Examination for Bachelor of Economics Degree,
      • results Supplementary Examination for Diploma in Commerce,
      • results of Australian Music Examinations Board examinations, , ,
      • stress of public examinations on students, , ,
      • Professor Kerr Grant on serious defects in school science examinations, ,
      • Professor Edward Harold Davies on Music examinations,
      • progress on introduction of Australian Examinations in Music,
      • examination results for Ellie Thomas,
      • piano examination results for Kathleen Johns,
    • Expeditions,
      • George Frederick Dodwell’s eclipse expedition to Cordilla Downs,
    • Extension lectures,
      • Professor Archibald Thomas Strong on 'Great Writers of the Age of Shakespeare', , ,
      • Professor Archibald Thomas Strong on 'Shakespeare's Contemporaries',
      • Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn on 'South Australian Plants in their Native Haunts', , ,
      • Dr. Walter George Woolnough on 'The Great Lonely Land - the Centre of Australia',
      • discussion on extension lectures at Inter-Universities Conference,
  • F

    • Farr, Clinton Coleridge,
      • former Angas Engineering Scholar, ,
    • Fawsitt, Professor Charles Edward,
      • visitor to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Fels, Ernest Theodore,
      • awarded 1924 Morphett Medal & Special Prize for Dairying, Roseworthy Agricultural College Valuation of Live Stock award,
    • Fenner, Dr. Charles Albert Edward,
      • attended meeting of Advisory Council of Education,
      • biography, photograph, ,
      • on the 'Physiography of the Adelaide Region' in handbook for the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Fisk, E. T.,
      • on 'Recent Developments in Wireless Communication' for the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Fletcher, William Main,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Special Prize,
    • Foote, William Henry,
      • conducted orchestral concert by Elder students,
      • conducted the South Australian Orchestra,
    • Forestry, School of,
      • Professor William Mitchell's question on proposed School of Forestry,
    • Formby, Miles Landseer,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
      • photograph,
      • biography,
    • Fornachon, John Charles McLeod,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Second Prize, T.G.H. Buring Prize in Viticulture, Morphett Prize in Dairying, Chemistry award, Book-keeping award, all for a second year student,
    • Forestry,
      • Australian Forests Ltd. scheme of afforestation for the South-East,
  • G

    • Gale, Frederick Julius, B.A.,
      • appointed to staff of Scotch College,
    • Gard, Annie Vera,
      • to study grand opera in England & Italy with her husband Harold John Gard, ,
      • photograph,
      • biography of 1916 Elder Scholar (Singing), ,
    • Gard, Harold John,
      • to study grand opera in England & Italy with his wife Annie Vera Gard (nee Thrush), ,
      • biography and photograph, ,
    • Garnett, A. C., M.A.,
      • Workers Educational Association lecture on 'Dreams and what they reveal',
      • lecture on 'The Sex Problem' at Educational Society Conference, , , , ,
    • Gartrell, Dr. Eric Frank,
      • gained Diploma of Member of Royal College of Physicians (London),
      • photograph,
    • Gartrell, Herbert William,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar a former student of the late Allen Martin,
      • current position,
    • Gavin David Young Lectures,
      • bequest by the late Mrs. Jesse Frances Raven for establishment of 'The Gavin David Young Lectures' in Philosophy,
    • Gender issues,
      • Mrs. Harvey Johnston on 'Women's Work in Queensland',
      • need for University college for women in Adelaide,
    • Geology, School of,
      • discovery of radium at Olary by Sir Douglas Mawson & Dr. Cooke,
    • Geology, Study of,
      • experiments by Sir Douglas Mawson & Dr. William Ternent Cooke on more suitable means of treatment for Radium Ore from Olary,
      • trip to highlight latent mineral resources of Central Australia by Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson & Leonard Keith Ward, , , , , , ,
    • Gibb, Claude Dixon,
      • awarded 1924 Angas Engineering Scholarship, ,
    • Gibb, Claude Dixon,
      • awarded Angas Engineering scholarship, , ,
      • photograph,
    • Giblin, Major L. F.,
      • biography of visitor to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Gill, Hilda Beatrice,
      • vocal & organ recital with Harold Eustace, ,
    • Glynn, Patrick McMahon,
      • biography, photograph,
      • adjudicated law students’ debate,
    • Goodman, Cyril William,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Government relations,
      • oriental students under fourteen years old not to enter the Commonwealth,
      • scheme for public servants to attend special course,
      • decision to reserve a band of wireless waves for educational institutions,
    • Graduates,
      • levels of unemployment of medical graduates,
      • employment of medical graduates by Adelaide Hospital,
      • eight new lawyers admitted to the Bar,
      • graduates in the public service discussed by Professor Robert William Chapman, ,
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • Roseworthy Agricultural College annual prize giving ceremony,
      • special congregation for conferring of degrees, ,
    • Grant, Dr. Richard Longford Thorold,
      • appointed Honorary Surgeon,
    • Grant, Professor Kerr,
      • criticises proposed amendments to Commonwealth Wireless Regulations,
      • photograph,
      • photograph with group of university men,
      • S.C. Cusack’s reply to Professor Kerr Grant’s criticism,
      • Professor Robert William Chapman on new Commonwealth Wireless Regulations with reference to Professor Kerr Grant’s remarks,
      • comments on Marconi's experiments on wireless telegraphy,
      • lectured on 'The Place of Science' at Educational Society of SA, ,
      • lectured on advances in knowledge of the earth's atmosphere,
      • comment on relationship of consumption of refined salt and prevalence of goitre,
      • to attend science congress to be held in Adelaide,
      • on ineffectiveness of elementary examinations on scientific subjects, ,
      • on serious defects in present system of secondary education, ,
      • attended meetings of Advisory Council of Education, ,
      • memories of Lord Kelvin on centenary of his birth,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • delegate to 1924 Inter-Universities Conference,
      • in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Gratton, Mr. F. L.,
      • on need for music in the school curriculum,
    • Gratton, Norman Murray Gladstone,
      • presided over evening session of Annual Conference of Educational Society of SA,
    • Grivell, Charlotte,
      • awarded Elder Scholarship 1924,
      • appeal for additional funds for Elder Scholar,
      • farewell recital before study in London,
      • leaves for study in London,
    • Gryst, Mr. E. F.,
      • president of pharmacy sub-section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • Sectional Address on 'Pharmaceutical Progress',
  • H

