Excellence recognised in Endeavour awards

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The United Nations Security Council role in world peace and next generation technologies for low-emission combustion are the topics under investigation of two 成人大片 postgraduate students who have won highly competitive Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarships.

Announced by Education Minister the Hon. Christopher Pyne, Tamsin Paige, PhD student in Adelaide Law School, and Michael Evans, in the School of Mechanical Engineering, have been awarded up to $69,500 to continue their research overseas.

Tamsin Paige is undertaking an historical, empirical analysis of the approaches by the permanent five members of the UN Security Council threats to peace.

"I hope to be able to determine if there is any consistency of approach by the Security Council thus allowing for greater predictability of how they will respond in the future to situations where international security is in question," says Ms Paige. Her Endeavour scholarship will fund a Visiting Fellowship to Columbia Law School in New York, where she will study historical documents unavailable here.

Michael Evans is investigating the fundamental mechanics behind next-generation gas turbine engines and power systems to address challenges of reducing emissions and increasing fuel efficiency.

"My work at Stanford University will be with world experts in the computational modelling of combustion using high performance computing facilities. It will help me to develop and implement models leading to better understanding of the complex interactions between chemistry and fluid dynamics in the low oxygen dilution combustion (MILD) regime, and how this unique combustion regime may be implemented in next-generation technologies."

Six other 成人大片 staff and students have been awarded Endeavour Research Fellowships for postdoctoral or PhD research overseas for 4-6 months, worth up to $24,500. They are: Dr Yunpeng Xue (School of Mechanical Engineering) who won the Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowship; Professor Vladimir Jiranek (School of Agriculture, Food and Wine); Dr An Deng (School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering); Dr Madhan Balasubramanian (School of Dentistry); Bita Bayatsarmadi (School of Chemical Engineering); and Lachlan Gunn (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering).

The University also received 15 scholarships and fellowships for international high-achievers to come to Adelaide for study, research or professional development.


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