Free public lecture: managing heart disease

The free public lecture will focus on the role of personalised medicine in managing coronary heart disease.
Photo by iStock.

The free public lecture will focus on the role of personalised medicine in managing coronary heart disease.
Photo by iStock.

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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

A free public lecture being held at the 成人大片 tomorrow night (Wednesday 3 October) will tackle the one disease that kills more Australians than any other: coronary heart disease.

Coronary heart disease involves a narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, which become clogged due to high cholesterol and fatty deposits. This restricts blood flow to the heart muscle.

Coronary heart disease results in heart attack and angina. In 2006 it killed almost 23,000 Australians, which represents 17% of all deaths.

The free public lecture - Managing Coronary Heart Disease: Is 'Personalized Medicine' ready for prime time? - will be given by Professor Peter Ganz from San Francisco, USA.

Professor Ganz is the Maurice Eliaser Jr. Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and Chief of Cardiology at the San Francisco General Hospital.

A pioneer and a leader of research that has been directly translated into healthcare, his interests have focused on understanding key mechanisms involved in blood vessel biology, especially in relation to their relaxation and constriction. In particular, he pioneered studies of the human coronary circulation.

Professor Ganz has also authored more than 220 peer-reviewed articles.

This free public lecture is organised by the Northern Communities Health Foundation Inc. and the 成人大片's Faculty of Health Sciences.

WHAT: Managing Coronary Heart Disease: Is 'Personalized Medicine' ready for prime time? by Professor Peter Ganz (University of California, San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital)
WHERE: Florey Lecture Theatre, Medical School North, 成人大片 (off Frome Road)
WHEN: 5:30pm to 6:30pm, Wednesday 3 October
COST: Free - please RSVP to: or 8222 2960


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