    • Hackett, James Thompson,
      • biography & death in Egypt, ,
      • photograph,
      • to be buried in Melbourne,
      • burial in Melbourne,
      • Hackett Collection of Egyptian & Chinese curios placed in National Gallery in Melbourne,
    • Halligan, Mr. G.,
      • arrival of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Hamilton, Ian,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Hancock, Professor William Keith,
      • appointed Professor of History, ,
      • biography, photograph,
    • Hannan, Albert James,
      • lectured on 'Roman Law',
    • Hansen, Mr. M. P.,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Harrison, Professor Lancelot,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Harvey, A. B.,
      • Founding Secretary of St. Mark's College,
    • Harvey, R.,
      • arrival of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Haselgrove, Colin,
      • awarded 1924 Royal Agricultural Society’s gold medal,
      • awarded 1924 Roseworthy Agricultural College Viticulture award,
      • awarded 1924 Roseworthy Agricultural College Oenology award,
      • awarded 1924 Roseworthy Agricultural College Veterinary Science award,
    • Haslam, Joseph Auburn,
      • appointed principal newly established King's College,
    • Hayward, Dr. William Thornborough,
      • comments on irresponsibility of youth at Imperial Social Hygiene Congress,
      • reappointed member of Medical Board of South Australia,
      • return from overseas,
    • Heaton, Dr. Herbert,
      • on the wireless broadcasting industry, ,
      • on Australian labour & industrial regulation,
      • on election of Labor government in Britain, ,
      • lectures at Cambridge and other English universities on 'The Economic Development of Australia',
      • criticism of cable service between Australia & England,
    • Henderson, Professor George Cockburn,
      • comments on true text of Memory Cove Tablet erected by Matthew Flinders,
      • reply to question by Noel Augustin Webb regarding 'nautici cavete' on text of Memory Cove Tablet,
      • resignation,
      • resignation as member of Advisory Council of Education,
    • Heuzenroeder, Reginald Leo,
      • admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
      • photograph,
    • Hicks, Francis Gordon,
      • set subject for debate at meeting of Law Students' Society,
    • Hill, Lionel,
      • photograph of former Council member,
    • History, Chair of,
      • William Keith Hancock appointed Professor of History, ,
      • biography, photograph of Professor William Keith Hancock,
    • Hodge, Charles Reynolds,
      • Registrar attends annual meeting of Australian Music Examinations Board,
      • retirement as Registrar, , ,
      • photgraph,
    • Hodgetts, Mr. H. W.,
      • Founding Trustee of St. Mark's College,
    • Holden, Edward Wheewall
      • Biography and photograph of Managing Director of Holden Body Builders Ltd.,
      • to address at meeting on role of graduates in industry & commerce,
    • Hollidge, David Henry,
      • motion of appreciation for Government appointment of an officer of psychology,
    • Homes, Alma Ivy Penelope,
      • awarded 1923 John Creswell Scholarship,
    • Hone, Dr. Frank Sandland,
      • comparison of salary of scientific researcher and bricklayer, ,
      • recommends periodic individual medical examinations to improve, ,
      • on 'The Problems of the Mentally Defective',
      • on the importance of the new Health Act, , , , , ,
      • Health Association of Australasia delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • resigned as chairman of Committee on Social Efficiency,
      • infant mortality, ,
      • appointed by Federal committee to sub-committee on relationship of general practitioner to preventative medicine,
      • to preside at conference of Public Health Association of Australasia, ,
      • Drs. Frank Sandland Hone & Henry Simpson Newland's scheme for public demand for promotion of common hygienic welfare raised at Health Association of Australasia conference,
    • Honner, Augustus Thomas,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Practical Dairying award,
      • awarded 1924 Roseworthy Agricultural College Wool-classing award,
    • Hosking, Herbert Clifton,
      • appointed Inspector of Schools, photograph,
    • Hossfeld, Paul Samuel,
      • elected Fellow of The Royal Society,
    • Howard, Arthur Ewing,
      • arrived from London,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter C.,
      • presented with testimonial, photograph,
      • to contribute ‘The Building of Australia’ and ‘the Succession of Life' handbooks to Museum publications,
      • exhibited internal cast of large fossil gastropod shell and New Guinea equivalent of money tokens at Royal Society,
      • submission of instalment of 'The Building of Australia & the Succession of Life, with Special Reference to South Australia',
      • article on the 'Geological Features of South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • first instalment of handbook under title of 'The Building of Australia & the Succession of Life, with Special Reference to South Australia',
  • I

    • Indigenous issues,
      • Dr. Robert Henry Pulleine on 'On the discovery of supposed aboriginal remains near Cornwall, Tasmania' at The Royal Society,
      • Dr. Thomas Draper Campbell on 'An unrecorded type of aboriginal stone implement' at The Royal Society,
      • aboriginal stones, bark rope & other aboriginal implements exhibited at The Royal Society,
      • Dr. Thomas Draper Campbell exhibited pieces of slate from a native camp site at Normanville at The Royal Society,
      • Dr. Robert Henry Pulleine exhibited two stones from Normanville & one hand axe & three choppers from Tasmania at The Royal Society,
      • Dr. Alexander Matheson Morgan exhibited stone object of slate from Normanville & a stone axe & rough chopper from near Robe at The Royal Society,
    • Intellectual property,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson hands over manufacture and sale of insulin to Commonwealth Laboratory,
  • J

    • Jackman, Frank Downer,
      • Engineering & Applied Science graduate in charge of No.2 Lock,
    • Jackson, Sarah Elizabeth,
      • Committee on Social Efficiency to be disbanded & funds paid to Elizabeth Jackson Memorial Fund for psychology library, ,
    • Jefferis, Arthur Tarlton,
      • to ask question in Senate re Peter Waite Bequest,
      • on 'The Lorenz method fro Phosphate',
    • Jeffries, S. W.,
      • address by and photograph of Liberal Federation candidate,
    • Jenkinson, Herbert Gordon,
      • elected chairman of Institution of Engineers,
    • John Creswell Scholarship,
      • award to Greta Ruby Crane & Alma Ivy Penelope Homes,
    • John Lorenzo Young Scholarship,
      • lecture by 1921 Scholar, Geoffrey Samuel on 'Afforestation & Plant Pathology in South Africa' to Field Naturalists' Section of the Royal Society,
    • Johnson, Dr. Edward Angas,
      • resignation,
      • appointed honorary consultant physician at Adelaide Hospital,
      • photograph,
      • appointed Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals,
    • Johnston, Mrs. Harvey,
      • gave address on 'Women's Work in Queensland' & university education for women,
    • Johnston, Professor Thomas Harvey,
      • to attend Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science congress,
      • comments on timber destruction, ,
      • presided at meeting of the South Australian branch of British Science Guild,
      • lectured on 'A Journey Across the Andes' to members of Carnation, Dahlia & Sweet Pea Society,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Jones, Professor Frederic Wood,
      • review of his book 'The Mammals of South Australia, Part I',
      • visit to Coorong with SA Fauna & Flora Board,
      • discovery of rare marsupials (toolaches - Macropus greyi) in south-east,
      • gives paper on 'Pouch embryos of marsupials, No. 8, Dendrolagus matachiei',
      • dispute on how kangaroos are born, , , , , , ,
      • ‘The Mammals of South Australia’, Part 1' is published, , ,
      • attended a meeting of board of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery,
      • paper on 'External Characters of Pouch Embryos of Marsupials, No. 9 - Phascolomys Tasmaniensis',
      • lectured on marsupial births,
      • produced article on the 'Marsupials' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • kangaroo rats, pouched mice, Jerboa mouse & sleepy lizards kept for observation,
      • publication of 'Part II of The Mammals of South Australia',
      • Chairman of British Science Guild (S.A. Branch) scheme for publication of series of handbooks on Fauna & Flora of South Australia, ,
      • Our Vanishing Mammals,
  • K

    • Keaney, Mr. W. C.,
      • NSW poultry superintendent for soldier settlement was former Roseworthy Agricultural College student,
    • Kelvin, Lord,
      • memories of Sir William Thompson (Lord Kelvin), ,
    • Kentish, Dorothy Grace,
      • appointed Senior Work Secretary of YWCA, photograph,
    • Kiek, Mrs. E. S.
      • photograph,
    • Kiek, Principal Edward Sidney,
      • address on 'Education for Citizenship',
      • lecture on 'The Bonds of Empire',
      • summary of article on unemployment and a Bill for a remedial scheme for the unemployed, ,
      • free public lecture on 'The Social Instinct',
      • photograph, ,
      • address on "Crowd Psychology",
      • biography of Modern History lecturer,
      • lecture on 'The Present Situation in European Affairs',
      • gives address on 'Education for citizenship',
    • Kirkpatrick, Mr. A. A.,
      • endorsement of appointment of Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson,
    • Knibbs, Sir George,
      • President of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science retires,
      • photograph, , ,
    • Korff, Adrian Joseph,
      • awarded 1924 Bundey Prize for English Verse,
      • nominated president of British Association,
  • L

