Vice-Chancellor welcomes new science body

Friday, 5 May 2000

The State Government's new Innovation, Science and Technology Council has won strong backing from Adelaide University Vice-Chancellor Professor Mary O'Kane.

Professor O'Kane said the new Council had a valuable role to play in fostering a culture of innovation in South Australia.

"What's important about this initiative is that it brings together all the key players - government, business, the education community and research institutions," she said.

"Excellent linkages need to be developed between all these sectors if South Australia is to capitalise on its brightest ideas. There are many examples of cutting edge research in our universities and research centres and we need to make sure that they generate the maximum benefits for our State.

"The new Council will encourage networking between the key players and help to promote a more entrepreneurial culture."

Professor O'Kane welcomed the appointment to the Council of Professor Edwina Cornish, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Professor of Biotechnology at Adelaide University. She said Professor Cornish's academic and business experience would be major assets to the new body.

Professor Cornish joined the University in February this year from the Melbourne-based biotechnology company Florigene, a world-leader in using gene technology to develop new flower varieties for the cut flower market. She managed Florigene's research, product development and intellectual property activities.

Previously, she was a researcher in the University of Melbourne's School of Botany, where she is an Honorary Professorial Fellow.

Dr Cornish was a member of the Prime Minister's Science and Engineering Council and served on the Victorian Government's Science and Engineering Taskforce. She holds a number of patents, has published widely and has played a leading role in Australia's research and innovation system.


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