Low-carb and low GI dieters - we're talking to you!

Monday, 30 January 2006

After years of being talked about, low-carbohydrate dieters are at last being asked for their views for a new study.

Christine Knight, a social researcher and PhD student with the 成人大片 and Human Nutrition, has spent the last 18 months studying the 'controlled-carbohydrate' diet trend.

She is now seeking volunteers who are on a low-carbohydrate diet, or who have tried them in the past, to talk about their experiences in an informal interview.

Low-GI dieters are also eligible to take part in the study.

Her analysis of the philosophy behind low-carbohydrate dieting appeared last year as part of the Atkins Diet and Philosophy collection, the first published book to focus on social and cultural aspects of low-carb - not just the science.

"Based on reading diet books like Dr. Atkins, researchers now have a range of ideas about the philosophy behind low-carbohydrate dieting," Ms Knight said. "But the only real way to find out why people choose these diets, and what their experiences are, is to talk with the dieters themselves."

The medical jury is still out on the health effects of low-carbohydrate dieting, but Ms Knight stresses that this study isn't about whether low-carb gets the seal of approval from nutritionists.

"I'm interested in hearing what people who have used these diets actually think of them. Do they agree with Dr. Atkins' philosophy? Or do they just care about what works?"

To register your interest, or to obtain further information about the study, contact Christine Knight on
(08) 8303 8852, or by email at christine.knight@csiro.au.

Please note that anyone who is currently participating in another CSIRO Human Nutrition study, or has done so in the past, is not eligible to participate in this study. This study is not connected in any way with the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet.


Contact Details

Christine Knight
Email: christine.knight@csiro.au
成人大片 and CSIRO Human Nutrition
Business: (08) 8313 8852