    • Lamb, Professor Horace,
      • nominated president of British Association,
      • appointed President Elect of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Congress,
      • biography and academic career,
      • biography by Canon Frederick Slaney Poole,
    • Latin, Study of,
      • proposed abolition of Latin as a compulsory subject for matriculation,
    • Law Library,
      • Sir Josiah Henry Symon donated portion of his law library to School of Law,
    • Law, School of,
      • presentation of valuable law books by Sir Josiah Symon,
    • Law, Study of,
      • eight new lawyers admitted to the Bar,
    • Lawn tennis,
      • students from Stanford University California to play lawn tennis,
    • Lawson, Professor A. A.,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Le Messurier, Dr. Francis Niell,
      • on leave as Honorary Surgeon tat the Adelaide Children's Hospital,
      • appointed Honorary Commissoner to enquire into & report upon matters pertaining to the question on babies’ hospital administration & children’s welfare work,
    • Le Souef, Major E. A.,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Lea, Arthur Mills,
      • article on the 'Insects' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Lectures,
      • Professor Robert William Chapman on latest developments of astronomy, ,
      • Professor Archibald Thomas Strong on 'The Elizabethan Theatre',
      • Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn on 'The Saltbush',
      • Professor John McKellar Stewart on 'The Machine, the Individual & the Person; a study in the nature of Personality',
      • Geoffrey Samuel on 'Afforestation & Plant Pathology in South Africa', ,
      • Professor Frederic Wood Jones on marsupial births,
      • Sir James Barrett on 'The Fly, Rat and Mosquito',
      • Sir John Monash on 'Power DEvelopment in Australia', , ,
    • Lendon, Dr. Alfred Austin,
      • reappointed member of Medical Board of South Australia,
      • return to Adelaide from holiday trip,
      • tribute to Australia House & Agent-General Sir Edward Lucas at Commonwealth Club meeting, ,
      • comments on his recent trip to Europe,
    • Lewis, Gilbert Norman,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Wool-classing award,
    • Library,
      • comment on 'Pickwick Abroad' held in library,
      • recommendation of Committee on Social Efficiency for psychology library,
    • Ligertwood, George Coutts,
      • appointment to law firm,
    • Lindsay, Norman,
      • discussion relating to display of his work, , , , , , , , ,
    • Liversidge, Professor A.,
      • biography of Founder & Vice-President of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science in 1924,
    • Lord, Clive Errol,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Lord, Mr. J. S.
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Lucas, Sir Edward,
      • photograph of SA Government Agent General,
    • Ludbrook, Wallis Verco,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Dux of Year Medal, Agriculture & Farm Dairies award, Veterinary Science award, Physiology award for second year students,
    • Lushey, Harold Merton,
      • biography of president-elect of the Public Teachers' Union, photograph,
  • M

    • Mac Callum, Professor,
      • proposed the establishment of an Examining University at Canberra, , ,
    • MacKail, Dr. John William,
      • pamphlet on 'What is the Good of Greek?',
    • MacKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
      • lectured on 'Economic Searchlights' at Workers’ Educational Association,
      • support for deputation from Gilles Street School to Minister of Education,
      • comments on 'The Dawes Report' on economic opinion, 77,
      • secretary for social & statistical science section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Madigan, Cecil Thomas B.Sc., 
      • lecture on adventures in Antarctica as member of the Mawson Expedition, ,
      • on the triumph of the British Administration in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,
      • photograph,
      • on 'Why British rule must continue in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan',
      • comment on article on British Rule in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,
      • secretary for geology & mineralogy section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
    • Mahoney, Dr.,
      • arrival in Adelaide of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Maiden, Leslie Carrington,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Marston, Hedley Ralph,
      • appointed secretary to South Australian branch of British Science Guild,
    • Martin, Ronald,
      • article on the 'The Vineyards of South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science to be held,
    • Mason, Gerald Gustave,
      • Agricultural Superintendent in Palestine is a former Roseworthy Agricultural College graduate,
    • Masson, Professor Sir David Orme,
      • biography of Vice-President of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Matriculation,
      • Inter-University Conference reaffirmation of requirements of matriculation,
      • proposed abolition of Latin as a compulsory subject for matriculation,
    • Matthews, Llandaff Brisbane,
      • admitted as practitioner to Supreme Court,
    • Maughan, Milton Moss,
      • unveiling of memorial tablet at Sturt Street Public School,
      • always welcome at University Council as head of State Education Department,
    • Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
      • discovery of Radium at Olary,
      • effects of passing of ice-age warming Australian climate,
      • photograph, ,
      • demonstrates field microscope at The Royal Society,
      • biography,
      • tribute to the death of Mr. Even R. Stanley,
      • experiments on treatment of radium ore,
      • meeting with Arctic explorer Mr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference held at The ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Mayo, Dr. Helen Mary,
      • chaired 'Sex Education' session at Educational Society of SA conference, , ,
    • McBride, Dorothy Evelyn,
      • departed London for concert tour in America,
    • McCabe, James,
      • admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
      • photograph,
    • McCoy, Mr. William Taylor,
      • photograph of Director of Education,
      • praise for South Australian teachers,
      • presided at meeting of Advisory Council of Education,
      • on need for elementary agriculture, woodwork & domestic science in rural schools,
    • McDonald, Cyril George Hugh,
      • appointed Assistant Chief Electrical Engineer of Victorian Railways, ,
      • photograph and biography,
    • McFarland, Sir John,
      • in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • McKay, Alexander Leslie Gordon,
      • lecture on 'Economic Searchlights',
      • need for right type of tutor for Workers' Educational Association,
    • McKinnon, Mr R. C.,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • death of Dr. Thomas Borthwick,
      • statistics on medical students,
      • possible establishment of Chair of Midwifery, ,
      • praise for University & Adelaide Hospital from Rockefeller Foundation Associated Director,
      • increased attention on teaching of preventative medicine & public health, , ,
    • Meegan, Kathleen Mary,
      • performance at Elder Conservatorium chamber music recital,
    • Melba, Dame Nellie,
      • attends rehearsal of South Australian Orchestra,
    • Messent, Philip Santo,
      • nominated as Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia,
    • Millhouse, Eric William John,
      • appointed to law firm,
    • Mines & Industries, School of,
      • success of students at recent University public examinations,
      • Professor Edward Henry Rennie appointed Acting President of Council,
      • graduation of two engineering students, Messrs. C.N Tileman & H.E. Rose,
      • Educating Mining Egineers, ,
    • Mitchell, Professor William,
      • Vice- Chancellor returns from fact finding visit for establishment of agricultural research institute,
      • photograph with group of University men,
      • patron of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference held at The ³ÉÈË´óƬ, ,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
      • question at Inter-University Conference on proposed School of Forestry,
    • Mocatta, Dr. Mildred,
      • on need for clinic to investigate phenomena of mental development, , ,
      • on 'intelligence testing', , ,
    • Monash, Sir John,
      • president of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, biography, photograph, ,
      • president elect of Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, , ,
      • inaugural address,
      • on 'Power Development in Australia', , , ,
    • Money, Edwin Frank,
      • awarded various Roseworthy Agricultural College awards,
    • Moore, Arthur Pariss Reading,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon to Adelaide Hospital, ,
    • Morgan, Dr. Alexander Matheson,
      • visit to South-East after discovery of rare marsupials (Toolaches - Macropus Greyi),
      • exhibited stone object from Normanville & a stone axe & rough chopper from near Robe at meeting of The Royal Society,
      • article on the 'Synopsis of the Birds of South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Morphett Medal & Special Prize for Dairying,
      • award to Ernest Theodore Fels,
      • award bequeathed by late Mr A.H. Morphett,
    • Morris, Dr. B. H.,
      • reappointed Inspector-General of Hospitals,
    • Morris, Mervyn Charles,
      • admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
      • photograph,
    • Muirden, William,
      • return to Adelaide from purchasing Hassett’s Commercial College,
    • Murray, Sir George John Robert,
      • granted eight months leave,
      • gazetted as Deputy Governor,
      • photograph, , , ,
      • opened 20th Annual Conference of Associated Chamber of Commerce of Australia,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference, ,
      • elected Chairman of Inter-Universities Conference,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
      • presided at Inter-University Conference, ,
      • entertained delegates of Inter-University Conference, ,
    • Music, Study of,
      • need for music in the school curriculum,
      • popularity of popular & jazz music,
      • progress on introduction of Australian Examinations in Music,
      • need for a standard musical pitch,
      • resolution at Inter-University Conference to include music in Bachelor of Arts,
    • Musical productions,
      • syllabus for Elder Conservatorium concerts,
      • concerts by students of Elder Conservatorium, , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium violin, piano & flute recital,
      • Charles Schilsky's first violin recital,
      • Elder Conservatorium recital by William Silver & Harold Stephen Parsons,
      • free organ recitals by Harold Eustace Wylde, , , , , ,
      • orchestral concert by students of Elder Conservatorium,
      • Graduates' Association social & concert,
      • concert by advanced students of Elder Conservatorium,
      • vocal & organ recital by Hilda Beatrice Gill & Harold Eustace Wylde, ,
      • chamber music recital by Conservatorium String Quartet, , ,
      • Elder Conservatorium concert,
      • concert by Elder Conservatorium staff,
      • choral concerts by Elder Conservatorium ladies' part singing class, , , ,
      • fund raising concert by Repertory Theatre & Elder Conservatorium students, ,
      • song recital to be given by Francis Clive Savill Carey,
  • N

