Second round offers for Medicine

Monday, 6 February 2006

Statement from Professor Justin Beilby, Executive Dean, School of Medicine, The 成人大片;

"The second round of offers for entry into Medicine at the 成人大片 went out by mail through SATAC today and will be received by students in the mail tomorrow. They are accessible online and by phone tonight through SATAC's Uniweb and Uniline services.

路 A further seventy-one offers have been made to candidates from South Australia and elsewhere in Australia

路 Including the offers on Monday 6 Feb, we have offered 64 South Australians a place in medicine

路 Of the 64 offers to South Australians, 50% had a TER of 99.95 or greater

"The University makes more than one round of offers for places in Medicine. This process is not yet complete. The first round of offers was made in January. As in previous years, additional offers will be made after the second round closes. Candidates can find out where they are ranked on our list and then assess the possibility of receiving an offer.

"The competition for places in Medicine is a national one and this year we had more than 2000 applications for Medicine and more than 600 candidates have a TER of 99 or higher. More than four hundred and fifty candidates were invited to attend an Oral Assessment.

"We have 75 Commonwealth Supported Places, 6 Medical Rural Bonded Scholarships, 15 Bonded Medical Places and 10 Australian Fee Based Places to fill in 2006. By January 2006, candidates had to declare which types of places they would consider accepting. We continue to lobby that additional places be allocated to the University by the Federal Government.

"We recognise that there will be many candidates who would make excellent doctors and who will not be offered a place in 2006. Some of these will be offered places in the larger interstate Universities that have more places to offer candidates.

"There are alternative routes for entry into medicine that candidates should consider if they are not successful in gaining one of the above places.

"We make a number of places available to Tertiary Transfer candidates from other degree courses in the 成人大片. Candidates may apply in their first or second year and have to complete UMAT and an Oral Assessment.

"In previous years, almost all of the candidates from interstate have applied to more than one University but only about half of the South Australians who apply for entry into Medicine in Adelaide have applied elsewhere.
"There has been comment in the press about candidates who have not yet or will not be made offers for entry into Medicine in 2006. The University privacy regulations prevent commenting on an application for Medicine or any other program with anyone other than the candidate.

"We are aware that there are private training programs. The University has not approved any of these programs."


Contact Details

Mr David Ellis
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762