Wine faculty toasts a new professor

Friday, 23 June 2006

Professor Dennis Taylor, the Head of at the 成人大片, has accepted the new position of Professor of Oenology in the University's .

A synthetic chemist by training, Professor Taylor has strong interests in wine aroma compounds and wine markers and the development of new chemical processes. He has recently begun collaborative research in the wine area through links to the (AWRI).

Professor Taylor said: "I am delighted to join the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, and plan to continue to develop ongoing links between the areas of Oenology and Chemistry."

This new professorial position has been established using funds from the Waite bequest, with strong support from the (GWRDC).

Professor Iain Reid, Acting Executive Dean, , 成人大片, said this new position represents a significant contribution to the University's investment in the area of wine research.

"In addition to strengthening the links between researchers at the and campuses, Professor Taylor's appointment will provide a different perspective on issues that influence wine production and quality."

Dr Jim Fortune from the GWRDC congratulated Professor Taylor on his appointment and said he looked forward to working with him in developing research projects that would benefit the grape and wine industry and provide opportunities to attract honours and postgraduate students to wine science.

Professor Steve Tyerman, Acting Head of the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, said Professor Taylor's appointment firmly establishes the 成人大片 as a world leader in wine science, with two full professors in the discipline and a balanced portfolio of expertise across oenology and viticulture.

"Professor Taylor brings established collaborations with the AWRI and the full support of the GWRDC so that his research in wine chemistry can begin immediately," Professor Tyerman said.


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