New Fellows in marketing and science

Professor Pascale Quester.
Photo by Jennie Groom.

Professor Pascale Quester.
Photo by Jennie Groom.

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Professor Tanya Monro.
Photo by Jennie Groom.

Professor Tanya Monro.
Photo by Jennie Groom.

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Professor Mike McLaughlin.
Photo by Jennie Groom.

Professor Mike McLaughlin.
Photo by Jennie Groom.

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Thursday, 17 December 2009

Three of the 成人大片's leading professors have been honoured by their peers, having been made Fellows of the peak academic bodies in their fields.

  • , Executive Dean of the , has been made a Fellow of the (ANZMAC).
  • , Director of the newly formed (IPAS), has been made a Fellow of the (ATSE).
  • , Chief Research Scientist, , and Professor, 成人大片's , has also been made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE).

Pascale Quester

Professor Quester established the marketing discipline at the 成人大片 when she joined the in 1991. As an active researcher in the areas of consumer behaviour and marketing communications, she is the author of three leading textbooks and 105 journal articles. She has a strong record of receiving grants for her research, including four (ARC) grants, has won awards for teaching and supervision, and sits on five editorial boards.

For the last three years Professor Quester has been the Executive Dean of the Faculty of the Professions, while continuing to publish in journals, supervise PhDs, teach a postgraduate course, and win competitive funding for her research. She has been actively involved in developing links with overseas institutions in Malaysia and France and has held several appointments as visiting professor in overseas institutions including , and the .

Tanya Monro

Professor Monro is an in the University's . She is Director of IPAS and the Centre of Expertise in Photonics (CoEP), which is a joint initiative between the 成人大片 and . She is a world leader in research into new classes of micro and nanostructured optical fibres, for application in industry, health and defence. Professor Monro joined the 成人大片 in 2005 as the inaugural Chair of Photonics. She has published more than 300 papers in journals and refereed conference proceedings and has been awarded more than $58 million in funding for research since 2005.

Professor Monro is a member of the South Australian . She regularly serves on a range of committees for the ARC and other key national bodies in the area of science policy and the evaluation of science. She has won numerous prizes for her research including the 2008 Prime Minister's , and was named Australia's by The Weekend Australian Magazine.

Mike McLaughlin

Professor Mike McLaughlin is Chief Research Scientist in the Environmental Biogeochemistry program of CSIRO Land and Water as well as Professor in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the 成人大片.

Professor McLaughlin's interests lie in developing new approaches to the measurement and understanding of the behaviour of inorganic elements in the environment, including impacts on human and ecosystem health. His research is principally in: biogeochemistry of nutrients and pollutants in soils; environmental chemistry and toxicology, specifically the assessment and remediation of contaminated soils; and advanced techniques to measure and monitor nutrients and pollutants in the environment.

He is Stream Leader of the Soil Nutrients and Contaminants Stream in CSIRO's , one of the five international scientists on the Metals Environmental Research Association's Ecotoxicity Technical Advisory Panel, and President of the World Council of the .


Contact Details

Professor Pascale Quester
Executive Dean
Faculty of the Professions
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 3986

Professor Tanya Monro
Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics
Director, Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing; ARC Georgina Sweet Laureate Fellow, FAA, FTSE, FAIP
School of Chemistry and Physics, The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 3955
Mobile: 0400 649 369

Mr David Ellis
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762