    • Nangle, Professor J.,
      • biography, photograph of president of mental science & education section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Naylor, Margaret Mary Jessie Darnley,
      • Leaves to work for Save the Children Fund in Europe, ,
    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • address on the League of Nations at teachers' conference, , ,
      • support for Workers' Educational Association claim for increased subsidy for education,
      • gave lecture on 'The Humanities' at Educational Society of SA, , ,
      • comment on Naylor’s argument,
      • address on 'Formation of Language',
      • elected a vice-president of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • name ommitted from published list of candidates for University Council,
      • presided at meeting of Adelaide branch of International Peace Society,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference,
      • in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Newland, Dr. Henry Simpson,
      • appointed to sub-committee on relationship of general practitioner to preventative medicine,
      • Drs. Frank Sandland Hone & Henry Simpson Newland's scheme for promotion of common hygienic welfare at Health Association of Australasia,
    • Newling, P. Ray, D.D.S.
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon to Adelaide Hospital, ,
    • Nicholson, Hugh John Gay,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Nott, Dr. Harry Carew,
      • appointed honorary radiologist to Adelaide Hospital,
  • O

    • O'Brien, Mr. E. J.,
      • Deputy Commissioner of Live Stock in Bombay former Roseworthy Agricultural College graduate,
    • Ohlstrom, Patrick Andreis,
      • need for one year's service under articles as a law clerk dispensed with,
      • admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
      • photograph,
    • Oldham, Wilfred,
      • address on 'The Early settlement of South Australia' at Johnian Club,
      • with Bessie Threadgill on the 'History of South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • joint-secretary for geography & history section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Opie, Thomas Schulz,
      • on International Finance,
      • on taxation problems in Australia, ,
      • on unrest in India,
      • on Export of Capital,
      • nominated for grant of free passage to Europe,
      • on problems arising out of regulation of paper currency,
      • on purchasing power of Australian credit in London, ,
      • on system of subsidies, bonuses & taxation remissions,
      • on credit systems & gold as medium & standard of exchange,
      • on Australia's financial history,
      • on wheat prices, ,
      • on money reserves,
      • on the Australian Exchange rates,
    • Osborn, Edith May,
      • handbook titled 'Seaweeds' in course of preparation for British Science Guild (S.A. Branch),
      • ‘Seaweeds' part of valuable handbooks in Museum collection,
    • Osborn, Professor Theodore George Bentley,
      • comments on scarcity of plant pathologists, ,
      • comments on a reserve for Botanical investigation at Koonamore,
      • member of committee investigating bunchy top disease in bananas, ,
      • investigates mortality among cattle,
      • on 'The Place of Science in education' at Conference of Educational Society of SA, ,
      • on ineffectiveness of elementary examinations on scientific subjects, ,
      • ‘Types of Vegetation in South Australia' a handbook in Museum collection, , ,
      • extension lecture series on 'South Australian Plants in their Native Haunts', , ,
      • elected a vice-president of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • lecture on 'The Saltbush',
      • in trip to highlight latent mineral resources of Central Australia with Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson & Leonard Keith Ward, , ,
      • on 'South Australian Geology' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Osborne, W. G.,
      • arrival in Adelaide of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
  • P

    • Parnell, Professor,
      • Brisbane delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science in group photograph,
    • Parsons, Harold Stephen,
      • on training listeners & performers at orchestral concerts,
      • played at Frederic Chapple’s funeral,
      • piano & violoncello recital with William Silver,
      • member of Conservatorium String Quartet, ,
      • biography and photograph,
    • Parsons, Mr. Justice Angas,
      • photograph of University Council member,
    • Patchell, Mary Emma,
      • nominated for vacancy on Council of ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
    • Pavy, Gordon Augustus,
      • exempted from one year's service under articles as a law clerk,
      • admitted to Bar,
      • photograph,
    • Pearce, George,
      • photograph,
      • performance of Tchaikovsky’s concerto for piano & orchestra,
      • played pianoforte part in South Australian Orchestra concert,
    • Pearson, Francis Benjamin,
      • won Roseworthy Agricultural College Entomology award for second year student,
    • Perkins, Professor Arthur James,
      • nominated as Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia,
      • endorses appointment of Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson,
      • on Lucerne Crops, ,
      • articles on 'Agricultural Practice in South Australia' and 'Olive Growing in South Australia’, in handbook for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Peter Waite Bequest,
      • Senate decides to use bequest to establish Waite Agricultural Institute at Urrbrae, ,
    • Peter Waite Trust,
      • Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson's possible return to Adelaide, ,
    • Pharmacy, Study of,
      • proposed establishment of degree or diploma in pharmacy,
    • Philcox, Claude Joseph Owen,
      • photograph, biography of Prosecutor of State Children’s Department,
    • Phillips, John Sydney,
      • Roseworthy Agricultural College Dux of Year Medal for first year student,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Physics award for first year student,
    • Phillipson, Professor Coleman,
      • on 'the growth and decline of nations',
      • on 'Truth, Good and Beauty',
      • on 'Sea power',
      • on 'Statesmanship',
      • on 'Democracy',
      • on 'Wit & Humour',
      • on 'Thomas Hardy',
      • on 'Dante',
      • on 'Conciliation',
      • on 'The Punishment of Criminals',
      • elected a vice-president of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • on 'The Death Penalty',
      • attended a meeting of board of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery,
      • on 'Art & Norman Lindsay',
      • responses to his article on Art & Norman Lindsay, , , , , ,
      • to give public lecture on 'Art &Life', ,
      • response to public comments on his Art & Norman Lindsay article,
      • lecture on 'Art & Life', ,
      • criticism of Adelaide exhibition of Norman Lindsay's artworks,
    • Philosophy, Study of,
      • bequest by Mrs. Jesse Frances Raven for 'The Gavin David Young Lectures' in Philosophy,
    • Pike, Kenneth Arthur,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Study of Farm Seeds award for first year student,
    • Plant Pathology, Chair of,
      • appointment of eminently competent man,
    • Poole, Canon Frederick Slaney,
      • comments on biography of Professor Horace Lamb,
    • Poole, Dorothy Landon,
      • resigns as Head Mistress of Church of England Diocesan Grammar School for Girls at Ballarat and appointed Head Mistress of Abbotsleigh, Wahroonga,
    • Poole, Mr. Justice Thomas Slaney,
      • Founding Trustee of St. Mark's College,
      • nominated for vacancy on Council, ,
      • election to Senate, ³ÉÈË´óƬ, ,
      • appointed Grand Master of Freemasons in SA,
      • photograph, biography,
    • Potts, William Andrew,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Prescott, Professor James Arthur,
      • appointed Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, , ,
      • biography,
      • photograph,
    • Price, Archibald Grenfell,
      • on his book 'The Foundation and Settlement of South Australia 1829 - 1845',
    • Priestley, Professor,
      • Brisbane delegate in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Prizes & awards,
      • Royal Agricultural Society’s Gold Medal,
      • Morphett Medal,
      • Roseworthy Agricultural College awards,
      • Bundey Prize for English Verse,
      • Angas Engineering Scholarship, ,
    • Professors,
      • William Keith Hancock appointed Professor of History,
      • photograph, biography of Professor William Keith Hancock,
      • two professors to be appointed to Waite Agricultural Research Institute, , ,
      • Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson appointed Director & Professor of Agriculture, ,
      • J. A. Prescott appointed professor of Agricultural Chemistry,
    • Psychology, Study of,
      • application of psychology to education & industry to overcome social problems,
    • Public Examinations Board,
      • use of the word 'lady' instead of 'woman',
    • Public lectures,
      • A.C. Garnett on 'Dreams and what they reveal',
      • 'Economic Searchlights' by Alexander Leslie Gordon MacKay, ,
      • The Social Instinct' by Principal Edward Sidney Keik,
      • Professor Coleman Phillipson on 'Art & Life', , , ,
      • Professor Robert William Chapman gave the first broadcast lecture on 'the wonders of electricity', ,
    • Pulleine, Dr. Robert Henry,
      • photograph with group of University men,
      • presided at meeting of The Royal Society and gave paper on 'On the discovery of supposed aboriginal remains near Cornwall, Tasmania',
      • his title, ‘Spiders' is a Museum handbook,
      • delegate to 17th Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • presided at meeting of the Royal Society and exhibited two stones from Normanville, and one hand axe & three choppers from Tasmania,
      • treasurer for special committee of SA branch of British Science Guild,
      • British Science Guild scheme for publication of series of handbooks on Fauna & Flora of South Australia,
      • chairman of Rotary Club meeting, ,
    • Purdt, Professor,
      • Sectional Address on 'Vitamins & fruit in diet' at Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Purdy, Lieutenant-Colonel Dr. J. S.,
      • president of sanitary science & hygiene section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • photograph & biography,
  • Q

