Adelaide students changing the world - Maths-Science Life Impact

Tuesday, 6 December 2005

Some of South Australia's best young scientists will turn their minds to the problem of water resource management this week at the 成人大片.

During "Maths-Science Life Impact - Changing the World", year 9 and 10 students from across the state will spend a day at the 成人大片, learning about the study of science and career options. The days have been designed to help students decide their subject choices in year 11, which ultimately affect their ability to study science and technology at university level.

Professor Peter Rathjen, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Sciences at the 成人大片 said the days were designed to let students see the exciting life options working in Science offered.

"The 成人大片 is endeavouring to show high school students a day in the life of a scientist, working on the state's water resource challenges.

"They will work with scientists in four different areas, assessing the issues and examining problems and solutions. At the end of the day, they will prepare a media release about their findings, so the students realise that scientists need to develop a range expertise during their training, including communication skills.

Scientist, environmentalist and lobbyist, Barbara Hardy AO, is one of the keynote speakers who will introduce the days. "Her career is an example of the range of opportunities available to scientists, with the passionate pursuit of environmental causes shaping her life, not just her career," Professor Rathjen said.

The Maths-Science Life Impact days have been created to address the identified problem of a shortage of scientists in South Australia.

"We believe that giving high school students the chance to explore University concepts and to engage with career scientists is a very real way to help address the problem of students limiting their options early in their education.

"We hope that the students are excited by the science and maths that they are exposed to during their visit and that they consider pursuing maths and science subjects in years 11 and 12 at school to maximise their future study and career options," Prof. Rathjen said.


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Dr Lisa Edwards
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Faculty of Sciences
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