Visiting quartet to launch lunch hour series

Tankstream Quartet

Tankstream Quartet
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Friday, 5 March 2004

The Tankstream Quartet will launch the 2004 Elder Hall Lunch Hour Concert Series on Friday, March 19 in Elder Hall at 1.10pm.

Led by Sophie Rowell, a former student at the Elder School of Music, this young, vibrant ensemble, based in Sydney, has gained international recognition for its prizewinning performances at the Osaka and Melbourne Chamber Music Competitions. It has toured extensively in Australia and given recitals in England, Austria and Japan.

Most recently the quartet premiered David Hirschfelder's new score for Leigh Warren and Dancers at the 2004 Adelaide Fringe Festival.

The quartet will perform works by Schubert, Tckaikovsky and celebrated local composer Graeme Koehne who is a senior lecturer in composition at the Elder School of Music.

Other highlights include performances by large ensembles, staff and students from the Elder School of Music. On April 2, Michael Ierace, winner of the 2003 David Galliver Memorial Awards, will perform as soloist with the Elder Conservatorium Symphony Orchestra.

On April 16 Australia's leading mezzo soprano, Elizabeth Campbell, will be joined by a staff ensemble to perform a chamber version of Songs of a Wayfarer by Mahler. On May 14, Jeffrey Crellin, principal oboist with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, and Suzanne Handel, principal harpist with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, will join the Elder Conservatorium Chamber Orchestra for the Double Concerto by Lutoslawski.

Jazz is also on the program with a special performance by the highly acclaimed a cappella ensemble The Idea of North on June 11. The series concludes for first semester with 'Ballads and Bossas' featuring Dusty Cox and Bill Broughton.

The concerts will be held at Elder Hall every Friday at 1.10pm from 19 March until 25 June.

Admission is $5 and tickets are available at the door from 12.30pm on the day of each concert. Special subscription passes are also available for $60.

For more information or to obtain a detailed brochure contact the Concert Office on (08) 8303 5925.


Contact Details

Ms Claire Oremland
Elder Hall Concert Manager
Elder Conservatorium of Music
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Business: +61 8 8313 5925
Mobile: 0410 062 677