Adelaide University partners South African wine industry to build world-class brands

Thursday, 21 June 2001

Adelaide University's Wine Business Group has just delivered two ground breaking executive training programs in South Africa designed to help the South African wine industry find its feet in the international marketplace. The programs are the first of an ongoing partnership between Adelaide University and the University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. Dr Johan Bruwer of the Wine Business Group and Bob Gilliver, Manager, International Programs of the Adelaide University Graduate School of Management traveled to Cape Town to present the programs, which focused on wine brand building, e-commerce in wine marketing and wine tourism.

"The wine industry in South Africa is older and larger than in Australia and has a tradition of excellence in viticulture and wine making, but there is no tradition of university education in the fields of wine marketing or wine business," Dr Bruwer said. "These are fields in which Adelaide University is leading the world and we are pleased to be able to work with the University of Cape Town and the South African wine industry to strengthen business capability in these areas."

Dr Bruwer said the programs were oversubscribed and already plans are underway to return later in the year for another round of training courses. "The interest has been extraordinary," he said. "Over 100 leading wine professionals participated in these first programs. We are now expecting 20 wine making students from the region on a study visit later this year and we will return in October - November to deliver a second program of courses. We plan to work with the University of Cape Town's Graduate School of Business to offer training courses regularly and to work towards ultimately building a full academic program."

Adelaide University is the first University to offer wine marketing programs and degree qualifications and remains the only University to include wine making and viticulture in wine marketing programs. The Wine Business Group has enrolled its first master's student in Wine Business this year and launched a dedicated wine business website () which is recording hits from potential students and industry from around the world.


Contact Details

Dr Johann Bruwer
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 6764

Mr David Ellis
Website: /newsroom/
Deputy Director, Media and Corporate Relations
External Relations
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 5414
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