    • Quinn, George,
      • article on the 'Fruit Growing in South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Quodling, Miss,
      • Arrival of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
  • R

    • Raggatt, Mr. H. G.,
      • arrival of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Ralli, Stephen S.,
      • letter from Sussex,
    • Read, P. A.,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Reeves, Charles Wheatley,
      • admission to the Bar, photograph,
    • Registrar,
      • Farewell to Charles Reynolds Hodge, retiring Registrar,
      • Charles Reynolds Hodge attends Australian Music Examinations Board,
      • retirement of Charles Reynolds Hodge,
      • Frederick William Eardley in group photograph of delegates,
    • Reichstein, Lance Eric Harold,
      • appointed head of mechanical and electrical engineering department in Geelong,
    • Reid, Frederick William,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • secretary to Committee on Social Efficiency,
      • resignation as secretary to South Australian branch of British Science Guild,
    • Reimann, Hilda Marie,
      • member of Conservatorium String Quartet, ,
    • Rennie, Professor Edward Henry
      • appointed Acting President of Council of School of Mines & Industries,
      • attended meeting of Council of School of Mines & Industries as Acting President,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference,
      • in group photograph of delegates to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Research,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson on using research in industry, ,
      • collaboration between universities on research into common cold,
      • cooperation on insulin research by Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson and Abattoirs Board, ,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson hands over manufacture and sale of insulin,
      • Professor Theodore George Bentley Osborn member of committee investigating bunchy top disease in bananas, ,
      • discovery of Radium at Olary, SA by Sir Douglas Mawson & Dr. Cooke,
      • Professor William Mitchell returns from visit to Britain related to establishment of agricultural research institute,
      • Reginald John Rudall's research on South Australian records in the Colonial Office in England,
      • Professor Frederic Wood Jones’ research related to discovery of rare marsupials (Toolaches - Macropus Greyi) in South-East,
      • investigation into mysterious mortality among cattle by Professor Osborne,
      • lack of monetary investment for scientific research & its application to industry,
      • on preparing Australian woods for building purposes,
      • discoveries related to causes of Cancer, ,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson's research on cause of Cancer,
      • vinca (perriwinkle) as possible cure for Diabetes,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson’s research into cell growth in 'Basis of Growth and Senescence',
      • decrease in death rate from diabetes following liberal use of insulin,
      • Sir Douglas Mawson & Dr. William Ternent Cooke experiment on more suitable means to treat Radium ore,
      • need for system of home treatment following increasing use of insulin injections for treatment of Diabetes, ,
      • experiments on salt content of saltbush,
      • South Australian branch of British Science Guild's research,
      • research in agriculture enhanced by establishment of Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
      • Professor Frederic Wood Jones' menagerie kept in university shed,
    • Residential colleges,
      • applications available for student admissions to St. Mark's Residential College,
    • Rhodes Scholarships,
      • F E Williams, former Rhodes Scholar, returns to Adelaide,
      • plan for students of many countries to know each other,
      • photograph of former Rhodes Scholar Professor William Keith Hancock,
      • Frederick Lewis Thyer departs Adelaide for overseas,
      • H. T. Coombs; Rhodes Scholar,
    • Rice, Patrick William,
      • nominated as Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia,
    • Richards, Professor H. C. ,
      • Professor of Geology & Mineralogy at University of Queensland,
      • president of Geology & Mineralogy section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • Sectional Address on 'Volcanic activity in Queensland', ,
    • Richardson, Dr. Arnold Edwin Victor,
      • awarded doctorate,
      • biography, , , , , ,
      • influence upon agriculture,
      • photographs, , , , , ,
      • possible return to Adelaide, ,
      • arrival to Adelaide,
      • appointed Director of and Professor of Agriculture at Waite Agricultural Institute, , , , , , ,
      • photograph of the residence of the Director of Waite Agricultural Research Institute,
      • indefinite date for taking up appointment,
      • treatise on development of grasslands, ,
      • regret that Victoria loses the services of Dr. Richardson,
      • influence on research into wheat growing in the Wimmera,
      • attendance at Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • attendance at Rotary Club meeting,
    • Richardson, Mrs. Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson,
      • studied music under Frederick Bevan,
      • residing at Grand Central Station awaiting arrival of Professor Richardson,
    • Ridley, John,
      • bequest by Annie Eleanor Ridley, ,
      • preservation needed for original flour mill engine,
    • Rivers, Captain G. H. Pitt,
      • public lecture on 'Vanishing Races',
    • Rivett, Professor A. C. D.,
      • photograph of president of chemistry section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • Rhodes Scholar & lecturer in chemistry at Melbourne University, ,
    • Robertson, Merle,
      • Danish-Australian pianist leaves for Sydney,
      • returns for concerts,
    • Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford,
      • cooperation on insulin research by Professor Robertson and Abattoirs Board,
      • on 'The Sex Problem' at Annual Conference of Educational Society of SA, ,
      • comments on discovery of cause of cancer & his own research,
      • on using University research in industry, ,
      • on the physiology of sex at Educational Society of South Australia conference, , ,
      • comments on curative properties of vinca (periwinkle),
      • on need to find a site for a Students' Union Building,
      • disputes Sir James Crichton-Browne's claim that acquired characteristics can be transmitted,
      • photograph, 74
      • recognition of role of Abattoirs Board in manufacturing insulin,
      • on Mr. Bellchambers' extensive experience of animal behaviour,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • on claim that glycerine might supplement insulin in treatment of diabetes,
      • on the teaching of physiology as proposed by British Science Guild (S.A. Branch),
      • outline of practice & experience of Ph.D. degree in America,
      • hands over manufacture and sale of insulin to Commonwealth Laboratory,
    • Robin, Rowland Cuthbert,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Robinson, Roy Lister,
      • Rhodes Scholar a former student of late Allen Martin,
    • Rockefeller Foundation,
      • invitation to Dr. Cumpston to visit USA,
      • work of, , , ,
    • Rodway, Mr. L.,
      • biography of president of botany section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • photograph of president of botany section,
      • Sectional Address on 'Ecologic conditions of vegetation in Tasmania' at Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Rogers, Dr. Richard Sanders,
      • attended board of Public Library, Museum & Art Gallery,
      • on death of Secretary of The Royal Society,
      • reappointed member of Medical Board of South Australia,
    • Rosenthal, Major-General Sir Charles,
      • biography of visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • annual prize giving ceremony and academic awards,
      • 39th Annual report,
      • the benefits of practical agricultural education, ,
      • bequest by Annie Eleanor Ridley, ,
      • graduate appointed assistant to Queensland poultry superintendent,
      • biography of Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson, , ,
      • Professor Arthur James Perkins on 'Manuring Lucerne Crops', ,
      • annual winter school on proper farm management,
      • Professor Arthur James Perkins on the 'Agricultural Practice in South Australia',
      • George Quinn on the 'Fruit Growing in South Australia',
      • Ronald Martin on the 'The Vineyards of South Australia',
      • Professor Arthur James Perkins on the 'Olive Growing in South Australia',
      • Walter John Spafford to be the secretary for agriculture & forestry section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Ross, Professor Alexander,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
      • Perth delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • biography of distinguished visitor,
    • Rourke, E. J.
      • teacher advocates uniform matriculation and abolition of compulsory Latin,
    • Rowing,
      • photograph of Adelaide University crew,
    • Rudall, Reginald John,
      • research on South Australian records in the Colonial Office,
      • set question for debate at meeting of Law Students' Society,
    • Rumball, P. S,
      • former Roseworthy Agricultural College student assistant to poultry superintendent,
    • Russell, Lt. Col. Herbert Henry Ernest,
      • presented with Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officer's Decoration,
  • S

