Tribute to Former Chancellor, Mr Bill Scammell CBE

Thursday, 6 September 2001

Adelaide University Vice-Chancellor Professor Cliff Blake AM has paid tribute to the University's former Chancellor, Mr Bill Scammell CBE, who died yesterday.

Mr Scammell was appointed Chancellor of Adelaide University in 1991 and was re-appointed for a second term in 1995. He retired from the position in 1998.

Professor Blake said Mr Scammell had been one of the most popular Chancellors in the University's history.

"His gift for communication and his genuine interest in people endeared him to students and staff alike," Professor Blake said.

"Coming from the world of business as he did, Bill Scammell helped to establish much closer links between Adelaide University and the business community. He recognized the importance to South Australia of bringing 'town and gown' together and, during his two terms as Chancellor, he played a major part in ensuring that this happened.

"His consultative approach to decision making and his natural empathy with people won him the support and admiration of the University community.

"After he retired as Chancellor, he maintained a close interest in the University's affairs. He was a regular visitor to the North Terrace campus and, until a few weeks ago, had been attending lectures in history and politics.

"On behalf of the entire University community, I extend sympathy to his wife Pat and family on their sad loss."


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