New partnership announced for SA sheep industry blueprint

Friday, 18 September 2015

Livestock SA is partnering with the 成人大片 to develop and implement the – a plan to boost the sector’s value, innovation and employment and training opportunities.

In announcing the agreement on behalf of both organisations, Minister for Agriculture Leon Bignell said the State Government welcomed the industry’s plan to increase its revenue while driving international competitiveness.

“The State Government is very determined to help the industry realise these goals and we have provided $140,000 towards the blueprint,” Mr Bignell said.

“The blueprint also fits with the State Government’s economic priorities – by exporting a premium product to a global market, growing the industry and creating jobs and innovation.”

The agreement includes the Livestock SA-成人大片 jointly-funded appointment to the University of a Blueprint Manager to drive the development of the industry.

Professor Wayne Hein, Head of the University’s School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, said the new partnership with Livestock SA would help ensure the University’s livestock research was aligned with industry needs for the improvement of sheep and beef production in South Australia.

“The University will be working closely with the livestock industry in the state to promote growth and development through the adoption of the latest scientific knowledge and advances. We are proud to be able to focus our expertise in animal production research in this way to secure the sustainability and growth of the industry,” Professor Hein said.

Livestock SA board member and Blueprint Working Group chairman Allan Piggott says the five-year agreement, supported by SA producers through the Sheep Industry Fund, will start with the sheep industry plan before progressing to cattle.

“This partnership with the 成人大片’s School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the Roseworthy campus was a logical fit because both organisations have a similar interest in the continued growth and success of the livestock industry,” he said.

Mr Piggott says the industry will be consulted on the blueprint’s aims and objectives, which will then be implemented to deliver industry growth, from its current $1.48 billion value to $1.8 billion.

The Blueprint Manager appointment will be supported through State Government funding and the University’s JS Davies bequest, adding to the recent University appointment of Professor John Williams as the JS Davies Research Chair who has worked with Livestock SA to realise this partnership.

“We have recently appointed Dr Stephen Lee to the role of Blueprint Manager. He will be coordinating the next phase of the blueprint’s development, with the working group, which includes state-wide consultation with producers and other industry stakeholders,” Mr Piggott said.

“Stephen has extensive experience in applied research, technical extension and private sector work in product development and commercialisation. We are certain his skills will be an asset as the blueprint is developed and implemented.”

Consultation with all industry stakeholders will begin later this month at:
- Minnipa Agricultural Centre, Tuesday, September 29, 7.30-10pm
- Cleve Hotel, Wednesday, September 30, 7.30-10pm
- Burra Sports Complex, Friday, October 2, 9-11.30am
- Murray Bridge Community Club, Tuesday, October 6, 7.30-10pm
- Lucindale Memorial Hall, Wednesday, October 7, 7.30-10pm.


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