    • Salaries,
      • comparison of salary of scientific researcher and bricklayer, ,
    • Samuel, Charles Graham,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College awards,
    • Samuel, Geoffrey,
      • ‘Plant Pathology' will be one of the valuable handbooks in Museum collection,
      • on 'Some New Records of Fungi for South Australia, Part III',
      • 1921 John Lorenzo Young Scholar on 'Afforestation & Plant Pathology in South Africa', ,
      • handbook on 'Plant Pathology' ready for publication, ,
      • article on the 'Plant Pathology of South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • secretary for botany section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Sandford, Wallace,
      • nominated as Fellow of Royal Society of South Australia,
    • Schilsky, Charles,
      • appointed violin master at Elder Conservatorium,
      • photograph and biography, ,
      • recital by Elder Conservatorium teacher of violin, , ,
      • influence of newly appointed professor of violin, , ,
      • violin recital at concert by Elder Conservatorium staff,
      • comments on the art of Norman Lindsay,
    • Scholarships,
      • increased scholarships, rather than a free university, supported by Mr S. W. Jeffries,
      • Ernest Ayres Scholarship awarded to Miss Ellen D. Macklin,
      • John Creswell Scholarship, 185
      • General Pau Scholarship awarded to Mr. G. L. Woolnough (photograph),
    • Schulz, Dr. Adolf John,
      • comments at Annual Conference of Educational Society of SA,
      • secretary for mental science & education section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Scott, E.,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Scott, Robert Colin,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Botany award for first year student,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Chemistry award for first year student,
    • Scott, Ronald Melville,
      • appointed City Engineer and Surveyor by Adelaide City Council,
      • photograph,
      • on 'Problems of the Torrens flood waters',
    • Secondary education,
      • suggestion to teach agriculture in secondary schools,
      • proposed abolition of Latin as a compulsory subject for matriculation,
      • discussion of uniform matriculation standard,
      • Rev. Kenneth Julian Faithful Bickersteth on relationship of secondary education to commerce, , ,
      • comments by Professor Kerr Grant on serious defects in present system of secondary education, ,
      • need for universities to limit number of intermediate subjects per student,
      • diversity in the manner of studying history,
      • Professor Thorburn Brailsford Robertson on the teaching of physiology in SA schools, at British Science Guild of S.A.,
      • discussion at Inter-Universities Conference on proposed course of general science for public examinations, ,
    • Segnit, Ralph Walter,
      • election as Fellow of The Royal Society,
    • Senate,
      • tablet in memory of Frederic Chapple, former Warden of the Senate, unveiled,
      • announcement of meeting,
      • Arthur Tarlton Jefferis to ask question in Senate re Peter Waite Bequest,
      • election of Senate members Mr. Justice Thomas Slaney Poole & Walter James Young, ,
      • condolences sent to widow of Frederic Chapple,
      • policy on Peter Waite bequest & Waite Agricultural Institute,
      • Warden of Senate, The Hon. Mr Justice Thomas Slaney Poole appointed Grand Master of Freemasons in SA,
      • proposed memorial for Frederic Chapple,
    • Shann, Professor Owen Giblin,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Shaw, G. D.,
      • secretary for Chemistry section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Shearer, Ariel,
      • former winner of Silver Elder Scholarship leaves for study in London, ,
      • photograph,
      • farewell recital before study in London,
    • Shepherdson, Miss,
      • arrival in Adelaide of delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Silver, William,
      • Elder Conservatorium piano & violoncello recital with Harold Stephen Parsons,
      • pianoforte teacher's pupil Ariel Shearer leaves for study in London,
    • Skeats, Professor E. W.,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to 1924 Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Skinner, H .D.,
      • president of Ethnology & Anthropology section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • sectional address on 'The origin & relationships of the material culture & decorative art of the New Zealand Maori's', ,
    • Skipper, Stanley Herbert,
      • biography of president of Commonwealth Club,
      • photograph,
    • Smeaton, T. H.,
      • memories of Lord Kelvin,
    • Smith, Dr. William Ramsay,
      • photograph,
      • on 'Some recent Scottish poetry' at meeting of Adelaide Repertory Theatre Club,
    • Smith, Francis Villeneuve,
      • photograph,
    • Smith, Harold Whitmore,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar currently employed in USA,
    • Smith, Louis Laybourne,
      • discussions re using University research in industry, ,
      • Institute of Architects delegate to 17th Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • photograph,
    • Smith, Professor Grafton Elliot,
      • photograph,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Sommerville, Professor D. M. Y.,
      • photograph, ,
      • University of Wellington professor an expert mathematician, ,
      • sectional on 'The development of the ideas of space & time', ,
    • Souter, Dr. Robert John de Neufville,
      • appointed Resident Medical Officer at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Southwood, Dr. Albert Ray,
      • appointed Honorary Assistant Physician at Adelaide Hospital,
    • Spafford, Walter John,
      • secretary for agriculture & forestry section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • St. Mark's College,
      • Founding Trustees of residential college,
      • donations for residential college, , , ,
      • bequest from estate of Mrs Barbara Agnes Ayers,
      • photograph,
      • opening,
    • Staff,
      • Elder Conservatorium staff & Dame Nellie Melba attend rehearsal of South Australian Orchestra in Elder Hall,
      • Letter of criticism over precedence given to union & University musicians to meet Dame Nellie Melba,
      • Committee on Social Efficiency to be disbanded & funds paid to Elizabeth Jackson Memorial Fund for psychology library, ,
      • concert by Elder Conservatorium staff,
      • resolution at Inter-University Conference on periodic leave for teaching staffs,
    • State Government,
      • proposal by Premier to spend money on re-afforestation,
      • anonymous comment on re-afforestation needs,
      • undertakes printing and publication of books on South Australian mammals & fishes,
      • report by Director of Education, Mr W T McCoy, on his visit to Imperial Education Conference, ,
      • report on State Education by Education Minister, Hon T Pascoe, ,
      • grant to ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • Dr. D. M. Steele appointed Health Officer for District of Apoinga,
      • announcement of new government ministers,
      • deputation from Gillies St School to Minister of Education re state of facilities,
      • Dr. Ralph Alderton Baker appointed medical officer at Barmera Hospital by Executive Council,
      • Minister of Education proposes direct tax for education, ,
      • policy aim of free education for all from primary to University,
      • new South Australian Public Health Act, , ,
    • Statistics,
      • 1923 graduate statistics for Roseworthy Agricultural College,
      • Stefansson, Vilhjalmur,
      • on vice-regal trip to Darwin to highlight latent mineral resources, ,
      • reports on trip, , , , ,
      • on meat diet, ,
    • Steele, Dr. D. M.,
      • appointed as Health Officer to the local Board of Health, District of Apoinga,
    • Stenning, Mr. S.C.,
      • secretary for sanitary science & hygiene section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Stevens, Edgar Loveday,
      • on Australia's legal rights & the White Australia Policy,
    • Stewart, Professor John McKellar,
      • on 'Some Educational Requirements of a Democracy',
      • appointed President of the Kindergarten Union,
      • address at Conference of Educational Society of SA, ,
      • address on 'Teachers' Equipment' at Public Teachers' Union conference, , ,
      • elected a vice-president of the University Dramatic Society,
      • attended meeting of Advisory Council of Education,
      • lecture series on 'The Machine, the Individual & the Person; a study in the nature of Personality', , , ,
      • appointed a member of Advisory Council of Education,
      • editorial on lecture on Personality and the examination of nature,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Stirling, Sir John Lancelot,
      • re-election to the Legislative Council Presidency, a political record,
      • photograph of former Council member, , ,
    • Stow Prizes,
      • Gwendolyn Helen Ure, multiple Stow Prize winner admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
    • Streich, Dr. Carl Ivo,
      • gained membership of Royal College of Physicians,
    • Stradbroke, Lady,
      • Vice regal part in Steffansson expedition,
    • Strong, Professor Archibald Thomas,
      • writing represented in 'A Book of Australasian Verse' (Oxford University Press),
      • on 'Great Writers of the Age of Shakespeare', ,
      • on 'Shakespeare's Contemporaries', , , ,
      • on 'The Great Writers of the Shakespeare's Age',
      • on 'The Elizabethan Theatre' at Reading Circle,
      • on amateur dramatics at the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • elected vice-president of the Adelaide University Dramatic Society,
      • deputised for Professor Edward Harold Davies at Elder Conservatorium concert,
      • to lecture at Melbourne University on 'Beowulf',
      • Tragic Art, 166
      • Satire in English Literature,
    • Stuart, Walter Leslie,
      • biography and photograph of Master of the Supreme Court,
    • Student statistics,
      • statistics on medical students,
    • Student support,
      • Returned Soldiers' League (RSL) assistance for education of war orphans,
    • Student Union,
      • Graduates' Association & University Club aim to find a site for a Students' Union Building,
    • Students,
      • concerts by students of Elder Conservatorium, , , , , , ,
      • address by Professor Edward Harold Davies at student social,
      • photograph of Arthur John Sorby Adams, Gemmel Tassie, Leslie Carrington Maiden, Ian Hamilton, R.C. McKinnon, P.A. Read, J.S. Lord, K.H. Boykett, members of Adelaide University crew,
      • Bundey Prize for English Verse awarded to Adrian Joseph Korff,
      • choral concert by Elder Conservatorium ladies' part singing class, , , ,
      • Intervarsity debate victory,
      • fund raising concert by students to defray costs heavy personal expenses of inter-state contests, ,
      • discussion on university jurisdiction over students at Inter-University Conference, ,
    • Study leave,
      • resolution at Inter-University Conference on periodic leave for teaching staffs, ,
    • Summers, Professor H. S.,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Sussmilch, Mr. C. A.,
      • biography of distinguished visitor to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Swan, Frank M., L.D.S.,
      • appointed honorary dental surgeon to Adelaide Hospital, ,
    • Swift, Dr. Harry,
      • appointed as member of advisory committee of Adelaide Hospital,
    • Symon, Sir Joshua Henry,
      • presents portion of his law library to School of Law,
  • T

