ࡱ> _a`!` ~bjbj\\ ;*>>^```````t8T$x$t"4V"X"X"X"X"X"X"$ $hs&j|"`|"``4"$$$X``V"$V"$$V @``  .kN "D"0" &|& @&`!$|"|"R"tttX tttX ttt`````` How to Write a Policy 1. Format The styles shown in the template must be used -- this will ensure correct conversion of the approved policy/procedures to HTML format. Do not modify the styles; only use outline numbering as in the example on the template. Ensure that the 'table of contents' at the top of the document reflects any additional sub-headings added to either the Policy Principles or the Procedures sections. 2. Name of Policy Ensure the title of the policy captures the subject of the policy as unambiguously as possible. Take into account the perspective of the reader when naming the policy. For the purpose of A-Z web searching, do not use 'policy', 'University', 'a' or 'the' as the first word in the title. 3. Overview This section must provide a succinct summary of the policy/procedure. When a search is performed on the University's website, the text contained in this section will be displayed in the search results. This section should not be longer than a paragraph (160 words maximum). 4. Scope and Application Provide a clear statement about when and to whom the policy applies. 5. Policy Principles Clearly state the standards or essential features which underpin decision-making and /or the way members of the University community conduct the activities of the University. Delete the Policy Principles section when procedures only are required. 6. Authorities Assign any decision-making authorities required under the policy or procedures, under the heading 'Authorities'. Authorities will be consolidated by the Council Secretary in the database of Authorities. 7. Procedures Procedures mandate operational activities and assign responsibilities. Procedures step through the practical actions required to support the implementation of Policy Principles, or to assist the Universitys operations and compliance with external requirements. Procedures may apply to a specific activity of the University or be of more general application. 8. Responsibilities Ensure all responsibilities under each procedure are clearly specified. 9. Administrative information Ensure that the administrative information required at the end of the policy template is completed, including the RMO file number. 10. Drafting Hints Write the policy in plain English. Be clear and concise, and avoid jargon, complex language and long paragraphs. Aim to communicate as simply and effectively as possible, as appropriate for the intended audience. Do not allow for every possible interpretation of the policy, try to close every loophole or attempt to accommodate all exceptions, as this can complicate the policy unnecessarily. Stakeholders with difficulties interpreting the policy can consult the Policy  HYPERLINK "/policies/glossary/" \l "policy-responsible-officer" Responsible Officer or lodge the problem on the feedback/issues log. If an action is mandatory, use 'must' . If the action is recommended, use 'recommended'. Avoid use of 'should' and 'shall'. Try to limit the use of will to occasions when it is describing a future action; and not as a synonym for must. Use the present tense and active voice where possible. Avoid gender-specific pronouns: for example, use 'they' instead of 'he or she'. Where acronyms are considered helpful, give the full term/title before using the acronym: for example, use 'Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)' before employing 'DVC&VP(A)'. Use hyperlinks for supplemental information, but do not construct a sentence around a link phrase such as 'click here for more information'.      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