Index to Volume 10 (1918-1921) - University Newscuttings Books

  • A

    • Academic matters,
      • lectures & examinations criticised,
    • Adelaide Children's Hospital,
    • Adelaide University Shakespeare Society,
      • meeting,
    • Adelaide University Sports Association,
      • annual ball,
    • Alumni,
      • see graduates
    • Anatomy, Professor of,
      • F Woods,
      • A Watson,
    • Arts, School of,
      • 1919 examination results,
      • 1920 examination results, ,
      • 1921 examination results,
    • Associations,
      • see societies, clubs & associations
    • Athletics,
      • competition results,
    • Australian Dental Congress,
      • 1921, fourth, , , , , , , , , ,
  • B

    • Barr Smith family,
      • library endowment,
    • Bonython, Sir Langdon,
      • university hall endowment,
    • Bragg, Professor Sir William Henry,
      • review of his book World of Sound, ,
    • Browne, Dr T,
      • Doctor of Laws,
    • Buildings,
      • needs & progress, , , , , , , , , ,
      • see also the specific name of the building & the discipline, faculty or school
  • C

    • Calendar,
      • 1921,
    • Catherine Helen Spence scholarship,
    • Chair,
      • see the chair or discipline eg English Literature, Chair of; Hughes Chair
    • Chancellor,
      • GJR Murrary, , , ,
    • Cleland, Professor John Burton,
      • appointed Chair of Pathology,
      • lectures on disease, , , , , , ,
    • Commerce, Bachelor of,
      • 1919 examination results, , , ,
      • commencement, ,
    • Conferences, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • see also the name of the conference eg Australian Dental Congress
    • Coombs, H,
      • awarded Rhodes scholarship,
    • Council,
      • applied mathematics & Bachelor of Dental Surgery,
      • government funding, , ,
      • meeting summary,
      • Readership in Russian proposed,
    • Cricket,
      • match v Glenelg,
  • D

    • Darling, John,
      • memorial endowment, ,
    • David, Professor Sir Edgeworth,
      • visitor from Sydney University, ,
    • Davies, Professor Edward Harold,
      • Director of Conservatorium & Elder Professor of Music, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      • music teachers conference, ,
      • music appreciation public lecture,
    • Davy, Ruby,
      • first woman Doctor of Music,
    • Dental Surgery, Bachelor of,
      • establishment, , ,
    • Dentistry, School of,
      • 1920 examination results,
      • 1921 Australian Dental Congress, , , , , , , , ,
      • 1921 examination results,
      • buildings, ,
      • dental hospital, ,
      • lectures by JB Cleland, , , , , , ,
      • staff & staffing, ,
  • E

    • Economics, Diploma of,
      • establishment, ,
    • Elder Conservatorium,
      • see Music, School of
    • Elder music scholarship,
      • awards,
    • Elder Professor of Music,
      • see Music, Elder Professor of
    • Endowments,
      • 1920-21,
      • Barr Smith family,
      • GA Jury, ,
      • J Darling, ,
      • L Bonython,
      • P Waite, , ,
      • School of Medicine, ,
      • succession duties bill, ,
    • Engineering, School of,
      • degree proposed,
      • grant by premier,
    • English Language & Literature, Chair & Jury Professor of,
      • endowed by GA Jury; establishment, ,
    • Ennis, Elder Professor of Music Dr J,
      • death; career 1902-1918, ,
    • Examinations,
      • 1920 results, ,
      • 1921 results,
      • role, purpose & criticisms, ,
      • see also public examinations, & the discipline, faculty or school
  • F

    • Fisher, Joseph medal,
      • awarded to PW Rooney,
    • Foote, W,
      • appointed to Conservatorium, ,
    • Forestry, School of, ,
      • research,
      • Professional Forestry Eduaction paper read by C. E. Lane Poole (photograph), , , , , ,
    • Funding, , , , , , , , , ,
      • see also endowments
  • G

