Babies in intensive care: when is enough enough?

Wednesday, 28 June 2006

A world expert on brain injury in newborns will give a free seminar on the ethics and issues surrounding babies in intensive care at the Women's and Children's Hospital on Monday, 3 July.

Organised by the 成人大片 research cluster and the , 'Neonatal Intensive Care: when is enough enough?' will be presented by Professor John Wyatt, Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics from .

Professor Wyatt is Co-Director of the newly formed Centre for Biomedical Ethics at University College London and leads a multidisciplinary research team investigating new approaches to the detection and treatment of brain injury related to childbirth. He was co-principal investigator for the CoolCap trial - the first major international clinical trial into the benefits of selective head cooling in brain-damaged newborn infants.

Professor Wyatt was a member of the UK Parliamentary Commission on Fetal Sentience (capacity for feeling) and has a long-standing interest in the ethical, religious, philosophical and legal issues raised by advances in medical care at the beginning of life, on which topic he is a highly respected Christian commentator.

The free seminar will be held at the on Monday 3 July 5.30-7.00pm in the Queen Victoria Building lecture theatre. All are welcome.


Contact Details

Anne Jurisevic
HDA Executive Officer
Healthy Development Adelaide

Associate Professor Ross Haslam
Head of Neonatal Medicine
Children, Youth and Women's Health Service
Business: (08) 8161 7631

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