Ideas festival continues ... on air!

Monday, 11 July 2005

The may be over for 2005, but the real impact is about what happens next.

In the current fast paced media environment, is presenting a rare opportunity to chew over a topic in depth and with detail; to grasp the complex idea rather than the catchy one.

Starting today (MONDAY) and continuing daily at 12noon each weekday for two weeks, Radio Adelaide will broadcast The Festival of Ideas ON AIR - in Adelaide via 101.5FM, and globally through our online streaming and podcasts.

Radio Adelaide and the have recorded all the sessions at the Festival, so if you missed the Festival or a session, or you want to hear it again, or you want to tell your friends, why not try stretching your concentration span back to its original flexibility. The partnership between Radio Adelaide and the State Library of South Australia has been created so many more people can participate in this important exchange of ideas through radio broadcast, on-line audio and the creation of an audio archive in the State Library.

Monday features New Zealand entrepreneur Vivian Hutchinson, who urges us to reconsider our tolerance of unemployment in an otherwise "booming economy", reminding us that government policy can return us to a full employment economy. His talk is called Healing Unemployment.

On Tuesday, meet Indigenous Law professor Larissa Behrendt, showing us a way to The Road Ahead for Reconciliation and on Wednesday, Nobel Prize Laureate Peter Doherty discusses Dealing with Influenza, SARS, AIDS and other Scary Monsters.

Thursday features the theatrical and passionate Tara Brabazon - her talk The University of Google is subtitled Speed Searching and the Killing of Knowledge and the first week rounds off with Germaine Greer's Hunter-Gatherer Values and the Twenty-First Century State.

That's just the first week on the Festival of Ideas ON AIR. It continues daily at noon until Friday, July 22 and will then be broadcast weekly on Sundays at 10am.


  • in Adelaide and environs through 101.5 FM;
  • nationally through local Indigenous radio;
  • online (streaming Real Audio) and podcasts .

Broadcast schedule and online orders are available .

Radio Adelaide is part of the 成人大片.


Contact Details

Ms Deborah Welch
Radio Adelaide
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5000
Mobile: 0418 887 035

Media Team
Website: /newsroom/
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 0814

Mr David Ellis
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762