    • Tassie, Gemmel,
      • photograph of members of Adelaide University crew,
    • Tassie, Robert Wilson,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
    • Tate, Professor Ralph,
      • chairman of the first meeting of the Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science held in Adelaide,
    • Taylor, Helene,
      • Elder Scholar's progress in London,
    • Teacher training,
      • introduction of courses at Teachers' College in agriculture, woodwork and domestic science,
      • school at Edwardstown for teaching teachers elements of agriculture,
    • Technology,
      • Professor Robert William Chapman gave the first broadcast lecture from Mr.G. Hume's Broadcasting Station (5 Don N) at Park Terrace, Parkside,
      • Federal Government decision to reserve a band of wireless waves for educational institutions,
      • Professor Robert William Chapman gave the first broadcast lecture,
    • Thomas, Ellie,
      • Gained diploma for practice of music, London, photograph,
    • Thomas, Roy Swalling,
      • awarded Roseworthy Agricultural College Competitive Map Design award for first year student,
    • Thompson, Sir William, ,
      • see also Lord Kelvin
    • Thomson, Harry,
      • Founding Trustee of St. Mark's College,
      • editorial on Empire Economic Council and Free Trade,
      • editorial on scheme of reciprocal trade preferences & protectionism,
      • editorial on treaty making power of the dominions, ,
      • editorial on Australian economic problems,
      • editorial on the Olympic Games,
      • editorial on the 1924 Anglo-Russian Conference,
    • Thredgill, Bessie,
      • Wilfred Oldham & Bessie Thredgill on the 'History of South Australia' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Thrush, Annie Vera, ,
      • see also Annie Vera Gard
    • Thyer, Dr. Frederick Lewis,
      • Rhodes Scholar departs Adelaide for overseas,
    • Tiegs, Dr. Oscar Werner,
      • secretary for zoology section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Tileman, Carl Norboy,
      • death,
    • Tilley, Dr. Cecil Edgar,
      • visit by future staff member of Cambridge University,
      • arrival of Cambridge University delegate to Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Treharne, Bryceson,
      • role in initiating Repertory Theatres in Australia,
  • U

    • Universities, other,
      • need for collaboration between Australian universities & public health bodies on research into common cold,
      • arrival in Fremantle of Professor J N Greenwood, to be Professor of Metallurgy at Melbourne University,
      • former Adelaide athlete, Sumner, now at Oxford, competes in Queen's Club meeting in London,
      • levels of unemployment of medical graduates in Melbourne and Adelaide,
      • Gerald Walenn part of Sydney Conservatorium string quartet,
      • high failure rate by Melbourne University medical students,
      • public appeal for proposed Cancer Institute at Sydney University,
      • meeting of Australian Music Examinations Board in Melbourne,
      • Commonwealth Day procession by Hobart university students, ,
      • obligations regarding education recognised by universities of the British Empire,
      • Queensland professor argues neglect of science among primary producers, ,
      • Melbourne professor's foreword to book 'The Dalton Plan in Australia',
      • Sydney professors to address Clinical Congress in New York,
      • suggestions for chair of midwifery in NSW & Victorian universities, ,
      • differences between Australian & Californian universities,
      • former Professor at Reading University to work at Mount Stromlo Observatory,
      • students from Stanford University, California to play lawn tennis under auspices of Australian Universities Sports Association,
      • founding of Women's College in Brisbane,
      • celebrations in Melbourne & Perth for centenary of the birth of Lord Kelvin, ,
      • Harvard University studies on a meat diet,
      • disgraceful behaviour of Hobart students,
      • appeal by Cancer Council Committee of University of Sydney for library funds,
      • Soviet government restriction on the number of university students, ,
      • Duntroon Military College rumoured to become attached to Sydney or Melbourne Universities,
      • Professor Ewart of Melbourne University joined Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s tour,
      • Sir William Dunn bequest to University of Cambridge,
      • research by Imperial College of tropical agriculture,
      • Dr. John William MacKail of University of Oxford on 'What is the Good of Greek?',
      • proposed International Hall of Residence for university women, London,
      • research into wheat growing at Longerenong Agricultural College, Victoria,
      • Professor Archibald Thomas Strong to lecture at Melbourne University,
      • proposed establishment of an Examining University at Canberra, , , ,
      • Sir James Barrett of Melbourne University on statistics on venereal disease,
      • Stanley Simpson Addison was assistant Registrar of Melbourne University,
      • Australian universities oppose an examining university in Canberra,
      • discussion of extension lectures at Inter-Universities Conference,
      • Australian universities opposed to University of London conducting examinations for degrees in Australia,
      • grant by Imperial College of Science for scholarships for dominion graduates,
    • Ure, Gwendolyn Helen,
      • multiple Stow Prize winner & David Murray Scholar admitted to Bar of SA Supreme Court,
  • V

