Ex-service personnel sought for health study

An Australian soldier in Iraq.  Researchers from the Centre for Military and Veterans聮 Health will examine the physical, emotional and environmental effects of service in the Middle East to inform troops' health needs.
Photo copyright the Australian Department of Defence.

An Australian soldier in Iraq. Researchers from the Centre for Military and Veterans' Health will examine the physical, emotional and environmental effects of service in the Middle East to inform troops' health needs.
Photo copyright the Australian Department of Defence.

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Monday, 11 May 2009

The (CMVH) is about to launch the largest-ever study into the health of personnel who have deployed overseas.

CMVH researchers are calling for volunteers from ex-serving personnel in the Adelaide and Brisbane areas to join a focus group in each location which will help to shape the study into health effects following the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) deployments.

The MEAO study marks the fourth phase of the Australian Defence Force-funded Deployment Health Surveillance Program (DHSP) and will involve more than 25,000 current and former Navy, Army and Air Force personnel Australia-wide.

Researchers will examine the physical, emotional and environmental effects of service in the Middle East to inform the health needs of former, current and future troops.

According to Chief Investigator, from CMVH's 成人大片 Node, this overall study and the preliminary focus groups will be conducted by experts in the field of health research and individual results will be kept confidential.

"Our aim is to identify any health issues amongst returning service personnel both in the short term and the long term," he said.

"This will enable the ADF to assess both the physical and mental pressures associated with this deployment, inform its policy development and future action plans.

"Also, it will assist the DVA to further develop its support programs.

"Essentially, by participating in the focus groups and the study, respondents will not only benefit themselves, but also other members of the ADF and their families," Professor McFarlane said.

CMVH is a consortium of the 成人大片, the and , which is dedicated to innovatively seeking solutions to military and veterans' health issues through research, education, e-Health and public debate.

If you are interested in participating in the focus groups please contact the Research Team on 1800 886 567 or dhsp@cmvh.uq.edu.au.


Contact Details

Professor Sandy McFarlane
Email: alexander.mcfarlane@adelaide.edu.au
Director, Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies
School of Population Health
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5200
Mobile: 0419 810 962

Mr David Ellis
Email: david.ellis@adelaide.edu.au
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762