Short Courses /pace/ en Planning for the Future /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/planning-for-the-future As we continue to confront, challenge and overcome the shock waves, disruption and uncertainty resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to drive measures that will help with the roadmap to recovery and build more resilient communities into the future.  August 07 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/planning-for-the-future The Impact Social Media is Having on You: Online & Offline /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/the-impact-social-media-is-having-on-you-online-offline Eleanor’s discussion paper features a snapshot of the research findings from her Honours thesis that assessed the impact of social media use and personality. Given the surge in reliance on social media platforms to assist with social distancing measures, Eleanor’s research aims to spark reflection on our current understandings of the association between personality factors and their impact on problematic social media use. August 07 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/the-impact-social-media-is-having-on-you-online-offline Burning Glass Technologies /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/burning-glass-technologies In a period of rapid technological change the mix of skills required to be agile in an ever-evolving employment market are similarly undergoing commensurate change. August 07 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/burning-glass-technologies Embracing Change /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/embracing-change One of the most important and potentially positive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been our individual and collective capacity to re-examine or focus on our health and wellbeing. August 07 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/embracing-change Leading Through Cultural Change: Interview with Mark Stone /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/leading-through-cultural-change-interview-with-mark-stone Leadership plays a pivotal role in the way a team functions. August 07 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/leading-through-cultural-change-interview-with-mark-stone The role of professional development to support wellbeing amongst Veterinarians /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/the-role-of-professional-development-to-support-wellbeing-amongst Large volumes of research surrounding issues facing veterinarians are available with most reflecting high suicidality, stress and burnout in the profession. An increasing body of work is the emergence of measures and positive effects pertaining to performance and wellbeing.  August 07 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/07/the-role-of-professional-development-to-support-wellbeing-amongst COVID-19 and its impact on schooling, teaching and student wellbeing /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/covid-19-and-its-impact-on-schooling-teaching-and-student-wellbeing The Stretton Institute webinar on COVID-19 and its impact on schooling, teaching and student wellbeing brought together a panel of experts to discuss the unprecedented disruptions caused by the pandemic to schools and schooling in Australia and globally. It addressed a wide range of issues including the impact of COVID-19 on educational outcomes and student wellbeing, teachers’ professional practice, teacher wellbeing and the teaching profession more broadly. This webinar also addressed the impact on families, school culture and policy.  August 06 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/covid-19-and-its-impact-on-schooling-teaching-and-student-wellbeing Leading Teams in Times of Transition /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/leading-teams-in-times-of-transition Teams look to their leaders for direction and support and here’s how you can make sure you are ready. August 06 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/leading-teams-in-times-of-transition Grief and compassion for the self in a time of crisis /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/grief-and-compassion-for-the-self-in-a-time-of-crisis Everything can be taken from a man but one thing, the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. August 06 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/grief-and-compassion-for-the-self-in-a-time-of-crisis Product demand and COVID-19 /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/product-demand-and-covid-19 In the current climate it is difficult to predict demand within and across the higher education sector with absolute certainty. August 06 2020 Brooke Lee /pace/news/list/2020/08/06/product-demand-and-covid-19