New around-the-clock vet care by Uni of Adelaide

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

The 成人大片 is starting a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week veterinary service at its leading-edge at the University's Roseworthy campus.

From Monday 5 May, veterinarians, veterinary nurses and veterinary science students will work together to provide round-the-clock emergency services throughout the week.

This will be in addition to extended normal consulting hours from the current 6pm Monday to Friday to 8pm (with last patient at 7.45pm) and an overnight care patient referral service for other veterinary practices. Currently the Centre offers a 24-hour service only on weekends and public holiday.

"We are extremely pleased to be able to offer a 24-hour service every day," says Head of the , .

"As pet-owners know very well, pets do not only get sick in the daytime or conveniently on weekends. Now pet-owners can have the peace of mind to have somewhere to bring their unwell pet for expert consultation whatever the time of day or night, every day of the week.

"The new service will also relieve some of the burden from other veterinary practices who don't necessarily have the staff to offer overnight or emergency care."

The Companion Animal Health Centre is part of the University's School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and is one of four teaching veterinary health centres at the Roseworthy campus. It is the largest and most comprehensive veterinary clinic in South Australia, offering general practice and specialist referral services with the latest technology and facilities.

Under the new 24/7 service, final-year veterinary science students will work with the rostered veterinarian as part of their clinical rotations; and fourth and fifth-year veterinary science students will complete some of their required practical placement in the Centre.

"We're expecting an increased case load which offers a tremendous opportunity for our students to work alongside our expert veterinary staff to gain the broadest possible experience," Professor Abbott says.

"They will find a tremendous satisfaction in helping provide our local community with the best possible care and attention for the wellbeing of their pets."

To make an appointment or enquire further about the service, please call the Companion Animal Health Centre on 8313 1999.


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