成人大片 at the Royal Show

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

成人大片 staff and students will be out in force at the Royal Adelaide Show this year (6-14 September) including the provision of veterinary services for the thousands of animals entered in competitions and on display, running activities to highlight agriculture research and teaching, and showing their skills in the led steer competition.

Veterinary Sciences staff and students from the University's Roseworthy Campus will provide around-the-clock veterinary services for animals ranging from the rabbits in the Pet Centre to the bulls in the beef cattle competitions.

Production Animal Clinician , from the , is leading a team of five veterinary staff and 11 final-year veterinary science students on 24-hour shifts throughout the show.

"We start on the Thursday before the show, inspecting animals coming in, and continue throughout the show to ensure the animals stay healthy. No doubt we'll have animals that are off their food, perhaps some cows developing mastitis and there may even be some births to assist with," says Dr Carr.

"For the students in their final year of veterinary science studies, it's a valuable exercise in their transition to qualified practicing veterinarians at the end of this year. They'll certainly get experience with a wide range of animals at the Show."

The University's equine veterinary staff will be sharing veterinary cover for the horses with the Morphettville Equine Clinic.

"This is a tremendous opportunity for us to meet those in the horse community ahead of the opening of the at Roseworthy Campus late October," says Show team co-ordinator and Equine Lecturer . "We are looking forward to helping keep the horses at the Show in top condition."

In the cattle rings, 35 agriculture, animal sciences and veterinary sciences students will be competing in the Led Steer competition on Thursday 12 September, and in the Junior Judging and Handler competitions.

"They've been preparing a team of steers since April, training them to lead, looking at their nutrition and learning about showmanship, ring craft, and animal judging criteria," says , lecturer in the . "It's a valuable learning opportunity for the students with regard to cattle breeds, production and market specifications, and a chance for them to make good industry contacts."

The School of Agriculture, Food and Wine will also be highlighting its research and teaching in the Golden Grains Pavilion. Following the 'Ground to Grub' pavilion theme, Senior Lecturer will lead a large team of staff and students in running hands-on activities and displays.

Visitors to the 成人大片 stand will be able to see just how much fibre there really is in their breakfast cereals in the "sticky fingers test" and how important soils are to plants.


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