Uni of Adelaide search for Dean to lead Waite campus

Monday, 14 April 2014

The 成人大片 has commenced an international search for a new leadership role to oversee its academic and research operations at the Waite campus.

Professor Warren Bebbington, Vice-Chancellor and President, 成人大片, says the new position will also be responsible for leading collaboration between the co-located research partners of the .

"The new Dean will work with all of the organisations based at the Waite and help to develop joint projects, grant applications and appointments," he said.

"The aim will be to broadly enhance the Waite's engagement with government and grant bodies, nationally and internationally."

In November 2013, the 成人大片 announced it would work with its partners at the Waite campus to take its research in agricultural science to a far greater audience.

"We have all the elements of a global partnership embedded at the Waite Research Precinct," said Professor Bebbington.

"Where else could you find internationally-recognised research institutes, the R&D arms of government and business all co-located and working towards shared objectives in agricultural, food and wine?

"The Waite has already demonstrated its potential capacity to be one of the most powerful concentrations of agricultural, food and wine research in the world. In partnership with government and industry, the research possibilities ahead are limitless.

"This new role of Dean will be pivotal in helping us realise our plans for the Waite and also increasing public awareness of its important work," he said.

Professor Mike Wilkinson will continue as Director of the University's Waite Research Institute and Associate Professor Mike Keller will be Acting Head of the School of .


The Waite Research Precinct is the largest agriculture, food and wine research precinct in the Southern Hemisphere.

The 120-hectare precinct employs over 1,100 research and technical staff, receives more than $100m of research income each year, and uses $265m of cutting-edge research and teaching infrastructure.

It brings together the strengths of CSIRO, the South Australian Research and Development Institute, the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics Pty Ltd, the Australian Plant Phenomics facility, Australian Grains Technology, Arris, the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Cell Walls, FoodSA, the Australian Wine Research Institute and the Australian Genome Research Facility Ltd, as well as the 成人大片's own Waite Research Institute.


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