New video clarifies menopause management issues

Wednesday, 4 December 2002

Managing menopause has been a controversial topic during 2002, but a new 成人大片 video gives Australian women their best chance to receive independent and expert advice about the issues and how these issues affect them.

The 28-minute video Menopause: evidence-based answers to your questions has been made by leading menopause experts Professor Alastair MacLennan and Dr Alice MacLennan from the University's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Professor MacLennan is Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious scientific journal, the Journal of The International Menopause Society.

Taking the form of a question-and-answer session during a luncheon party, the video explains menopause and its consequences, and clarifies the current issues about short and long-term HRT and whether there is adequate scientific evidence for the claims made about most alternative therapies.

"Our video gives women comprehensive, modern, unbiased information about when to treat or not treat, what are the best treatments and how long to take these treatments," Professor MacLennan says.

"It allows women to decide for themselves about many of the general issues surrounding menopause, and encourages personal and individual management of their circumstances by a doctor with an interest in women's health."

Menopause: evidence-based answers to your questions is available at $99 from the 成人大片's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, based at the Women's and Children's Hospital. It has been endorsed by the Australasian Menopause Society.

For more information about the video, contact the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology on 8161 7619.


Contact Details

Emeritus Professor Alastair MacLennan
Head, Cerebral Palsy Research Group, Robinson Research Institute
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 1337
Mobile: +61 (0)400 383 144

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