    • Geology & Mineralogy, Professor of,
      • Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas (photograph),
    • Graduates' Association,
      • address by Governor,
      • proposed, established, elections, building needs, , ,
      • relations between university & commerce, ,
    • Graduates,
      • 1919-1920, , , , ,
    • Graduation ceremonies,
      • 1918, ,
      • 1919, ,
      • 1919 address by G Henderson,
      • 1920 address by GJR Murray & W Howchin,
      • 1921 special ceremony,
    • Grant, Professor Sir Kerr,
      • atomic research,
      • liquid air public lecture,
    • Gray, Dr R,
      • appointed lecturer in physics,
    • Grounds,
      • proposal to lease parkland, , ,
      • proposed extension of sports grounds,
  • H

    • Henderson, Professor G,
      • democracy, theoretical & practical, ,
    • Howard, S,
      • awarded Rhodes scholarship,
    • Howchin, Professor Walter,
      • physical sciences & mental culture,
  • J

    • John Tassie Memorial Library,
      • opening,
    • Joseph Fisher Medal,
      • awarded to PW Rooney,
    • Jury Professor of English Literature,
      • see English Language & Literature, Chair & Jury Professor of
    • Jury, Mrs GA,
      • endowment of Chair of English Language & Literature, ,
  • K

    • Kerr, Dr Donald,
      • Doctor of Laws,
    • Kuitpo Forest,
  • L

    • Land holdings,
      • new land boundaries,
    • Law students,
      • hypothetical law problem debates,
    • Law, Professor of,
      • C Phillipson appointed,
      • FW Pennefather 1890-1896; death, ,
      • 1919 examination results,
      • 1920 examination results, ,
      • 1921 examination results,
      • staff & staffing, , ,
    • Laws, Doctor of,
      • first doctorates 1919 T Browne & F Stow,
      • Prince of Wales, honorary doctorate, ,
    • Legislation,
      • succession duties bill, ,
    • Libraries,
      • Barr Smith family endowment,
      • John Tassie Memorial Library,
    • Lindon, L,
      • awarded Rhodes scholarship,
    • Lowrie scholarship,
      • awarded to E West,
  • M

    • Mathematics, Professor of,
      • JR Wilton, , , ,
    • Mawson, Professor Sir Douglas,
      • appointed Professor of Geology & Mineralogy,
      • geology lecturer, , , , , , ,
      • ice-clad continent,
    • Medical Journal, , , , , , , , ,
    • Medical students,
      • Children's Hospital,
    • Medicine, School of,
      • 1919 examination results,
      • 1920 examination results, ,
      • 6 year degree proposed, ,
      • buildings, , , , , , , , ,
      • death of B Poulton, Lecturer in Surgery,
      • endowment, ,
      • examinations,
      • research laboratory,
    • Mines & Industries, SA School of,
      • building needs, 22
    • Mitchell, Vice Chancellor Professor William, , ,
    • Murrary, Sir George John Robert,
      • Chancellor's address on physical sciences & mental culture, , , ,
    • Music, Diploma & Associate Diploma of,
      • 1919 Associate examination results,
    • Music, Elder Professor of,
      • J Ennis 1902-1918, ,
      • EH Davies 1918, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    • Music, School of,
      • 1920 examination results, , ,
      • 1921 Elder Conservatorium programme, ,
      • concerts, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • HE Wylde appointed to Conservatorium,
      • music teachers conference, , , ,
      • orchestras, , , ,
      • R Davy first woman Doctor of Music,
      • scholarships, , ,
      • W Foote appointed, , ,
      • W Silver appointed to Conservatorium,
    • Music,聽 Bachelor of,
      • L Taylor awarded scholarships,
  • N

    • Naylor, Professor Henry Darnley,
      • Oxford lecture on universities & adult education,
  • O

