Academic > Admission, Enrolment, Assessment & Progress: Coursework Students

  • Academic Credit Arrangements Policy
    The University acknowledges the need for clear and effective credit arrangements to increase opportunities for students to access education, improve student mobility between sectors and institutions, ...
  • Academic Integrity Policy
    This policy supports Academic Integrity across all learning and teaching activities at the University, by specifying the main principles of Academic Integrity, and the responsibility of the University...
  • Academic Progress by Coursework Students Policy
    This policy describes the ways in which the University identifies students who are making satisfactory academic progress and describes students considered at risk by the University. It outlines the me...
  • Admissions to Coursework Programs Policy
    This Policy sets out the 成人大片's approach to the selection of applicants for admission to coursework programs. It reflects the University's commitment to the highest academic standard...
  • Coursework Academic Programs Policy
    The 成人大片 (hereafter the University) offers coursework academic programs leading to awards which comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). This policy sets out the re...
  • Credit-bearing Micro-credentials Policy
    This Policy outlines the University's approach to the design, development, delivery, quality assurance and awarding of Credit-bearing Micro-credentials.
  • Jointly Conferred Coursework Awards Policy
    The University delivers jointly conferred awards through approved partnerships in order to develop its education portfolio, broaden its international outlook, enhance the experience of students and st...
  • Modified Arrangements for Coursework Assessment (MACA) Policy
    This policy describes the modified arrangements that the University may provide to a student in the event that their capacity to demonstrate their true level of competence in an assessment or examinat...