Food and literature on the menu at symposium

Friday, 17 March 2000

WHAT do cannibalism, whale meat, James Joyce's Ulysses and Ronald McDonald have in common?

Find out at a Symposium on Food in Literature to be held in Adelaide on Friday, 31 March and Saturday, 1 April.

The symposium is being held by Adelaide University's Research Centre for the History of Food and Drink, and features papers on a smorgasbord of food subjects.

Some of the papers' titles include:

"Revenge, cannibalism and self-denial" (to be delivered by Barbara Santich);
"Whale meat again? The meal in the Icelandic Saga" (Gary Martin);
"Food, the body and diurnal rhythms in James Joyce's Ulysses" (Jennifer Hillier);
"From Rabelais to Ronald McDonald: an examination of food in the carnivalesque" (Colin Sheringham)

The symposium will also celebrate the return of Marion Halligan to Adelaide University as Distinguished Visiting Scholar.

The award-winning author of novels, essays and stories which often feature food will deliver a paper at the symposium titled "No thanks, I'm not hungry".

Research Centre for the History of Food and Drink director A. Lynn Martin said the role of food in the work of Marion Halligan and in that of other authors begs several questions.

"Why is the food there? Why do authors include descriptions of meals in works of literature?" he said. "Is it for the readers to, or does the inclusion of food serve an essential function?

"The symposium addresses these questions while at the same time indulging in food prepared by some of the best chefs in Adelaide."

When: Friday, 31 March from 6.30pm, and Saturday, 1 April from 9am until 5pm;
Where: Jolleys Boathouse (Friday only), and the Function Room of the Art Gallery of South Australia (Saturday only).


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