Folic acid warning for pregnant women

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

A 成人大片 study has found that most pregnant women are failing to take adequate folic acid supplements, leaving their unborn child at risk of brain abnormalities and spinal cord defects such as spina bifida.

Researchers from the University's at the say folic acid is a key factor in reducing the incidence of defects, which affect around 1-2 per 1000 pregnancies.

The study, published in , shows that only 30% of pregnant women adequately supplement their diet with folic acid. Also, most do not know the recommended correct daily dose - 400 micrograms from one month before conception and the first three months of early pregnancy.

, Acting Head of the Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, says some supplement brands do not contain the recommended dose in one tablet.

"Women need to be aware that they may not be adequately protecting their baby from the risk of neural tube defects," Professor MacLennan says.

The neural tube is the embryonic structure that develops into the brain and spinal cord. Very early in a baby's development, a layer of cells folds over and "zips up" to form the neural tube. If the cells fail to form a tube at some point, the baby will be affected with brain and/or spinal abnormalities called a neural tube defect.

Co-researcher Melissa Conlin, a Faculty of Science Honours student, says Australia needs to follow the lead of other countries that have mandatory folic acid additives in certain foods such as flour.

"There is considerable room for improvement in the current policy of supplementation in Australia, with variable trends across the States in the rate of neural tube defects," she says. "Since pregnancies are often unplanned, to rely solely on supplementation is an ineffective health policy.

"To achieve the best outcome, this study recommends both policies are adopted - folic acid additions in foods such as bread, along with a daily capsule or tablet supplement for women who could become pregnant."

Professor MacLennan says both health policies are required to minimise the chances of major birth defects.

Ms Jessica Broadbent from the Discipline of Obstetrics & Gynaecology was also involved in the study.


Contact Details

Emeritus Professor Alastair MacLennan
Head, Cerebral Palsy Research Group, Robinson Research Institute
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 1337
Mobile: +61 (0)400 383 144

Melissa Conlin
Honours student
Faculty of Sciences
Business: +61 8 8161 7413

Mr David Ellis
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The 成人大片
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