Increase in student applications for 2002

Friday, 23 November 2001

Adelaide University's reputation as the premier university in South Australia has been reinforced by the latest student application figures, which show an almost 30% increase in total preferences for 2002 compared with this time last year.

The figures, from SATAC, show that the number of students who have put Adelaide University as their first preference has increased by 14.4%, while the total number of preferences for Adelaide has jumped by 29.5%.

"We believe there are many reasons for the marked improvement in applications," says the Executive Director of Student & Staff Services at Adelaide University, Ms Susan MacIntosh. "The University has been responding to market demand by providing more flexibility of study and new academic programs designed to meet students' needs, and there are more places available in some programs. Double degree options are attracting many new students.

"The Bachelor of Media, one of the new programs, has received an excellent number of applications, and the 239 first preferences for the Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) reflects the level of interest in the study of Psychology at the University. Law at Adelaide continues to be a popular choice among school leavers, with applications almost double those of last year.

"We are also seeing a marked increase in the number of applications from non-school leavers, such as mature age students and those transferring from other tertiary institutions. In many cases, students have been putting Adelaide as their first, second and third preference, showing a great interest in earning a degree from Adelaide University regardless as to whether or not they receive their first preference.

"This shows a recognition by students that Adelaide University is the place to study in South Australia, and that students are interested in the wide range of high-quality degrees and other programs that we offer. They know that by earning a degree from Adelaide University, their qualifications will be recognised world wide," Ms MacIntosh says.

Students who wish to find out more information about academic programs at Adelaide University can attend the Information Evening on Wednesday, January 2, 2002. This session will be vital for students in helping them with final preferences for application to university study.

NOTE: some programs offered at Adelaide University were not advertised in the SATAC guide when students made their initial choices for study. For instance, the Bachelor of Business Information Technology is now open to local applicants. For more information about study at Adelaide University, students can phone the Student Centre on 8303 5208 or freecall 1800 061 459 (country and interstate students only).


Contact Details

Ms. Susan MacIntosh
Executive Director
Student and Staff Services
Business: +61 8 8313 4001

Media Team
Website: /newsroom/
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 0814

Mr David Ellis
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
Mobile: +61 (0)421 612 762