How ethical has Australia been as a global citizen?

Thursday, 22 July 2004

International ethicist and thinker Professor Peter Singer will assess Australia's performance as a global citizen over recent years, when he delivers the second annual Don Dunstan Human Rights Oration at the 成人大片 this Monday (July 26).

Presented by the Don Dunstan Foundation and Oxfam Community Aid Abroad, Peter Singer will argue that in a world that is increasingly interconnected, it is not enough for a government to focus on providing the nation with security and a strong economy - we also have an ethical obligation to be good global citizens.

The talk will assess Australia's performance in five key areas in which Australia relates to the world as a whole: aid, the environment (especially global warming), international relations, trade, and refugees and asylum-seekers.

Professor Singer, professor of bioethics at Princeton University, is possibly the world's most controversial living philosopher, with a string of books and papers addressing the ethical issues of our times. He challenges some of our inherent assumptions about how we are to live our lives both as individuals and as members of the global community.

Honouring the legacy of Don Dunstan, the Don Dunstan Foundation promotes visionary and progressive leadership by furthering debate and action on key public policy issues. In bringing together researchers, policy makers and community members, the Foundation aims to influence decisions taken and ensure outcomes for a fairer, progressive and more tolerant society.

Oxfam Community Aid Abroad (Oxfam Australia) is Australia's leading agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.

WHAT: 2nd annual Don Dunstan Human Rights Oration, delivered by Professor Peter Singer
WHEN: Monday July 26th at 7.30pm
WHERE: Bonython Hall SOLD OUT, tickets still available to live video stream to Union Hall, 成人大片, North Terrace Campus
COST: $5.00
BOOKINGS: essential. Call 8303 3364, or email


Contact Details

Sally McHenry
Community Campaign Coordinator
Oxfam Community Aid Abroad
Business: +61 8236 2110
Mobile: 0413 459 107

Rosslyn Cox
Business and Development Manager
Don Dunstan Foundation
Business: +61 8 8313 6246
Mobile: 0422 953 971

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Website: /newsroom/
The 成人大片
Business: +61 8 8313 0814

Mr David Ellis
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The 成人大片
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