    • Verco, Dr. William Alfred,
      • reappointed member of Medical Board of South Australia,
      • ‘Mollusca' is part of valuable handbooks in Museum collection,
      • handbook on 'Shells' ready for publication by SA branch of British Science Guild,
      • article on the 'Mollusca' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • handbook titled 'Shells' being prepared for British Science Guild (SA Branch),
    • Vice-Chancellors,
      • Professor William Mitchell returns from Britain after visiting agricultural research institutes for establishment of Waite Institute,
      • Professor William Mitchell a delegate to Inter-Universities Conference, ,
      • Professor William Mitchell a delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • Professor William Mitchell in group photograph of delegates,
    • Von Bertouch, G.
      • letters on Rev. K.J. F. Bickersteth’s speech on secondary education and commerce,
  • W

    • Waite Agricultural Institute,
      • policy of University Senate on Peter Waite bequest,
      • possible appointment of Dr Richardson, ,
      • Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson appointed Director and Professor of Agriculture, , , , , , , , ,
      • Photograph of Professor Richardson, date of arrival indefinite,
      • fact finding visit to Britain by Professor William Mitchell for establishment of agricultural research institute at Urrbrae,
      • Walter John Colebatch sees need for research in diseases,
      • photograph of Urrbrae Estate the residence of Dr Richardson,
      • Council decision to establish two professorships,
      • Appointment of James Arthur Prescott as Professor of Agricultural Chemistry,
      • Dr. Richardson to attend Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
    • Waite, Peter,
      • recommendation of establishment of boarding school on land given by Peter Waite, ,
      • gift of Urrbrae Estate, endowments, , ,
      • photograph of estate,
      • Arthur Tarlton Jefferis to ask question about Peter Waite Bequest,
    • Walenn, Gerald,
      • former staff member part of Sydney Conservatorium string quartet,
    • Walter, Mr. O. H.,
      • secretary for pharmacy sub-section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
    • Ward, Cyril Michael,
      • appointed vice-principal of Adelaide High School,
    • Ward, Leonard Keith,
      • trip to interior to highlight latent mineral resources, , , ,
      • contact for information on the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • announces programme for Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • report on vice-regal trip to highlight latent mineral resources, , ,
      • on the 'Underground Water' for Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • Hon. Secretary for the Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
    • Watson, Frederick Keith,
      • former Roseworthy Agricultural College student employed in NSW,
    • Watt, Professor R. D.,
      • biography of president of agriculture & forestry section of Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, ,
      • Sectional Address on 'Problems of the world's food supply',
    • Way, Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel James,
      • memorial statue, , , ,
      • unveiling of memorial statue ceremony (photograph),
    • Webb, Noel,
      • photograph,
    • Webb, Noel Augustin,
      • question regarding 'Nautici Cavete' on text of Memory Cove Tablet erected by Matthew Flinders,
    • Wehrstedt, Rev. Walter Franz,
      • rector of St Paul’s, photograph,
    • Wells, Dr. Clarence Gordon,
      • reappointed Officer of Health in District of Upper Wakefield,
    • Whitfield, Professor H. E.,
      • photograph of Professor at University of Western Australia, ,
      • sectional Address on 'Efficiency in modern life' at Congress of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, , ,
      • photograph,
    • Whitington, Sylvia Muriel,
      • comments on South Australian Orchestra & its conductor,
      • leader of South Australian Orchestra for concert,
      • member of Conservatorium String Quartet, ,
      • performance with South Australian Orchestra,
    • Wibberley, Rev. Brian,
      • to conduct memorial service for late Frederic Chapple, ,
    • Williams, Francis Edgar,
      • anthropologist in scheme to develop Papuan native economic development,
    • Willsmore, Professor N. T. M.,
      • delegate to 1924 Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Wilson, Dr. Thomas George,
      • appointed honorary gynaecologist to Adelaide Hospital,
    • Wilson, Mr. H. C.,
      • manager of Werribee Experimental Farm, former Roseworthy Agricultural College student,
    • Wilson, Professor J. P.,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Wilson, Richard Joseph,
      • Roseworthy Agricultural College student awards,
    • Wilton, Professor John Raymond,
      • made a Fellow of Cambridge Philosophical Society,
      • elected a vice-president of the University Dramatic Society,
      • organised a 'No More War' demonstration,
      • Vice-President of the Adelaide branch of the International Peace Society,
      • delegate to Inter-Universities Conference,
      • delegate to Congress of Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science,
      • in group photograph of delegates,
    • Women students,
      • discussion of need for women’s college,
      • Methodist Ladies College Old Scholars Association,
      • Miss Ellen D. Macklin awarded Botany Scholarship,
    • Wood, Gordon Leslie,
      • elected fellow of Royal Geographical Society, London, ,
      • photograph,
      • presided over meeting of Workers' Educational Association,
    • Woodroffe, Alfred Norman,
      • awarded 1924 Roseworthy Agricultural College Shearing award,
    • Woolnough, Dr. Walter George,
      • extension lecture on 'The Great Lonely Land - the Centre of Australia',
    • Wordie, Ada Winifred,
      • vocal performance at Elder Conservatorium chamber music recital,
    • Workers' Educational Association,
      • biography and photograph of George McRitchie, Secretary,
      • public lecture by Mr. A.C. Garnett on 'Dreams and what they reveal',
      • lecture on 'Economic Searchlights' by Alexander Leslie Gordon MacKay, ,
      • lecture on 'The Social Instinct' by Principal Edward Sidney Keik,
      • seventh annual conference,
      • Professor John McKellar Stewart on 'Some Educational Requirements of a Democracy',
      • notes on progress of association,
      • deputation to government for increased subsidy,
      • praise for work of Workers' Educational Movement at Imperial Education Conference at Wembley Park,
      • request for increased grant to extend the Association's operation in country areas,
    • Wright, Rev. George Herbert,
      • lecture on the Characteristics of Modern Verse at the Poetry Society,
    • Wylde, Harold Eustace,
      • free organ recitals, , ,
      • organ recital by Harold Wylde and singing by Jean Sinclair,
      • vocal & organ recital with Hilda Beatrice Gill, ,
      • composed 'Fairy Ballad', , , ,
    • Wyllie, Alexander,
      • Angas Engineering Scholar,
  • Y

    • Young, G.L.,
      • former Roseworthy Agricultural College student demonstrating possibilities of raising merino sheep in Morocco,
    • Young, Walter James,
      • nominated for vacancy on Council of ³ÉÈË´óƬ,
      • election to Senate, ,
  • Z

    • Zoology, Study of,
      • Professor Frederic Wood Jones's knowledge disputed, , , ,