Public lecture: what's worse than saturated fat?

Friday, 3 September 2010

The inaugural - being held this Monday 6 September at the 成人大片's Waite Campus - will feature one of Australia's foremost experts on human nutrition.

The speaker is (Professor of Human Nutrition, School of Molecular Biosciences, ), who is best known for her research and publications on the and its role in human health.

The Innovation in Food Lecture has been established by the at the 成人大片 to recognise individuals making significant research advances in the areas of food, health and nutrition. The lecture has been named for the world-class , a joint venture between the 成人大片 and the .

This is a free public lecture and is open to all - registration essential (see below).

The title of Professor Brand-Miller's lecture is: Are 'refined' carbohydrates worse than saturated fat?

"The 'take home' message from health authorities for the past three decades has been 'eat less fat, especially saturated fat'," Professor Brand-Miller says.

"Now a new paradigm is arising: that the processed carbohydrates which replaced the energy from fat may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease more so than fat - a finding that has enormous implications for the Australian food and agricultural industry.

"This lecture will focus on well-designed studies demonstrating that complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested and absorbed, are good for health and reduce risk factors associated with lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes. Improving carbohydrate quality is therefore a better approach to health and sustainability issues than 'ditching the carbs'."

WHAT: Innovation in Food Lecture 2010 by Professor Jennie Brand-Miller (University of Sydney)
WHERE: Auditorium, Plant Research Centre, Waite Campus, 成人大片 (off Hartley Grove, Urrbrae)
WHEN: 4.00pm Monday 6 September 2010
COST: Free - but registration essential
RSVP: Contact Dr Amanda Able, call 08 8303 7245 or email:


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