Making best use of stormwater: free public forum

Making best use of stormwater: Water Wednesday

Making best use of stormwater: Water Wednesday
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Monday, 22 March 2010

Capturing stormwater for urban use will be the subject of a free public forum at the 成人大片 this Wednesday, 24 March.

Hosted by the of the University's , the '' forum will focus on the debate around re-using stormwater from urban Mt Lofty catchments.

Forum Chair Associate Professor says there are complexities in re-using stormwater that are not always highlighted.

"While there are many benefits from capturing and re-using stormwater, the issue is not as easy as it sounds," says Associate Professor Ganf.

"The process of capturing, storing, treating and re-distributing stormwater can have as many environmental impacts as benefits, and these need to be weighed carefully."

Guest presenters at the forum will include:

  • Professor Graeme Dandy, Professor of Civil Engineering, 成人大片
  • Mr Alan Ockenden, Director Operations and Projects, Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges NRM Board
  • Mr Chris Bice, fish ecologist with South Australian Research Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences.
Opportunties and constraints around the most effective use of stormwater will be discussed at the forum, including the need to provide water for environmental benefits and to keep river systems healthy.

"The Water Research Centre promotes public debate on key water management topics," says Associate Professor Ganf.

"In the current water crisis, effective re-use of stormwater can take pressure off other sources like the River Murray. However, this needs to be done with care for the environmental needs of Mt Lofty river systems too."

WHAT: Water Wednesday: 'Is storm water flowing to sea really wasted?'

WHERE: Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus, 成人大片

WHEN: 5.30pm-6.45pm, Wednesday 24 March

COST: Free, but bookings essential. Book through web at
or email or phone Dr Anne Jensen on 0407 170 706


Contact Details

Associate Professor George Ganf
School of Earth & Environmental Sciences
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5292

Dr Anne Jensen
Events Coordinator
Water Research Centre, Environment Institute
The 成人大片
Mobile: +61 407 170 706

Media Team
Website: /newsroom/
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 0814