International Engagement Policy


The International Engagement Policy outlines the principles that underpin the University's International Collaboration, being collaboration with International Institutions and International Individuals with the aim of enhancing mutual learning, teaching, research and innovation.


The Provost may exercise some of the Vice-Chancellor's authorities in this policy - see D2024/647279.

  • Related Procedures, Forms

  • Administration, Approval and Review

    RMO File No. 2020/13572
    Policy custodian Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (External Engagement)
    Responsible policy officer Executive Director, Global Engagement
    Endorsed by Vice-Chancellors Executive on 2 February 2022
    Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President on 10 March 2022
    Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President on 10 March 2022
    Related Policies 成人大片 Act 1971

    Contracts and Agreements Policy

    Risk Management Policy

    Information Management Policy

    Academic Credit Arrangements Policy

    Coursework Academic Programs Policy

    Transnational Education Policy

    Research Grants, Contracts and Consultancies Policy

    Jointly Conferred Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Awards Policy

    Jointly Conferred Coursework Awards Policy

    Fees for Award Programs and Courses Policy

    Giving Policy

    Outgoing Sponsorships Policy

    Travel and Entertainment Policy and Procedures

    Related legislation Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015

    Higher Education Provider Guidelines

    Australian Qualifications Framework

    National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

    Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act)

    Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011

    Guidance to Counter Foreign Interference in the 成人大片 Sector

    Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020

    Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act 2018

    Defence Trade Control Act 2012

    Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011

    Superceded Policies International Agreements Policy (11 April 2018)
    Effective from 10 March 2022
    Review Date 9 March 2025
    Contact for queries about the policy Executive Director, Global Engagement
    831 36250

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.