    • Obituaries & death notices, , , , , , ,
  • P

    • Parkside asylum,
      • buildings,
    • Pathology, Chair & Professor of,
      • approved by Senate, ,
      • JB Cleland appointed,
    • Pavy, Dr Dorothea (nee Proud),
      • achievements in welfare,
    • Pennefather, Professor Frederick William,
      • Professor of Law 1890-1896; death; career, ,
    • Phillipson, Dr C,
      • appointed Professor of Law,
    • Physics, Lecturer in,
      • R. Gray,
    • Physiology, Professor of,
      • TB Robertson, , , , , ,
    • Political Science, Diploma of,
      • establishment, ,
    • Poole, Rev F Slaney,
      • establishment of university,
    • Poulton, Dr Benjamin,
      • Lecturer in Surgery, death; career,
    • Prince of Wales,
      • visitor; granted honorary Doctor of Laws, ,
    • Proud, Dorothea,
      • see Pavy, Dr Dorothea (nee Proud)
    • Public & extension lectures,
      • Professor Sir Douglas Mawson,
      • extension lectures revived,
      • FS Poole,
      • H. Davies,
      • JB Cleland, , , , , , ,
      • Kerr Grant,
      • TB Robertson,
    • Public examinations,
      • 1918 junior, , ,
      • 1918 senior, ,
      • 1919 higher,
      • 1919 junior, , ,
      • 1919 music, , ,
      • 1919 primary,
      • 1919 requirements matriculation & senior, ,
      • 1919 senior, ,
      • 1920 higher, senior & junior, , , , ,
      • 1920 primary,
      • 1921 music,
      • 1921 senior,
    • Public Examinations Board,
      • 1921 report,
  • R

    • Radium,
      • world supply of,
    • Research, , , ,
      • funding for growth & nutrition in humans & animals,
    • Rhodes scholarship,
      • awarded to H. Coombs,
      • awarded to L Lindon,
      • awarded to S Howard,
    • Robertson, Professor Thorburn Brailsford,
      • appointed Professor of Physiology, ,
      • conquest of nature; physiology of everyday life, , , , ,
    • Rooney, PW,
      • awarded Joseph Fisher medal,
    • Roseworthy Agricultural College, ,
      • opening of John Tassie Memorial Library, , ,
    • Rowing,
      • regatta & inter-university boat race, , ,
    • Russian,
      • proposed Readership,
  • S

    • SA Institute of Engineers,
    • SA School of Mines & Industries,
      • see Mines & Industries, SA School of
    • Scholarships, awards & prizes, , , , , , , , , , ,
      • government bursaries,
      • see also the name of the scholarship, award or prize
    • Science, Faculty of,
      • 1919 examination results,
      • 1920 examination results, ,
      • 1921 examination results,
      • Kerr Grant public lecture,
      • Kuitpo forest,
    • Senate,
      • meeting,
    • Silver, W,
      • appointed to Conservatorium,
    • Societies, clubs & associations,
      • see also Graduates' Association
    • Sport, , , , , , ,
      • grounds,
      • see also the specific sport eg athletics, cricket, rowing, tennis
    • Staff & staffing,
      • elections & appointments, , , , , , , , , ,
      • see also the discipline, faculty or school
    • Stirling, Sir Edward Charles,
      • death; career, , ,
    • Stow, Dr F,
      • Doctor of Laws,
    • Student statistics,
      • 1920,
    • Students,
      • in World War , ,
      • see also women students
      • see also the name of the faculty or school
  • T

    • Tassie, John,
      • see John Tassie Memorial Library
    • Taylor, Laurel,
      • awarded Bachelor of Music scholarship,
    • Teachers' training college,
      • proposed,
    • Tennis,
      • Niall inter-university cup, ,
  • U

    • Union,
      • building needs, , ,
    • Universities, other,
      • Cambridge,
      • Harvard,
      • inter-university sports, , , ,
      • Oxford,
      • Sydney, ,
    • University,
      • lecture by FS Poole,
      • Teaching staff comments,
  • V

    • Verco, Doctor J. C.,
      • appointment to University council,
    • Vice-Chancellor,
      • W Mitchell, , ,
    • Visitors,
      • E David, Sydney University, ,
      • Prince of Wales, ,
  • W

    • Waite, Peter,
      • endowment for agricultural education, , ,
    • Watson, Professor Archibald,
      • retirement,
    • West, Eric,
      • awarded Lowrie scholarship,
    • Wilton, Professor John Raymond, , , ,
    • Women students,
      • R Davy Doctor of Music,
    • Woods, Dr F,
      • Professor of Anatomy,
    • World War 1,
      • students, ,
      • Captain L. A. Whitington escape from German Prisoner Of War Camp,
    • Wylde, Harold Eustace,
      • appointed to Conservatorium,