Water on tap: the rush to find new sources

Smarter use of our water will lead to significant environmental and economic benefits, according to this Thursday's forum panellists.

Smarter use of our water will lead to significant environmental and economic benefits, according to this Thursday's forum panellists.
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Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Can we better manage our precious water resources and strike a new, green deal for Australia by harvesting, recycling and sourcing new water supplies? Is this enough to get the State out of trouble?

Those questions and others will be discussed by four of Australia's leading environmental thinkers at a public forum at the 成人大片 this Thursday evening.

The Executive Director of the University's Environment Institute, , will chair the session which aims to stimulate public debate on new and alternative ways to use water more efficiently.

"In Australia and around the world, water resources are being used beyond their ability to naturally replenish," Professor Young says. "Communities are struggling to invent new ways to fairly distribute what is now acknowledged as a limited resource."

Titled The Water Rush of the 21st Century, the forum will be jointly presented by the and the University's and is the first of a series exploring the idea of a Green New Deal for Australia. Future 'Dunstan Dialogues' will address the issues of energy, biodiversity and social justice.

The other three panellists at this Thursday's public forum are:

  • , Executive Director of the in Canberra;

  • from the at the 成人大片;

  • Mr Ross Young, Executive Director of the

"With the energy and madness reminiscent of the gold rush of the 19th century and the oil rush of the 20th century, today we are seeing a race to capture existing water resources and find new sources," Professor Young says.

Professor Graeme Dandy says the economic benefits of recycling stormwater and wastewater in Australia, along with freeing up water trading in the River Murray, could generate around $1 billion per year, creating up to 9000 new jobs nationally.

"Smarter use of our existing water resources will lead to significant economic and environmental benefits for Australia," he says.

The forum will be held in at the 成人大片 at 6pm on Thursday 18 June. Tickets can be purchased in advance by phoning 8303 3364 or visiting


Contact Details

Professor Mike Young
Email: mike.young@adelaide.edu.au
Centre for Global Food and Resources, Faculty of the Professions
The 成人大片
Mobile: +61 (0)408 488 538

Professor Graeme Dandy
Email: graeme.dandy@adelaide.edu.au
School of Civil, Environmental & Mining Engineering
Business: +61 8 8313 5472
Mobile: 0401 931 756

Mr David Ellis
Email: david.ellis@adelaide.edu.au
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762